258,519 research outputs found

    Key-lock pair mechanism for access control using tribes of Farey fractions.

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    We propose a new single key-lock mechanism based on the concept of an access control matrix. In this system, each file is given a lock and each user is given a key and through simple operations on keys and locks the user access privilege can be revealed. We use Chinese Remainder theorem and tribes of Farey fractions in this method instead of the method based on Euler’s Theorem of Number Theory used by Chang [2]. An advantage of our method is the ease with which coding can be done for the locking mechanism and for the much larger number of users and files

    Hierarchical Single-key-lock Access Control Using the Chinese Remainder Theoremďż˝

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    The key-Jock-pair mechanism based on the Chinese remainder theorem was modified and implemented on the single-key-lock system. The singlekey- Jock system associates each subJect<i.e., user) with a key and each obJect( i.e., file) with a Jock. The modification is inspired by Chang�s method of key-Jock-paJr mechanism using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. In addition to using the key-Jock-pair (KLP) mechanism based on the Chinese remainder theorem, we introduce a hierarchical key storage structure which not only implies the relationship between the subJects, but decreases the number of recalculations of keys substantially when obJects are added or deleted. This hierarchical key storage structure also requ1res fewer files or lock numbers to be involved in the key calculation. It also reduces the verit" icat JOn time to Q( log2n), instead of OUog2N) which the old SKL system needs. Morever, during the calculation of keys for the subJects, faster computation speed 1s achJeved by using the modulus congruence of a Di, n where Dj =II Li for i = J and j = 1, 2, ... , n i=l where Li denotes the Jock on the t"i Je i for i= 1, 2, 3, ... , n. A simulation of the single-key-lock access control was perfomed on a Vax/Unix machine and time complexity of the key calculation was discussed.Computer Scienc

    Perancangan Sistem Keamanan Rumah Dengan Digital Door Lock Berbasis Web

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    Pada tugas akhir ini telah dibuat sebuah sistem keamanan pintu rumah (door lock) berbasis web yang membuat pemakaiannya menjadi lebih aman dan nyaman. Sistem tersebut menggunakan digital doorlock yang dapat dipantau oleh smartphone melalui web. Sebagai unit pengendali utama digunakan komputer papan tunggal Raspberri Pi. Sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur antara lain key access yang dapat dikendalikan melalui smartphone, akses masuk dengan menggunakan kontrol dari web, dan kamera sebagai monitoring dan deteksi awal dari tamu yang akan masuk. Hasil yang dicapai pada tugas akhir ini adalah prototipe digital doorlock berbasis web dengan tingkat keberhasilan alat sebesar 70%. ================= In this final task has been made a web door security system (door lock) web-based that makes its use becomes more secure and comfortable. The system uses a digital doorlock that can be monitored by smartphones via the web. As the main control unit used Raspberri Pi single board computer. This system is also equipped with various features such as key access that can be controlled via smartphone, access to access by using the control of the web, and the camera as monitoring and early detection of guests who will enter. The results achieved in this final project is a web based doorlock digital prototype with 70% tool success rate

    087100 - Door Hardware

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    ViotSOC: Controlling Access to Dynamically Virtualized IoT Services using Service Object Capability

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    Virtualization of Internet of Things(IoT) is a concept of dynamically building customized high-level IoT services which rely on the real time data streams from low-level physical IoT sensors. Security in IoT virtualization is challenging, because with the growing number of available (building block) services, the number of personalizable virtual services grows exponentially. This paper proposes Service Object Capability(SOC) ticket system, a decentralized access control mechanism between servers and clients to effi- ciently authenticate and authorize each other without using public key cryptography. SOC supports decentralized partial delegation of capabilities specified in each server/- client ticket. Unlike PKI certificates, SOC’s authentication time and handshake packet overhead stays constant regardless of each capability’s delegation hop distance from the root delegator. The paper compares SOC’s security bene- fits with Kerberos and the experimental results show SOC’s authentication incurs significantly less time packet overhead compared against those from other mechanisms based on RSA-PKI and ECC-PKI algorithms. SOC is as secure as, and more efficient and suitable for IoT environments, than existing PKIs and Kerberos

    Phase Locked Loop Test Methodology

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    Phase locked loops are incorporated into almost every large-scale mixed signal and digital system on chip (SOC). Various types of PLL architectures exist including fully analogue, fully digital, semi-digital, and software based. Currently the most commonly used PLL architecture for SOC environments and chipset applications is the Charge-Pump (CP) semi-digital type. This architecture is commonly used for clock synthesis applications, such as the supply of a high frequency on-chip clock, which is derived from a low frequency board level clock. In addition, CP-PLL architectures are now frequently used for demanding RF (Radio Frequency) synthesis, and data synchronization applications. On chip system blocks that rely on correct PLL operation may include third party IP cores, ADCs, DACs and user defined logic (UDL). Basically, any on-chip function that requires a stable clock will be reliant on correct PLL operation. As a direct consequence it is essential that the PLL function is reliably verified during both the design and debug phase and through production testing. This chapter focuses on test approaches related to embedded CP-PLLs used for the purpose of clock generation for SOC. However, methods discussed will generally apply to CP-PLLs used for other applications
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