1,333 research outputs found

    Planning with learned ignorance-aware models

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    One of the goals of artificial intelligence research is to create decision-makers (i.e., agents) that improve from experience (i.e., data), collected through interaction with an environment. Models of the environment (i.e., world models) are an explicit way that agents use to represent their knowledge, enabling them to make counterfactual predictions and plans without requiring additional environment interactions. Although agents that plan with a perfect model of the environment have led to impressive demonstrations, e.g., super- human performance in board games, they are limited to problems their designer can specify a perfect model. Therefore, learning models from experience holds the promise of going beyond the scope of their designers’ reach, giving rise to a self-improving vicious circle of (i) learning a model from the past experience; (ii) planning with the learned model; and (iii) interacting with the environment, collecting new experiences. Ideally, learned models should generalise to situations beyond their training regime. Nonetheless, this is ambitious and often unrealistic when finite data is used for learning the models, leading to generally imperfect models, with which naive planning could be catastrophic in novel, out-of-training distribution situations. A more pragmatic goal is to have agents that are aware of and quantify their lack of knowledge (i.e., ignorance or epistemic uncertainty). In this thesis, we motivate and demonstrate the effectiveness of and propose novel ignorance-aware agents that plan with learned models. Naively applying powerful planning algorithms to learned models can render negative results, when the planning algorithm exploits the model imperfections in out-of-training distribution situations. This phenomenon is often termed overoptimisation and can be addressed by optimising ignorance-augmented objectives, called knowledge equivalents. We verify the validity of our ideas and methods in a number of problem settings, including learning from (i) expert demonstrations (imitation learning, §3); (ii) sub-optimal demonstrations (social learning, §4); and (iii) interacting with an environment with rewards (reinforcement learning, §5). Our empirical evidence is based on simulated autonomous driving environments, continuous control and video games from pixels and didactic small-scale grid-worlds. Throughout the thesis, we use neural networks to parameterise the (learnable) models and either use existing scalable approximate ignorance quantification deep learning methods, such as ensembles, or introduce novel planning-specific ways to quantify the agents’ ignorance. The main chapters of this thesis are based on publications (Filos et al., 2020, 2021, 2022)

    Futures of Responsible and Inclusive AI: How Might We Foster an Inclusive, Responsible and Foresight-Informed AI Governance Approach?

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    This paper seeks to investigate how we might foster an inclusive, foresight-informed responsible AI governance framework. This paper discusses the gaps and opportunities in current AI initiatives across various stakeholders and acknowledges the importance of anticipation and agility. This paper also posits that it is important for legal, policy, industry and academia to understand the specificities of each other’s domains better to build an inclusive governance framework

    Replay in minds and machines

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    Exploring a Person-Centred Approach to Leadership Succession Management

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    This research provides a detailed investigation of leadership succession management (LSM) practice within a large organisation from the perspective of the individual. LSM describes the “deliberate and systematic effort by an organisation to ensure leadership continuity in key positions, retain and develop intellectual and knowledge capital for the future and encourage individual advancement” (Rothwell 2010, p. 6). The literature demonstrates that formal approaches to LSM produce significant benefits to organisations (e.g. Ciampa & Watkins 1999; Huselid 1995; Shen & Cannella Jr. 2003). At the same time, various sources indicate that whilst 90-95% of large organisations consider LSM as important or very important, today at best 60% of them effectively manage the succession of their senior leaders (Cvijanovic et al. 2019; DDI & The Conference Board 2014; Larcker & Scott 2014). This gap, termed here the “Knowing-Doing Gap”, exists despite the fact that LSM has been recognised as important for some time (Grusky 1960; Vancil 1987). The present research addresses some key issues for the Knowing-Doing Gap to advance LSM knowledge and practice. This includes considering LSM from the perspective of the individual rather than the organisation (Cappelli 2011), considering the complexity involved in LSM (Giambatista et al. 2005) and considering the dimension of context with LSM practice (Brewer & Brewer 2010). While many scholars have written about LSM best practice, a review of the literature shows both similarities and differences in approach. The present research aggregates and builds upon these to form a comprehensive framework for LSM best practice. This will be called the LSM Framework. It also sets out contingent success factors (CSFs) that contribute to LSM outcomes. This supports more-extensive and appropriate implementation of LSM practices, which would narrow the Knowing-Doing Gap

    Immediation (Cultures of Immediacy):Liveness and immediacy in creative and everyday media praxis

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    La pràctica dels mitjans del segle xxi es caracteritza cada vegada més per l'emergent principi cultural, condició o cultura «de la immediatesa». Aquest procés, resumit en anglès sota el terme immediation (‘immediació’), suggereix el tancament d'un «buit» espaciotemporal entre les agències i els mitjans implicats i té com resultat una interacció complexa entre qüestions socials, de seguretat, científiques i econòmiques. L’interès creixent per a aquesta immediació en confirma l’estatus de nou, i subestimat, paradigma de les arts, les ciències i les humanitats, que requereix una recerca de les cultures de la immediatesa centrada en el futur. No obstant això, en els discursos acadèmic i popular, l'interès rau a documentar o bé els reptes (socials) o bé les solucions (tècniques). Aquest estudi pretén abordar aquest desequilibri i respondre a la necessitat urgent d'una comprensió sistemàtica de les principals formes d'aparició d'aquesta immediació: 1) les produccions actuals amb sistemes de circuit tancat a tot el món, i 2) les pràctiques de transmissió en directe. Es proposa una combinació innovadora de perspectives i mètodes interdisciplinaris per tractar les opcions disponibles i incrementar i enriquir la comprensió del potencial de la immediació per així impulsar-ne la immensa varietat d'aplicacions socials. Així concebuda, la recerca futura de la immediació i la retransmissió en directe promet, en concret, respondre qüestions sobre: 1) les repercussions concretes de les produccions creatives realitzades amb sistemes de circuit tancat sobre l'emergent «domesticació» de la retransmissió en directe, i 2) les mesures reals necessàries que cal prendre dins de la recerca emergent de la retransmissió en directe per avaluar la R+D més innovadora en un futur pròxim

    Succession management: a case study of Danfoss Trata

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    Rothwell (2010, p. 6) defined succession management as "a deliberate and systematic effort by an organization to ensure leadership continuity in key positions, retain and develop intellectual and knowledge capital for the future and encourage individual advancement" on all organizational levels. Succession management is a resourcing strategy that ensures continuity of tasks by balancing organizational needs in terms of competences and personal attributes with available human resources. It is characterized by - proactivity, shown in requirement for continuous feedback and development thus being considered in real-time situation and data, which is especially relevant in fast-changing business environments and business dynamics; - being more elaborate than succession planning as it takes into account all organizational levels, consequently making it more complex; - requirement for systematic, detailed process, information and specified desired outcomes; - deliberate enforcement for retention; - comprehensiveness as it is intertwined and integrated with other organizational activities such as strategy, hiring, performance, compensation and similar. Speed of change has been increasing, challenges are becoming more complex, talent war has been emerging because a number of employees retiring is high than number of those entering workforce market. One of the key questions that every organization will be facing is how to retain Millennials, who will represent around 75% of global workforce (McGlashan, Meadows, Power & Spencer, 2015) in less than a decade and have a strong focus on the future, progression, attaining skills in various fields and want constant feedback, yet do not provide loyalty in return? Succession management hold answers to these issues. Some of its benefits are successful job filling, increased retention, objective employee assessment, proactive employee development, encouraged diversity and creation of positive atmosphere. One of the purposes of the thesis was to provide for a better understanding of what succession management is hence let me clarify the differences between similar expressions.Rothwell (2010, p. 6) definiu a gestão de sucessao como "um esforço deliberado e sistemático de uma organização em assegurar a liderança em cargos-chave, manter e desenvolver o capital intelectual para o futuro, bem como incentivar o progresso individual" em todos os níveis organizacionais. A gestão de sucessão é uma estratégia de recursos que garante a continuidade das tarefas, equilibrando as necessidades organizacionais em termos de competências e atributos pessoais com recursos humanos disponíveis. A gestão de sucessão e caracterizada por: - proatividade, revelada pela necessidade de feedback e desenvolvimento contínuo, sendo, portanto, considerada em tempo real, o que é especialmente relevante em ambientes de negócios em rápida mudança; - ser mais elaborado do que o planeamento sucessivo, pois considera todos os níveis organizacionais, tornando-o mais complexo; - exige processos sistemáticos, informações e resultados específicos - esforço deliberado em retenção; - integração com outras atividades organizacionais, como estratégia, contratação, desempenho, remuneração e outros. Ambientes mais dinâmicos, os desafios tornam-se mais complexos, a procura de talentos está surge porque o número de funcionários que se aposenta é mais alto do que o número dos que entram no mercado de trabalho. Uma das principais questões que as organizações enfrentam é como reter os Millennials, que serão cerca de 75% da força de trabalho global em menos de dez anos, e terão um forte foco no futuro, progressão, competências em diversas áreas, requerem feedback constante, e ainda assim não garantem lealdade ? A gestão de sucessão contém respostas para estes problemas. Algumas das suas vantagens são o preenchimento de vagas de empregos bem-sucedido, o aumento da retenção, a avaliação objetiva dos funcionários, o desenvolvimento proativo dos funcionários, a diversidade incentivada e a criação de uma atmosfera positiva. Um dos objectivos desta dissertação é permitir entender o conceito de gestão de sucessão, pelo que de inicio pretendo clarificar as diferenças entre expressões semelhante