35 research outputs found

    Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers with Super-size Hardware Multiplier and Modular Reduction

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    A fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme is envisioned as being a key cryptographic tool in building a secure and reliable cloud computing environment, as it allows arbitrarily evaluation of a ciphertext without revealing the plaintext. However, existing FHE implementations remain impractical due to their very high time and resource costs. Of the proposed schemes that can perform FHE to date, a scheme known as FHE over the integers has the ad-vantage of comparatively simpler theory, as well as the employment of a much shorter public key making its implementation somewhat more practical than other competing schemes. To the author’s knowledge, this paper presents the first hardware implemen-tations of encryption primitives for FHE over the integers using FPGA technol-ogy. First of all, a super-size hardware multiplier architecture utilising the Inte-ger-FFT multiplication algorithm is proposed, and a super-size hardware Barrett modular reduction module is designed incorporating the proposed multiplier. Next, two encryption primitives that are used in two schemes of FHE over the integers are designed employing the proposed super-size multiplier and modular reduction modules. Finally, the proposed designs are implemented and verified on the Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA platform. Experimental results show that the speed improvement factors of up to 44.72 and 54.42 are available for the two FHE encryption schemes implemented in FPGA when compared to the corresponding software implementations. Meanwhile, the performance analysis shows that further improvement is speed of these FHE encryption primitives may still be possible

    Accelerating LTV based homomorphic encryption in reconfigurable hardware

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    After being introduced in 2009, the first fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme has created significant excitement in academia and industry. Despite rapid advances in the last 6 years, FHE schemes are still not ready for deployment due to an efficiency bottleneck. Here we introduce a custom hardware accelerator optimized for a class of reconfigurable logic to bring LTV based somewhat homomorphic encryption (SWHE) schemes one step closer to deployment in real-life applications. The accelerator we present is connected via a fast PCIe interface to a CPU platform to provide homomorphic evaluation services to any application that needs to support blinded computations. Specifically we introduce a number theoretical transform based multiplier architecture capable of efficiently handling very large polynomials. When synthesized for the Xilinx Virtex 7 family the presented architecture can compute the product of large polynomials in under 6.25 msec making it the fastest multiplier design of its kind currently available in the literature and is more than 102 times faster than a software implementation. Using this multiplier we can compute a relinearization operation in 526 msec. When used as an accelerator, for instance, to evaluate the AES block cipher, we estimate a per block homomorphic evaluation performance of 442 msec yielding performance gains of 28.5 and 17 times over similar CPU and GPU implementations, respectively

    A Survey on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes: Theory and Implementation

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    Legacy encryption systems depend on sharing a key (public or private) among the peers involved in exchanging an encrypted message. However, this approach poses privacy concerns. Especially with popular cloud services, the control over the privacy of the sensitive data is lost. Even when the keys are not shared, the encrypted material is shared with a third party that does not necessarily need to access the content. Moreover, untrusted servers, providers, and cloud operators can keep identifying elements of users long after users end the relationship with the services. Indeed, Homomorphic Encryption (HE), a special kind of encryption scheme, can address these concerns as it allows any third party to operate on the encrypted data without decrypting it in advance. Although this extremely useful feature of the HE scheme has been known for over 30 years, the first plausible and achievable Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme, which allows any computable function to perform on the encrypted data, was introduced by Craig Gentry in 2009. Even though this was a major achievement, different implementations so far demonstrated that FHE still needs to be improved significantly to be practical on every platform. First, we present the basics of HE and the details of the well-known Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE) and Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SWHE), which are important pillars of achieving FHE. Then, the main FHE families, which have become the base for the other follow-up FHE schemes are presented. Furthermore, the implementations and recent improvements in Gentry-type FHE schemes are also surveyed. Finally, further research directions are discussed. This survey is intended to give a clear knowledge and foundation to researchers and practitioners interested in knowing, applying, as well as extending the state of the art HE, PHE, SWHE, and FHE systems.Comment: - Updated. (October 6, 2017) - This paper is an early draft of the survey that is being submitted to ACM CSUR and has been uploaded to arXiv for feedback from stakeholder

    Accelerating Somewhat Homomorphic Evaluation using FPGAs

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    After being introduced in 2009, the first fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme has created significant excitement in academia and industry. Despite rapid advances in the last 6 years, FHE schemes are still not ready for deployment due to an efficiency bottleneck. Here we introduce a custom hardware accelerator optimized for a class of reconfigurable logic to bring LTV based somewhat homomorphic encryption (SWHE) schemes one step closer to deployment in real-life applications. The accelerator we present is connected via a fast PCIe interface to a CPU platform to provide homomorphic evaluation services to any application that needs to support blinded computations. Specifically we introduce a number theoretical transform based multiplier architecture capable of efficiently handling very large polynomials. When synthesized for the Xilinx Virtex 7 family the presented architecture can compute the product of large polynomials in under 6.256.25~msec making it the fastest multiplier design of its kind currently available in the literature and is more than 102 times faster than a software implementation. Using this multiplier we can compute a relinearization operation in 526526 msec. When used as an accelerator, for instance, to evaluate the AES block cipher, we estimate a per block homomorphic evaluation performance of 442442~msec yielding performance gains of 28.528.5 and 1717 times over similar CPU and GPU implementations, respectively

    A custom accelerator for homomorphic encryption applications

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    After the introduction of first fully homomorphic encryption scheme in 2009, numerous research work has been published aiming at making fully homomorphic encryption practical for daily use. The first fully functional scheme and a few others that have been introduced has been proven difficult to be utilized in practical applications, due to efficiency reasons. Here, we propose a custom hardware accelerator, which is optimized for a class of reconfigurable logic, for Lopez-Alt, Tromer and Vaikuntanathan’s somewhat homomorphic encryption based schemes. Our design is working as a co-processor which enables the operating system to offload the most compute–heavy operations to this specialized hardware. The core of our design is an efficient hardware implementation of a polynomial multiplier as it is the most compute–heavy operation of our target scheme. The presented architecture can compute the product of very–large polynomials in under 6.25 ms which is 102 times faster than its software implementation. In case of accelerating homomorphic applications; we estimate the per block homomorphic AES as 442 ms which is 28.5 and 17 times faster than the CPU and GPU implementations, respectively. In evaluation of Prince block cipher homomorphically, we estimate the performance as 52 ms which is 66 times faster than the CPU implementation

    High-Performance VLSI Architectures for Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Lattice-based cryptography is a cryptographic primitive built upon the hard problems on point lattices. Cryptosystems relying on lattice-based cryptography have attracted huge attention in the last decade since they have post-quantum-resistant security and the remarkable construction of the algorithm. In particular, homomorphic encryption (HE) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) are the two main applications of lattice-based cryptography. Meanwhile, the efficient hardware implementations for these advanced cryptography schemes are demanding to achieve a high-performance implementation. This dissertation aims to investigate the novel and high-performance very large-scale integration (VLSI) architectures for lattice-based cryptography, including the HE and PQC schemes. This dissertation first presents different architectures for the number-theoretic transform (NTT)-based polynomial multiplication, one of the crucial parts of the fundamental arithmetic for lattice-based HE and PQC schemes. Then a high-speed modular integer multiplier is proposed, particularly for lattice-based cryptography. In addition, a novel modular polynomial multiplier is presented to exploit the fast finite impulse response (FIR) filter architecture to reduce the computational complexity of the schoolbook modular polynomial multiplication for lattice-based PQC scheme. Afterward, an NTT and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT)-based high-speed modular polynomial multiplier is presented for HE schemes whose moduli are large integers

    Accelerating Homomorphic Evaluation on Reconfigurable Hardware

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    Homomorphic encryption allows computation on encrypted data and makes it possible to securely outsource computational tasks to untrusted environments. However, all proposed schemes are quite inefficient and homomorphic evaluation of ciphertexts usually takes several seconds on high-end CPUs, even for evaluating simple functions. In this work we investigate the potential of FPGAs for speeding up those evaluation operations. We propose an architecture to accelerate schemes based on the ring learning with errors (RLWE) problem and specifically implemented the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme YASHE, which was proposed by Bos, Lauter, Loftus, and Naehrig in 2013. Due to the large size of ciphertexts and evaluation keys, on-chip storage of all data is not possible and external memory is required. For efficient utilization of the external memory we propose an efficient double-buffered memory access scheme and a polynomial multiplier based on the number theoretic transform (NTT). For the parameter set (n=16384,log_2(q)=512) capable of evaluating 9 levels of multiplications, we can perform a homomorphic addition in 48.67 and a homomorphic multiplication in 0.94 ms

    Modular Hardware Architecture for Somewhat Homomorphic Function Evaluation

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    We present a hardware architecture for all building blocks required in polynomial ring based fully homomorphic schemes and use it to instantiate the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme YASHE. Our implementation is the first FPGA implementation that is designed for evaluating functions on homomorphically encrypted data (up to a certain multiplicative depth) and we illustrate this capability by evaluating the SIMON-64/128 block cipher in the encrypted domain. Our implementation provides a fast polynomial operations unit using CRT and NTT for multiplication combined with an optimized memory access scheme; a fast Barrett like polynomial reduction method; an efficient divide and round unit required in the multiplication of ciphertexts and an efficient CRT unit. These building blocks are integrated in an instruction-set coprocessor to execute YASHE, which can be controlled by a computer for evaluating arbitrary functions (up to the multiplicative depth 44 and 128-bit security level). Our architecture was compiled for a single Virtex-7 XC7V1140T FPGA, where it consumes 23\% of registers, 53\% of LUTs, 53\% of DSP slices, and 38\% of BlockRAM memory. The implementation evaluates SIMON-64/128 in approximately 171.3s (at 143 MHz) and it processes 2048 ciphertexts at once giving a relative time of only 83.6 ms per block. This is 24.5 times faster than the leading software implementation on a 4-core Intel Core-i7 processor running at 3.4 GHz

    Accelerating NTRU based Homomorphic Encryption using GPUs

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    In this work we introduce a large polynomial arithmetic library optimized for Nvidia GPUs to support fully homomorphic encryption schemes. To realize the large polynomial arithmetic library we convert the polynomial with large coefficients using the Chinese Remainder Theorem into many polynomials with small coefficients, and then carry out modular multiplications in the residue space using a custom developed discrete Fourier transform library. We further extend the library to support the homomorphic evaluation operations, i.e. addition, multiplication, and relinearization, in an NTRU based somewhat homomorphic encryption library. Finally, we put the library to use to evaluate homomorphic evaluation of two block ciphers: Prince and AES, which show 2.57 times and 7.6 times speedup, respectively, over an Intel Xeon software implementation