1,407,837 research outputs found

    Able Bodies: The Organisation of Labour and Health, 1300-1600: A Research Agenda

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    One of the longer term, much-debated consequences of the outbreak of the Second Plague Pandemic in the mid-14th century, was the increased poverty and geographical mobility of labourers in Europe’s urbanised regions. Urban bylaws attest that in the 15th century, cities recorded and regulated through repression the presence of itinerant workers and beggars, who took to the road in seek of labour opportunities and, in times of famine, of food. How to deal with the urban poor and vagrants was subsequently a question prominent on the agenda of city governments, including in the early 16th-century Low Countries. This article argues that health experts played a significant role in the organization of labour at this time

    Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring in Kings River and Leatherwood Creek

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    The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure used to regulate water quality. Under the CWA, States are required to assess water bodies relative to water‐quality standards and designated beneficial uses and then to submit lists of impaired bodies every other year to the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In 2015, at least 4,800 water bodies were listed as impaired by dissolved oxygen across the US (USEPA, 2015). Aquatic species like fish and macroinvertebrates depend on adequate dissolved oxygen for survival. Low dissolved oxygen can lead to fish kills, reduced aquatic diversity, and nuisance smells from anaerobic conditions – ultimately, low dissolved oxygen concentrations result in water bodies not being able to meet the aquatic life designated use

    Russell-like bodies in plant seeds share common features with prolamin bodies and occur upon recombinant protein production

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    Although many recombinant proteins have been produced in seeds at high yields without adverse effects on the plant, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and aberrant localization of endogenous or recombinant proteins have also been reported. The production of murine interleukin-10 (mIL-10) in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds resulted in the de novo formation of ER-derived structures containing a large fraction of the recombinant protein in an insoluble form. These bodies containing mIL-10 were morphologically similar to Russell bodies found in mammalian cells. We confirmed that the compartment containing mIL-10 was enclosed by ER membranes, and 3D electron microscopy revealed that these structures have a spheroidal shape. Another feature shared with Russell bodies is the continued viability of the cells that generate these organelles. To investigate similarities in the formation of Russell-like bodies and the plant-specific protein bodies formed by prolamins in cereal seeds, we crossed plants containing ectopic ER-derived prolamin protein bodies with a line accumulating mIL-10 in Russell-like bodies. This resulted in seeds containing only one population of protein bodies in which mIL-10 inclusions formed a central core surrounded by the prolamin-containing matrix, suggesting that both types of protein aggregates are together removed from the secretory pathway by a common mechanism. We propose that, like mammalian cells, plant cells are able to form Russell-like bodies as a self-protection mechanism, when they are overloaded with a partially transport-incompetent protein, and we discuss the resulting challenges for recombinant protein production

    From 3D scan to body pressure of compression garments

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    Human bodies come under loads in sports. For safety or other purposes, athletes wear compression garments to help avoid wrong postures or movement. We assessed anthropometrics of elite rowers, and found significant differences with the general population, indicating compression garments would behave differently for the athletes. By combining 3D scanning technique and FEM modelling software, we were able to predict compression garment performance on part of the athlete bodies . Abaqus Explicit solver was applied to simulate movement of athletes actually putting on a compression garment, and to track stress distribution during the process

    The Influence of international boards validation upon the architecture curriculum in the Arab region

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    Well recognized accreditation and validation bodies ensure that architecture graduates will be technically competent who are capable of defining multiple career paths within a changing societal context. These accrediting bodies require an accredited program to produce graduates who are able to solve architectural design problems, including the integration of technical systems, environmental systems, and health and safety requirements; and comprehend architects' roles and responsibilities in society. The criteria at which the accrediting bodies work and their influence on Architecture schools, the students and syllabus in Arab region are discussed. The RIBA and the CAA are the key professional bodies that perform accreditation beyond their original national borders. In this paper the RIBA validation system will be discussed in order to find out to what extent such validation process can affect the teaching and curriculum structure within architectural schools. The paper presents the validation process carried out at the Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department, Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST). The AAST architectural department is the first architecture school to be accredited by the RIBA accreditation board in the Arab region

    Measuring the Contribution of Water and Green Space Amenities to Housing Values: An Application and Comparison of Spatially-weighted Hedonic Models

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    This study estimates the influence of proximity to water bodies and park amenities on residential housing values in Knox County, Tennessee, using the hedonic price approach. Values for proximity to water bodies and parks are first estimated globally with a standard ordinary least square (OLS) model. A locally weighted regression model is then employed to investigate spatial non-stationarity and generate local estimates for individual sources of each amenity. The local model is able to capture the variability in the quality of water bodies and parks across the county, something a conventional hedonic model using OLS cannot do.Land Economics/Use,

    The motivation and status of two-body resonance decays after the LHC Run 2 and beyond

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    Searching for two-body resonance decays is a central component of the high energy physics energy frontier research program. While many of the possibilities are covered when the two bodies are Standard Model (SM) particles, there are still significant gaps. If one or both of the bodies are themselves non-SM particles, there is very little coverage from existing searches. We review the status of two-body searches and motivate the need to search for the missing combinations. It is likely that the search program of the future will be able to cover all possibilities with a combination of dedicated and model agnostic search approaches.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, 14 table