1,901 research outputs found

    Discovering Business Processes models expressed as DNF or CNF formulae of Declare constraints

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    In the field of Business Process Management, the Process Discovery task is one of the most important and researched topics. It aims to automatically learn process models starting from a given set of logged execution traces. The majority of the approaches employ procedural languages for describing the discovered models, but declarative languages have been proposed as well. In the latter category there is the Declare language, based on the notion of constraint, and equipped with a formal semantics on LTLf. Also, quite common in the field is to consider the log as a set of positive examples only, but some recent approaches pointed out that a binary classification task (with positive and negative examples) might provide better outcomes. In this paper, we discuss our preliminary work on the adaptation of some existing algorithms for Inductive Logic Programming, to the specific setting of Process Discovery: in particular, we adopt the Declare language with its formal semantics, and the perspective of a binary classification task (i.e., with positive and negative examples

    Interactive Knowledge Construction in the Collaborative Building of an Encyclopedia

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    International audienceOne of the major challenges of Applied Artificial Intelligence is to provide environments where high level human activities like learning, constructing theories or performing experiments, are enhanced by Artificial Intelligence technologies. This paper starts with the description of an ambitious project: EnCOrE2. The specific real world EnCOrE scenario, significantly representing a much wider class of potential applicative contexts, is dedicated to the building of an Encyclopedia of Organic Chemistry in the context of Virtual Communities of experts and students. Its description is followed by a brief survey of some major AI questions and propositions in relation with the problems raised by the EnCOrE project. The third part of the paper starts with some definitions of a set of “primitives” for rational actions, and then integrates them in a unified conceptual framework for the interactive construction of knowledge. To end with, we sketch out protocols aimed at guiding both the collaborative construction process and the collaborative learning process in the EnCOrE project.The current major result is the emerging conceptual model supporting interaction between human agents and AI tools integrated in Grid services within a socio-constructivist approach, consisting of cycles of deductions, inductions and abductions upon facts (the shared reality) and concepts (their subjective interpretation) submitted to negotiations, and finally converging to a socially validated consensus

    Practopoiesis: Or how life fosters a mind

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    The mind is a biological phenomenon. Thus, biological principles of organization should also be the principles underlying mental operations. Practopoiesis states that the key for achieving intelligence through adaptation is an arrangement in which mechanisms laying a lower level of organization, by their operations and interaction with the environment, enable creation of mechanisms lying at a higher level of organization. When such an organizational advance of a system occurs, it is called a traverse. A case of traverse is when plasticity mechanisms (at a lower level of organization), by their operations, create a neural network anatomy (at a higher level of organization). Another case is the actual production of behavior by that network, whereby the mechanisms of neuronal activity operate to create motor actions. Practopoietic theory explains why the adaptability of a system increases with each increase in the number of traverses. With a larger number of traverses, a system can be relatively small and yet, produce a higher degree of adaptive/intelligent behavior than a system with a lower number of traverses. The present analyses indicate that the two well-known traverses-neural plasticity and neural activity-are not sufficient to explain human mental capabilities. At least one additional traverse is needed, which is named anapoiesis for its contribution in reconstructing knowledge e.g., from long-term memory into working memory. The conclusions bear implications for brain theory, the mind-body explanatory gap, and developments of artificial intelligence technologies.Comment: Revised version in response to reviewer comment

    Data-aware Synthetic Log Generation for Declarative Process Models

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    Äriprotsesside juhtimises on protsessikaeve klass meetodeid, mida kasutatakse protsessi struktuuri õppimiseks täitmislogist. Selle struktuur on esindatud kui protsessi mudel: kas menetluslik või deklaratiivne. Näited deklaratiivsetest keeltest on Declare, DPIL ja DCR Graphs. Selleks, et testida ja parandada protsessi kaevandamise algoritme on vaja palju logisid erinevate parameetritega ja alati ei ole võimalik saada piisavalt reaalseid logisid. See on koht, kus tehislikud logid tulevad kasuks. On olemas meetodeid logi genereerimiseks DPIL-ist ja deklaratiivsetest mudelitest, kuid puuduvad vahendid logi genereerimiseks MPDeclare-ist, mis on multiperspektiivne versioon Declare-ist andmete toega. Käesolev magistritöö käsitleb MP-Declare mudelitest logide genereerimist kasutades kaht erinevat mudelite kontrollijat: Alloy ja NuSMV. Selleks, et parandada jõudlust, optimeerisime kirjanduses saadaval olevaid baaslähenemisi. Kõik käsitletud tehnikad implementeeritakse ja testitakse kasutades saadaval olevat sobivuse testimise tööriistu ja meie enda väljatöötatud teste. Meie generaatorite hindamiseks ja võrdluseks olemasolevate lahendustega mõõtsime me logide genereerimise aega ja seda, kuidas see muutub erinevate parameetrite ja mudelitega. Me töötasime välja erinevad mõõdupuud logide varieeruvuse arvutamiseks ja rakendasime neid uuritavatele generaatoritele.In Business Process Management, process mining is a class of techniques for learning process structure from an execution log. This structure is represented as a process model: either procedural or declarative. Examples of declarative languages are Declare, DPIL and DCR Graphs. In order to test and improve process mining algorithms a lot of logs with different parameters are required, and it is not always possible to get enough real logs. And this is where artificial logs are useful. There exist techniques for log generation from DPIL and declare-based models. But there are no tools for generating logs from MP-Declare – multiperspective version of Declare with data support. This thesis introduces an approach to log generation from MP-Declare models using two different model checkers: Alloy and NuSMV. In order to improve performance, we applied optimization to baseline approaches available in the literature. All of the discussed techniques are implemented and tested using existing conformance checking tools and our tests. To evaluate performance of our generators and compare them with existing ones, we measured time required for generating log and how it changes with different parameters and models. We also designed several metrics for computing log variability, and applied them to reviewed generators

    Experimental phonetic study of the timing of voicing in English obstruents

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    The treatment given to the timing of voicing in three areas of phonetic research -- phonetic taxonomy, speech production modelling, and speech synthesis -- Is considered in the light of an acoustic study of the timing of voicing in British English obstruents. In each case, it is found to be deficient. The underlying cause is the difficulty in applying a rigid segmental approach to an aspect of speech production characterised by important inter-articulator asynchronies, coupled to the limited quantitative data available concerning the systematic properties of the timing of voicing in languages. It is argued that the categories and labels used to describe the timing of voicing In obstruents are Inadequate for fulfilling the descriptive goals of phonetic theory. One possible alternative descriptive strategy is proposed, based on incorporating aspects of the parametric organisation of speech into the descriptive framework. Within the domain of speech production modelling, no satisfactory account has been given of fine-grained variability of the timing of voicing not capable of explanation in terms of general properties of motor programming and utterance execution. The experimental results support claims In the literature that the phonetic control of an utterance may be somewhat less abstract than has been suggestdd in some previous reports. A schematic outline is given, of one way in which the timing of voicing could be controlled in speech production. The success of a speech synthesis-by-rule system depends to a great extent on a comprehensive encoding of the systematic phonetic characteristics of the target language. Only limited success has been achieved in the past thirty years. A set of rules is proposed for generating more naturalistic patterns of voicing in obstruents, reflecting those observed in the experimental component of this study. Consideration Is given to strategies for evaluating the effect of fine-grained phonetic rules In speech synthesis

    Schelling\u27s Naturalism: Motion, Space, and the Volition of Thought

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    This dissertation examines F.W.J. von Schelling\u27s Philosophy of Nature (or Naturphilosophie) as a form of early, and transcendentally expansive, naturalism that is, simultaneously, a naturalized transcendentalism. By focusing on space and motion, this dissertation argues that thought should be viewed as a natural activity through and through. This view is made possible by German Idealism historically, and yet, is complicated and obscured by contemporary philosophy\u27s treatment of German Idealism in both analytic and continental circles. The text engages with the foundations of Schelling\u27s theory of nature as well as geometry, field theory, inter-theory relations, epistemology, and pragmatism