3,416 research outputs found

    Electron correlation effects in diamond: a wave-function quantum chemistry study of the quasiparticle band structure

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    The quasiparticle bands of diamond, a prototype covalent insulator, are herein studied by means of wave-function electronic-structure theory, with emphasis on the nature of the correlation hole around a bare particle. Short-range correlations are in such a system conveniently described by using a real-space representation and many-body techniques from {\it ab initio} quantum chemistry. To account for long-range polarization effects, on the other hand, we adopt the approximation of a dielectric continuum. Having as "uncorrelated" reference the Hartree-Fock band structure, the post-Hartree-Fock treatment is carried out in terms of localized Wannier functions derived from the Hartree-Fock solution. The computed correlation-induced corrections to the relevant real-space matrix elements are important and give rise to a strong reduction, in the range of 50%50\%, of the initial Hartree-Fock gap. While our final results for the indirect and direct gaps, 5.4 and 6.9 eV, respectively, compare very well with the experimental data, the width of the valence band comes out by 1010 to 15%15\% too large as compared to experiment. This overestimation of the valence-band width appears to be related to size-consistency effects in the configuration-interaction correlation treatment.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted at Phys. Rev. B (2014

    The Effect of Lattice Vibrations on Substitutional Alloy Thermodynamics

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    A longstanding limitation of first-principles calculations of substitutional alloy phase diagrams is the difficulty to account for lattice vibrations. A survey of the theoretical and experimental literature seeking to quantify the impact of lattice vibrations on phase stability indicates that this effect can be substantial. Typical vibrational entropy differences between phases are of the order of 0.1 to 0.2 k_B/atom, which is comparable to the typical values of configurational entropy differences in binary alloys (at most 0.693 k_B/atom). This paper describes the basic formalism underlying ab initio phase diagram calculations, along with the generalization required to account for lattice vibrations. We overview the various techniques allowing the theoretical calculation and the experimental determination of phonon dispersion curves and related thermodynamic quantities, such as vibrational entropy or free energy. A clear picture of the origin of vibrational entropy differences between phases in an alloy system is presented that goes beyond the traditional bond counting and volume change arguments. Vibrational entropy change can be attributed to the changes in chemical bond stiffness associated with the changes in bond length that take place during a phase transformation. This so-called ``bond stiffness vs. bond length'' interpretation both summarizes the key phenomenon driving vibrational entropy changes and provides a practical tool to model them.Comment: Submitted to Reviews of Modern Physics 44 pages, 6 figure

    Ab initio group model potentials including electron correlation effects

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    A method for determination of ab initio group model potentials, with the intention of describing the effects of a whole molecule or a chemical group within a density functional theory framework, is reported. The one-electron part of the Kohn–Sham equations is modified by incorporation of a Coulomb operator, which accounts for the classical electron interaction arising from the group. Exchange and correlation effects are introduced by a suitable modification of the exchange-correlation functionals. The strong orthogonality condition, usually required by the theory of separability of many electron systems, is written in terms of first order reduced density matrices. In order to check the method a group model potential for H2O (environment) was obtained and employed in the calculation of HF⋯H2O and H2O⋯H2O complexes using several functionals. Equilibrium intergroup distances and binding energies are compared with all-electron calculations.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (DGES). España PB98-1125Junta de Andalucía FQM13

    Simulation studies for surfaces and materials strength

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    A realistic potential energy function comprising angle dependent terms was employed to describe the potential surface of the N+O2 system. The potential energy parameters were obtained from high level ab-initio results using a nonlinear fitting procedure. It was shown that the potential function is able to reproduce a large number of points on the potential surface with a small rms deviation. A literature survey was conducted to analyze exclusively the status of current small cluster research. This survey turned out to be quite useful in understanding and finding out the existing relationship between theoretical as well as experimental investigative techniques employed by different researchers. Additionally, the importance of the role played by computer simulation in small cluster research, was documented

    Incorporating charge transfer effects into a metallic empirical potential for accurate structure determination in (ZnMg)N nanoalloys

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    Producción CientíficaWe report the results of a combined empirical potential-Density Functional Theory (EP-DFT) study to assess the global minimum structures of free-standing zinc-magnesium nanoalloys of equiatomic composition and with up to 50 atoms. Within this approach, the approximate potential energy surface generated by an empirical potential is first sampled with unbiased basin hopping simulations, and then a selection of the isomers so identified is re-optimized at a first-principles DFT level. Bader charges calculated in a previous work [Corr. Sci. 124, 35 (2017)] revealed a significant transfer of electrons from Mg to Zn atoms in these nanoalloys; so the main novelty in the present work is the development of an improved EP, termed Coulomb-corrected-Gupta potential, which incorporates an explicit charge-transfer correction term onto a metallic Gupta potential description. The Coulomb correction has a many-body character and is feeded with parameterized values of the ab initio Bader charges. The potentials are fitted to a large training set containing DFT values of cluster energies and atomic forces, and the DFT results are used as benchmark data to assess the performance of Gupta and Coulomb-corrected-Gupta EP models. Quite surprisingly, the charge-transfer correction is found to represent only a 6% of the nanoalloy binding energies, yet this quantitatively small correction has a sizable benefitial effect on the predicted relative energies of homotops. Zn-Mg bulk alloys are used as sacrificial material in corrosion-protective coatings, and the long-term goal of our research is to disclose whether those corrosion-protected capabilities are enhanced at the nanoscale.Junta de Castilla y León (Ref. VA124G18)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad ((Project PGC2018-093745-B-I00

    Understanding of matrix embedding: a theoretical spectroscopic study of CO interacting with Ar clusters, surfaces and matrices

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    Through benchmark studies, we explore the performance of PBE density functional theory, with and without Grimme's dispersion correction (DFT-D3), in predicting spectroscopic properties for molecules interacting with rare gas matrices. Here, a periodic-dispersion corrected model of matrix embedding is used for the first time. We use PBE-D3 to determine the equilibrium structures and harmonic vibrational frequencies of carbon monoxide in interaction with small Ar clusters (CO–Arn, n = 1, 2, 3), with an Ar surface and embedded in an Ar matrix. Our results show a converging trend for both the vibrational frequencies and binding energies when going from the gas-phase to a fully periodic approach describing CO embedding in Ar. This trend is explained in terms of solvation effects, as CO is expected to alter the structure of the Ar matrix. Due to a competition between CO–Ar interactions and Ar–Ar interactions, perturbations caused by the presence of CO are found to extend over several Å in the matrix. Accordingly, it is mandatory to fully relax rare gas matrices when studying their interaction with embedded molecules. Moreover, we show that the binding energy per Ar is almost constant (∼−130 cm−1 atom−1) regardless of the environment of the CO molecule. Finally, we show that the concentration of the solute into the cold matrix influences the spectroscopic parameters of molecules embedded into cold matrices. We suggest hence that several cautions should be taken before comparing these parameters to gas phase measurements and to theoretical data of isolated species

    Obtaining Wannier Functions of a Crystalline Insulator within a Hartree-Fock approach: Applications to LiF and LiCl

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    An ab initio Hartree-Fock approach aimed at directly obtaining the localized orthogonal orbitals (Wannier functions) of a crystalline insulator is described in detail. The method is used to perform all-electron calculations on the ground states of crystalline lithium fluoride and lithium chloride, without the use of any pseudo or model potentials. Quantities such as total energy, x-ray structure factors and Compton profiles obtained using the localized Hartree-Fock orbitals are shown to be in excellent agreement with the corresponding quantities calculated using the conventional Bloch-orbital based Hartree-Fock approach. Localization characteristics of these orbitals are also discussed in detail.Comment: 39 Pages, RevTex, 4 postscript figures, to appear in PRB15, January 9