7 research outputs found

    Piecewise-polynomial associated transform macromodeling algorithm for fast nonlinear circuit simulation

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    We present a piecewise-polynomial based associated transform algorithm (PWPAT) for macromodeling nonlinear circuits in system-level circuit design. The generated reduced model can provide both global and local accuracies with the most compact dimension. Numerical examples compare it with existing algorithms and verify its superior accuracy in higher order harmonics simulation over traditional Trajectory Piecewise-Linear (TPWL) approach. © 2013 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Scheduling and Fluid Routing for Flow-Based Microfluidic Laboratories-on-a-Chip

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    Microfluidic laboratories-on-a-chip (LoCs) are replacing the conventional biochemical analyzers and are able to integrate the necessary functions for biochemical analysis on-chip. There are several types of LoCs, each having its advantages and limitations. In this paper we are interested in flow-based LoCs, in which a continuous flow of liquid is manipulated using integrated microvalves. By combining several microvalves, more complex units, such as micropumps, switches, mixers, and multiplexers, can be built. We consider that the architecture of the LoC is given, and we are interested in synthesizing an implementation, consisting of the binding of operations in the application to the functional units of the architecture, the scheduling of operations and the routing and scheduling of the fluid flows, such that the application completion time is minimized. To solve this problem, we propose a list scheduling-based application mapping (LSAM) framework and evaluate it by using real-life as well as synthetic benchmarks. When biochemical applications contain fluids that may adsorb on the substrate on which they are transported, the solution is to use rinsing operations for contamination avoidance. Hence, we also propose a rinsing heuristic, which has been integrated in the LSAM framework

    Code transformations based on speculative SDC scheduling

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    Code motion and speculations are usually exploited in the High Level Synthesis of control dominated applications to improve the performances of the synthesized designs. Selecting the transformations to be applied is not a trivial task: their effects can indeed indirectly spread across the whole design, potentially worsening the quality of the results. In this paper we propose a code transformation flow, based on a new extension of the System of Difference Constraints (SDC) scheduling algorithm, which introduces a large number of transformations, whose profitability is guaranteed by SDC formulation. Experimental results show that the proposed technique in average reduces the execution time of control dominated applications by 37% with respect to a commercial tool without increasing the area usage

    Adaptive Merging on Phase Change Memory

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    Indexing is a well-known database technique used to facilitate data access and speed up query processing. Nevertheless, the construction and modification of indexes are very expensive. In traditional approaches, all records in the database table are equally covered by the index. It is not effective, since some records may be queried very often and some never. To avoid this problem, adaptive merging has been introduced. The key idea is to create index adaptively and incrementally as a side-product of query processing. As a result, the database table is indexed partially depending on the query workload. This paper faces a problem of adaptive merging for phase change memory (PCM). The most important features of this memory type are: limited write endurance and high write latency. As a consequence, adaptive merging should be investigated from the scratch. We solve this problem in two steps. First, we apply several PCM optimization techniques to the traditional adaptive merging approach. We prove that the proposed method (eAM) outperforms a traditional approach by 60%. After that, we invent the framework for adaptive merging (PAM) and a new PCM-optimized index. It further improves the system performance by 20% for databases where search queries interleave with data modifications

    New Data Structures and Algorithms for Logic Synthesis and Verification

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    The strong interaction between Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology contributed substantially to the advancement of modern digital electronics. The continuous downscaling of CMOS Field Effect Transistor (FET) dimensions enabled the semiconductor industry to fabricate digital systems with higher circuit density at reduced costs. To keep pace with technology, EDA tools are challenged to handle both digital designs with growing functionality and device models of increasing complexity. Nevertheless, whereas the downscaling of CMOS technology is requiring more complex physical design models, the logic abstraction of a transistor as a switch has not changed even with the introduction of 3D FinFET technology. As a consequence, modern EDA tools are fine tuned for CMOS technology and the underlying design methodologies are based on CMOS logic primitives, i.e., negative unate logic functions. While it is clear that CMOS logic primitives will be the ultimate building blocks for digital systems in the next ten years, no evidence is provided that CMOS logic primitives are also the optimal basis for EDA software. In EDA, the efficiency of methods and tools is measured by different metrics such as (i) the result quality, for example the performance of a digital circuit, (ii) the runtime and (iii) the memory footprint on the host computer. With the aim to optimize these metrics, the accordance to a specific logic model is no longer important. Indeed, the key to the success of an EDA technique is the expressive power of the logic primitives handling and solving the problem, which determines the capability to reach better metrics. In this thesis, we investigate new logic primitives for electronic design automation tools. We improve the efficiency of logic representation, manipulation and optimization tasks by taking advantage of majority and biconditional logic primitives. We develop synthesis tools exploiting the majority and biconditional expressiveness. Our tools show strong results as compared to state-of-the-art academic and commercial synthesis tools. Indeed, we produce the best results for several public benchmarks. On top of the enhanced synthesis power, our methods are the natural and native logic abstraction for circuit design in emerging nanotechnologies, where majority and biconditional logic are the primitive gates for physical implementation. We accelerate formal methods by (i) studying properties of logic circuits and (ii) developing new frameworks for logic reasoning engines. We prove non-trivial dualities for the property checking problem in logic circuits. Our findings enable sensible speed-ups in solving circuit satisfiability. We develop an alternative Boolean satisfiability framework based on majority functions. We prove that the general problem is still intractable but we show practical restrictions that can be solved efficiently. Finally, we focus on reversible logic where we propose a new equivalence checking approach. We exploit the invertibility of computation and the functionality of reversible gates in the formulation of the problem. This enables one order of magnitude speed up, as compared to the state-of-the-art solution. We argue that new approaches to solve EDA problems are necessary, as we have reached a point of technology where keeping pace with design goals is tougher than ever

    Simulation Native des Systèmes Multiprocesseurs sur Puce à l'aide de la Virtualisation Assistée par le Matériel

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    L'intégration de plusieurs processeurs hétérogènes en un seul système sur puce (SoC) est une tendance claire dans les systèmes embarqués. La conception et la vérification de ces systèmes nécessitent des plateformes rapides de simulation, et faciles à construire. Parmi les approches de simulation de logiciels, la simulation native est un bon candidat grâce à l'exécution native de logiciel embarqué sur la machine hôte, ce qui permet des simulations à haute vitesse, sans nécessiter le développement de simulateurs d'instructions. Toutefois, les techniques de simulation natives existantes exécutent le logiciel de simulation dans l'espace de mémoire partagée entre le matériel modélisé et le système d'exploitation hôte. Il en résulte de nombreux problèmes, par exemple les conflits l'espace d'adressage et les chevauchements de mémoire ainsi que l'utilisation des adresses de la machine hôte plutôt des celles des plates-formes matérielles cibles. Cela rend pratiquement impossible la simulation native du code existant fonctionnant sur la plate-forme cible. Pour surmonter ces problèmes, nous proposons l'ajout d'une couche transparente de traduction de l'espace adressage pour séparer l'espace d'adresse cible de celui du simulateur de hôte. Nous exploitons la technologie de virtualisation assistée par matériel (HAV pour Hardware-Assisted Virtualization) à cet effet. Cette technologie est maintenant disponibles sur plupart de processeurs grande public à usage général. Les expériences montrent que cette solution ne dégrade pas la vitesse de simulation native, tout en gardant la possibilité de réaliser l'évaluation des performances du logiciel simulé. La solution proposée est évolutive et flexible et nous fournit les preuves nécessaires pour appuyer nos revendications avec des solutions de simulation multiprocesseurs et hybrides. Nous abordons également la simulation d'exécutables cross- compilés pour les processeurs VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) en utilisant une technique de traduction binaire statique (SBT) pour généré le code natif. Ainsi il n'est pas nécessaire de faire de traduction à la volée ou d'interprétation des instructions. Cette approche est intéressante dans les situations où le code source n'est pas disponible ou que la plate-forme cible n'est pas supporté par les compilateurs reciblable, ce qui est généralement le cas pour les processeurs VLIW. Les simulateurs générés s'exécutent au-dessus de notre plate-forme basée sur le HAV et modélisent les processeurs de la série C6x de Texas Instruments (TI). Les résultats de simulation des binaires pour VLIW montrent une accélération de deux ordres de grandeur par rapport aux simulateurs précis au cycle près.Integration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single System-on-Chip (SoC) is a clear trend in embedded systems. Designing and verifying these systems require high-speed and easy-to-build simulation platforms. Among the software simulation approaches, native simulation is a good candidate since the embedded software is executed natively on the host machine, resulting in high speed simulations and without requiring instruction set simulator development effort. However, existing native simulation techniques execute the simulated software in memory space shared between the modeled hardware and the host operating system. This results in many problems, including address space conflicts and overlaps as well as the use of host machine addresses instead of the target hardware platform ones. This makes it practically impossible to natively simulate legacy code running on the target platform. To overcome these issues, we propose the addition of a transparent address space translation layer to separate the target address space from that of the host simulator. We exploit the Hardware-Assisted Virtualization (HAV) technology for this purpose, which is now readily available on almost all general purpose processors. Experiments show that this solution does not degrade the native simulation speed, while keeping the ability to accomplish software performance evaluation. The proposed solution is scalable as well as flexible and we provide necessary evidence to support our claims with multiprocessor and hybrid simulation solutions. We also address the simulation of cross-compiled Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) executables, using a Static Binary Translation (SBT) technique to generated native code that does not require run-time translation or interpretation support. This approach is interesting in situations where either the source code is not available or the target platform is not supported by any retargetable compilation framework, which is usually the case for VLIW processors. The generated simulators execute on top of our HAV based platform and model the Texas Instruments (TI) C6x series processors. Simulation results for VLIW binaries show a speed-up of around two orders of magnitude compared to the cycle accurate simulators.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF