5,530 research outputs found

    Assessing Socioeconomic Impacts of Transport Infrastructure Projects in the Greater Mekong Subregion

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    This study attempts to quantify the links between infrastructure investment and poverty reduction using a multi-region general equilibrium model, supplemented with household survey data for the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Infrastructure investment is an important step in economic development, with improvements in transportation infrastructure boosting economic opportunities throughout the region, for example by significantly reducing travel times and costs. In this study, we concentrate on quantifying the effects of some of the key linkages between upgraded infrastructure, economic growth, and poverty reduction. We model the impact of both reducing transport costs and improving trade facilitation in the GMS. Our findings suggest strong gains to the GMS countries as a result of infrastructure development and trade facilitation with national poverty reduced throughout the region. However, the impact on various segments of these populations differs, depending in part on factor returns.greater mekong subregion; poverty reduction; infrastructure investment

    Konflik selatan Thailand: peranan Malaysia sebagai negara jiran

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    Dari tragedi Krisek hingga ke tragedi Tak Bai masyarakat selatan Thai masih lagi dibelenggu dengan permasalahan konflik perkauman. Walaupun tampuk pemerintahan silih berganti namun pertelingkahan di antara pihak kerajaan Bangkok dengan puak pemisah yang cuba untuk mendominasi kuasa autonomi dari pihak kerajaan masih menjadi isu hangat di mata dunia. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji konflik di Selatan Thai yang melibatkan peranan Malaysia dalam menangani isu ini. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah kajian kepustakaan. Ia turut menggunakan kaedah kajian sejarah untuk memahami latar belakang isu yang berlaku. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa pelbagai usaha dan langkah telah diambil oleh pihak kerajaan Thailand di Bangkok bagi menangani isu tersebut, namun hasilnya kurang memberangsangkan. Pelbagai pertubuhan dan badan-badan kerajaan lain cuba untuk membantu seperti ASEAN, PBB dan OIC. Malah tidak ketinggalan juga Malaysia turut memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menyumbang usaha ke arah perdamaian antara kerajaan Bangkok dengan puak pemisah. Dari saluran berbentuk nasihat, bimbingan hinggalah ke bentuk material, dilihat Malaysia begitu prihatin terhadap negara jirannya yang dilanda kemusnahan. Signifikan penemuan kajian menunjukkan bahawa peranan Malaysia adalah sebagai memenuhi dasar hubungan dua hala dan kepentingannya kepada Malaysia sendiri dalam menjaga keamanan negara

    Analysis of short circuit transfer behavior using acoustic signal detection

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    The stability of a short circuiting period is important to obtain the desired weld quality. The objective of this research is to analyze the uniformity of liquid bridge disruption period during short circuit mode affected by various shielding gas compositions. The shielding gas compositions of 100% CO2 and 84%Ar+2%O2+14%CO2 were used in this study. Short circuiting period was detected by using acoustic signals emitting from the arc. Acoustic data were recorded by using multimedia function of XP windows audio card through a high sensitivity microphone. The results of short circuit acoustic data were analyzed by using continuous wavelet transformation for classifying the difference of acoustic emitting mechanism of electrode tip touching with base metal and pinching cut-off. For 84%Ar+2%O2+14%CO2 shielding gas, it clearly showed smoothershort circuit transfer than that of CO2 shielding gas. CO2 shielding gas gave large variation in disruption period comparing with that of 84%Ar+2%O2+14%CO2 gas mixture

    The effectiveness of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Center (SBPAC) in managing the Deep South conflict in Thailand 2006-2012 an organizational approach

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    The unrest situation in the Deep South of Thailand is said to be very difficult to resolve. The government has tried various policies but the situation remains volatile. This is due to the diversity, pluralistic and cultural differences amongst the people in Deep South of Thailand. The objective of this study is to examine and analyze management strategies of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) in administrating the Deep South of Thailand from 2006 to 2012 using an organizational approach. The study is divided into three parts. The first part focused on the political strategies which include peace negotiation, diplomatic offensive, healing process and enhancement of the role of religious leaders. The second part discussed on the educational strategies pursues by the SBPAC such as an integration of an Islamic education into Thai educational system, rebuilding education in conflict-affected areas and bridging education with peace. The last part analyzed the socio-economic strategies that include farming and fishery program, marketing of an agricultural products, financial assistance and international economic collaboration. The data for this study were collected from both primary and secondary sources and analyzed using qualitative method. The primary sources include documents, SBPAC's annual reports and press release. In addition, the researcher analyzed the outputs of the SBPAC policy-makers relating to the research topic such as speeches, official correspondences and decisions of the organization relating to the management of the conflict in the Deep South. Interviews with knowledgeable people, prominent political and/or religious leaders, key stakeholders as well as the SBPAC's officials were also conducted. The secondary sources included books, journal articles, newspapers and reliable websites. The study revealed that the SBPAC's strategies have not been very effective in resolving the conflict in the region due to its intrinsic structural predicament. The organization has been given a huge task that was to bring peace and stability into the decade-old problems in the region but with minimal or even limited authority. In addition, the frequent changes of government in Bangkok created political instability in the country as a whole. These frequent changes of guards in the center have far-reaching implications to the SBPAC's management capabilities in dealing with the conflict

    Investment Provisions in Regional Trading Arrangements in Asia: Relevance, Emerging Trends, and Policy Implications

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    To exploit the locational advantages or synergies between the member countries of the regional trading bloc besides facilitating businesses reaping the economies of scale and specialization.Investment, Provisions, Regional, Trading Arrangements, Asia, Emerging Trends, policy Implications