74 research outputs found

    Separation Logic for Small-step Cminor

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    Cminor is a mid-level imperative programming language; there are proved-correct optimizing compilers from C to Cminor and from Cminor to machine language. We have redesigned Cminor so that it is suitable for Hoare Logic reasoning and we have designed a Separation Logic for Cminor. In this paper, we give a small-step semantics (instead of the big-step of the proved-correct compiler) that is motivated by the need to support future concurrent extensions. We detail a machine-checked proof of soundness of our Separation Logic. This is the first large-scale machine-checked proof of a Separation Logic w.r.t. a small-step semantics. The work presented in this paper has been carried out in the Coq proof assistant. It is a first step towards an environment in which concurrent Cminor programs can be verified using Separation Logic and also compiled by a proved-correct compiler with formal end-to-end correctness guarantees.Comment: Version courte du rapport de recherche RR-613

    An Epistemic Perspective on Consistency of Concurrent Computations

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    Consistency properties of concurrent computations, e.g., sequential consistency, linearizability, or eventual consistency, are essential for devising correct concurrent algorithms. In this paper, we present a logical formalization of such consistency properties that is based on a standard logic of knowledge. Our formalization provides a declarative perspective on what is imposed by consistency requirements and provides some interesting unifying insight on differently looking properties

    An FPGA Multiprocessor System for Undergraduate Study

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    We present our experiences using multiple soft processor cores on an FPGA to study advanced computer architecture at the undergraduate level. Our system instantiates multiple processor cores on a single FPGA device using the Altera Nios® II soft processor and associated CAD tools. With an easy to use development environment and powerful tools to quickly generate designs, an FPGA platform provides the necessary flexibility to quickly produce a working system. Students are able to easily modify and adapt their designs for a specific application. We demonstrate that multiprocessor systems can be developed, implemented and studied by undergraduate students due to the availability and accessibility of design tools and FPGA development boards. Further, these systems enhance the learning of multiprocessors and aptly compliment advanced computer architecture courses covering topics to include shared memory, synchronization, sequential consistency, and memory coherency

    Modeling and measurement of fault-tolerant multiprocessors

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    The workload effects on computer performance are addressed first for a highly reliable unibus multiprocessor used in real-time control. As an approach to studing these effects, a modified Stochastic Petri Net (SPN) is used to describe the synchronous operation of the multiprocessor system. From this model the vital components affecting performance can be determined. However, because of the complexity in solving the modified SPN, a simpler model, i.e., a closed priority queuing network, is constructed that represents the same critical aspects. The use of this model for a specific application requires the partitioning of the workload into job classes. It is shown that the steady state solution of the queuing model directly produces useful results. The use of this model in evaluating an existing system, the Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) at the NASA AIRLAB, is outlined with some experimental results. Also addressed is the technique of measuring fault latency, an important microscopic system parameter. Most related works have assumed no or a negligible fault latency and then performed approximate analyses. To eliminate this deficiency, a new methodology for indirectly measuring fault latency is presented

    Design and Implementation of Real-Time Transactional Memory

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    Abstract—Transactional memory is a promising, optimistic synchronization mechanism for chip-multiprocessor systems. The simplicity of atomic sections, instead of using explicit locks, is also appealing for real-time systems. In this paper an implementation of real-time transactional memory (RTTM) in the context of a real-time Java chip-multiprocessor (CMP) is presented. To provide a predictable and analyzable solution of transactional memory, the transaction buffer is organized fully associative. Evaluation in an FPGA shows that an associativity of up to 64-way is possible without degrading the overall system performance. The paper presents synthesis results for different RTTM configurations and different number of processor cores in the CMP system. A CMP system with up to 8 processor cores with RTTM support is feasible in an Altera Cyclone-II FPGA

    A Network Traffic Generator Model for Fast Network-on-Chip Simulation

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    For Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) development, a predomi-nant part of the design time is the simulation time. Perfor-mance evaluation and design space exploration of such sys-tems in bit- and cycle-true fashion is becoming prohibitive. We propose a traffic generation (TG) model that provides a fast and effective Network-on-Chip (NoC) development and debugging environment. By capturing the type and the timestamp of communication events at the boundary of an IP core in a reference environment, the TG can subsequently emulate the core’s communication behavior in different en-vironments. Access patterns and resource contention in a system are dependent on the interconnect architecture, and our TG is designed to capture the resulting reactiveness. The regenerated traffic, which represents a realistic work-load, can thus be used to undertake faster architectural ex-ploration of interconnection alternatives, effectively decou-pling simulation of IP cores and of interconnect fabrics. The results with the TG on an AMBA interconnect show a sim-ulation time speedup above a factor of 2 over a complete system simulation, with close to 100 % accuracy.

    PA-Boot: A Formally Verified Authentication Protocol for Multiprocessor Secure Boot

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    Hardware supply-chain attacks are raising significant security threats to the boot process of multiprocessor systems. This paper identifies a new, prevalent hardware supply-chain attack surface that can bypass multiprocessor secure boot due to the absence of processor-authentication mechanisms. To defend against such attacks, we present PA-Boot, the first formally verified processor-authentication protocol for secure boot in multiprocessor systems. PA-Boot is proved functionally correct and is guaranteed to detect multiple adversarial behaviors, e.g., processor replacements, man-in-the-middle attacks, and tampering with certificates. The fine-grained formalization of PA-Boot and its fully mechanized security proofs are carried out in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover with 306 lemmas/theorems and ~7,100 LoC. Experiments on a proof-of-concept implementation indicate that PA-Boot can effectively identify boot-process attacks with a considerably minor overhead and thereby improve the security of multiprocessor systems.Comment: Manuscript submitted to IEEE Trans. Dependable Secure Compu

    A Generic Formalised Framework for Reasoning About Weak Memory Models

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    This paper describes Coq libraries devoted to the semantic of relaxed memory models. These libraries formalise a framework which covers a large class of industrial models. Implementing this framework inside a proof assistant has significantly helped improving its design and crafting the most concise and relevant specifications. Similarly the use of a proof assistant has been instrumental in the study of the semantic of synchronisation primitives, which we illustrate by the formal proof of a barrier placement theorem. We explain the choices we made to re-design our Coq libraries, and in particular what we gained from adopting a small-scale reflection methodology

    CPU reservations and time constraints: implementation experience on windows NT

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    Journal ArticleThis paper presents an implementation of scheduling abstractions originally developed for the Rialto real-time operating system within a research version of Windows NT called Rialto/NT. These abstractions, CPU Reservations and Time Constraints, as described in the 1997 SOSP paper [Jones et al. 97], are intended to allow: (1) activities to obtain minimum guaranteed execution rates with application-specified reservation granularities via CPU Reservations, and (2) applications to schedule tasks by deadlines via Time Constraints, with on-time completion guaranteed for tasks with accepted constraints. The Rialto/NT scheduler differs from the original Rialto scheduler in several key respects. First, it has been extended to schedule multiprocessors-this is the primary new intellectual contribution of this work. It has been adapted to operate with operating system clock services that only provide timing interrupts at regular periodic intervals measured in milliseconds, rather than being able to schedule clock interrupts at arbitrary sub-millisecond points of time. It coexists with the existing Windows NT scheduler, allowing it to schedule time not scheduled by itself. Finally, it has been implemented in a particularly non-intrusive manner, using rather than replacing the existing Windows NT priority-based scheduler. Results presented will demonstrate that CPU Reservations and Time Constraints can be effectively implemented on multiprocessors. We will also describe the implementation techniques chosen and tradeoffs made as a result of implementing within Windows NT. Finally, we will present performance results and execution traces
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