38 research outputs found

    Collaborative software agents support for the texpros document management system

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    This dissertation investigates the use of active rules that are embedded in markup documents. Active rules are used in a markup representation by integrating Collaborative Software Agents with TEXPROS (abbreviation for TEXt PROcessing System) [Liu and Ng 1996] to create a powerful distributed document management system. Such markup documents with embedded active rules are called Active Documents. For fast retrieval purposes, when we need to generate a customized Internet folder organization, we first define the Folder Organization Query Language (FO-QL) to solve data categorization problems. FO-QL defines the folder organization query process that automatically retrieves links of documents deposited into folders and then constructs a folder organization in either a centralized document repository or multiple distributed document repositories. Traditional documents are stored as static data that do not provide any dynamic capabilities for accessing or interacting with the document environment. The dynamic and distributed nature of both markup data and markup rules do not merely respond to requests for information, but intelligently anticipate, adapt, and actively seek ways to support the computing processes. This outcome feature conquers the static nature of the traditional documents. An Office Automation Definition Language (OADL) with active rules is defined for constructing the TEXPROS \u27s dual modeling approach and workflow events representation. Active Documents are such agent-supported OADL documents. With embedded rules and self-describing data features, Active Documents provide capability of collaborative interactions with software agents. Data transformation and data integration are both data processing problems but little research has focused on the markup documents to generate a versatile folder organization. Some of the research merely provides manual browsing in a document repository to find the right document. This browsing is time consuming and unrealistic, especially in multiple document repositories. With FO-QL, one can create a customized folder organization on demand

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    Development and implementation of a combined discrete and finite element multibody dynamics simulation environment

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. [195]-198) and index.Some engineering applications and physical phenomena involve multiple bodies that undergo large displacements involving collisions between the bodies. Considering the difficulties and cost associated when conducting physical experiments of such systems, there is a demand for numerical simulation capabilities. The discrete element methods (DEM) are numerical techniques that have been specifically developed to facilitate simulations of distinct bodies that interact with each other through contact forces. In DEM the simulated bodies are typically assumed to be infinitely rigid. However, there are multibody systems for which it is useful to take into account the deformability of the simulated bodies. The objective of this research is to incorporate deformability in DEM, enabling the evaluation of the stress and strain distributions within simulated bodies during simulation. In order to achieve this goal, an Updated Lagrangian (UL) Finite Element (FE) formulation and an explicit time integration scheme have been employed together with some simplifiying assumptions to linearize this highly nonlinear contact problem and obtain solutions with realistic computational cost. An object-oriented extendable computational tool has been built specifically to allow us to simulate multiple distinct bodies that interact through contact forces allowing selected bodies to be deformable. Database technology has also been utilized in order to efficiently handle the huge amounts of computed results.by Petros Komodromos.Ph.D

    Distributed Search in Semantic Web Service Discovery

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    This thesis presents a framework for semantic Web Service discovery using descriptive (non-functional) service characteristics in a large-scale, multi-domain setting. The framework uses Web Ontology Language for Services (OWL-S) to design a template for describing non-functional service parameters in a way that facilitates service discovery, and presents a layered scheme for organizing ontologies used in service description. This service description scheme serves as a core for desigining the four main functions of a service directory: a template-based user interface, semantic query expansion algorithms, a two-level indexing scheme that combines Bloom filters with a Distributed Hash Table, and a distributed approach for storing service description. The service directory is, in turn, implemented as an extension of the Open Service Discovery Architecture. The search algorithms presented in this thesis are designed to maximize precision and completeness of service discovery, while the distributed design of the directory allows individual administrative domains to retain a high degree of independence and maintain access control to information about their services

    Reader zum Workshop Standardisierung im eLearning : Begleitveranstaltung zum Förderprogramm Neue Medien in der Bildung ; 10./11. April 2002 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-UniversitÀt Frankfurt/Main

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    Bei der Entwicklung und vor allem bei der institutions- und projektĂŒbergreifenden Nutzung von eLearning Modulen oder Lernobjekten spielen Standards und Spezifikationen zu deren Beschreibung und Verwaltung eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Nur auf deren Basis können sich langfristig Verwaltungs- und Verwertungsmodelle entwickeln, die eine breite Nutzung von eLearning Modulen bis hin zur Entwicklung eines entsprechenden Marktes ermöglichen. Aufgrund allgemeingĂŒltiger Spezifikation fĂŒr die Beschreibung von Lernobjekten bis hin zu standardisierten Angaben fĂŒr komplette online Kurse werden Anbieter und Nachfrager in Tauschbörsen, institutionsĂŒbergreifenden Kooperationen, fachspezifischen Datenbanken und Bildungsservern eLearning Ressourcen anbieten und nutzen. Projekte und Initiativen stehen jetzt vor der Aufgabe, sich einen Überblick ĂŒber vorhandene Standards und Spezifikationen zu verschaffen, um fĂŒr sich selbst die geeigneten auswĂ€hlen und anwenden zu können. Oft werden aufgrund der projektspezifischen Anforderungen zudem eigene Beschreibungen entwickelt. Dadurch entsteht eine Vielzahl von Beschreibungen, die den Austausch und das Auffinden von Modulen ĂŒber die Projektgrenzen hinaus schwierig wenn nicht unmöglich machen. Der in diesem Band dokumentierte Workshop "Standardisierung im eLearning" hat das Ziel, die aktuelle Diskussion um die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Standards aufzugreifen, transparent zu machen und fortzufĂŒhren. Veranstalter des Workshops sind das Kompetenzzentrum fĂŒr Neue Medien in der Lehre der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt/Main und der ProjekttrĂ€ger Neue Medien in der Bildung + Fachinformation. Die Veranstaltung setzt die Reihe von themenspezifischen Begleitworkshops im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Neue Medien in der Bildung fort. Eine Übersicht zu bereits durchgefĂŒhrten und in Planung befindlichen Begleitveranstaltungen finden Sie auf dem Internet-Portal des ProjekttrĂ€gers (http://www.medien-bildung.net)