4 research outputs found

    AMIC@: All MIcroarray Clusterings @ once

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    The AMIC@ Web Server offers a light-weight multi-method clustering engine for microarray gene-expression data. AMIC@ is a highly interactive tool that stresses user-friendliness and robustness by adopting AJAX technology, thus allowing an effective interleaved execution of different clustering algorithms and inspection of results. Among the salient features AMIC@ offers, there are: (i) automatic file format detection, (ii) suggestions on the number of clusters using a variant of the stability-based method of Tibshirani et al. (iii) intuitive visual inspection of the data via heatmaps and (iv) measurements of the clustering quality using cluster homogeneity. Large data sets can be processed efficiently by selecting algorithms (such as FPF-SB and k-Boost), specifically designed for this purpose. In case of very large data sets, the user can opt for a batch-mode use of the system by means of the Clustering wizard that runs all algorithms at once and delivers the results via email. AMIC@ is freely available and open to all users with no login requirement at the following URL http://bioalgo.iit.cnr.it/amica

    Pomelo II: finding differentially expressed genes

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    Pomelo II (http://pomelo2.bioinfo.cnio.es) is an open-source, web-based, freely available tool for the analysis of gene (and protein) expression and tissue array data. Pomelo II implements: permutation-based tests for class comparisons (t-test, ANOVA) and regression; survival analysis using Cox model; contingency table analysis with Fisher's exact test; linear models (of which t-test and ANOVA are especial cases) that allow additional covariates for complex experimental designs and use empirical Bayes moderated statistics. Permutation-based and Cox model analysis use parallel computing, which permits taking advantage of multicore CPUs and computing clusters. Access to, and further analysis of, additional biological information and annotations (PubMed references, Gene Ontology terms, KEGG and Reactome pathways) are available either for individual genes (from clickable links in tables and figures) or sets of genes. The source code is available, allowing for extending and reusing the software. A comprehensive test suite is also available, and covers both the user interface and the numerical results. The possibility of including additional covariates, parallelization of computation, open-source availability of the code and comprehensive testing suite make Pomelo II a unique tool

    CLIC: clustering analysis of large microarray datasets with individual dimension-based clustering

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    Large microarray data sets have recently become common. However, most available clustering methods do not easily handle large microarray data sets due to their very large computational complexity and memory requirements. Furthermore, typical clustering methods construct oversimplified clusters that ignore subtle but meaningful changes in the expression patterns present in large microarray data sets. It is necessary to develop an efficient clustering method that identifies both absolute expression differences and expression profile patterns in different expression levels for large microarray data sets. This study presents CLIC, which meets the requirements of clustering analysis particularly but not limited to large microarray data sets. CLIC is based on a novel concept in which genes are clustered in individual dimensions first and in which the ordinal labels of clusters in each dimension are then used for further full dimension-wide clustering. CLIC enables iterative sub-clustering into more homogeneous groups and the identification of common expression patterns among the genes separated in different groups due to the large difference in the expression levels. In addition, the computation of clustering is parallelized, the number of clusters is automatically detected, and the functional enrichment for each cluster and pattern is provided. CLIC is freely available at http://gexp2.kaist.ac.kr/clic