384 research outputs found

    Automated Detection of Substance-Use Status and Related Information from Clinical Text

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    This study aims to develop and evaluate an automated system for extracting information related to patient substance use (smoking, alcohol, and drugs) from unstructured clinical text (medical discharge records). The authors propose a four-stage system for the extraction of the substance-use status and related attributes (type, frequency, amount, quit-time, and period). The first stage uses a keyword search technique to detect sentences related to substance use and to exclude unrelated records. In the second stage, an extension of the NegEx negation detection algorithm is developed and employed for detecting the negated records. The third stage involves identifying the temporal status of the substance use by applying windowing and chunking methodologies. Finally, in the fourth stage, regular expressions, syntactic patterns, and keyword search techniques are used in order to extract the substance-use attributes. The proposed system achieves an F1-score of up to 0.99 for identifying substance-use-related records, 0.98 for detecting the negation status, and 0.94 for identifying temporal status. Moreover, F1-scores of up to 0.98, 0.98, 1.00, 0.92, and 0.98 are achieved for the extraction of the amount, frequency, type, quit-time, and period attributes, respectively. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and rule-based techniques are employed efficiently for extracting substance-use status and attributes, with the proposed system being able to detect substance-use status and attributes over both sentence-level and document-level data. Results show that the proposed system outperforms the compared state-of-the-art substance-use identification system on an unseen dataset, demonstrating its generalisability

    Safeguarding Privacy Through Deep Learning Techniques

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    Over the last few years, there has been a growing need to meet minimum security and privacy requirements. Both public and private companies have had to comply with increasingly stringent standards, such as the ISO 27000 family of standards, or the various laws governing the management of personal data. The huge amount of data to be managed has required a huge effort from the employees who, in the absence of automatic techniques, have had to work tirelessly to achieve the certification objectives. Unfortunately, due to the delicate information contained in the documentation relating to these problems, it is difficult if not impossible to obtain material for research and study purposes on which to experiment new ideas and techniques aimed at automating processes, perhaps exploiting what is in ferment in the scientific community and linked to the fields of ontologies and artificial intelligence for data management. In order to bypass this problem, it was decided to examine data related to the medical world, which, especially for important reasons related to the health of individuals, have gradually become more and more freely accessible over time, without affecting the generality of the proposed methods, which can be reapplied to the most diverse fields in which there is a need to manage privacy-sensitive information

    Educational Technology and Education Conferences, January to June 2016

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    SIFR BioPortal : Un portail ouvert et générique d’ontologies et de terminologies biomédicales françaises au service de l’annotation sémantique

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    National audienceContexte – Le volume de données en biomédecine ne cesse de croître. En dépit d'une large adoption de l'anglais, une quantité significative de ces données est en français. Dans le do-maine de l’intégration de données, les terminologies et les ontologies jouent un rôle central pour structurer les données biomédicales et les rendre interopérables. Cependant, outre l'existence de nombreuses ressources en anglais, il y a beaucoup moins d'ontologies en français et il manque crucialement d'outils et de services pour les exploiter. Cette lacune contraste avec le montant considérable de données biomédicales produites en français, par-ticulièrement dans le monde clinique (e.g., dossiers médicaux électroniques). Methode & Résultats – Dans cet article, nous présentons certains résultats du projet In-dexation sémantique de ressources biomédicales francophones (SIFR), en particulier le SIFR BioPortal, une plateforme ouverte et générique pour l’hébergement d’ontologies et de terminologies biomédicales françaises, basée sur la technologie du National Center for Biomedical Ontology. Le portail facilite l’usage et la diffusion des ontologies du domaine en offrant un ensemble de services (recherche, alignements, métadonnées, versionnement, vi-sualisation, recommandation) y inclus pour l’annotation sémantique. En effet, le SIFR An-notator est un outil d’annotation basé sur les ontologies pour traiter des données textuelles en français. Une évaluation préliminaire, montre que le service web obtient des résultats équivalents à ceux reportés précedement, tout en étant public, fonctionnel et tourné vers les standards du web sémantique. Nous présentons également de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour les services à base d’ontologies pour l’anglais et le français

    Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2015

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    The 33rd edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2015 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from January 2016 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next

    Biomedical Question Answering: A Survey of Approaches and Challenges

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    Automatic Question Answering (QA) has been successfully applied in various domains such as search engines and chatbots. Biomedical QA (BQA), as an emerging QA task, enables innovative applications to effectively perceive, access and understand complex biomedical knowledge. There have been tremendous developments of BQA in the past two decades, which we classify into 5 distinctive approaches: classic, information retrieval, machine reading comprehension, knowledge base and question entailment approaches. In this survey, we introduce available datasets and representative methods of each BQA approach in detail. Despite the developments, BQA systems are still immature and rarely used in real-life settings. We identify and characterize several key challenges in BQA that might lead to this issue, and discuss some potential future directions to explore.Comment: In submission to ACM Computing Survey
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