1,814 research outputs found

    The problem of automation: Inappropriate feedback and interaction, not overautomation

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    As automation increasingly takes its place in industry, especially high-risk industry, it is often blamed for causing harm and increasing the chance of human error when failures occur. It is proposed that the problem is not the presence of automation, but rather its inappropriate design. The problem is that the operations are performed appropriately under normal conditions, but there is inadequate feedback and interaction with the humans who must control the overall conduct of the task. When the situations exceed the capabilities of the automatic equipment, then the inadequate feedback leads to difficulties for the human controllers. The problem is that the automation is at an intermediate level of intelligence, powerful enough to take over control that which used to be done by people, but not powerful enough to handle all abnormalities. Moreover, its level of intelligence is insufficient to provide the continual, appropriate feedback that occurs naturally among human operators. To solve this problem, the automation should either be made less intelligent or more so, but the current level is quite inappropriate. The overall message is that it is possible to reduce error through appropriate design considerations

    Agent-Supported Mission Operations Teamwork

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    This slide presentation reviews the development of software agents to support of mission operations teamwork. The goals of the work was to make automation by agents easy to use, supervise and direct, manage information and communication to decrease distraction, interruptions, workload and errors, reduce mission impact of off-nominal situations and increase morale and decrease turnover. The accomplishments or the project are: 1. Collaborative agents - mixed initiative and creation of instructions for mediating agent 2. Methods for prototyping, evaluating and evolving socio-technical systems 3. Technology infusion: teamwork tools in mISSIons 4. Demonstrations in simulation testbed An example of the use of agent is given, the use of an agent to monitor a N2 tank leak. An incomplete instruction to the agent is handled with mediating assistants, or Intelligent Briefing and Response Assistant (IBRA). The IBRA Engine also watches data stream for triggers and executes Act-Whenever actions. There is also a Briefing and Response Instruction (BRI) which is easy for a discipline specialist to create through a BRI editor

    Ramasse-miettes générationnel et incémental gérant les cycles et les gros objets en utilisant des frames délimités

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    Ces dernières années, des recherches ont été menées sur plusieurs techniques reliées à la collection des déchets. Plusieurs découvertes centrales pour le ramassage de miettes par copie ont été réalisées. Cependant, des améliorations sont encore possibles. Dans ce mémoire, nous introduisons des nouvelles techniques et de nouveaux algorithmes pour améliorer le ramassage de miettes. En particulier, nous introduisons une technique utilisant des cadres délimités pour marquer et retracer les pointeurs racines. Cette technique permet un calcul efficace de l'ensemble des racines. Elle réutilise des concepts de deux techniques existantes, card marking et remembered sets, et utilise une configuration bidirectionelle des objets pour améliorer ces concepts en stabilisant le surplus de mémoire utilisée et en réduisant la charge de travail lors du parcours des pointeurs. Nous présentons aussi un algorithme pour marquer récursivement les objets rejoignables sans utiliser de pile (éliminant le gaspillage de mémoire habituel). Nous adaptons cet algorithme pour implémenter un ramasse-miettes copiant en profondeur et améliorer la localité du heap. Nous améliorons l'algorithme de collection des miettes older-first et sa version générationnelle en ajoutant une phase de marquage garantissant la collection de toutes les miettes, incluant les structures cycliques réparties sur plusieurs fenêtres. Finalement, nous introduisons une technique pour gérer les gros objets. Pour tester nos idées, nous avons conçu et implémenté, dans la machine virtuelle libre Java SableVM, un cadre de développement portable et extensible pour la collection des miettes. Dans ce cadre, nous avons implémenté des algorithmes de collection semi-space, older-first et generational. Nos expérimentations montrent que la technique du cadre délimité procure des performances compétitives pour plusieurs benchmarks. Elles montrent aussi que, pour la plupart des benchmarks, notre algorithme de parcours en profondeur améliore la localité et augmente ainsi la performance. Nos mesures de la performance générale montrent que, utilisant nos techniques, un ramasse-miettes peut délivrer une performance compétitive et surpasser celle des ramasses-miettes existants pour plusieurs benchmarks. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Ramasse-Miettes, Machine Virtuelle, Java, SableVM

    Attacking PUF-Based Pattern Matching Key Generators via Helper Data Manipulation

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    Abstract. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) provide a unique signature for integrated circuits (ICs), similar to a fingerprint for humans. They are primarily used to generate secret keys, hereby exploiting the unique manufacturing variations of an IC. Unfortunately, PUF output bits are not perfectly reproducible and non-uniformly distributed. To obtain a high-quality key, one needs to implement additional post-processing logic on the same IC. Fuzzy extractors are the well-established standard solution. Pattern Matching Key Generators (PMKGs) have been proposed as an alternative. In this work, we demonstrate the latter construction to be vulnerable against manipulation of its public helper data. Full key recovery is possible, although depending on system design choices. We demonstrate our attacks using a 4-XOR arbiter PUF, manufactured in 65nm CMOS technology. We also propose a simple but effective countermeasure

    Distributed Query Execution With Strong Privacy Guarantees

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    As the Internet evolves, we find more applications that involve data originating from multiple sources, and spanning machines located all over the world. Such wide distribution of sensitive data increases the risk of information leakage, and may sometimes inhibit useful applications. For instance, even though banks could share data to detect systemic threats in the US financial network, they hesitate to do so because it can leak business secrets to their competitors. Encryption is an effective way to preserve data confidentiality, but eliminates all processing capabilities. Some approaches enable processing on encrypted data, but they usually have security weaknesses, such as data leakage through side-channels, or require expensive cryptographic computations. In this thesis, we present techniques that address the above limitations. First, we present an efficient symmetric homomorphic encryption scheme, which can aggregate encrypted data at an unprecedented scale. Second, we present a way to efficiently perform secure computations on distributed graphs. To accomplish this, we express large computations as a series of small, parallelizable vertex programs, whose state is safely transferred between vertices using a new cryptographic protocol. Finally, we propose using differential privacy to strengthen the security of trusted processors: noise is added to the side-channels, so that no adversary can extract useful information about individual users. Our experimental results suggest that the presented techniques achieve order-of-magnitude performance improvements over previous approaches, in scenarios such as the business intelligence application of a large corporation and the detection of systemic threats in the US financial network

    Aplikasi Berbasis Web untuk Analisis Inspeksi Berbasis Risiko pada Sistem Perpipaan Gas di Fasilitas Pemrosesan Sentral PT X

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    Industri minyak dan gas adalah salah satu diantara banyak jenis bisnis yang selalu menjaga fasilitas dan aset yang dimiliki. Dilihat dari jumlah dan variasi jenis equipment, material dan konstruksi equipment, piping and instrumentation diagram, dan process flow diagram, perusahaan oil and gas memiliki kompleksitas dalam aktivitasnya baik aktivitas operasi maupun perawatan. Asset Integrity Management (AIM) hadir untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas perawatan dari aset perusahaan. Salah satu metode dalam perawatan aset adalah Risk-Based Inspection Analysis. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan Web-Based Application yang digunakan untuk melakukan RBI Analysis hanya pada sistem perpipaan gas di sebuah Central Processing Facility PT X. Dasar pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah API RP 580, analisis RBI yang dilakukan oleh penulis berdasarkan API RP 581, dan pendapat serta rekomendasi dari para dosen pembimbing. Dalam analisis RBI yang dilakukan sebelum perancangan aplikasi, didapatkan nilai probability of failure sebesar 3.52E-05 dengan kategori 2 (Unlikely), nilai consequence of failure dari consequence area sebesar 1577.805 ft² dengan kategori C (Moderate), nilai skor risiko sebesar 0.055 ft²/year dengan level risiko 2C (Medium), serta hasil dari inspeksi berupa inspection plan date pada 24/03/2036 dan rekomendasi untuk inspeksi selanjutnya. Diharapkan dengan adanya Web-Based Application ini dapat memudahkan perusahaan untuk melakukan Analisis RBI dan meningkatkan kualitas manajement aset. Keluaran dari analisis RBI melalui Web-Based Application ini adalah hasil perhitungan probability and consequence of failure, hasil analisis risiko dan perencanaan inspeksi berupa jadwal dan rekomendasi inspeksi. ======================================================================================================================== The oil and gas industry is one of many other types of businesses that always maintain their facilities and assets. Judging from the number and variety of types of equipment, material and construction equipment, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and process flow diagrams, oil and gas companies have complexity in both their operating and maintenance activities. Asset Integrity Management (AIM) is here to help improve the quality of care for company assets. One method of asset maintenance is Risk-Based Inspection Analysis. In this study, a Web-Based Application will be made that is used to conduct RBI Analysis only on gas piping systems at a Central Processing Facility of PT X. The basis for making this application is API RP 580, RBI analysis conducted by the author based on API RP 581, and opinions and recommendations from supervisors. In the RBI analysis conducted before the application design, a probability of failure score of 3.52E-05 with category 2 (Unlikely), a consequence of failure score from the consequence area of 1577,805 ft² with category C (Moderate), a risk score of 0.055 ft² / year with a risk level of 2C (Medium), as well as the results of the inspection in the form of an inspection plan date of March 24, 2036, and recommendations for further inspection. It is expected that this Web-Based Application can make it easier for companies to conduct RBI analyses and improve the quality of asset management. The output of RBI analysis through Web-Based Application is the result of probability and consequence of failure calculations, risk analysis results, and inspection planning in the form of inspection schedules and recommendations
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