515 research outputs found

    A fully pipelined memoryless 17.8 Gbps AES-128 encryptor

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    A fully pipelined implementation of the Advanced Encryption Stan-dard encryption algorithm with 128-bit input and key length (AES-128) was implemented on Xilinx ’ Virtex-E and Virtex-II devices. The design is called SIG-AES-E and it implements the S-boxes combinatorially and thus requires no internal memory. It is con-cluded, that SIG-AES-E is faster than other published FPGA-based implementations of the AES-128 encryption algorithm. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Quantifying Shannon's Work Function for Cryptanalytic Attacks

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    Attacks on cryptographic systems are limited by the available computational resources. A theoretical understanding of these resource limitations is needed to evaluate the security of cryptographic primitives and procedures. This study uses an Attacker versus Environment game formalism based on computability logic to quantify Shannon's work function and evaluate resource use in cryptanalysis. A simple cost function is defined which allows to quantify a wide range of theoretical and real computational resources. With this approach the use of custom hardware, e.g., FPGA boards, in cryptanalysis can be analyzed. Applied to real cryptanalytic problems, it raises, for instance, the expectation that the computer time needed to break some simple 90 bit strong cryptographic primitives might theoretically be less than two years.Comment: 19 page

    High-Speed Area-Efficient Implementation of AES Algorithm on Reconfigurable Platform

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    Nowadays, digital information is very easy to process, but it allows unauthorized users to access to this information. To protect this information from unauthorized access, cryptography is one of the most powerful and commonly used techniques. There are various cryptographic algorithms out of which advanced encryption standard (AES) is one of the most frequently used symmetric key cryptographic algorithms. The main objective of this chapter is to implement fast, secure, and area-efficient AES algorithm on a reconfigurable platform. In this chapter, AES algorithm is designed using Xilinx system generator, implemented on Nexys-4 DDR FPGA development board and simulated using MATLAB Simulink. Synthesis results show that the implementation consumes 121 slice registers, and its maximum operating frequency is 1102.536 MHz. Throughput achieved by this implementation is 14.1125 Gbps

    High-speed dynamic partial reconfiguration for field programmable gate arrays

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    With dynamically and partially reconfigurable designs, it is necessary that the speed of the reconfiguration be accomplished in a time that is sufficiently small such that the operation of reconfiguration is not the limiting factor in the process. Therefore, the communication between the source of configuration and the configurable unit must be made as fast as possible. The aim of this work is to use an embedded controller internal to the FPGA to control the reconfiguration process and obtain the maximum speed at which reconfiguration can occur, with current FPGA technology. The use of Direct Memory Access (DMA) driven operations instead of the current arbitrated bus architectures yielded a 30% increase in the speed of reconfiguration compared to other methods such as OPB_HWICAP and PLB_HWICAP [1]. The use of interrupt driven partial reconfiguration was also introduced, allowing the processor to switch to other tasks during the reconfiguration operation. All of these contributions lead to significant performance improvements over current partial reconfiguration subsystems. The configuration controller was tested using four partially reconfigurable system implementations: (i) one targeting the Hard IP PowerPC405 on Virtex-4, (ii) a second targeting the Soft IP MicroBlaze on Virtex-5, (iii) a third targeting the Hard IP PowerPC440 on Virtex-5, and (iv) a fourth system targets the Hard IP PowerPC440 on Virtex-5 capable of adaptive feedback. The adaptive feedback Virtex-5 system can use internal voltage and temperature measurements from the Xilinx System Monitor IP to dynamically increase or decrease the speed of reconfiguration and/or change other reconfigurable aspects of the system to better match the environment

    Small circuits for cryptography.

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    Architecture for the Secret-Key BC3 Cryptography Algorithm

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    Cryptography is a very important aspect in data security. The focus of research in this field is shifting from merely security aspect to consider as well the  implementation  aspect.  This  paper  aims  to  introduce  BC3  algorithm  with focus  on  its  hardware  implementation.  It  proposes  an  architecture  for  the hardware  implementation  for  this  algorithm.  BC3  algorithm  is  a  secret-key cryptography  algorithm  developed  with  two  considerations:  robustness  and implementation  efficiency.  This  algorithm  has  been  implemented  on  software and has good performance compared to AES algorithm. BC3 is improvement of BC2 and AE cryptographic algorithm and it is expected to have the same level of robustness and to gain competitive advantages in the implementation aspect. The development of the architecture gives much attention on (1) resource sharing and (2)  having  single  clock  for  each  round.  It  exploits  regularity  of  the  algorithm. This architecture is then implemented on an FPGA. This implementation is three times smaller area than AES, but about five times faster. Furthermore, this BC3 hardware  implementation  has  better  performance  compared  to  BC3  software both in key expansion stage and randomizing stage. For the future, the security of this implementation must be reviewed especially against side channel attack

    Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms in FPGA

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací šifrovacího algoritmu AES v programovatelném hradlovém poli (FPGA). Návrh jednotky se zaměřuje na kompaktní design a výsledná datová propustnost je spíše druhotná. Implementovaná jednotka je schopná šifrování i dešifrování dat s použitím uživatelem zvoleného klíče. Funkčnost implementace byla ověřena v simulačním programu ModelSim a experimentálně na vývojovém kitu FITkit osazeném FPGA z rodiny Spartan 3.This thesis describes design and implementation of the AES cryptographic algorithm in FPGA. Design of this unit aims at compact size in exchange for lower throughput. Implemented unit is able of both ciphering and deciphering with user selected key. Resulting design was tested in ModelSim program and on FITkit development board with Spartan 3 family FPGA.

    Cooperative CPU, GPU, and FPGA heterogeneous execution with EngineCL

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    Heterogeneous systems are the core architecture of most of the high-performance computing nodes, due to their excellent performance and energy efficiency. However, a key challenge that remains is programmability, specifically, releasing the programmer from the burden of managing data and devices with different architectures. To this end, we extend EngineCL to support FPGA devices. Based on OpenCL, EngineCL is a high-level framework providing load balancing among devices. Our proposal fully integrates FPGAs into the framework, enabling effective cooperation between CPU, GPU, and FPGA. With command overlapping and judicious data management, our work improves performance by up to 96% compared with single-device execution and delivers energy-delay gains of up to 37%. In addition, adopting FPGAs does not require programmers to make big changes in their applications because the extensions do not modify the user-facing interface of EngineCL

    Implementation and Optimization of the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm on an 8-Bit Field Programmable Gate Array Hardware Platform

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    The contribution of this research is three-fold. The first is a method of converting the area occupied by a circuit implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to an equivalent as a measure of total gate count. This allows direct comparison between two FPGA implementations independent of the manufacturer or chip family. The second contribution improves the performance of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on an 8-bit computing platform. This research develops an AES design that occupies less than three quarters of the area reported by the smallest design in current literature as well as significantly increases area efficiency. The third contribution of this research is an examination of how various designs for the critical AES SubBytes and MixColumns transformations interact and affect the overall performance of AES. The transformations responsible for the largest variance in performance are identified and the effect is measured in terms of throughput, area efficiency, and area occupied