17 research outputs found

    Provable Security Evaluation of Structures against Impossible Differential and Zero Correlation Linear Cryptanalysis

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    Impossible differential and zero correlation linear cryptanalysis are two of the most important cryptanalytic vectors. To characterize the impossible differentials and zero correlation linear hulls which are independent of the choices of the non-linear components, Sun et al. proposed the structure deduced by a block cipher at CRYPTO 2015. Based on that, we concentrate in this paper on the security of the SPN structure and Feistel structure with SP-type round functions. Firstly, we prove that for an SPN structure, if \alpha_1\rightarrow\beta_1 and \alpha_2\rightarrow\beta_ are possible differentials, \alpha_1|\alpha_2\rightarrow\beta_1|\beta_2 is also a possible differential, i.e., the OR | operation preserves differentials. Secondly, we show that for an SPN structure, there exists an r-round impossible differential if and only if there exists an r-round impossible differential \alpha\not\rightarrow\beta where the Hamming weights of both \alpha and \beta are 1. Thus for an SPN structure operating on m bytes, the computation complexity for deciding whether there exists an impossible differential can be reduced from O(2^{2m}) to O(m^2). Thirdly, we associate a primitive index with the linear layers of SPN structures. Based on the matrices theory over integer rings, we prove that the length of impossible differentials of an SPN structure is upper bounded by the primitive index of the linear layers. As a result we show that, unless the details of the S-boxes are considered, there do not exist 5-round impossible differentials for the AES and ARIA. Lastly, based on the links between impossible differential and zero correlation linear hull, we projected these results on impossible differentials to zero correlation linear hulls. It is interesting to note some of our results also apply to the Feistel structures with SP-type round functions

    On the Design of Bit Permutation Based Ciphers - The Interplay Among S-box, Bit Permutation and Key-addition

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    Bit permutation based block ciphers, like PRESENT and GIFT, are well-known for their extreme lightweightness in hardware implementation. However, designing such ciphers comes with one major challenge - to ensure strong cryptographic properties simply depending on the combination of three components, namely S-box, a bit permutation and a key addition function. Having a wrong combination of components could lead to weaknesses. In this article, we studied the interaction between these components, improved the theoretical security bound of GIFT and highlighted the potential pitfalls associated with a bit permutation based primitive design. We also conducted analysis on TRIFLE, a first-round candidate for the NIST lightweight cryptography competition, where our findings influenced the elimination of TRIFLE from second-round of the NIST competition. In particular, we showed that internal state bits of TRIFLE can be partially decrypted for a few rounds even without any knowledge of the key

    Finding All Impossible Differentials When Considering the DDT

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    Impossible differential (ID) cryptanalysis is one of the most important attacks on block ciphers. The Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is a popular method to determine whether a specific difference pair is an ID. Unfortunately, due to the huge search space (approximately 22n2^{2n} for a cipher with a block size nn bits), we cannot leverage this technique to exhaust all difference pairs, which is a well-known long-standing problem. In this paper, we propose a systematic method to find all IDs for SPN block ciphers. The idea is to partition the whole difference pair space into lots of small disjoint sets, each of which has a representative difference pair. All difference pairs in one small set are possible if its representative pair is possible, and this can be conveniently checked by the MILP model. In this way, the overall search space is drastically reduced to a practical size by excluding the sets containing no IDs. We then examine the remaining difference pairs to identify all IDs (if some IDs exist). If our method cannot find any ID, the target cipher is proved free of ID distinguishers. Our method works especially well for SPN ciphers with block size 64. We apply our method to SKINNY-64 and successfully find all 432 and 12 truncated IDs (we find all IDs but all of them can be assembled into certain truncated IDs) for 11 and 12 rounds, respectively. We also prove, for the first time, that 13-round SKINNY-64 is free of ID distinguishers even when considering the differential transitions through the Difference Distribution Table (DDT). Similarly, we find all 12 truncated IDs (all IDs are assembled into 12 truncated IDs) for 13-round CRAFT and prove there is no ID for 14 rounds. For SbPN cipher GIFT-64, we prove that there is no ID for 8 rounds. For SPN ciphers with larger block sizes, we show that our idea is also useful to strengthen the current search methods. For example, if we consider the Sbox to be ideal and only consider the branch number information of the diffusion matrix, we can find all 6,750 truncated IDs for 6-round Rijndael-192 in 1 second and prove that there is no truncated ID for 7 rounds. Previously, we need to solve approximately 2482^{48} MILP models to achieve the same goal. For GIFT-128, we exhausted all difference patterns that have an active superbox in the plaintext and ciphertext and proved there is no ID of such patterns for 8 rounds. Although we have searched for a larger or even full space for IDs, no longer ID distinguishers have been found. This implies the reasonableness of the intuition that a small number (usually one or two) of active bits/words at the beginning and end of an ID will be the longest

    Full Round Zero-sum Distinguishers on TinyJAMBU-128 and TinyJAMBU-192 Keyed-permutation in the Known-key setting

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    TinyJAMBU is one of the finalists in the NIST lightweight standardization competition. This paper presents full round practical zero-sum distinguishers on the keyed permutation used in TinyJAMBU. We propose a full round zero-sum distinguisher on the 128- and 192-bit key variants and a reduced round zero-sum distinguisher for the 256-bit key variant in the known-key settings. Our best known-key distinguisher works with 2162^{16} data/time complexity on the full 128-bit version and with 2232^{23} data/time complexity on the full 192-bit version. For the 256-bit ver- sion, we can distinguish 1152 rounds (out of 1280 rounds) in the known- key settings. In addition, we present the best zero-sum distinguishers in the secret-key settings: with complexity 2232^{23} we can distinguish 544 rounds in the forward direction or 576 rounds in the backward direction. For finding the zero-sum distinguisher, we bound the algebraic degree of the TinyJAMBU permutation using the monomial prediction technique proposed by Hu et al. at ASIACRYPT 2020. We model the monomial prediction rule on TinyJAMBU in MILP and find upper bounds on the degree by computing the parity of the number of solutions

    Automatic Search for the Best Trails in ARX: Application to Block Cipher Speck

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    We propose the first adaptation of Matsui's algorithm for finding the best differential and linear trails to the class of ARX ciphers. It is based on a branch-and-bound search strategy, does not use any heuristics and returns optimal results. The practical application of the new algorithm is demonstrated on reduced round variants of block ciphers from the Speck family. More specifically, we report the probabilities of the best differential trails for up to 10, 9, 8, 7, and 7 rounds of Speck32, Speck48, Speck64, Speck96 and Speck128 respectively, together with the exact number of differential trails that have the best probability. The new results are used to compute bounds, under the Markov assumption, on the security of Speck against single-trail differential cryptanalysis. Finally, we propose two new ARX primitives with provable bounds against single-trail differential and linear cryptanalysis -- a long standing open problem in the area of ARX design

    Heuristic Tool for Linear Cryptanalysis with Applications to CAESAR Candidates

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    Differential and linear cryptanalysis are the general purpose tools to analyze various cryptographic primitives. Both techniques have in common that they rely on the existence of good differential or linear characteristics. The difficulty of finding such characteristics depends on the primitive. For instance, AES is designed to be resistant against differential and linear attacks and therefore, provides upper bounds on the probability of possible linear characteristics. On the other hand, we have primitives like SHA-1, SHA-2, and Keccak, where finding good and useful characteristics is an open problem. This becomes particularly interesting when considering, for example, competitions like CAESAR. In such competitions, many cryptographic primitives are waiting for analysis. Without suitable automatic tools, this is a virtually infeasible job. In recent years, various tools have been introduced to search for characteristics. The majority of these only deal with differential characteristics. In this work, we present a heuristic search tool which is capable of finding linear characteristics even for primitives with a relatively large state, and without a strongly aligned structure. As a proof of concept, we apply the presented tool on the underlying permutations of the first round CAESAR candidates Ascon, Icepole, Keyak, Minalpher and Proest

    Searching for Subspace Trails and Truncated Differentials

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    Grassi et al. [Gra+16] introduced subspace trail cryptanalysis as a generalization of invariant subspaces and used it to give the first five round distinguisher for Aes. While it is a generic method, up to now it was only applied to the Aes and Prince. One problem for a broad adoption of the attack is a missing generic analysis algorithm. In this work we provide efficient and generic algorithms that allow to compute the provably best subspace trails for any substitution permutation cipher

    Modelling Ciphers with Overdefined Systems of Quadratic Equations: Application to Friday, Vision, RAIN and Biscuit

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    It is well-known that a system of equations becomes easier to solve when it is overdefined. In this work, we study how to overdefine the system of equations to describe the arithmetic oriented (AO) ciphers Friday, Vision, and RAIN, as well as a special system of quadratic equations over F2ℓ\mathbb F_{2^{\ell}} used in the post-quantum signature scheme Biscuit. Our method is inspired by Courtois-Pieprzyk\u27s and Murphy-Robshaw\u27s methods to model AES with overdefined systems of quadratic equations over F2\mathbb F_2 and F28\mathbb F_{2^8}, respectively. However, our method is more refined and much simplified compared with Murphy-Robshaw\u27s method, since it can take full advantage of the low-degree F2\mathbb F_2-linearized affine polynomials used in Friday and Vision, and the overdefined system of equations over F2ℓ\mathbb F_{2^{\ell}} can be described in a clean way with our method. For RAIN, we instead consider quadratic Boolean equations rather than equations over large finite fields F2ℓ\mathbb F_{2^{\ell}}. Specifically, we demonstrate that the special structure of RAIN allows us to set up much more linearly independent quadratic Boolean equations than those obtained only with Courtois-Pieprzyk\u27s method. Moreover, we further demonstrate that the underlying key-recovery problem in Biscuit (NIST PQC Round 1 Additional Signatures) can also be described by solving a much overdefined system of quadratic equations over F2ℓ\mathbb F_{2^{\ell}}. On the downside, the constructed systems of quadratic equations for these ciphers cannot be viewed as semi-regular, which makes it challenging to upper bound the complexity of the Gröbner basis attack. However, such a new modelling method can significantly improve the lower bound of the complexity of the Gröbner basis attacks on these ciphers, i.e., we view the complexity of solving a random system of quadratic equations of the same scale as the lower bound. How to better estimate the upper and lower bounds of the Gröbner basis attacks on these ciphers based on our modelling method is left as an open problem

    Automatic Search for Bit-based Division Property

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    Division properties, introduced by Todo at Eurocrypt 2015, are extremely useful in cryptanalysis, are an extension of square attack (also called saturation attack or integral cryptanalysis). Given their im- portance, a large number of works tried to offer automatic tools to find division properties, primarily based on MILP or SAT/SMT. This paper studies better modeling techniques for finding division properties using the Constraint Programming and SAT/SMT-based automatic tools. We use the fact that the Quine-McCluskey algorithm produces a concise CNF representation corresponding to the division trail table of an Sbox. As a result, we can offer significantly more compact models, which allow SAT and Constraint Programming tools to outperform previous results. To show the strength of our new approach, we look at the NIST lightweight candidate KNOT and Ascon. We show several new distinguishers with a lower data complexity for 17-round KNOT-256, KNOT-384 and 19- round KNOT-512. In addition, for the 5-round Ascon, we get a lower data distinguisher than the previous division-based results. Finally, we revisit the method to extend the integral distinguisher by composing linear layers at the input and output. We provide a formu- lation to find the optimal number of linear combinations that need to be considered. As a result of this new formulation, we prove that 18- round KNOT-256 and KNOT-384 have no integral distinguisher using conventional division property and we show this more efficiently than the previous methods

    Hardware-Supported Cryptographic Protection of Random Access Memory

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    Confidential Computing is the protection of data in use from access or modification by any unauthorized agent, including privileged software. For example, in Intel SGX (Client and Scalable versions) and TDX, AMD SEV, Arm CCA, and IBM Ultravisor this protection is implemented via access control policies. Some of these architectures also include memory protection schemes relying on cryptography, to protect against physical attacks. We review and classify such schemes, from academia and industry, according to protection levels corresponding of adversaries with varying capabilities, budget, and strategy. The building blocks of all memory protection schemes are encryption and integrity primitives and modes of operation, as well as anti-replay structures. We review these building blocks, consider their possible combinations, and evaluate the performance impact of the resulting schemes. We present a framework for performance evaluation in a simulated system. To understand the best and worst case overhead, systems with varying load levels are considered. We propose new solutions to further reduce the performance and memory overheads of such technologies. Advanced counter compression techniques make it viable to store counters used for replay protection in a physically protected memory. By additionally repurposing some ECC bits to store integrity tags, we can provide the highest levels of confidentiality, integrity, and replay protection at a hitherto unattained performance penalty, namely 3.32%, even under extreme load and at costs that make them reasonable in data centers. Combinations of technologies that are suitable for client devices are also discussed