15 research outputs found

    Scalable Text Mining with Sparse Generative Models

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    The information age has brought a deluge of data. Much of this is in text form, insurmountable in scope for humans and incomprehensible in structure for computers. Text mining is an expanding field of research that seeks to utilize the information contained in vast document collections. General data mining methods based on machine learning face challenges with the scale of text data, posing a need for scalable text mining methods. This thesis proposes a solution to scalable text mining: generative models combined with sparse computation. A unifying formalization for generative text models is defined, bringing together research traditions that have used formally equivalent models, but ignored parallel developments. This framework allows the use of methods developed in different processing tasks such as retrieval and classification, yielding effective solutions across different text mining tasks. Sparse computation using inverted indices is proposed for inference on probabilistic models. This reduces the computational complexity of the common text mining operations according to sparsity, yielding probabilistic models with the scalability of modern search engines. The proposed combination provides sparse generative models: a solution for text mining that is general, effective, and scalable. Extensive experimentation on text classification and ranked retrieval datasets are conducted, showing that the proposed solution matches or outperforms the leading task-specific methods in effectiveness, with a order of magnitude decrease in classification times for Wikipedia article categorization with a million classes. The developed methods were further applied in two 2014 Kaggle data mining prize competitions with over a hundred competing teams, earning first and second places

    Image retrieval using automatic region tagging

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    The task of tagging, annotating or labelling image content automatically with semantic keywords is a challenging problem. To automatically tag images semantically based on the objects that they contain is essential for image retrieval. In addressing these problems, we explore the techniques developed to combine textual description of images with visual features, automatic region tagging and region-based ontology image retrieval. To evaluate the techniques, we use three corpora comprising: Lonely Planet travel guide articles with images, Wikipedia articles with images and Goats comic strips. In searching for similar images or textual information specified in a query, we explore the unification of textual descriptions and visual features (such as colour and texture) of the images. We compare the effectiveness of using different retrieval similarity measures for the textual component. We also analyse the effectiveness of different visual features extracted from the images. We then investigate the best weight combination of using textual and visual features. Using the queries from the Multimedia Track of INEX 2005 and 2006, we found that the best weight combination significantly improves the effectiveness of the retrieval system. Our findings suggest that image regions are better in capturing the semantics, since we can identify specific regions of interest in an image. In this context, we develop a technique to tag image regions with high-level semantics. This is done by combining several shape feature descriptors and colour, using an equal-weight linear combination. We experimentally compare this technique with more complex machine-learning algorithms, and show that the equal-weight linear combination of shape features is simpler and at least as effective as using a machine learning algorithm. We focus on the synergy between ontology and image annotations with the aim of reducing the gap between image features and high-level semantics. Ontologies ease information retrieval. They are used to mine, interpret, and organise knowledge. An ontology may be seen as a knowledge base that can be used to improve the image retrieval process, and conversely keywords obtained from automatic tagging of image regions may be useful for creating an ontology. We engineer an ontology that surrogates concepts derived from image feature descriptors. We test the usability of the constructed ontology by querying the ontology via the Visual Ontology Query Interface, which has a formally specified grammar known as the Visual Ontology Query Language. We show that synergy between ontology and image annotations is possible and this method can reduce the gap between image features and high-level semantics by providing the relationships between objects in the image. In this thesis, we conclude that suitable techniques for image retrieval include fusing text accompanying the images with visual features, automatic region tagging and using an ontology to enrich the semantic meaning of the tagged image regions

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts

    Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)

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    Impact of location on social media credibility

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    Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook allow users from all over the world to contribute content. However, these users publish content without peer review, and contributions of low quality can create credibility concerns. This reduces the potential social benefits of social media. Social media credibility models rely on popularity, temporal patterns and other collective behaviour of users to study the credibility of user generated content (UGC). However, such approaches do not take into account end user credibility perceptions and factors that may influence a contributor (author), which in turn affects credibility models in social media. Therefore, I studied the factors that influence readers' credibility perception and content credibility. I identified a number of limitations in existing models: most research considers only users' perceptions from one country or culture and then generalises the results to others. I also found these models do not consider author location when assessing credibility. Therefore, I proposed a study on the influence of author, reader and event location on user credibility perception and content credibility in social media. I propose a model that has been validated using a crowdsourced labelling approach. I ran three controlled experiments mainly varying source-based features (author) and content (text). Further, I applied a linguistic analysis approach to validate the influence of location on content credibility. I also applied a number of statistical analyses to measure the effect of all features. I validated the model using a common social media platform (Twitter) and showed the influence of non-textual features on credibility judgments of readers. Also, I found that reader location represented by culture can determine their credibility perception in social media. Moreover, I showed how distance between the event and author location can affect sources and credibility distribution in social media. Location of readers and authors, and the interaction with event locations can be used to improve assessment of credibility in social media. Reader characteristics are found to be important when studying credibility in social media as they can be used to improve user experience in social media. Moreover, an author's location can enhance credibility detection models to assess content accurately as it can differentiate between content with different credibility levels. While I do not claim that only user location can be used to build a standalone credibility system, I conclude that adding geographic location and culture of users can improve the performance of existing credibility models significantly

    Geographic information extraction from texts

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    A large volume of unstructured texts, containing valuable geographic information, is available online. This information – provided implicitly or explicitly – is useful not only for scientific studies (e.g., spatial humanities) but also for many practical applications (e.g., geographic information retrieval). Although large progress has been achieved in geographic information extraction from texts, there are still unsolved challenges and issues, ranging from methods, systems, and data, to applications and privacy. Therefore, this workshop will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the recent advances, new ideas, and concepts but also identify research gaps in geographic information extraction

    Expert Finding in Disparate Environments

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    Providing knowledge workers with access to experts and communities-of-practice is central to expertise sharing, and crucial to effective organizational performance, adaptation, and even survival. However, in complex work environments, it is difficult to know who knows what across heterogeneous groups, disparate locations, and asynchronous work. As such, where expert finding has traditionally been a manual operation there is increasing interest in policy and technical infrastructure that makes work visible and supports automated tools for locating expertise. Expert finding, is a multidisciplinary problem that cross-cuts knowledge management, organizational analysis, and information retrieval. Recently, a number of expert finders have emerged; however, many tools are limited in that they are extensions of traditional information retrieval systems and exploit artifact information primarily. This thesis explores a new class of expert finders that use organizational context as a basis for assessing expertise and for conferring trust in the system. The hypothesis here is that expertise can be inferred through assessments of work behavior and work derivatives (e.g., artifacts). The Expert Locator, developed within a live organizational environment, is a model-based prototype that exploits organizational work context. The system associates expertise ratings with expert’s signaling behavior and is extensible so that signaling behavior from multiple activity space contexts can be fused into aggregate retrieval scores. Post-retrieval analysis supports evidence review and personal network browsing, aiding users in both detection and selection. During operational evaluation, the prototype generated high-precision searches across a range of topics, and was sensitive to organizational role; ranking true experts (i.e., authorities) higher than brokers providing referrals. Precision increased with the number of activity spaces used in the model, but varied across queries. The highest performing queries are characterized by high specificity terms, and low organizational diffusion amongst retrieved experts; essentially, the highest rated experts are situated within organizational niches