3,411 research outputs found

    Evaluation of an indoor localization system for a mobile robot

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    Although indoor localization has been a wide researched topic, obtained results may not fit the requirements that some domains need. Most approaches are not able to precisely localize a fast moving object even with a complex installation, which makes their implementation in the automated driving domain complicated. In this publication, common technologies were analyzed and a commercial product, called Marvelmind Indoor GPS, was chosen for our use case in which both ultrasound and radio frequency communications are used. The evaluation is given in a first moment on small indoor scenarios with static and moving objects. Further tests were done on wider areas, where the system is integrated within our Robotics Operating System (ROS)-based self-developed 'Smart PhysIcal Demonstration and evaluation Robot (SPIDER)' and the results of these outdoor tests are compared with the obtained localization by the installed GPS on the robot. Finally, the next steps to improve the results in further developments are discussed

    LiDAR aided simulation pipeline for wireless communication in vehicular traffic scenarios

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    Abstract. Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) is a modern technology under development for Sixth Generation (6G) systems. This thesis focuses on creating a simulation pipeline for dynamic vehicular traffic scenarios and a novel approach to reducing wireless communication overhead with a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) based system. The simulation pipeline can be used to generate data sets for numerous problems. Additionally, the developed error model for vehicle detection algorithms can be used to identify LiDAR performance with respect to different parameters like LiDAR height, range, and laser point density. LiDAR behavior on traffic environment is provided as part of the results in this study. A periodic beam index map is developed by capturing antenna azimuth and elevation angles, which denote maximum Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP) for a simulated receiver grid on the road and classifying areas using Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to reduce the number of Synchronization Signal Blocks (SSBs) that are needed to be sent in Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication. This approach effectively reduces the wireless communication overhead in V2I communication


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    This research sought to determine whether current use-of-force models are applicable in situations without a human actor regarding the interdiction of autonomous vehicles. The project involved a historical overview of use-of-force policies and a qualitative analysis of current use-of-force recommendations by professional law enforcement organizations. The project also analyzed documented interactions between law enforcement and autonomous vehicles, featuring responses from a focus group, to gain law enforcement’s perspective on the use of force on autonomous vehicles. Ultimately, this project finds that current use-of-force models are unsuitable in situations without another human. The current lack of guidance for officers on the front line may lead to delayed and inconsistent responses, the improper use of force, or inaction, which could lead to loss of life. It recommends that a separate decision-making framework for the interdiction of autonomous vehicles be created to fill the gap in current use-of-force models. This new decision-making framework requires a constant evaluative process to address the potential for second-order effects and to account for such variables in the decision-making process.Civilian, Department of Homeland SecurityApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Helping people help themselves - toward a theory of autonomy-compatible help

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    If development is seen basically as autonomous self-development, then there is a subtle paradox in the whole notion of development assistance: How can an outside party ("helper") assist those undertaking autonomous activities (the"doers") without overriding, or undercutting their autonomy? This conundrum is the challenge facing a theory of autonomy-compatible development assistance - that is, helping theory. Starting from a simple model of non-distortionary aid, the author explores several themes of a broader helping theory, and shows how these themes arise in the work of"gurus"in different fields - John Dewey in pedagogy and social philosophy, Douglas McGregor in management theory, Carl Rogers in psychotherapy, Soren Kierkegaard in spiritual counseling, Saul Alinsky in community organizing, Paulo Freire in community education, and Albert Hirschman, and E.F. Schumacher in economic development. That such diverse thinkers in such different fields, arrive at very similar conclusions, increases confidence in the common principles. The points of commonality are summarized as follows: 1) Help must start from the present situation of the doers. 2) Helpers must see the situation through the eyes of the doers. 3) Help cannot be imposed on the doers, as that directly violates their autonomy. 4) Nor can doers receive help as a benevolent gift, as that increases dependency. 5) Doers must be in the driver seat. One major application of helping theory is to the problems of knowledge-based development assistance. The standard approach is that the helper, a knowledge-based development agency, has the"answers", and disseminates them to the doers. This corresponds to the standard teacher-centered pedagogy. The alternative under helping theory is the learner-centered approach. The teacher plays the role of midwife, catalyst, and facilitator, building learning capacity in the learner-doers, so that they can learn from any source, including their own experience. Development assistance is further complicated by the local, or tacit nature of much relevant knowledge. A knowledge-based development agency might function better, not simply as a source of knowledge, but as a broker connecting those who face problems with those in similar situations, who have learned to address the problems. Changing to the approach of helping theory, entails changing the helping agency itself, transforming it into an organization that fosters learning internally, as well as externally - as in a university, where professors engage in learning, and foster learning in students, but the organization does not adopt official views on the complex questions of the day. This means fostering competition in the marketplace of ideas within the organization, and taking a more Socratic stance with clients, who will then have to take responsibility for, and have ownership of their decisions.Economic Theory&Research,Decentralization,Health Economics&Finance,Development Economics&Aid Effectiveness,Labor Policies,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Educational Sciences,Economic Theory&Research,Health Economics&Finance,Development Economics&Aid Effectiveness

    Towards safer level crossings: existing recommendations, new applicable technologies and a proposed simulation model

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    Every year,more than 400 people are killed in over 1,200 accidents at road-rail level crossings in the European Union. Together with tunnels and specific road black spots, level crossings have been identified as being a particular weak point in road infrastructure, seriously jeopardizing road safety. In the case of railway transport, level crossings can represent as much as 29% of all fatalities caused by railway operations. Up to now, the only effective solution appears to involve upgrading level crossing safety systems even though in more than 90% of cases the primary accident cause is inadequate or improper human behavior rather than any technical, rail-based issue. This article provides results of research done on possible technological solutions to reduce the number of accidents at level crossings and demonstrate the effectiveness of the latter. Elements of these recommendations and related research activities constitute the main focus of the research work described in this paper. It is organized as follows: In Section 2, we consider statistical data related to LX accidents in certain given European countries. These statistics as well as a European Commission Directive related to safety targets are analyzed and the main trends are drawn. The study was carried out on the basis of the classification by the European Railway Agency of active LXs and passive LXs. These results form the foundation for the work described in Section 3. Section 3 focuses on advanced technology to improve LXs safety. The main thrust of the study is to evaluate low-cost, standard technology that can contribute to a direct decrease in the number of accidents, at an affordable cost. Existing surveillance technologies already used in rail or road transport are first considered. To facilitate LX bimodality, special emphasis is put on technical solutions which have already demonstrated high efficiency in both environments. In Section 4, the mode of operation of each potential solution is modeled and evaluated considering several operational scenarii, in order to evaluate the aggregate benefits of all the input. Setting models to describe the dynamics surrounding the LX environment will prepare a basis to support the decision making process of a joint rail and road sector strategy on how to control LXs. Finally, section 5 brings the study to a close with a list of the main areas in which to concentrate our future work

    Media Infrastructures and the Politics of Digital Time

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    Digital media everyday inscribe new patterns of time, promising instant communication, synchronous collaboration, intricate time management, and profound new advantages in speed. The essays in this volume reconsider these outward interfaces of convenience by calling attention to their supporting infrastructures, the networks of digital time that exert pressures of conformity and standardization on the temporalities of lived experience and have important ramifications for social relations, stratifications of power, practices of cooperation, and ways of life. Interdisciplinary in method and international in scope, the volume draws together insights from media and communication studies, cultural studies, and science and technology studies while staging an important encounter between two distinct approaches to the temporal patterning of media infrastructures, a North American strain emphasizing the social and cultural experiences of lived time and a European tradition, prominent especially in Germany, focusing on technological time and time-critical processes

    Gender and Equality in Transport. Proceedings of the 2021 Travel Demand Management Symposium

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    TInnGO's representation of European gender transport poverty as a wicked problem

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    Globally, transport poverty is acknowledged as a wicked problem. Transport is an enabler to education, health care, employment, and leisure activities. Therefore, reducing transport poverty is key for the EU to building an inclusive and equal society. However, many citizens are denied access to effective and efficient forms of transport. They may lack agency/freedom to travel, the transport they need unaffordable or unavailable. Certain groups are designed out of transport systems, and therefore out of the life of the city. Not all these reasons are to do with transport per se, but they are exacerbated by inequalities in the transport system. The term ‘gender transport poverty’ has been used to emphasize the added problems faced by women because of their gender.The H2020 TInnGO project was designed to create a paradigm shift in the European transport (usage, employment, and education) sector, in the emerging field of smart mobility with respect to gender. This paper articulates some of the work conducted by the project to show the gains which can be made through recognizing and naming gender transport poverty as a wicked problem
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