8 research outputs found


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    Visualisasi dalam requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebab permasalahan menjadi lebih terjajaki (traceable). Di samping visualisasi, dibutuhkan juga deskripsi dari visualisasi. Pada fase requirement engineering, kadangkala terjadi inkonsistensi penyampaian informasi. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan visualisasi dan dokumentasi informasi secara otomatis dan konsisten untuk menelusuri penyebab ketidakpuasan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu perangkat bantu agar memperoleh visualisasi dan dokumentasi secara otomatis dan konsisten. Dengan dikembangkannya perangkat bantu untuk visualisasi dan pendeskripsian informasi LWBA dengan menggunakan metode BBSDM diharapkan penyajian informasi menjadi lebih baik secara otomatis

    Pengembangan Tools pada Fase Requirement Engineering dengan Metode LWBA

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    Pendeskripsian pada fase requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebab permasalahan menjadi lebih terjajaki (traceable). Yang menjadi permasalahan dari dokumentasi pada fase requirement engineering adalah seringkali timbul inkonsistensi dalam penyajian informasi. Jika pendeskripsian informasi dilakukan secara manual maka kemungkinan terjadinya inkonsistensi penyajian informasi menjadi masalah. Oleh karena itu, pendeskripsian informasi secara otomatis dan konsisten untuk menelusuri penyebab ketidakpuasan. Untuk memperoleh pendeskripsian secara otomatis dan konsisten maka diperlukan suatu perangkat bantu yang dapat menghasilkan pendeskripsian secara otomatis. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dikembangkanlah suatu perangkat bantu yang dapat mempermudah pendeskripsian masalah untuk model Lightweight Why Because Analysis (LWBA) pada fase analisis requirement engineering

    The STRESS Method for Boundary-point Performance Analysis of End-to-end Multicast Timer-Suppression Mechanisms

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    Evaluation of Internet protocols usually uses random scenarios or scenarios based on designers' intuition. Such approach may be useful for average-case analysis but does not cover boundary-point (worst or best-case) scenarios. To synthesize boundary-point scenarios a more systematic approach is needed.In this paper, we present a method for automatic synthesis of worst and best case scenarios for protocol boundary-point evaluation. Our method uses a fault-oriented test generation (FOTG) algorithm for searching the protocol and system state space to synthesize these scenarios. The algorithm is based on a global finite state machine (FSM) model. We extend the algorithm with timing semantics to handle end-to-end delays and address performance criteria. We introduce the notion of a virtual LAN to represent delays of the underlying multicast distribution tree. The algorithms used in our method utilize implicit backward search using branch and bound techniques and start from given target events. This aims to reduce the search complexity drastically. As a case study, we use our method to evaluate variants of the timer suppression mechanism, used in various multicast protocols, with respect to two performance criteria: overhead of response messages and response time. Simulation results for reliable multicast protocols show that our method provides a scalable way for synthesizing worst-case scenarios automatically. Results obtained using stress scenarios differ dramatically from those obtained through average-case analyses. We hope for our method to serve as a model for applying systematic scenario generation to other multicast protocols.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) [To appear


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    Visualisasi dalam requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebabpermasalahan menjadi lebih terjajaki (traceable). Di samping visualisasi,dibutuhkan juga deskripsi dari visualisasi. Pada fase requirement engineering,kadangkala terjadi inkonsistensi penyampaian informasi. Oleh karena itu,dibutuhkan visualisasi dan dokumentasi informasi secara otomatis dan konsistenuntuk menelusuri penyebab ketidakpuasan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu perangkatbantu agar memperoleh visualisasi dan dokumentasi secara otomatis dan konsisten.Dengan dikembangkannya perangkat bantu untuk visualisasi dan pendeskripsianinformasi LWBA dengan menggunakan metode BBSDM diharapkan penyajianinformasi menjadi lebih baik secara otomatis

    Engaging Testers Early and Throughout the Software Development Process: Six Models and a Simulation Study,”

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    ABSTRACT Software testing is indispensable in ensuring software quality. Traditionally, testing has been viewed as a separate and distinct stage at the end of the software development process. However, testing activities have evolved from the "code and fix" process of executing a piece of software in an attempt to find coding errors, to a collaborative coordinated effort with testing activities embedded throughout the entire software development life cycle. The benefits of contemporary testing activities include: linking together of perspectives across the entire organization, development of a better software product with fewer errors, and reduced cost by avoiding or finding errors earlier in the development life cycle. In spite of an emerging view that testing activities should be included early and throughout the software development process, there is little research in the area of how this can be accomplished. This paper attempted to address this void by offering six models for engaging testers early and throughout the software development process. It also carried out a simulation study with the indepth surveyed data from 13 software testing professionals, for the purpose of determining which of the six models would be best under different development environment circumstances

    A Methodology to Support the Maintenance of Object -Oriented Systems Using Impact Analysis.

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    Object-Oriented (OO) systems are difficult to understand due to the complex nature of the relationships that object-orientation supports. Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, information hiding, aggregation, and association combine to make maintenance of OO systems difficult. Due to the presence of these characteristics in OO systems, maintenance activities on OO systems often have unexpected or unseen effects on the system. These effects can ripple through system components, complicating maintenance and testing of the system. The ability to trace the effects of maintenance provides the maintainer with knowledge that assists in debugging and testing modified and affected components. In this research, we show that the architecture of an OO system provides an effective framework for determining the impact of system changes. We developed the Comparative Software Maintenance (CSM) methodology to support the maintenance of OO systems. Through this methodology, we model relationships and structures, analyze the models to determine components that change as a result of maintenance, and perform impact analysis to determine components that are candidates for re-testing as a result of maintenance activity. The methodology includes a new data model, called Extended Low-Level Software Architecture (ELLSA), that facilitates impact analysis. CSM locates potential side effects, ripple effects, and other effects of maintenance on class structures, methods, and objects. The comprehensive architecture model enables CSM to perform either predictive, pre-modification impact analysis or post-modification impact analysis. The improved impact analysis process found in the methodology determines impact of changes to the component level. We apply the results of impact analysis to determine component level testing requirements. CSM enhances program understanding through the use of ELLSA. It also provides assistance for capturing complex dependencies found in object-oriented code. The methodology is implemented in JFlex. The automation provided by JFlex makes the application of CSM feasible

    Proposition d'une méthode basée sur la création et l'utilisation d'artéfacts afin de résoudre des problèmes dans les cours d'introduction à la programmation

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    Nous pouvons voir le développement d'un logiciel selon deux perspectives. La première concerne le développement, par un programmeur ou une petite équipe de programmeurs, d'un petit logiciel, avec un utilisateur et un seul ordinateur. C'est ce qu'on appelle de la programmation à petite échelle (programming in the small). Ce genre de développement s'enseigne dans les cours de programmation en informatique (computer science). La deuxième perspective consiste à faire de la programmation à grande échelle avec plusieurs équipes de programmeurs, plusieurs fonctionnalités, plusieurs utilisateurs et même, parfois, plusieurs ordinateurs et serveurs. C'est ce qu'on appelle le génie logiciel (software engineering), qui s'enseigne dans des baccalauréats en génie logiciel. Même si beaucoup de progrès a été fait en génie logiciel, il reste qu'il existe encore des lacunes dans l'enseignement de cette discipline. Les difficultés se situent, entre autres, dans les cours d'introduction à la programmation. Il y a plusieurs façons d'enseigner le développement de logiciels. Cependant, peu importe celle qui est employée, la transition entre la programmation à petite échelle et la programmation à grande échelle n'est pas facile. Nous désirons donc créer une méthode qui favorise la résolution de problèmes, tout en facilitant la transition ultérieure vers les grands projets. Nous croyons également que la transition serait plus facile si ladite méthode de développement utilisait des principes de génie logiciel déjà utilisés et reconnus. C'est pourquoi nous avons tenu compte d'un corpus de connaissances en génie logiciel (Abran et aL, 2001) dans la construction de la méthode