8 research outputs found

    Developing Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Fuzzy Logic Using Hardware Simulation

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    Ride comfort on the highway often interrupted because drivers need to adjust the vehicle speed. Safe distance between vehicles should be maintained is the main reason. The situation of monotonous and high speed will increase the risk of accidents on highway. A device is required by the driver to adjust the vehicle speed during the long distance (cruise) driving on highway without neglecting the safety aspects. The device is known as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). The ACC is a subsystem of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs) that serves to assist the driver during cruise driving. The working principle of the ACC is the vehicle speed set automatically so that the distance to the vehicle in front remains safe. This paper presents the development of fuzzy logic controller for ACC. The fuzzy inference method used in this study is Mamdani. The result from hardware simulation that using remote control car shows that the fuzzy logic controller can work according to the design.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.673

    V2I-Based Platooning Design with Delay Awareness

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    This paper studies the vehicle platooning system based on vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, where all the vehicles in the platoon upload their driving state information to the roadside unit (RSU), and RSU makes the platoon control decisions with the assistance of edge computing. By addressing the delay concern, a platoon control approach is proposed to achieve plant stability and string stability. The effects of the time headway, communication and edge computing delays on the stability are quantified. The velocity and size of the stable platoon are calculated, which show the impacts of the radio parameters such as massive MIMO antennas and frequency band on the platoon configuration. The handover performance between RSUs in the V2I-based platooning system is quantified by considering the effects of the RSU's coverage and platoon size, which demonstrates that the velocity of a stable platoon should be appropriately chosen, in order to meet the V2I's Quality-of-Service and handover constraints

    Controller for Urban Intersections Based on Wireless Communications and Fuzzy Logic

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    Adaptive QoS control of DSRC vehicle networks for collaborative vehicle safety applications.

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    Road traffic safety has been a subject of worldwide concern. Dedicated short range communications (DSRC) is widely regarded as a promising enabling technology for collaborative safety applications (CSA), which can provide robust communication and affordable performance to build large scale CSA system. The main focus of this thesis is to develop solutions for DSRC QoS control in order to provide robust QoS support for CSA. The first design objective is to ensure robust and reliable message delivery services for safety applications from the DSRC networks. As the spectrum resources allocated to DSRC network are expected to be shared by both safety and non-safety applications, the second design objective is to make QoS control schemes bandwidth-efficient in order to leave as much as possible bandwidth for non-safety applications. The first part of the thesis investigates QoS control in infrastructure based DSRC networks, where roadside access points (AP) are available to control QoS control at road intersections. After analyse DSRC network capabilities on QoS provisioning without congestion control, we propose a two-phases adaptive QoS control method for DSRC vehicle networks. In the first phase an offline simulation based approach is used to and out the best possible system configurations (e.g. message rate and transmit power) with given numbers of vehicles and QoS requirements. It is noted that with different utility functions the values of optimal parameters proposed by the two phases centralized QoS control scheme will be different. The conclusions obtained with the proposed scheme are dependent on the chosen utility functions. But the proposed two phases centralized QoS control scheme is general and is applicable to different utility functions. In the second phase, these configurations are used online by roadside AP adaptively according to dynamic traffic loads. The second part of the thesis is focused on distributed QoS control for DSRC networks. A framework of collaborative QoS control is proposed, following which we utilize the local channel busy time as the indicator of network congestion and adaptively adjust safety message rate by a modified additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) method in a distributed way. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed QoS control schemes

    An adaptive and rule based driving system for energy-e cient and safe driving behaviour

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    Falta palabras claveSaving energy and protecting the environment became fundamental for society and politics, why several laws were enacted to increase the energye ciency. Furthermore, the growing number of vehicles and drivers leaded to more accidents and fatalities on the roads, why road safety became an important factor as well. Due to the increasing importance of energye ciency and safety, car manufacturers started to optimise the vehicle in terms of energy-e ciency and safety. However, energy-e ciency and road safety can be also increased by adapting the driving behaviour to the given driving situation. This thesis presents a concept of an adaptive and rule based driving system that tries to educate the driver in energy-e cient and safe driving by showing recommendations on time. Unlike existing driving systems, the presented driving system considers energy-e ciency and safety relevant driving rules, the individual driving behaviour and the driver condition. This allows to avoid the distraction of the driver and to increase the acceptance of the driving system, while improving the driving behaviour in terms of energy-e ciency and safety. A prototype of the driving system was developed and evaluated. The evaluation was done on a driving simulator using 42 test drivers, who tested the e_ect of the driving system on the driving behaviour and the e_ect of the adaptiveness of the driving system on the user acceptance. It has been proven during the evaluation that the energy-e ciency and safety can be increased, when the driving system was used. Furthermore, it has been proven that the user acceptance of the driving system increases when the adaptive feature was turned on. A high user acceptance of the driving system allows a steady usage of the driving system and, thus, a steady improvement of the driving behaviour in terms of energy-e ciency and safety

    Optimisation des formes d'ondes d'un radar d'aide à la conduite automobile, robustes vis-à-vis d'environnements électromagnétiques dégradés

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    Several driver assistance radars are developed for security and comfort requirements. Their goal is among others to detect the presence of obstacles for collision avoidance. The current demand in terms of automotive radar sensors experience a significant growth and the technologies being employed must ensure good performances especially in an environment degraded by interfering signals of other users. In this thesis, we are interested in developing a radar system which is effective in all situations especially in a multi-user context. For this purpose, we propose novel radar waveforms based on the combination of frequency hopping Costas codes and other pulse compression techniques, using modified Costas signals. The design approach allows to synthesize a significant number of waveforms, thanks to the high diversity introduced. Afterwards, we have exploited two estimation of target parameters approaches. The first one, quite classic, is based on Doppler processing in a coherent pulse train. The second one, recent in the automotive field , is based on the Compressed sensing techniques. An adaptation of these algorithms to proposed signals is discussed in noisy and multi-target environments. All these works contribute in one hand to explore novel radar waveforms, complement to those currently used in automotive radars and in another hand to propose an innovative processing at the receiver level, suited to radar applications in general and automotive ones in particular.Divers radars sont développés pour des besoins d’aide à la conduite automobile de sécurité mais aussi de confort. Ils ont pour but de détecter la présence d’obstacles routiers afin d’éviter d’éventuelles collisions. La demande actuelle en termes de capteurs radars pour l’automobile connaît une croissance importante et les technologies employées doivent garantir de bonnes performances dans un environnement dégradé par les signaux interférents des autres utilisateurs. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au développement d’un système radar performant en tout lieu et en particulier dans un contexte multi-utilisateurs. A ce propos, nous proposons de nouvelles formes d’ondes qui se basent sur la combinaison des codes fréquentiels de Costas et d’autres techniques de compression d’impulsion en exploitant les signaux de Costas modifiés. La conception adoptée permet, grâce à la diversité introduite, de synthétiser un nombre important de formes d’ondes. Nous avons, ensuite, exploité deux approches d’estimation des paramètres des cibles. La première, plutôt classique, se base sur le traitement Doppler dans un train d’impulsions cohérent. La deuxième, récente dans le domaine automobile, se base sur la technique dite de « Compressed Sensing ». Une adaptation de ces algorithmes pour les signaux proposés a été discutée dans des environnements bruités et multi-cibles. L’ensemble de ces travaux contribue à explorer de nouvelles formes d’ondes, autres que celles utilisées dans les radars actuels et à proposer un traitement innovant en réception, adapté aux radars en général et à l’automobile en particulier

    Sistema de control de tráfico para la coexistencia entre vehículos autónomos y manuales mediante comunicaciones inalámbricas

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado 2012Los avances en el campo de los sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS, del inglés Intelligent Transportation Systems) en los últimos años han propiciado la aparición de sistemas que ayudan de manera significativa a los conductores facilitando su labor, relegándoles de tareas tediosas. No es demasiado utópico pensar en un futuro en vehículos completamente automatizados circulando por las carreteras. Sin embargo, se precisa de un sistema de transición desde los vehículos que actualmente circulan por las carreteras hasta los vehículos completamente automatizados y, por ende, la coexistencia entre ellos. En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se presenta el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema global para el control del tráfico con vehículos guiados por conductores humanos o automáticos basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas con un doble objetivo: en primer lugar, disminuir de manera significativa la congestión actual del tráfico, fundamentalmente en entornos urbanos, y en segundo lugar, presentar un sistema seguro que permita pensar en una reducción del número de accidentes en las carreteras o, al menos, mitigar las consecuencias. Para lograr los objetivos propuestos se utilizarán diversas fuentes de información ya sean ubicadas en los vehículos -sistemas de navegación global por satélite (GNSS, del inglés Global Navigation Satellite System), sistemas inerciales (IMU, del inglés Inertial Measurement Unit) o cámaras- o en la infraestructura -unidades de control, sensores para detectar situaciones del tráfico. La arquitectura presentada busca la escalabilidad para permitir de manera sencilla la inclusión de nuevos dispositivos que permitan mejorar las prestaciones. Para validar la solución propuesta, se presentan diferentes experimentos llevados a cabo con vehículos comerciales, algunos de ellos modificados para permitir el control automático de los mismos en la pista de pruebas del IAI-CSIC. Dichos experimentos incluyen situaciones habituales del tráfico como pueden ser la conducción en atascos, la gestión de preferencias en intersecciones sin señalización, la evasión de un peatón que se cruce en la carretera o la llegada a una curva peligrosa no señalizada. El sistema propuesto soluciona estas situaciones reales de tráfico de forma eficiente y segura. Como principales aportaciones se destacan el sistema de control local del tráfico al que se le dota de inteligencia para optimizar las comunicaciones inalámbricas, las mejoras conseguidas sobre la arquitectura de control de los vehículos y la presentación de sistemas para el control de situaciones de tráfico en entornos desestructurados