25 research outputs found

    A long-range and long-life telemetry data-acquisition system for heart rate and multiple body temperatures from free-ranging animals

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    The system includes an implantable transmitter, external receiver-retransmitter collar, and a microprocessor-controlled demodulator. The size of the implant is suitable for animals with body weights of a few kilograms or more; further size reduction of the implant is possible. The ECG is sensed by electrodes designed for internal telemetry and to reduce movement artifacts. The R-wave characteristics are then specifically selected to trigger a short radio frequency pulse. Temperatures are sensed at desired locations by thermistors and then, based on a heartbeat counter, transmitted intermittently via pulse interval modulation. This modulation scheme includes first and last calibration intervals for a reference by ratios with the temperature intervals to achieve good accuracy even over long periods. Pulse duration and pulse sequencing are used to discriminate between heart rate and temperature pulses as well as RF interference

    Retrospektywny indeks cytowań w humanistyce : koncepcja, metoda, zastosowania

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    [Retrospective citation index in humanities : the idea, methodology, applications] This paper describes methodology of citation index building, acquired by converting bibliographical database. This idea has been applied to Citation Index of the Historiography of Polish Media (Indeks Cytowań Historiografii Mediów Polskich [ICHMP]) that contains 24627 documents linked by 63811 citations. The biggest advantage of this method is its high effectiveness. The database has achieved coefficients similar to Thomson ISI indexes, e.g. citation impact’ was 6.7, maximum citation number per publication was 415, and the top-ranking author has acquired 1075 citations. The article describes particular stages of creating such a database and their critical evaluation. Following stages have been described: system design, database construction methodology, conversion and using converted dat

    Vibration/vacuum screening of space lubricants Final report

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    Evaluation of solid film lubricants for ball bearings in space environment

    Electrofluid converter Final report, 25 Jun. 1965 - 25 Mar. 1966

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    Electric-to-fluid signal converter to drive fluid amplifier, using flapper valve and piezoelectric element for contro

    Water network: Aplicación móvil con tecnología Arduino para la medición de presión y consumo del agua

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    The consumption of drinking water and the excessive use of this valuable resource, brings as consequences the increase in the payment of the liquid and even the losses due to leaks that can be generated due to the lack of control in a particular way and by the institutions responsible for its distribution. As part of a research work during the professional training of students of the Computer Systems Engineering career of the Technological Institute of Toluca, state of Mexico, the proposal for the creation of a product called Water Network was born, whose objective is to use technology for the development of a mobile application, interconnected to an Arduino electronic device as a sensor that allows the measurement of pressure and losses in drinking water intakes. Thus reducing the loss of vital liquid and the precise measurement of water consumption.El consumo de agua potable y el uso desmedido de este valioso recurso, trae como consecuencias el encarecimiento en el pago del líquido e incluso las pérdidas por fugas que pueden generarse ante la falta de control de forma particular y por parte de las instituciones responsables de su distribución. Como parte de un trabajo de investigación durante la formación profesional de estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en sistemas computacionales del Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca, estado de México, nace la propuesta de creación de un producto denominado Water Network, cuyo objetivo es utilizar tecnología para el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil, interconectada a un dispositivo electrónico Arduino como sensor que permita la medición de presión y pérdidas en las tomas de agua potable. Disminuyendo así la pérdida del vital líquido y la medición precisa del consumo de agua

    Antecedents to homelessness among women and their children who us public shelters in metroplitan Atlanta, 1987

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    The overall objective of this study was to explore those events and circumstances leading to homelessness among women and their children who use public shelters in metropolitan Atlanta. To attain this objective, the researcher did the following: (a) identified the factors that influenced homelessness; (b) explained the various interactions between factors; and, (c) used simple theoretical models to test which of these factors had greater influence. The research design used in the study was an exploratory/descriptive design. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data in three shelters. The population served in the three shelters (A, B & C) on a daily basis is approximately 130 women and their children. Samples used in Shelter A equaled to 31 women, Shelter B equaled to 29 women, and Shelter C to 5 women. Simple descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Data collected from Shelter C was not used in comparison with the other two shelters since this would distort the findings. Shelters A and B were almost equal and the sample in Shelter C was very small, therefore, Shelter C was excluded from the comparison. The findings reveal that the major contributory factors to homelessness among women and their children are economic, social, political and the legislative. Whereas, the secondary factors are personal crises, such as alcoholism, drug abuse, psychiatric disturbances, physical disablement and limited educational background


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    Sistem kelistrikan di Indonesia sangatlah kompleks, maka tidak dipungkiri dalam penyaluran tenaga listrik akan berjalan mulus 100% tanpa adanya gangguan. Namun, pada konsumen VIP aliran listrik tidak boleh terputus dalam durasi yang lama karena dapat menghambat kegiatan perusahaan. Sehingga, dibutuhkan backup supply cadangan ketika aliran daya dari penyulang utama terputus.Untuk mengantisipasi adanya pemadaman jangka panjang karna gangguan dibutuhkan peralatan switching berupa Load Break Switch (LBS) Three Ways. Alat simulasi ini mensimulasikan Load Break Switch (LBS) Three Ways yang bekerja dengan memanfaatkan 2 penyulang yang terhubung dengan gardu induk sehingga supply pelanggan dapat dimanuver secara bergantian apabila penyulang utama padam. Proses manuver Load Break Switch (LBS) Three Ways dapat dilakukan secara Remote maupun Local saat terjadi gangguan di penyulang utama konsumen VIP yaitu Rumah Sakit Margono. Rangkaian yang digunakan pada alat simulasi ini adalah rangkaian catu daya sebagai sumber DC, sensor arus ZMCT 103C sebagai pendeteksi arus, Ardunio Mega 2560 sebagai pusat kendali sistem, rangkaian driver relay ULN2803, relay Schneider digunakan untuk pengganti peralatan switching. Pada pengujian alat simulasi ini jika terdeteksi adanya arus melebihi arus setting sebesar 0,49A, akan menyebabkan penyulang utama trip. Scada digunakan untuk melakukan manuver dengan cara meng-close-kan switch LBS Three Ways pada penyulang cadangan. Sehingga, konsumen VIP tersupply kembali. Arus dan tegangan dapat dimonitor menggunakan Human Machine Interfce dengan software VT Scada. Kata Kunci : LBS Three Ways, ZMCT 103C, Arduino Mega 2560

    Not-for-profit organizations industry developments - 2006; Audit risk alerts

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