26 research outputs found

    Ultra Low Power FM-UWB Transceiver for High-Density Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The WiseSkin project aims to provide a non-invasive solution for restoration of a natural sense of touch to persons using prosthetic limbs. By embedding sensor nodes into the silicone coating of the prosthesis, which acts as a sensory skin, WiseSkin targets to provide improved gripping, manipulation and mobility for amputees. Flexibility, freedom of movement and comfort demand unobtrusive, highly miniaturized, low-power sensing capabilities built into the artificial skin, which is then integrated with a sensory feedback system. Wireless communication between the sensor nodes provides more flexibility, better scalability and robustness compared to wired solution, and is therefore a preferred approach for WiseSkin. Design of an RF transceiver tailored for the specific needs of WiseSkin is the topic of this work. The properties of FM ultra-wide band (FM-UWB) modulation make it a good candidate for High-Density Wireless Sensor Networks (HD-WSN). The proposed FM-UWB receivers take advantage of short range to reduce power consumption, and exploit robustness of this wideband modulation scheme. The LNA, identified as the biggest consumer, is removed and signal is directly converted to dc, where amplification and demodulation are performed. Owing to 500 MHz bandwidth, frequency offset and phase noise can be tolerated, and a low-power, free-running ring oscillator can be used to generate the LO signal. The receiver is referred to as an approximate zero-IF receiver. Two receiver architectures are studied. The first one performs quadrature downconversion, and owing to the demodulator linearity, provides the multi-user capability. In the second receiver, quadrature demodulation is replaced by the single-ended one. Due to the nature of the demodulator, sensitivity degrades, and multiple FM-UWB signals cannot be resolved, but the consumption is almost halved compared to the first receiver. The proposed approach is verified through two integrations, both in a standard 65 nm bulk CMOS process. In the first run, a standalone quadrature receiver was integrated. Power consumption of 423 uW was measured, while achieving -70 dBm sensitivity. Good narrow-band interference rejection and multiuser capability with up to 4 FM-UWB channels could be achieved. In the second run, a full transceiver is integrated, with both quadrature and single-ended receivers and a transmitter, all sharing a single IO pad, without the need for any external passive components or switches. The quadrature receiver, with on-chip baseband processing and multi-user support, in this case consumes 550 uW, with a sesensitivity of -68 dBm. The low power receiver consumes 267 uW, and provides -57 dBm sensitivity, at a single FM-UWB channel. The implemented trantransmitter transmits a 100 kb/s FM-UWB signal at -11.4 dBm, while drawing 583 uW from the 1 V supply. The on-chip clock recovery allows reference frequency offset up to 8000 ppm. Since state of the art on-chip RC oscillators can provide below 2100 ppm across the temperature range of interest, the implemented transceiver demonstrates the feasibility of a fully integrated FM-UWB radio with no need for a quartz reference or any external components. In addition, the transceiver can tolerate up to 3 dBm narrow-band interferer at 2.4 GHz. Such a strong signal can be used to remotely power the sensor nodes inside the artificial skin and enable a truly wirelessWiseSkin solution

    RF energy harvesting solutions for electromagnetic harsh environments: from industrial plants to wearable/implantable devices

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    The presented Thesis describes the design of RF-energy harvesting systems with applications on different environments, from the biomedical side to the industrial one, tackling the common thread problem which is the design of complete energy autonomous tags each of them with its dedicated purpose. This Thesis gathers a work of three years in the field of energy harvesting system design, a combination of full-wave electromagnetic designs to optimize not only the antenna performance but also to fulfill the requirements given by each case study such as dimensions, insensitivity from the surrounding environment, flexibility and compliance with regulations. The research activity has been based on the development of highly-demanded ideas and real-case necessities which are in line with the environment in which modern IoT applications can really make a positive contribution. The Thesis is organized as follows: the first application, described in Chapter 2, regards the design and experimental validations of a rotation-insensitive WPT system for implantable devices. Chapter 3 presents the design of a wearable energy autonomous detector to identify the presence of ethanol on the body surface. Chapter 4 describes investigations in the use of Bessel Beam launchers for creating a highly-focused energy harvesting link for wearable applications. Reduced dimensions, high focusing and decoupling from the human body are the key points to be addressed during the full-wave design and nonlinear optimization of the receiver antenna. Finally, Chapter 5 presents an energy autonomous system exploiting LoRa (Long Range) nodes for tracking trailers in industrial plants. The novelty behind this design lies on the aim of obtaining a perfectly scalable system that exploits not only EH basic operating system but embeds a seamless solution for collecting a certain amount of power that varies with respect the received power level on the antenna, without the need of additional off-the-shelf components

    Improving the mechanistic study of neuromuscular diseases through the development of a fully wireless and implantable recording device

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    Neuromuscular diseases manifest by a handful of known phenotypes affecting the peripheral nerves, skeletal muscle fibers, and neuromuscular junction. Common signs of these diseases include demyelination, myasthenia, atrophy, and aberrant muscle activity—all of which may be tracked over time using one or more electrophysiological markers. Mice, which are the predominant mammalian model for most human diseases, have been used to study congenital neuromuscular diseases for decades. However, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these pathologies is still incomplete. This is in part due to the lack of instrumentation available to easily collect longitudinal, in vivo electrophysiological activity from mice. There remains a need for a fully wireless, batteryless, and implantable recording system that can be adapted for a variety of electrophysiological measurements and also enable long-term, continuous data collection in very small animals. To meet this need a miniature, chronically implantable device has been developed that is capable of wirelessly coupling energy from electromagnetic fields while implanted within a body. This device can both record and trigger bioelectric events and may be chronically implanted in rodents as small as mice. This grants investigators the ability to continuously observe electrophysiological changes corresponding to disease progression in a single, freely behaving, untethered animal. The fully wireless closed-loop system is an adaptable solution for a range of long-term mechanistic and diagnostic studies in rodent disease models. Its high level of functionality, adjustable parameters, accessible building blocks, reprogrammable firmware, and modular electrode interface offer flexibility that is distinctive among fully implantable recording or stimulating devices. The key significance of this work is that it has generated novel instrumentation in the form of a fully implantable bioelectric recording device having a much higher level of functionality than any other fully wireless system available for mouse work. This has incidentally led to contributions in the areas of wireless power transfer and neural interfaces for upper-limb prosthesis control. Herein the solution space for wireless power transfer is examined including a close inspection of far-field power transfer to implanted bioelectric sensors. Methods of design and characterization for the iterative development of the device are detailed. Furthermore, its performance and utility in remote bioelectric sensing applications is demonstrated with humans, rats, healthy mice, and mouse models for degenerative neuromuscular and motoneuron diseases

    Efficient Rectenna Design for Ambient Microwave Energy Recycling

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb el Centre Tecnològic de TelecomunicacionsThe work focuses on designing, measuring and testing an antenna and recti er circuit (RECTENNA) optimized for incoming signals of low power density. The rectenna is used to harvest electric energy from the RF signals that have been radiated by communication and broadcasting systems at ISM band centred in 2.45 GHz., This work contains methods to simulate rectennas with Harmonic Balance and electromagnetic full-wave Momemtum by Agilent Advanced Design Software, used of LPKF Milling machine for antenna fabrication , Vector Network Analyzer, spectral analyzer, digital generator, multimeter, and anechoic chamber for antenna and recti er measurements. The work is motivated by two types of applications: powering of low-power sensor and RF energy recycling being aware of the energy consumption and e ect to the natural environment. The goal of this work is to determine the usefulness of low-power recti catio

    Adaptive Resource Allocation Algorithms For Data And Energy Integrated Networks Supporting Internet of Things

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    According to the forecast, there are around 2.1 billion IoT devices connected to the network by 2022. The rapidly increased IoT devices bring enormous pressure to the energy management work as most of them are battery-powered gadgets. What’s more, in some specific scenarios, the IoT nodes are fitted in some extreme environment. For example, a large-scale IoT pressure sensor system is deployed underneath the floor to detect people moving across the floor. A density-viscosity sensor is deployed inside the fermenting vat to discriminate variations in density and viscosity for monitoring the wine fermentation. A strain distribution wireless sensor for detecting the crack formation of the bridge is deployed underneath the bridge and attached near the welded part of the steel. It is difficult for people to have an access to the extreme environment. Hence, the energy management work, namely, replacing batteries for the rapidly increased IoT sensors in the extreme environment brings more challenges. In order to reduce the frequency of changing batteries, the thesis proposes a self-management Data and Energy Integrated Network (DEIN) system, which designs a stable and controllable ambient RF resource to charge the battery-less IoT wireless devices. It embraces an adaptive energy management mechanism for automatically maintaining the energy level of the battery-less IoT wireless devices, which always keeps the devices within a workable voltage range that is from 2.9 to 4.0 volts. Based on the DEIN system, RF energy transmission is achieved by transmitting the designed packets with enhanced transmission power. However, it partly occupies the bandwidth which was only used for wireless information transmission. Hence, a scheduling cycle mechanism is proposed in the thesis for organizing the RF energy and wireless information transmission in separate time slots. In addition, a bandwidth allocation algorithm is proposed to minimize the bandwidth for RF energy transmission in order to maximize the throughput of wireless information. To harvest the RF energy, the RF-to-DC energy conversion is essential at the receiver side. According to the existing technologies, the hardware design of the RF-to-DC energy converter is normally realized by the voltage rectifier which is structured by multiple Schottky diodes and capacitors. Research proves that a maximum of 84% RF-to-DC conversion efficiency is obtained by comparing a variety of different wireless band for transmitting RF energy. Furthermore, there is energy loss in the air during transmitting the RF energy to the receiver. Moreover, the circuital loss happens when the harvested energy is utilized by electronic components. Hence, how to improve the efficiency of RF energy utilization is considered in the thesis. According to the scenario proposed in the thesis, the harvested energy is mainly consumed for uplink transmission. a resource allocation algorithm is proposed to minimize the system’s energy consumption per bit of uplink data. It works out the optimal transmission power for RF energy as well as the bandwidth allocated for RF energy and wireless information transmission. Referring to the existing RF energy transmission and harvesting application on the market, the Powercast uses the supercapacitor to preserve the harvested RF energy. Due to the lack of self-control energy management mechanism for the embedded sensor, the harvested energy is consumed quickly, and the system has to keep transmitting RF energy. Existing jobs have proposed energy-saving methods for IoT wireless devices such as how to put them in sleep mode and how to reduce transmission power. However,they are not adaptive, and that would be an issue for a practical application. In the thesis, an energy-saving algorithm is designed to adaptively manage the transmission power of the device for uplink data transmission. The algorithm balances the trade-off between the transmission power and the packet loss rate. It finds the optimal transmission power to minimize the average energy cost for uplink data transmission, which saves the harvested energy to reduce the frequency of RF energy transmission to free more bandwidth for wireless information

    Düşük güçte çalışan sensörler i̇çi̇n bi̇r radyo frekansı enerji̇ hasatlayıcı devre tasarımı ve geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇

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    This thesis presents a systematic design and implementation of a rectenna. As a beginning, a receiving antenna is proposed. In the design of the receiving antenna, a fractal topology is utilized to widen the antenna bandwidth. Moreover, a rectifier circuit with a proposed dualband matching technique is realized to aggregate the DC power. Ultimately, the broadband fractal antenna and the proposed dual-band rectifier circuit have been assembled to realize the rectenna. In addition, a simple RF spectrum study and a field measurement are conducted to obtain a better understanding of the available electric field density in the Middle East Technical University–Northern Cyprus Campus. Finally, the energy harvesting capability of the proposed rectenna has been verified in both controlled environment (laboratory) and ambient. As a result of the laboratory measurements, the proposed rectenna yields the highest RF-toDC conversion efficiency of 51.9% when the total power density of the two tone signal is 11.1 µW/cm2 . As a result of the ambient measurements, the proposed rectenna features an openvoltage in the range of 195–417 mV in the ambient when the highest electric field densities are 4.137 V/m and 1.818 V/m from the standards of GSM-900 and 3G (UMTS), respectivelyBu tez, bir dogrultucu antenin sistematik tasarımını ve uygunlamasını sunmaktadır. İlk olarak, alıcı antenin bant genişligini arttırmak için fraktal topoloji ile tasarımına yer verilir. Bunun yanında, önerilen çift bantlı empedans uyumlaştırma özelligine sahip bir doğrultucu devresinin tasarımı ele alınır. Son olarak, geniş bantlı alıcı anten ile önerilen dogrultucu devre enerji hasatlayıcı devreyi gerçekleştirmek için birleştirilir. Bunlara ek olarak, Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampüsü’ndeki mevcut elektriksel alan yogunluğunun belirlen mesi için yapılan ölçümler ve sonuçları sunulur. Önerilen dogrultucu anten hem laboratu varda hem de dış ortamda bulunan RF sinyalleri ile test edilir. Laboratuvar ölçümlerinin sonucunda, dogrultucu antenin, iki ton RF sinyalinden gelen ve toplam güç yoğunluğunun 11.1 µW/cm2 oldugu bir test düzeneğinde, sağlayabildiği en yüksek dönüşüm verimliliği % 51.9 olarak kaydedilmiştir. Dış ortamdaki ölçümler sonucunda, dogrultucu antenin elektriksel alan yogunluklarının 4.137 V /m ile 1.818 V/m arasında degiştiği bir dış ortamda, 195 mV ile 417 mV arasında degişen yüksüz çıkış voltajı sağladığı kaydedilmiştir.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Microwave Antennas for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    In the last few years, the demand for power has increased; therefore, the need for alternate energy sources has become essential. Sources of fossil fuels are finite, are costly, and causes environmental hazard. Sustainable, environmentally benign energy can be derived from nuclear fission or captured from ambient sources. Large-scale ambient energy is widely available and large-scale technologies are being developed to efficiently capture it. At the other end of the scale, there are small amounts of wasted energy that could be useful if captured. There are various types of external energy sources such as solar, thermal, wind, and RF energy. Energy has been harvested for different purposes in the last few recent years. Energy harvesting from inexhaustible sources with no adverse environmental effect can provide unlimited energy for harvesting in a way of powering an embedded system from the environment. It could be RF energy harvesting by using antennas that can be held on the car glass or building, or in any places. The abundant RF energy is harvested from surrounding sources. This chapter focuses on RF energy harvesting in which the abundant RF energy from surrounding sources, such as nearby mobile phones, wireless LANs (WLANs), Wi-Fi, FM/AM radio signals, and broadcast television signals or DTV, is captured by a receiving antenna and rectified into a usable DC voltage. A practical approach for RF energy harvesting design and management of the harvested and available energy for wireless sensor networks is to improve the energy efficiency and large accepted antenna gain. The emerging self-powered systems challenge and dictate the direction of research in energy harvesting (EH). There are a lot of applications of energy harvesting such as wireless weather stations, car tire pressure monitors, implantable medical devices, traffic alert signs, and mars rover. A lot of researches are done to create several designs of rectenna (antenna and rectifier) that meet various objectives for use in RF energy harvesting, whatever opaque or transparent. However, most of the designed antennas are opaque and prevent the sunlight to pass through, so it is hard to put it on the car glass or window. Thus, there should be a design for transparent antenna that allows the sunlight to pass through. Among various antennas, microstrip patch antennas are widely used because they are low profile, are lightweight, and have planar structure. Microstrip patch-structured rectennas are evaluated and compared with an emphasis on the various methods adopted to obtain a rectenna with harmonic rejection functionality, frequency, and polarization selectivity. Multiple frequency bands are tapped for energy harvesting, and this aspect of the implementation is one of the main focus points. The bands targeted for harvesting in this chapter will be those that are the most readily available to the general population. These include Wi-Fi hotspots, as well as cellular (900/850 MHz band), personal communications services (1800/1900 MHz band), and sources of 2.4 GHz and WiMAX (2.3/3.5 GHz) network transmitters. On the other hand, at high frequency, advances in nanotechnology have led to the development of semiconductor-based solar cells, nanoscale antennas for power harvesting applications, and integration of antennas into solar cells to design low-cost light-weight systems. The role of nanoantenna system is transforming thermal energy provided by the sun to electricity. Nanoantennas target the mid-infrared wavelengths where conventional photo voltaic cells are inefficient. However, the concept of using optical rectenna for harvesting solar energy was first introduced four decades ago. Recently, it has invited a surge of interest, with different laboratories around the world working on various aspects of the technology. The result is a technology that can be efficient and inexpensive, requiring only low-cost materials. Unlike conventional solar cells that harvest energy in visible light frequency range. Since the UV frequency range is much greater than visible light, we consider the quantum mechanical behavior of a driven particle in nanoscale antennas for power harvesting applications

    Integration of electronic systems on wearable textile antenna platforms

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    Efficient Rectenna Design for Ambient Microwave Energy Recycling

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb el Centre Tecnològic de TelecomunicacionsThe work focuses on designing, measuring and testing an antenna and recti er circuit (RECTENNA) optimized for incoming signals of low power density. The rectenna is used to harvest electric energy from the RF signals that have been radiated by communication and broadcasting systems at ISM band centred in 2.45 GHz., This work contains methods to simulate rectennas with Harmonic Balance and electromagnetic full-wave Momemtum by Agilent Advanced Design Software, used of LPKF Milling machine for antenna fabrication , Vector Network Analyzer, spectral analyzer, digital generator, multimeter, and anechoic chamber for antenna and recti er measurements. The work is motivated by two types of applications: powering of low-power sensor and RF energy recycling being aware of the energy consumption and e ect to the natural environment. The goal of this work is to determine the usefulness of low-power recti catio