38 research outputs found

    Customer Acceptance Analysis of Islamic Bank of Indonesia Mobile Banking Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    This takes a look at goals to observe the elements that affect clients in the use of BSI`s cellular baking service. These elements are visible from perceived ease of use the software, the perceived usefulness through clients, and the safety supplied on attitudes and intentions in the use of cellular banking applications. The facts became received from a survey that became dispensed to 183 BSI clients with numerous financial and academic levels. The data have been analyzed with the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS software. So that effective consequences are received with a full-size impact of the perceived ease and advantages of the use of the BSI cellular banking software at the attitudes and intentions proven through clients. In addition, in phrases of security, it additionally has an effective impact on attitudes in adopting BSI mobile banking. However, the work environment, buddies, and administrative center doesn't have any full-size impact on the advantages of BSI mobile banking


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    Smartphones and mobile technologies are becoming increasingly available and affordable in the Republic of North Macedonia. Followed by this trend, many banks are providing banking services to customers via smartphones. They are increasingly investing in mobile channels by providing new mobile banking services. Therefore, the goal of this research is to examine predictors of consumer intention to use mobile banking services in North Macedonia. In order to get insights regarding the user adoption of m-banking services in the country, a survey was conducted among more than 150 mobile users. The research model proposed in this study examines the influence of several basic constructs that explain technology acceptance and innovation diffusion (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions). In addition, its originality and practical implications is reflected in determining the significance of additional constructs that are specific for the m-banking domain, such as perceived risk and bank’s reputation. The results of the empirical study indicate that three of the four basic constructs of the UTAUT model (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions) determine intention to use mobile banking, while social influence does not significantly influence mobile banking adoption in the sample. Regarding the two new constructs in the model, risk and bank’s reputation, they are both confirmed as important antecedents of consumer intention to use m-banking in our sample. By highlighting the usefulness of integrating constructs from different theories of technology acceptance, this research is a holistic approach representing a solid base for future studies on the adoption of new technologies in the country. From practitioner’s viewpoint, this research offers valuable insights for developing m-banking solutions.Pametni telefoni i mobilne tehnologije postaju sve dostupniji i pristupačniji u Republici Sjevernoj Makedoniji. Prateći ovaj trend, brojne banke klijentima pružaju bankarske usluge putem pametnih telefona. Sve više ulažu u mobilne kanale pružajući nove usluge mobilnog bankarstva. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja ispitati prediktore namjere potrošača da koriste usluge mobilnog bankarstva u sjevernoj Makedoniji. Kako bi se stekao uvid u prihvaćanje usluga m-bankarstva u zemlji, provedeno je istraživanje među više od 150 korisnika mobilnih uređaja. Model istraživanja predložen u ovoj studiji ispituje utjecaj nekoliko osnovnih konstrukata koji objašnjavaju prihvaćanje tehnologije i difuziju inovacija (očekivane performanse, očekivani napori, društveni utjecaj i olakšavajući uvjeti). Osim toga, njegova originalnost i praktičnost se ogledaju u određivanju značaja dodatnih konstrukata koji su specifični za m-bankarstvo, poput percipiranog rizika i reputacije banke. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja pokazuju da tri od četiri osnovna konstrukta UTAUT modela (očekivane performanse, očekivani napori i olakšavajući uvjeti) određuju namjeru uporabe mobilnog bankarstva, dok društveni utjecaj nema značajan utjecaj na prihvaćanje mobilnog bankarstva. Što se tiče dva nova konstrukta u modelu, rizika i ugleda banke, oba su potvrđena kao važni prethodnici namjere potrošača da koriste m-bankarstvo. Ističući korisnost integriranja konstrukata iz različitih teorija prihvaćanja tehnologije, ovo istraživanje svom holističkom pristupu predstavlja solidnu osnovu za buduće studije o usvajanju novih tehnologija u zemlji. Sa stajališta praktičara, ovo istraživanje nudi vrijedne uvide za razvoj mobilnog bankarstva

    Determinants and Barriers of Adopting Robo-Advisory Services

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    Robo-advisors enable customers to conduct automated digital investments, which could substantially transform the financial industry. However, robo-advisory use is lagging behind expectations. One reason could be potential customers’ insufficient trust. Therefore, we investigate determinants that influence trust and the intention to use robo-advisors. More specifically, we build on trust to assess use intention and explore person-al characteristics (perceived risk), organizational characteristics (trust in banks) and in-dustry characteristics (structural assurances) as antecedents to trust. The survey data are analyzed by employing a PLS-SEM (n = 246). Preliminary results show that initial trust in robo-advisors is closely related to the inten-tion to use robo-advisors. Trust is negatively linked to perceived risk but positively linked to structural assurances. Trust in banks is positively related to initial trust, how-ever, only when structural assurances are not included. In a follow-up survey, behavior and potential barriers to robo-advisory adoption will be investigated

    Determine Factors in The Use of Syariah Banking Mobile Apps Case Study in Bank Syariah Indonesia

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    This study aims to explore, measure, and analyze the factors that influence the intention to use the Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile Application in the DKI Jakarta area. Researchers took a sample of 150 respondents using the BSI Mobile Application who are domiciled in DKI Jakarta. The research method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM PLS). where the hypothesis in this study is that there are six factors such as perceived ease of use (EU), perceived usefulness (PU), Trust (TR), expected performance (PE), social influence (SI), facilitating condition (FC), and intention to use behavioral BSI Mobile (BI), where there are two variables that have a positive effect on the intention to use BSI Mobile in the DKI Jakarta area, namely expected performance and facilitating condition. For variables that do not affect behavioral intention to use BSI Mobile, there are four variables, namely perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust and social influence. This study proposes several recommendations for developing mobile banking to help customers gain more insight about banks and actively choose the BSI Mobile Application as a reliable transaction method. The reason customers use BSI Mobile is to simplify financial transactions. From six variables, there are two variables namely Expected performance and Social influence that have a very significant effect on behavioral intention to use BSI Mobile in the DKI Jakarta area. A scenario planning was designed as an alternative development strategy for increasing Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile which is compiled using the TAIDA (Tracking, Analyzing, Imaging, Deciding, Acting) method. Keywords: behavioral intention, expected performance, facilitating condition, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influenc

    Differences in mobile banking trust amongst Generation Y consumers of the major South African retail banks

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    Abstract: Mobile banking is beneficial in terms of saving time and money as well as convenience and efficiency. However, given its cybernetic nature and risks associated with its use, trust issues are created. Therefore, it is important that retail banks ensure that their mobile banking channel is trustworthy. As such, the purpose of this study was to establish whether Generation Y consumers of the major South African retail banks differ in their mobile banking trust. Following a descriptive and single cross-sectional research design, self-administered survey questionnaires were completed by a convenience sample of 334 Generation Y consumers. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics, reliability and validity measures, Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis, collinearity diagnostics and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings indicate that there are differences between Generation Y consumers of the major South African retail banks and perceived trust in mobile banking, the integrity of the mobile bank, mobile banking structural assurances as well as the information quality of mobile banking. Understanding the differences in mobile banking trust and its related dimensions amongst Generation Y consumers of the major South African retail banks, retail banks can strategise to allay these consumers’ trust concerns, foster greater trust in their mobile channels as well as gain a competitive advantage and maintain consumer loyalty amongst this cohort of consumers

    Investigating E-Servicescape Influence to Customer Response In Digital Islamic Banking

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    The mobile banking application is developed using the e-servicescape concept to create positive response in customers as application users. The objective of study is investigating the relationship between e-servicescape, trust, virtual word of mouth customer in Islamic banking. This study is quantitative approach that used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). We collected data using an online questionnaire adapted from previous research, then distributed to all Islamic banking customers in Indonesia. The sampling technique used purposive random sampling involving 158 respondents with criteria such as Islamic bank customers in Indonesia who use mobile application services. The results of the study that all hypotheses are accepted. All dimensions of e-servicescape has a positive and significat effect on e-servicescape, e-servicescape has a positive and significat effect on trust, and trust has a positive and significant effect on customer virtual word-of-mouth. This research provides theoretical and practical contributions which will also be discussed further in this paper


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    In the banking sector, mobile banking is one in the most recent types of services introduced with an aim to retain customers. Trend of mobile banking development is strongly connected with the penetration of mobile devices in every-day life as well as with customers’ behavior which is based on the transfer of activities from various spheres of their lives in virtual world. This study investigates how consumers’ perceptions of mobile banking usefulness impacts the attitude towards mobile banking, conditioned by the level of novelty seeking expressed by that consumer. Based on services marketing and technology acceptance literature, we test these relationships on a sample of 581 mobile banking users. Results show that consumers’ novelty seeking negatively moderates the positive relationship between perceived usefulness of the mobile banking and the attitude towards the mobile banking. Implications of the findings are considered, and the future research directions identified.U bankarskom sektoru, mobilno bankarstvo je jedna od najnovijih vrsta usluga uvedenih s ciljem zadržavanja klijenata. Trend razvoja mobilnog bankarstva snažno je povezan s prodiranjem mobilnih uređaja u svakodnevnom životu, kao is ponašanjem korisnika koje se temelji na prijenosu aktivnosti iz različitih sfera njihovih života u virtualni svijetu. U radu se istražuje kako percepcija potrošača o korisnosti mobilnog bankarstva utječe na stav prema mobilnom bankarstvu, uvjetovan razinom traženja novosti (inovacija) koju je taj potrošač izrazio. Sukladno marketingu usluga i literaturi o prihvaćanju tehnologije testirani su ti odnose na uzorku od 581 korisnika mobilnog bankarstva. Rezultati pokazuju da traženje inovacija negativno ublažava pozitivan odnos između percipirane korisnosti mobilnog bankarstva i odnosa prema mobilnom bankarstvu. U radu se razmatraju rezultati i sugeriraju se buduća istraživanja

    A weight and meta-analysis

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    Neves, C., Oliveira, T., & Santini, F. (2022). Sustainable technologies adoption research: A weight and meta-analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 165, 1-9. [112627]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112627Along with escalating environmental problems, the role of technologies in mitigating those problems has also increased. Researchers have been studying the adoption of sustainable technologies, and the number of articles on the topic has grown in recent years. The current study presents a weight and meta-analysis that synthesizes and combines previous literature on sustainable technologies adoption, evaluating the state of the art and providing a comprehensive picture of the phenomena. Using 44 articles and 48 datasets, the results demonstrate that attitude, benefits, personal norms, incentives, and perceived behavioral control are the best predictors of the behavioral intention of sustainable technologies adoption. Moreover, journal ranking, innovation, individualism, and long-term orientation, as cultural moderators, as well as electricity access and renewable energy, as energy efficiency indicators, were found to moderate subjective norms and behavioral intention. The findings of this study are relevant for future research support.publishersversionpublishe

    An analysis on fintech apps for payments

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    The aim of this study consists oftwo main objectives: First,to investigatethe penetration and preferences of fintech solutions from the payments sector within the studied population, as well as the elaboration of a forecast for the upcoming years.Second, to examinethe main elements that influence the intention of young customers when deciding to adopt fintech-basedpayment solutions. Existing research has tested several factorsfrom which the variables of trust, transaction efficiency and ease of use are included onthis paper. Additionally,the value-added propositionfrom this studyis represented by the incorporation of sustainability-related purposes into thisanalysiswith the intention of reflecting the increasing presence of efforts to integrate this component within thefinancial industryin recent years.A research model is proposed and tested by including elements based on theTechnology Adoption Model (TAM). By exploring the results of primary data through asurvey with 463 responses from university studentsandexamining secondary sourcesof information, the findings of this study demonstratethat all four tested variables have a positive impact on the intention of using fintech-based payment solutions.Sustainability-related purposes do not play a major role in the decision of using these apps, however, even with a minimal influence, theeffect on intention is positiveand statistically significant. The findings of this study pose important implications for stakeholders within the fintech spectrum whose purposes are related to increasing the intention of young consumers towards using these productsandto provide enoughevidence of the importance of designing incentives that fuel sustainability stewardshipwithin the financial sector