3 research outputs found

    Exploring virtual reality object perception following sensory-motor interactions with different visuo-haptic collider properties.

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    Interacting with the environment often requires the integration of visual and haptic information. Notably, perceiving external objects depends on how our brain binds sensory inputs into a unitary experience. The feedback provided by objects when we interact (through our movements) with them might then influence our perception. In VR, the interaction with an object can be dissociated by the size of the object itself by means of 'colliders' (interactive spaces surrounding the objects). The present study investigates possible after-effects in size discrimination for virtual objects after exposure to a prolonged interaction characterized by visual and haptic incongruencies. A total of 96 participants participated in this virtual reality study. Participants were distributed into four groups, in which they were required to perform a size discrimination task between two cubes before and after 15 min of a visuomotor task involving the interaction with the same virtual cubes. Each group interacted with a different cube where the visual (normal vs. small collider) and the virtual cube's haptic (vibration vs. no vibration) features were manipulated. The quality of interaction (number of touches and trials performed) was used as a dependent variable to investigate the performance in the visuomotor task. To measure bias in size perception, we compared changes in point of subjective equality (PSE) before and after the task in the four groups. The results showed that a small visual collider decreased manipulation performance, regardless of the presence or not of the haptic signal. However, change in PSE was found only in the group exposed to the small visual collider with haptic feedback, leading to increased perception of the cube size. This after-effect was absent in the only visual incongruency condition, suggesting that haptic information and multisensory integration played a crucial role in inducing perceptual changes. The results are discussed considering the recent findings in visual-haptic integration during multisensory information processing in real and virtual environments

    A visually realistic grasping system for object manipulation and interaction in virtual reality environments

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    Interaction in virtual reality (VR) environments is essential to achieve a pleasant and immersive experience. Most of the currently existing VR applications, lack of a robust object grasping and manipulation system, which is the cornerstone of any interaction system. Therefore, we propose a realistic, flexible and robust grasping system that enables rich and real-time interactions in virtual environments. It is visually realistic because it is completely user-controlled, flexible because it can be used for different hand configurations, and robust because it allows the manipulation of objects regardless their geometry, i.e. hand is automatically fitted to the object shape. In order to validate our proposal, an exhaustive qualitative and quantitative performance analysis has been carried out. On the one hand, qualitative evaluation was used in the assessment of abstract aspects such as: hands movement realism, interaction realism and motor control. On the other hand, for the quantitative evaluation a novel error metric has been proposed to visually analyze the performed grips. This metric is based on the computation of the distance from the finger phalanges to nearest contact point on the object surface. These contact points can be used with application purposes mainly in the field of robotics. As a conclusion, system evaluation reports a similar performance between users with previous experience in virtual reality applications and inexperienced users, referring to a steep learning curve.Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Informática. This work was has been also funded by the Spanish Government TIN2016-76515-R grant for the COMBAHO project, supported with Feder funds. This work has also been supported by three Spanish national grants for PhD studies (FPU15/04516, FPU17/00166, and ACIF/2018/197), by the University of Alicante project GRE16-19, and by the Valencian Government project GV/2018/022. Experiments were made possible by a generous hardware donation from NVIDIA

    A multiple optical tracking based approach for enhancing hand-based interaction in virtual reality simulations

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Research exploring natural virtual reality interaction has seen significant success in optical tracker-based approaches, enabling users to freely interact using their hands. Optical based trackers can provide users with real-time, high-fidelity virtual hand representations for natural interaction and an immersive experience. However, work in this area has identified four issues: occlusion, field-of-view, stability and accuracy. To overcome the four key issues, researchers have investigated approaches such as using multiple sensors. Research has shown multi-sensor-based approaches to be effective in improving recognition accuracy. However, such approaches typically use statically positioned sensors, which introduce body occlusion issues that make tracking hands challenging. Machine learning approaches have also been explored to improve gesture recognition. However, such approaches typically require a pre-set gesture vocabulary limiting user actions with larger vocabularies hindering real-time performance. This thesis presents an optical hand-based interaction system that comprises two Leap Motion sensors mounted onto a VR headset at different orientations. Novel approaches to the aggregation and validation of sensor data are presented. A machine learning sub-system is developed to validate hand data received by the sensors. Occlusion detection, stability detection, inferred hands and a hand interpolation sub-system are also developed to ensure that valid hand representations are always shown to the user. In addition, a mesh conformation sub-system ensures 3D objects are appropriately held in a user’s virtual hand. The presented system addresses the four key issues of optical sessions to provide a smooth and consistent user experience. The MOT system is evaluated against traditional interaction approaches; gloves, motion controllers and a single front-facing sensor configuration. The comparative sensor evaluation analysed the validity and availability of tracking data, along with each sensors effect on the MOT system. The results show the MOT provides a more stable experience than the front-facing configuration and produces significantly more valid tracking data. The results also demonstrated the effectiveness of a 45-degree sensor configuration in comparison to a front-facing. Furthermore, the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the MOT systems solutions at handling the four key issues with optical trackers