7 research outputs found

    Generic Design Methodology for Smart Manufacturing Systems From a Practical Perspective. Part II—Systematic Designs of Smart Manufacturing Systems

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    In a traditional system paradigm, an enterprise reference model provides the guide for practitioners to select manufacturing elements, configure elements into a manufacturing system, and model system options for evaluation and comparison of system solutions against given performance metrics. However, a smart manufacturing system aims to reconfigure different systems in achieving high-level smartness in its system lifecycle; moreover, each smart system is customized in terms of the constraints of manufacturing resources and the prioritized performance metrics to achieve system smartness. Few works were found on the development of systematic methodologies for the design of smart manufacturing systems. The novel contributions of the presented work are at two aspects: (1) unified definitions of digital functional elements and manufacturing systems have been proposed; they are generalized to have all digitized characteristics and they are customizable to any manufacturing system with specified manufacturing resources and goals of smartness and (2) a systematic design methodology has been proposed; it can serve as the guide for designs of smart manufacturing systems in specified applications. The presented work consists of two separated parts. In the first part of paper, a simplified definition of smart manufacturing (SM) is proposed to unify the diversified expectations and a newly developed concept digital triad (DT-II) is adopted to define a generic reference model to represent essential features of smart manufacturing systems. In the second part of the paper, the axiomatic design theory (ADT) is adopted and expanded as the generic design methodology for design, analysis, and assessment of smart manufacturing systems. Three case studies are reviewed to illustrate the applications of the proposed methodology, and the future research directions towards smart manufacturing are discussed as a summary in the second part

    Yeni Nesil “Bağlantı”, Yeni Nesil “İletişim”: Nesnelerin İnterneti Üzerine Bir İnceleme The New Generation of “Connection”, The New Generation of “Communication”: An Examination of Internet of Things (IOT)

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    Günümüz teknolojisinin geldiği noktayı gösteren önemli unsurlardan biri olan nesnelerin interneti, teknolojik açıdan gelişimi sürerken araştırmacılar için de bu gelişimi yakalayıp açıklayabilmek için bir fırsat sunmaktadır. “İşletme” literatürü için de henüz başlangıç aşamalarında sayılabilecek nesnelerin interneti konusu, farklı perspektiflerden ele alınarak incelenmeye oldukça açıktır. Bu bağlamda; bu çalışmanın amacı, (i) konuyu “işletmeler” ve “tüketiciler” perspektifiyle ele alarak bu teknolojinin yalnızca “teknolojik bir yenilik” olmadığı; nesnelerin internetinin işletmeler açısından rekabetçi bir yaklaşımla kullanılabileceği ve tüketici/potansiyel tüketici açısından değer yaratabileceğine dair açıklayıcı bir kanıt sunmak ve (ii) nesnelerin internetinin “işletme” genelinde ve “müşteri” özelinde ne ifade ettiğini ortaya koymaktır. Konunun kavramsal çerçevesi, teorik altyapısı, uygulama örnekleri, faydaları ve tehditlerinin incelemeleri neticesinde; nesnelerin internetinin “rekabet avantajı sağlama” yönü üzerinde durularak geleceğine dair çıkarımlarda bulunulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda, kısıt ve öneriler sunulmuş; genel bir sonuç verilmiştir. Internet of things, one of the important elements of today's technology, provides an opportunity for researchers to capture and explain continuous development in the field. The subject “internet of things” which is in the formation stages for the literature of “business” is open to examinations from various perspectives. In this context, the aim of this study is (i) providing evidence to that this technology is not only “a technological innovation"; it can be also used to gain competitive advantage by “businesses” and can create value for “consumers”, and thus (ii) revealing what the internet of things means for "business" and "consumer". The conceptual framework of the subject, the theoretical background, examples of applications, benefits and threats were examined in the scope of the study. After that, the implications about the future of internet of things were presented by focusing on the side of “gaining competitive advantage" of this technology. As a result of the study, limitations of the study, suggestions for future research and a general conclusion were given

    Visualización de datos y data storytelling en la toma de decisiones

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    La mayoría de las organizaciones toman decisiones a diario de manera intuitiva, pero solo el uso de los datos, visualización y data storytelling, les asegura una ventaja competitiva, ya que, al comprender el mensaje oculto de los datos, les genera valor agregado a las organizaciones. Por ello, el propósito de la investigación es contrastar las diversas posturas y valoración de los autores para responder a la interrogante central de este estudio: ¿cuáles son las principales posturas sobre el uso de la visualización de datos y el data storytelling en la toma de decisiones en las organizaciones? El método de investigación fue del tipo cualitativo que identificó los principales enfoques de distintos autores. El estudio se desprende de una nueva revolución industrial a la que están sometidos los tomadores de decisiones: la revolución digital, y quiénes no tengan la capacidad de decidir de forma ágil y efectiva perecerán; es decir, no importa cuán increíble sea su análisis o valiosa sea su información, no generará ningún cambio en las partes interesadas sino logran comprender lo que han hecho. Por ello, la visualización de datos y el data storytelling hace la gran diferencia en la toma de decisiones y accionar de forma oportuna.Most organizations make daily decisions intuitively, but only the use of data, visualization and data storytelling, ensures them a competitive advantage, since, by understanding the hidden message of the data, it generates added value to the organizations. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to contrast the various positions and assessment of the authors to answer the central question of this study: what are the main positions on the use of data visualization and data storytelling in decision making in organizations? The research method is of the qualitative type that identified the main approaches of different authors. The study shows that decision makers are facing a new industrial revolution: the digital one, and those who do not have the ability to decide in an agile and effective way will perish; that is, no matter how incredible their analysis is or how valuable their information is, it does not generate any change in the stakeholders if they do not manage to understand what they have done. Therefore, data visualization and data storytelling make a big difference in making decisions and action in a timely manner.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Smart Manufacturing

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    This book is a collection of 11 articles that are published in the corresponding Machines Special Issue “Smart Manufacturing”. It represents the quality, breadth and depth of the most updated study in smart manufacturing (SM); in particular, digital technologies are deployed to enhance system smartness by (1) empowering physical resources in production, (2) utilizing virtual and dynamic assets over the Internet to expand system capabilities, (3) supporting data-driven decision-making activities at various domains and levels of businesses, or (4) reconfiguring systems to adapt to changes and uncertainties. System smartness can be evaluated by one or a combination of performance metrics such as degree of automation, cost-effectiveness, leanness, robustness, flexibility, adaptability, sustainability, and resilience. This book features, firstly, the concepts digital triad (DT-II) and Internet of digital triad things (IoDTT), proposed to deal with the complexity, dynamics, and scalability of complex systems simultaneously. This book also features a comprehensive survey of the applications of digital technologies in space instruments; a systematic literature search method is used to investigate the impact of product design and innovation on the development of space instruments. In addition, the survey provides important information and critical considerations for using cutting edge digital technologies in designing and manufacturing space instruments

    An industrial analytics methodology and fog computing cyber-physical system for Industry 4.0 embedded machine learning applications

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    Industrial cyber-physical systems are the primary enabling technology for Industry 4.0, which combine legacy industrial and control engineering, with emerging technology paradigms (e.g. big data, internet-of-things, artificial intelligence, and machine learning), to derive self-aware and self-configuring factories capable of delivering major production innovations. However, the technologies and architectures needed to connect and extend physical factory operations to the cyber world have not been fully resolved. Although cloud computing and service-oriented architectures demonstrate strong adoption, such implementations are commonly produced using information technology perspectives, which can overlook engineering, control and Industry 4.0 design concerns relating to real-time performance, reliability or resilience. Hence, this research compares the latency and reliability performance of cyber-physical interfaces implemented using traditional cloud computing (i.e. centralised), and emerging fog computing (i.e. decentralised) paradigms, to deliver real-time embedded machine learning engineering applications for Industry 4.0. The findings highlight that despite the cloud’s highly scalable processing capacity, the fog’s decentralised, localised and autonomous topology may provide greater consistency, reliability, privacy and security for Industry 4.0 engineering applications, with the difference in observed maximum latency ranging from 67.7% to 99.4%. In addition, communication failures rates highlighted differences in both consistency and reliability, with the fog interface successfully responding to 900,000 communication requests (i.e. 0% failure rate), and the cloud interface recording failure rates of 0.11%, 1.42%, and 6.6% under varying levels of stress

    A Visualization Platform for Internet of Things in Manufacturing Applications

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a visualization platform to control and monitor wireless sensor networks (WSNs) inmanufacturing applications. Design/methodology/approach – To make the platform flexible and versatile, a modular framework is adopted inmodeling and visualizing WSNs. The Eclipse programming environment is used to maximize the scalability and adaptability of the platform. A set of the core functional modules have been designed and implemented to support the system operation. The platform is validated through a case study simulation. Findings – The platform is capable of accommodating different operating systems such as Windows and Linux. It allows integrating new plug-ins developed in various languages such as Java, C, C++, and Matlab. The Graphic User Interface has been applied to process and visualize the acquired real-time data from a WSN, and the embodied methodologies can be used to predict the behaviors of objects in the network. Research limitations/implications – The work has shown the feasibility and potential of the proposed platform in improving the real-time performance of WSN. However, the number of the developed functional modules is limited, and additional effort is required to develop sophisticated functional modules or sub-systems for a customized application. Practical implications – The platform can be applied to monitor and visualize various WSN applicationsin manufacturing environments such as automated workcells, transportation systems, logistic, and storage systems. Originality/value – The work is motivated by the scarce research on the development tools for monitoring and visualization of WSNs in manufacturing applications. The proposed platform serves for both of system developers and users. It is modularized with a set of core functional modules; it can be extended to accommodate new functional modules with a minimal effort for a different application