10 research outputs found

    Intelligent blockchain management for distributed knowledge graphs in IoT 5G environments

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    This article introduces a new problem of distributed knowledge graph, in IoT 5G setting. We developed an end-to-end solution for solving such problem by exploring the blockchain management and intelligent method for producing the better matching of the concepts and relations of the set of knowledge graphs. The concepts and the relations of the knowledge graphs are divided into several components, each of which contains similar concepts and relations. Instead of exploring the whole concepts and the relations of the knowledge graphs, only the representative of these components is compared during the matching process. The framework has outperformed state-of-the-art knowledge graph matching algorithms using different scenarios as input in the experiments. In addition, to confirm the usability of our suggested framework, an in-depth experimental analysis has been done; the results are very promising in both runtime and accuracy.publishedVersio

    Uncovering Hidden Semantics of Set Information in Knowledge Bases

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    Knowledge Bases (KBs) contain a wealth of structured information about entities and predicates. This paper focuses on set-valued predicates, i.e., the relationship between an entity and a set of entities. In KBs, this information is often represented in two formats: (i) via counting predicates such as numberOfChildren and staffSize, that store aggregated integers, and (ii) via enumerating predicates such as parentOf and worksFor, that store individual set memberships. Both formats are typically complementary: unlike enumerating predicates, counting predicates do not give away individuals, but are more likely informative towards the true set size, thus this coexistence could enable interesting applications in question answering and KB curation. In this paper we aim at uncovering this hidden knowledge. We proceed in two steps. (i) We identify set-valued predicates from a given KB predicates via statistical and embedding-based features. (ii) We link counting predicates and enumerating predicates by a combination of co-occurrence, correlation and textual relatedness metrics. We analyze the prevalence of count information in four prominent knowledge bases, and show that our linking method achieves up to 0.55 F1 score in set predicate identification versus 0.40 F1 score of a random selection, and normalized discounted gains of up to 0.84 at position 1 and 0.75 at position 3 in relevant predicate alignments. Our predicate alignments are showcased in a demonstration system available at https://counqer.mpi-inf.mpg.de/spo

    An ontology matching approach for semantic modeling: A case study in smart cities

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    This paper investigates the semantic modeling of smart cities and proposes two ontology matching frameworks, called Clustering for Ontology Matching-based Instances (COMI) and Pattern mining for Ontology Matching-based Instances (POMI). The goal is to discover the relevant knowledge by investigating the correlations among smart city data based on clustering and pattern mining approaches. The COMI method first groups the highly correlated ontologies of smart-city data into similar clusters using the generic k-means algorithm. The key idea of this method is that it clusters the instances of each ontology and then matches two ontologies by matching their clusters and the corresponding instances within the clusters. The POMI method studies the correlations among the data properties and selects the most relevant properties for the ontology matching process. To demonstrate the usefulness and accuracy of the COMI and POMI frameworks, several experiments on the DBpedia, Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative, and NOAA ontology databases were conducted. The results show that COMI and POMI outperform the state-of-the-art ontology matching models regarding computational cost without losing the quality during the matching process. Furthermore, these results confirm the ability of COMI and POMI to deal with heterogeneous large-scale data in smart-city environments.publishedVersio

    Proposta de integração e disponibilização de informações do censo da educação superior e do Sinaes no painel da avaliação dos cursos superiores

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    Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Métodos e Gestão em Avaliação, Florianópolis, 2015Esta dissertação propõe a integração e a disponibilização na web dos dados da avaliação da educação superior, com base nos princípios da Lei de Acesso à Informação e dos Dados Governamentais Abertos. O objetivo é tornar as informações mais acessíveis à sociedade visto que a disponibilização nos sítios oficiais do governo ocorre de forma dispersa, não integrada e, por vezes, não contextualizada, dificultando a apropriação da informação por parte do cidadão comum. A relevância desse trabalho reside na apresentação de uma solução prática para a dificuldade de acesso, bem como na contribuição da discussão sobre a temática de acesso à informação pública na gestão da avaliação da educação. Essa dissertação constitui-se em pesquisa científica aplicada, descritiva e com análise qualitativa. Para o alcance dos objetivos desse estudo, foi realizado o levantamento das informações produzidas pelo Censo da Educação Superior e pelo Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior, no que tange aos cursos de graduação. Em seguida foi realizado o mapeamento da disponibilização desse conteúdo no Portal INEP e no Sistema e-MEC. Ao final do mapeamento foi possível pré-definir as variáveis, as quais foram analisadas à luz do Modelo de Maturidade de Dados Abertos proposto por Berners-Lee (2006), a fim de se chegar à definição final das variáveis aptas a serem integradas e disponibilizadas em formato acessível à sociedade. O Painel da Avaliação dos Cursos Superiores desenvolvido por Speroni et. al. (2014) foi utilizado como meio para proposição de integração e disponibilização dessas informações. Por fim, foi demostrada a viabilidade dessa pesquisa, por meio do padrão Linked Open Data.Abstract : This dissertation proposes the integration and the availability on the web of data of higher education evaluation, according to the principles of the Information Access Act and of the Government Open Data. Its objective is to make information more accessible to society as a provision in the government's official sites occurs in a dispersed form, not-integrated and, sometimes, not-contextualized, which make difficult the appropriation of the information by the ordinary citizen. The relevance of this work lies in presenting a practical solution to the problem highlighted, as well as in promoting the discussion on the topic of access to public information in evaluating the management of higher education. This dissertation constitutes an applied scientific research and descriptive research and its analysis is qualitative. In order to fulfil the main objective, the data collected by the Higher Education Census and the information produced by the National System for Higher Education Evaluation, regarding the undergraduate courses, was gathered. Afterwards, a mapping of this content on the INEP Web Portal and on e-MEC system took place to verify information availability. At the end of this process, it was possible to pre-define variables which were analized in accordance with the Open Data Maturity Model, proposed by Berners-Lee (2006), to define a final list of felicitous variables to be integrated and made available to the public in an accessible format. The Higher Education Course Evaluation Panel developed by Speroni et. al. (2014) was applied as a proposal for integrating and making this information available. Finally, the proposal of this research was demonstrated viable by the Linked Open Data standards

    Product change management: to improve the through-life management of high-value, long-life products

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    The designs of complex products such as aircraft, trains and industrial plant continually evolve, during design, manufacture and also during their operating lives. Such products are invariably managed in complex multi-stakeholder environments. The product change process generates significant volumes of information and this continues through-life as designs are modified in the light of technological innovation, supplier changes and operating experience. The volume of information generated is enabled by increased network connectivity together with the competitive advantages that can be derived from greater product knowledge derived from monitoring product performance. As the service economy has grown, manufacturing and maintenance activities have increasingly been outsourced to enable a greater focus on higher, value-added, aftermarket, support services. Consequently, while the responsibility for managing the design of the end product rests with “Tier 1” manufacturers, operators and maintainers, there has been a significant increase in the responsibility for suppliers to manage design changes. To improve the management of the product change process is difficult because it spans many organizations in the supply chain and to make progress requires collaborative action. Managing products during their life, particularly in the context of design changes, is a complex process that requires the coordination of many activities spanning design, procurement, production, marketing, sales, support and disposal. These activities constitute a complex process model that is highly dependent on accurate information and can have a significant impact on an organization’s cost base. In addition "products" sold by a Manufacturer are often described as "assets" by a product operator. Regardless of whether something is considered a "product" or an "asset", the change process is supported by a value chain that spans both the domains of manufacturing and support services. Working practices and skills must constantly adapt in response to innovation and this includes the mental perspectives with which people view the world and solve problems. A significant challenge that organizations face when seeking to remain competitive relates to the need to respond to the challenges of innovation. This drives a perpetual cycle of problem solving whereby existing operations are assessed and opportunities for improvement identified. This research assesses the challenges to maintaining design integrity throughout the product lifecycle, explores the impact of inaccurate product information and sets-out an approach to achieving improvements to the management of product information specifically for complex products

    Emergência de um campo de ação estratégica : o caso de política pública sobre dados abertos

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2014.Esta tese tem como objetivo geral compreender a dinâmica das interações ao redor das políticas públicas de produção e consumo de dados abertos governamentais, sendo estas caracterizadas como um campo de ação estratégica emergente. Um campo de ação estratégica emergente corresponde a espaço social sem existência de regras compartilhadas, mas no qual os atores, de forma incremental, passam a levar em conta uns aos outros na elaboração e execução de suas ações. Já o termo “dados abertos governamentais” refere-se aos elementos gerados nos processos de governo que passam a ser disponibilizados para consumo de outros atores. Esses objetos de estudo levaram a revisões de literatura que cobriram temas como a teoria de campos, institucionalismo, movimentos sociais e transparência. A pesquisa realizada teve natureza qualitativa e pode ser enquadrada como exploratória e descritiva. O recorte temporal da pesquisa foi transversal, já que os dados foram coletados num intervalo relativamente curto; porém, possui uma perspectiva longitudinal, uma vez que procurou remontar a trajetória observada ao redor de políticas públicas de produção e consumo de dados abertos. A coleta de dados utilizou-se tanto de pesquisa de campo, através de entrevistas e leitura de documentos, como bibliográfica. As análises foram feitas com o suporte de ferramentas Atlas.TI para enquadramento dos dados em categorias e análise dos mesmos. As pesquisas mostraram que o estado em que se encontram as políticas públicas de produção e consumo de dados abertos permite o entendimento de que o espaço social estudado se caracteriza como um campo de ação estratégica emergente. A emergência do campo focado sofreu forte influência de fatores internacionais, que atuam como elementos legitimadores das regras do jogo tanto sobre a transparência como sobre as formas de fazê-la, como é o caso de dados abertos governamentais. Tais influências foram sentidas sobre cinco grupos diferentes de atores: Estado, Unidades Internas de Governança, organizações da sociedade civil, universidades e empresas. Observou-se que as lutas travadas por esses atores no interior do campo emergente focado são influenciadas pela posse de cinco tipos diferentes de capital: técnico, social, simbólico, econômico e informacional. O trabalho contribui ainda com o levantamento, a partir de narrativas que tendem a dominar as pautas dos acordos que influenciarão a estabilização do campo, de uma extensa agenda para negociação e ação. Essa agenda pode ser de utilidade às partes interessadas, principalmente por oferecer uma visão abrangente, baseada nas funções da transparência, no uso de capitais e nas possibilidades de atuação dos diversos atores envolvidos. Sob o ponto de vista acadêmico, este trabalho contribuiu para mostrar uma forma de operacionalizar conceitos trazidos pelas teorias que tratam de campos de ação estratégica, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao estado de emergência de um campo, além de ter evidenciado pontos fortes e sugestões de aperfeiçoamento dessas teorias.The overall objective of this thesis is to understand the dynamics of the interactions with respect to public policy for the production and consumption of open government data, characterized as an emergent strategic action field. An emergent strategic action field is a social space without established rules but in which actors increasingly take each other into consideration when developing and carrying out their actions. Open government data are data created in governmental processes that are made available for us by other actors. Literature reviewed with respect to these objects of study included the topics of field theory, institutionalism, social movements and transparency. The research carried out was qualitative, exploratory and descriptive in nature. Research was cross-sectional with a longitudinal perspective, in that while all data were collected within a relatively short timeframe but with the purpose of reconstructing the trajectory observed with respect to public policy about the production and use of open data. Data collection involved bibliographic, document and field research. Analyses were carried out with the support of Atlas.TI for classification of data in categories and analysis of this data. Research showed that public policy for production and use of open data can be understood as a social space having the characteristics of an emergent strategic action field. The emergence of this field has been strongly influenced by international factors that act as legitimating elements for rules of the game, with respect both to transparency and to the ways of achieving transparency, as is the case of open government data. These influences were felt by five different groups of actors: the State, Internal Governance Units, organized civil society, universities and business firms. It was perceived that the struggles engage in by actors within the emergent field were influenced by the possession of five different types of capital: technical, social, symbolic, economic and informational. Contributions of the thesis include the identification of an extensive agenda for negotiation and action, based on the narratives that tend to dominate the discussions around the agreements necessary for stabilization of the field. This agenda may be of use to the parties interested in these discussions, principally in offering a broad perspective based on the functions of transparency, the use of different capitals and the possibilities for action available to the different actors. From the academic point of view, the contribution of the thesis is in showing a way to operationalize concepts of the theories that deal with strategic action fields, especially with respect to the emergent phase of a field, and in evidencing strong points of and suggesting refinements to these theories

    A unified approach to matching semantic data on the Web

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    In recent years, the Web has evolved from a global information space of linked documents to a space where data are linked as well. The Linking Open Data (LOD) project has enabled a large number of semantic datasets to be published on the Web. Due to the open and distributed nature of the Web, both the schema (ontology classes and properties) and instances of the published datasets may have heterogeneity problems. In this context, the matching of entities from different datasets is important for the integration of information from different data sources. Recently, much work has been conducted on ontology matching to resolve the schema heterogeneity problem in the semantic datasets. However, there is no unified framework for matching both schema entities and instances. This paper presents a unified matching approach to finding equivalent entities in ontologies and LOD datasets on the Web. The approach first combines multiple lexical matching strategies using a novel voting-based aggregation method; then it utilizes the structural information and the already found correspondences to discover additional ones. We evaluated our approach using datasets from both OAEI and LOD. The results show that the voting-based aggregation method provides highly accurate matching results, and that the structural propagation procedure effectively improves the recall of the results