12 research outputs found

    A Syntactic Model of Mutation and Aliasing

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    Traditionally, semantic models of imperative languages use an auxiliary structure which mimics memory. In this way, ownership and other encapsulation properties need to be reconstructed from the graph structure of such global memory. We present an alternative "syntactic" model where memory is encoded as part of the program rather than as a separate resource. This means that execution can be modelled by just rewriting source code terms, as in semantic models for functional programs. Formally, this is achieved by the block construct, introducing local variable declarations, which play the role of memory when their initializing expressions have been evaluated. In this way, we obtain a language semantics which directly represents at the syntactic level constraints on aliasing, allowing simpler reasoning about related properties. To illustrate this advantage, we consider the issue, widely studied in the literature, of characterizing an isolated portion of memory, which cannot be reached through external references. In the syntactic model, closed block values, called "capsules", provide a simple representation of isolated portions of memory, and capsules can be safely moved to another location in the memory, without introducing sharing, by means of "affine' variables. We prove that the syntactic model can be encoded in the conventional one, hence efficiently implemented.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2018 and ITRS 2018 , arXiv:1904.0956

    Objects as session-typed processes

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    A key idea in object-oriented programming is that objects encapsulate state and interact with each other by message exchange. This perspective suggests a model of computation that is inherently concurrent (to facilitate simultaneous mes-sage exchange) and that accounts for the effect of message exchange on an object’s state (to express valid sequences of state transitions). In this paper we show that such a model of computation arises naturally from session-based commu-nication. We introduce an object-oriented programming lan-guage that has processes as its only objects and employs lin-ear session types to express the protocols of message ex-change and to reason about concurrency and state. Based on various examples we show that our language supports the typical patterns of object-oriented programming (e.g., en-capsulation, dynamic dispatch, and subtyping) while guar-anteeing session fidelity in a concurrent setting. In addition, we show that our language facilitates new forms of expres-sion (e.g., type-directed reuse, internal choice), which are not available in current object-oriented languages. We have implemented our language in a prototype compiler

    A linear concurrent constraint approach for the automatic verification of access permissions

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    A Conservative Type System Based on Fractional Permissions

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    The system of fractional permissions is a useful tool for giving semantics to various annotations for uniqueness, data groups, method effect, nullness, etc. However, due to its complexity, the current implementation for fractional permissions has various performance issues, and is not suitable for real world applications. This thesis presents a conservative type system on top of the existing fractional permission type system. The system is designed with high-level types, and is more restrictive. The benefit is that it can run much faster. With this system, we propose a multi-tiered approach for type checking: the conservative type system is first applied, and only those that it cannot handle will then be processed by the more powerful fractional permission system. A crucial property about a type system is its soundness. In this thesis we also present a mechanized proof, written in Twelf, for the conservative type system. A mechanized proof is checked by computer, and offers much more confidence about its correctness. Moreover, we proved the soundness property with a novel approach: instead of defining the semantics of the language and proving progress and preservation directly, we delegate it to the soundness proof of the fractional permission system. The novel technical features in this thesis include: 1) a multi-tiered approach for type checking and a conservative type system build on top of fractional permissions; 2) a mechanized proof for the type system, and 3) a novel way of proving soundness property for a type system

    Coping with the reality: adding crucial features to a typestate-oriented language

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    Detecting programming errors and vulnerabilities in software is increasingly important, and building tools that help with this task is an area of investigation, crucial for the industry these days. When programming in an object-oriented language, one naturally defines stateful objects that are non-uniform, i.e., their methods’ availability depends on their internal state. One might represent their intended usage protocol with an automaton or a state machine. Behavioral types allow to statically check if all the code of a program respects the usage protocol of each object. In this thesis we present a tool that extends Java with typestate definitions. These typestates are associated with Java classes and define the behavior of instances of those classes, specifying the sequences of method calls allowed. This tool checks statically that method calls happen in order, following the specified behavior. The tool was implemented in Kotlin as a plugin for the Checker Framework. It is a new implementation of the Mungo tool and supports prevention of null pointer errors, state transitions depending on return values, assurance of protocol completion, droppable states, and association of protocols with classes from the standard Java library or from third-party libraries. Additionally, the tool integrates behavioral types with access permissions, allowing objects to be shared in a controlled way using a language of assertions. This language of assertions supports concepts like packing and unpacking, including unpacking of aliases objects, and transferring of permissions between aliases. To relieve the programmer from manually writing all the necessary assertions, the tool implements an inference algorithm which analyzes the code statically and, given the uses of objects, constructs all the required assertions.A deteção de erros de programação e vulnerabilidades no software é cada vez mais importante, e a criação de ferramentas que ajudem nesta tarefa é uma área de investigação crucial para a indústria atualmente. Ao programar numa linguagem orientada a objetos, definem-se naturalmente objetos com estado que não são uniformes, ou seja, a disponibilidade dos seus métodos depende do seu estado interno. Pode-se representar o protocolo de uso pretendido com um autómato ou uma máquina de estados. Os tipos comportamentais permitem verificar estaticamente se todo o código de um programa respeita o protocolo de uso de cada objeto. Nesta tese apresentamos uma ferramenta que estende o Java com definições de typestates. Esses estão associados às classes Java e definem o comportamento das instâncias dessas classes, especificando as sequências de chamadas de métodos permitidas. Esta ferramenta verifica estaticamente se as chamadas de métodos ocorrem pela ordem correta, seguindo o comportamento especificado. A ferramenta foi implementada em Kotlin como um plugin para o Checker Framework. É uma implementação nova da ferramenta Mungo e suporta a prevenção de erros de ponteiro nulo, transições de estado dependendo de valores de retorno, asseguração da conclusão dos protocolos, objetos que podem ser «largados», e a associação de protocolos com classes da biblioteca padrão do Java ou de terceiros. Além disso, esta integra tipos comportamentais com permissões de acesso, permitindo que objetos possam ser partilhados por meio de uma linguagem de asserções. Esta linguagem de asserções oferece suporte para conceitos como packing e unpacking, incluindo unpacking de objetos partilhados, e transferência de permissões entre variáveis que apontam para o mesmo objeto. Para aliviar o programador de escrever manualmente todas as asserções necessárias, a ferramenta implementa um algoritmo de inferência que analisa o código estaticamente e, consoante os usos dos objetos, constrói todas as asserções necessárias

    Certified Reasoning for Automated Verification

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    A theory of types for security and privacy

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    Im modernen Internet sind kryptographische Protokolle allgegenwärtig. Ihre Entwicklung ist jedoch schwierig und eine manuelle Sicherheitsanalyse mühsam und fehleranfällig. Ein Mangel an exakten Sicherheitsbeweisen führt daher zu oft gravierenden Sicherheitsmängeln in vielen Protokollen. Um Datenschutz und Sicherheit kryptographischer Protokolle zu verbessern und deren Verifikation zu vereinfachen, konzentriert sich ein Großteil der Forschung auf formale Protokollanalyse. Dies führte zur Entwicklung automatischer Tools, die auf symbolischen Kryptographie-Abstraktionen basieren. Jedoch gibt es weiterhin zahlreiche Protokolle und Sicherheitseigenschaften, deren Analyse zu komplex für aktuelle Systeme ist. Diese Dissertation stellt drei neuartige Frameworks zur Verifikation von Sicherheitsprotokollen und ihren Implementierungen vor. Sie nutzen eine leistungsstarker Typisierung für Sicherheit und Datenschutz und verbessern damit die aktuelle, Beschränkungen unterworfene Situation. Mit AF7 präsentieren wir die erste statische Typisierung von Protokollimplementierungen bezüglich Sicherheitseigenschaften, die in affiner Logik formuliert sind. Zudem sorgt unsere neuartige typbasierte, automatische Analysetechnik von elektronischen Wahlsystemen für Datenschutz und Überprüfbarkeit im Wahlprozess. Schließlich stellen wir mit DF7 das erste affine Typsystem zur statischen, automatischen Verifikation der sogenannten Distributed Differential Privacy in Protokollimplementierungen vor.Cryptographic protocols are ubiquitous in the modern web. However, they are notoriously difficult to design and their manual security analysis is both tedious and error-prone. Due to the lack of rigorous security proofs, many protocols have been discovered to be flawed. To improve the security and privacy guarantees of cryptographic protocols and their implementations and to facilitate their verification, a lot of research has been directed towards the formal analysis of such protocols. This has led to the development of several automated tools based on symbolic abstractions of cryptography. Unfortunately, there are still various cryptographic protocols and properties that are out of the scope of current systems. This thesis introduces three novel frameworks for the verification of security protocols and their implementations based on powerful types for security and privacy, overcoming the limitations of current state-of-the-art approaches. With AF7 we present the first type system that statically enforces the safety of cryptographic protocol implementations with respect to authorization policies expressed in affine logic. Furthermore, our novel approach for the automated analysis of e-voting systems based on refinement type systems can be used to enforce both privacy and verifiability. Finally, with DF7, we present the first affine, distanceaware type system to statically and automatically enforce distributed differential privacy in cryptographic protocol implementations