16,476 research outputs found

    Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential RNA-Transcript Expression from Read Counts

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    As a fruit of the current revolution in sequencing technology, transcriptomes can now be analyzed at an unprecedented level of detail. These advances have been exploited for detecting differential expressed genes across biological samples and for quantifying the abundances of various RNA transcripts within one gene. However, explicit strategies for detecting the hidden differential abundances of RNA transcripts in biological samples have not been defined. In this work, we present two novel statistical tests to address this issue: a 'gene structure sensitive' Poisson test for detecting differential expression when the transcript structure of the gene is known, and a kernel-based test called Maximum Mean Discrepancy when it is unknown. We analyzed the proposed approaches on simulated read data for two artificial samples as well as on factual reads generated by the Illumina Genome Analyzer for two _C. elegans_ samples. Our analysis shows that the Poisson test identifies genes with differential transcript expression considerably better that previously proposed RNA transcript quantification approaches for this task. The MMD test is able to detect a large fraction (75%) of such differential cases without the knowledge of the annotated transcripts. It is therefore well-suited to analyze RNA-Seq experiments when the genome annotations are incomplete or not available, where other approaches have to fail

    Simultaneous profiling of transcriptome and DNA methylome from a single cell.

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    BackgroundSingle-cell transcriptome and single-cell methylome technologies have become powerful tools to study RNA and DNA methylation profiles of single cells at a genome-wide scale. A major challenge has been to understand the direct correlation of DNA methylation and gene expression within single-cells. Due to large cell-to-cell variability and the lack of direct measurements of transcriptome and methylome of the same cell, the association is still unclear.ResultsHere, we describe a novel method (scMT-seq) that simultaneously profiles both DNA methylome and transcriptome from the same cell. In sensory neurons, we consistently identify transcriptome and methylome heterogeneity among single cells but the majority of the expression variance is not explained by proximal promoter methylation, with the exception of genes that do not contain CpG islands. By contrast, gene body methylation is positively associated with gene expression for only those genes that contain a CpG island promoter. Furthermore, using single nucleotide polymorphism patterns from our hybrid mouse model, we also find positive correlation of allelic gene body methylation with allelic expression.ConclusionsOur method can be used to detect transcriptome, methylome, and single nucleotide polymorphism information within single cells to dissect the mechanisms of epigenetic gene regulation

    BNP-Seq: Bayesian Nonparametric Differential Expression Analysis of Sequencing Count Data

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    We perform differential expression analysis of high-throughput sequencing count data under a Bayesian nonparametric framework, removing sophisticated ad-hoc pre-processing steps commonly required in existing algorithms. We propose to use the gamma (beta) negative binomial process, which takes into account different sequencing depths using sample-specific negative binomial probability (dispersion) parameters, to detect differentially expressed genes by comparing the posterior distributions of gene-specific negative binomial dispersion (probability) parameters. These model parameters are inferred by borrowing statistical strength across both the genes and samples. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world RNA sequencing count data show that the proposed differential expression analysis algorithms clearly outperform previously proposed ones in terms of the areas under both the receiver operating characteristic and precision-recall curves.Comment: To appear in Journal of the American Statistical Associatio

    Differential meta-analysis of RNA-seq data from multiple studies

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    High-throughput sequencing is now regularly used for studies of the transcriptome (RNA-seq), particularly for comparisons among experimental conditions. For the time being, a limited number of biological replicates are typically considered in such experiments, leading to low detection power for differential expression. As their cost continues to decrease, it is likely that additional follow-up studies will be conducted to re-address the same biological question. We demonstrate how p-value combination techniques previously used for microarray meta-analyses can be used for the differential analysis of RNA-seq data from multiple related studies. These techniques are compared to a negative binomial generalized linear model (GLM) including a fixed study effect on simulated data and real data on human melanoma cell lines. The GLM with fixed study effect performed well for low inter-study variation and small numbers of studies, but was outperformed by the meta-analysis methods for moderate to large inter-study variability and larger numbers of studies. To conclude, the p-value combination techniques illustrated here are a valuable tool to perform differential meta-analyses of RNA-seq data by appropriately accounting for biological and technical variability within studies as well as additional study-specific effects. An R package metaRNASeq is available on the R Forge

    A High-Throughput Method for Illumina RNA-Seq Library Preparation.

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    With the introduction of cost effective, rapid, and superior quality next generation sequencing techniques, gene expression analysis has become viable for labs conducting small projects as well as large-scale gene expression analysis experiments. However, the available protocols for construction of RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) libraries are expensive and/or difficult to scale for high-throughput applications. Also, most protocols require isolated total RNA as a starting point. We provide a cost-effective RNA-Seq library synthesis protocol that is fast, starts with tissue, and is high-throughput from tissue to synthesized library. We have also designed and report a set of 96 unique barcodes for library adapters that are amenable to high-throughput sequencing by a large combination of multiplexing strategies. Our developed protocol has more power to detect differentially expressed genes when compared to the standard Illumina protocol, probably owing to less technical variation amongst replicates. We also address the problem of gene-length biases affecting differential gene expression calls and demonstrate that such biases can be efficiently minimized during mRNA isolation for library preparation

    Methods for Joint Normalization and Comparison of Hi-C data

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    The development of chromatin conformation capture technology has opened new avenues of study into the 3D structure and function of the genome. Chromatin structure is known to influence gene regulation, and differences in structure are now emerging as a mechanism of regulation between, e.g., cell differentiation and disease vs. normal states. Hi-C sequencing technology now provides a way to study the 3D interactions of the chromatin over the whole genome. However, like all sequencing technologies, Hi-C suffers from several forms of bias stemming from both the technology and the DNA sequence itself. Several normalization methods have been developed for normalizing individual Hi-C datasets, but little work has been done on developing joint normalization methods for comparing two or more Hi-C datasets. To make full use of Hi-C data, joint normalization and statistical comparison techniques are needed to carry out experiments to identify regions where chromatin structure differs between conditions. We develop methods for the joint normalization and comparison of two Hi-C datasets, which we then extended to more complex experimental designs. Our normalization method is novel in that it makes use of the distance-dependent nature of chromatin interactions. Our modification of the Minus vs. Average (MA) plot to the Minus vs. Distance (MD) plot allows for a nonparametric data-driven normalization technique using loess smoothing. Additionally, we present a simple statistical method using Z-scores for detecting differentially interacting regions between two datasets. Our initial method was published as the Bioconductor R package HiCcompare [http://bioconductor.org/packages/HiCcompare/](http://bioconductor.org/packages/HiCcompare/). We then further extended our normalization and comparison method for use in complex Hi-C experiments with more than two datasets and optional covariates. We extended the normalization method to jointly normalize any number of Hi-C datasets by using a cyclic loess procedure on the MD plot. The cyclic loess normalization technique can remove between dataset biases efficiently and effectively even when several datasets are analyzed at one time. Our comparison method implements a generalized linear model-based approach for comparing complex Hi-C experiments, which may have more than two groups and additional covariates. The extended methods are also available as a Bioconductor R package [http://bioconductor.org/packages/multiHiCcompare/](http://bioconductor.org/packages/multiHiCcompare/). Finally, we demonstrate the use of HiCcompare and multiHiCcompare in several test cases on real data in addition to comparing them to other similar methods (https://doi.org/10.1002/cpbi.76)

    ProcessDriver: A Computational Pipeline to Identify Copy Number Drivers and Associated Disrupted Biological Processes in Cancer

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    Copy number amplifications and deletions that are recurrent in cancer samples harbor genes that confer a fitness advantage to cancer tumor proliferation and survival. One important challenge in computational biology is to separate the causal (i.e., driver) genes from passenger genes in large, aberrated regions. Many previous studies focus on the genes within the aberration (i.e., cis genes), but do not utilize the genes that are outside of the aberrated region and dysregulated as a result of the aberration (i.e., trans genes). We propose a computational pipeline, called ProcessDriver, that prioritizes candidate drivers by relating cis genes to dysregulated trans genes and biological processes. ProcessDriver is based on the assumption that a driver cis gene should be closely associated with the dysregulated trans genes and biological processes, as opposed to previous studies that assume a driver cis gene should be the most correlated gene to the copy number of an aberrated region. We applied our method on breast, bladder and ovarian cancer data from the Cancer Genome Atlas database. Our results included previously known driver genes and cancer genes, as well as potentially novel driver genes. Additionally, many genes in the final set of drivers were linked to new tumor events after initial treatment using survival analysis. Our results highlight the importance of selecting driver genes based on their widespread downstream effects in trans