8 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Produksi Produk UMKM Agrobisnis dengan Bahan Baku Produk Pertanian Musiman

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    Indonesia sebagai negara agraris memiliki banyak UMKM Agrobisnis yang memproses bahan baku hasil produk pertanian menjadi berbagai jenis produk. Permasalahan klasik yang sering ditemui oleh industri tersebut adalah ketersediaan bahan baku yang pada umumnya adalah produk pertanian yang bersifat musiman. Ketersediaan bahan baku tersebut menyebabkan harga bahan baku yang relatif rendah pada masa musim panen dan juga sebaliknya harga bahan baku yang relatif tinggi di luar musim panen. Sementara itu, pola permintaan dari produk pada umumnya juga tidak mengikuti pola musiman ketersediaan bahan baku. Artikel ini merumuskan model perencanaan produksi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi situasi yang umum dihadapi oleh UMKM Agrobisnis tersebut. Tiga studi kasus untuk mengimplementasikan model perencanaan produksi dibahas juga dalam artikel ini, yaitu pada UMKM manisan carica, UMKM makanan ringan rumput laut, dan UMKM tepung beras

    Estudio de la cadena de suministro de alimentos perecederos

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    The main objective of this article is to carry out a review of the literature focused on the perishable food supply chain management, analyzing the various stages of the chain through different examples, opinions and solutions presented in various research articles. The importance of collaboration between the different parties involved in the supply chain is analyzed, as well as the importance of the flow of information, for which the example of the transport and distribution process of small producers in rural areas is studied. Similarly, proposals and strategies are discussed to extend the useful life of perishable products in production processes, through the study of Kimchi production in a Korean factory, resulting in a proposal to implement processes to extend the life useful of the inputs within the main production process. The challenges faced with respect to the distribution stage to the final consumer are also analyzed, for which the case of supermarkets and the main challenges they face in terms of the supply and sale of perishable products are discussed, for which is proposed the implementation of a dynamic sourcing policy, as opposed to traditional fixed batch sourcing methods. In addition, there are challenges and opportunities regarding the transport of perishable food, for which strategies are proposed that integrate cross docking and route optimization, in order to reduce inventory levels and minimize the risk of losses. Finally, a proposal is presented to characterize the agro-industrial production chains, which are highly complex due to the large number of intermediaries that play a role in them.El presente art铆culo tiene como principal objetivo realizar una revisi贸n de la literatura centrada en la gesti贸n de la cadena de suministro de alimentos perecederos, analizando las diversas etapas de la cadena a trav茅s de diferentes ejemplos, opiniones y soluciones planteadas en diversos art铆culos de investigaci贸n. Se analiza la importancia de la colaboraci贸n entre las distintas partes involucradas en la cadena de suministro, as铆 como de la importancia del flujo de informaci贸n, para lo cual se toma el ejemplo del proceso de transporte y distribuci贸n de peque帽os productores en zonas rurales. De igual manera, se comentan propuestas y estrategias para alargar la vida 煤til de insumos perecederos en procesos de producci贸n, a trav茅s del estudio de la producci贸n del Kimchi en una f谩brica coreana, dando como resultado una propuesta de implementar procesos para alargar la vida 煤til de los insumos dentro del proceso productivo principal. Tambi茅n se analiza los retos que se afronta respecto a la etapa de distribuci贸n hacia el consumidor final, para lo cual se comenta el caso de supermercados y los principales retos que afronta en cuanto al abastecimiento y venta de productos perecederos, ante lo cual se propone la implementaci贸n de una pol铆tica de abastecimiento din谩mica, en contraposici贸n a los m茅todos tradicionales de abastecimiento mediante lotes fijos. Adem谩s, se presentan retos y oportunidades en cuanto al transporte de alimentos perecibles, para lo cual se proponen estrategias que integren el cross docking y la optimizaci贸n de rutas, con la finalidad de disminuir los niveles de inventarios y minimizar el riesgo por p茅rdidas. Por 煤ltimo, se presenta una propuesta para caracterizar las cadenas productivas agroindustriales, las cuales presentan una alta complejidad por el gran n煤mero de intermediarios que desempe帽an un papel en 茅stas

    Research on optimization of a company\u27s agricultural products cold chain logistics system

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    Dise帽o de una herramienta aplicativa basada en la metodolog铆a DDMRP y estimaci贸n de la demanda para soportar decisiones log铆sticas en la empresa Colarnicos

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    Colarnicos no aplica ninguna metodolog铆a para respaldar sus decisiones log铆sticas relacionadas con la planificaci贸n de la demanda y la gesti贸n del inventario, incurriendo en niveles constantemente altos de existencias que afectan sus costos operativos. Por lo tanto, este documento propone el desarrollo de una herramienta de Excel que combina m茅todos de estimaci贸n de demanda y metodolog铆a DDMRP para utilizar las soluciones obtenidas para respaldar la toma de decisiones de la compa帽铆a en relaci贸n con los inventarios salientes, lo que le permite responder r谩pidamente al comportamiento variable de la demanda a trav茅s de El establecimiento de amortiguadores. Se realizan varias ejecuciones de la herramienta propuesta para compilar los resultados obtenidos de los m茅todos de pron贸stico, las pol铆ticas de inventario de comparaci贸n y la metodolog铆a DDMRP para analizar los resultados y evaluar el impacto en el apalancamiento de la futura expansi贸n de la compa帽铆a. La herramienta propuesta contiene programaci贸n a trav茅s de botones para calcular el pron贸stico de la demanda, utilizando un suavizado exponencial doble y el m茅todo de promedio m贸vil simple mediante la implementaci贸n de escenarios con diferentes par谩metros. Adem谩s, para calcular pol铆ticas de inventario tradicionales como EOQ, QR, ST y la metodolog铆a propuesta (DDMRP). Esta herramienta de Excel incluye el optimizador de Solver en el c谩lculo de la previsi贸n de demanda para encontrar los par谩metros de suavizado 贸ptimos y tambi茅n mediante el establecimiento de buffers para alcanzar la pol铆tica de inventario definida. Los resultados se evaluaron mediante un an谩lisis estad铆stico descriptivo mediante la comparaci贸n de indicadores de gesti贸n.Colarnicos does not apply any methodology to support its logistics decisions related to demand planning and inventory management, incurring constantly high stocks levels affecting its operational costs. Therefore, this paper proposes the development of an excel tool that combines demand estimation methods and DDMRP methodology in order to use the solutions obtained to support the company鈥檚 decision-making related to the outgoing inventories, allowing it to respond quickly to the variable demand behavior through the establishment of buffers. Several demand replicas were generated in order to use this information to plan the inventories in a defined timeline through heuristics. A comparison between inventory policies and the DDMRP methodology was made in order to analyze the results and evaluate the impact on the leverage of the company鈥檚 future expansion. The proposed tool contains programming throughout buttons to calculate the demand forecasting parameters and proposes four different forecasting methods such as winters multiplicative, winters additive, double exponential smoothing and the simple moving average method by implementing scenarios with different parameters. This excel tool includes Solver optimizer on the calculation of the demand forecasting in order to find the optimal smoothing parameters and also by the establishment of buffers to reach the inventory policy defined. The results obtained by the proposed tool were evaluated through the comparison of management indicators. It is evident the impact of the proposed tool on the accumulated savings, demonstrating that the tool manages to reduce the costs of inventory management in a total of $413.558.216 in finished products. On the other hand, it is evident from the behavior of the buffers that the proposed methodology adjusts precisely to the inventory estimated, allowing inventory levels designated by the green and yellow buffer to be able to respond to demand variation.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    MRP and Scheduling integration: A case study for the food industry

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    En este proyecto, se estudi贸 una empresa encargada de elaborar productos alimenticios, con un proceso de producci贸n complejo. Esta empresa no dispone de herramientas o metodolog铆as para analizar el comportamiento de las variables, que en la literatura son consideradas importantes para planificar adecuadamente un determinado per铆odo de tiempo. Por esta raz贸n, el foco del proyecto est谩 en la planificaci贸n y ejecuci贸n del proceso productivo de la empresa. Para solucionar este problema, se propone una secuencia que vincula la metodolog铆a de planeamiento con la metodolog铆a de ejecuci贸n, donde ambas tienen objetivos diferentes, pero sus resultados son utilizados para retroalimentar el proceso en general, logrando un mejor desempe帽o en la utilizaci贸n de materias primas y la reducci贸n de posibles faltantes, que al final influyen en la reducci贸n de los costos de producci贸n, generando mayores ganancias para la empresa. La secuencia parte del desarrollo por separado de herramientas, que en primer lugar dan soluci贸n a la planificaci贸n del abastecimiento de materias primas para atender la demanda prevista, y en segundo lugar, la creaci贸n de herramientas que establecen un plan de producci贸n, indicando el orden de los trabajos a realizar y proporcionando una idea de la capacidad productiva actual de la empresa. Para comprobar la eficacia de las metodolog铆as, se utilizaron los datos de la empresa relacionados con los tiempos de procesamiento de los puestos, las m谩quinas, las cantidades producidas para cada d铆a y las demandas hist贸ricas de la empresa. Se analizaron todos esos datos y se construy贸 un modelo de simulaci贸n para ajustar la metodolog铆a final. De hecho, una parte importante del proceso fue el trabajo en colaboraci贸n con la empresa, ya que se recibi贸 feedback a trav茅s de la comunicaci贸n de los resultados.In this project, a company in charge of producing food products, with a complex production process, was studied. This company does not have tools or methodologies to analyze the behavior of variables, which in the literature are considered important to adequately plan a specific period of time. For this reason, the focus of the project is on the planning and execution of the company's production process. To solve this problem, a sequence is proposed that links the planning methodology with the execution methodology, where both have different objectives, but their results are used to feed back the process in general, achieving a better performance in the use of raw materials and the reduction of possible shortages, which in the end influence the reduction of production costs, generating more profits for the company. The sequence starts from the separate development of tools, which firstly provide a solution to the planning of the supply of raw materials to meet the forecasted demand, and secondly, the creation of tools that establish a production plan, indicating the order of the work to be done and providing an idea of the current production capacity of the company. To test the effectiveness of the methodologies, company鈥檚 data related to processing times of the stations, machines, quantities produced for each day and the historical demands of the company was used. All those data were analyzed, and a simulation model was built to adjust the final methodology. Indeed, an important part of the process was the collaborative work with the company, since feedback was received through the communication of the results.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Factores de contaminaci贸n microbiol贸gica en el agua de uso agr铆cola del sistema productivo de cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.), propuesta de medidas preventivas

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    "El agua de uso agr铆cola puede ser una fuente potencial de contaminaci贸n durante la producci贸n de cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.), por ser un medio ideal de reproducci贸n y transporte de pat贸genos causantes de enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos. El cilantro de Puebla, M茅xico ha sido asociado a brotes anuales de ciclosporiasis raz贸n de la alerta de importaci贸n 24-23 de la FDA que proh铆be la entrada del producto durante el periodo de mayor prevalencia del par谩sito Cyclospora cayetanensis. Debido a su relevancia econ贸mica y gastron贸mica, es necesario asegurar su inocuidad. La presente investigaci贸n tuvo por objetivo identificar las fuentes de contaminaci贸n durante las etapas de producci贸n, cosecha y postcosecha de cilantro considerando la temporalidad del muestreo sobre la presencia de los microorganismos Escherichia coli, C. cayetanensis y Salmonella spp. La metodolog铆a implic贸 5 etapas: 1) diagn贸stico, 2) selecci贸n de los sitios de producci贸n y empaque, 3) toma de muestras, 4) an谩lisis microbiol贸gicos y 5) dise帽o de medidas preventivas de contaminaci贸n. Se analizaron 136 muestras de agua, cilantro, superficies y manos de operadores en las que se confirm贸 la presencia de organismos coliformes totales por recuento en placa, E. coli y Salmonella spp., las cepas obtenidas se aislaron para identificaci贸n"

    Supply chain planning in the food industry : empirical studies on the adoption of advanced planning systems

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    Supply chain management in the food industry is challenging due to multiple factors such as the limited shelf life of food products. Supply chain planning (SCP) is required to balance the demand with the supply of products. Advanced planning systems (APS) constitute the technological means for sophisticated methods of SCP. APS can contribute to improved decision-making and enhanced efficiency along food supply chains. However, studies reveal limited implementation of APS in practice. This thesis investigates the level of APS implementation in the food industry and factors affecting the adoption of APS by means of mixed methods research comprising a survey among food producers and expert interviews. The study confirms the limited use of specialised software for SCP. Many food companies perform SCP tasks by basic functions of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Lack of human resources and costs associated with implementation projects inhibit companies to adopt APS. Supply chain complexity induces food companies to adopt APS. Besides enhanced planning accuracy, the usability of APS is regarded as particularly important by companies. Based on the findings an adapted technology acceptance model (TAM) for the context of APS is established. In addition, the research provides practical advice how implementation projects can be facilitated. Companies need to ensure the availability of skilled employees, highlight process requirements, and prioritise data quality. Management support for the software implementation should be maintained throughout the project. Furthermore, companies should strategically reflect on SCP practices together with company goals to ensure proper software selection. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data reveals a comprehensive view on APS implementation in the food industry. This is reinforced by the triangulation of different perspectives through interviews with food producers, software vendors and consultants. Limitations of this research and suggestions for future research are outlined in the concluding chapter of this thesis.Supply chain management in the food industry is challenging due to multiple factors such as the limited shelf life of food products. Supply chain planning (SCP) is required to balance the demand with the supply of products. Advanced planning systems (APS) constitute the technological means for sophisticated methods of SCP. APS can contribute to improved decision-making and enhanced efficiency along food supply chains. However, studies reveal limited implementation of APS in practice. This thesis investigates the level of APS implementation in the food industry and factors affecting the adoption of APS by means of mixed methods research comprising a survey among food producers and expert interviews. The study confirms the limited use of specialised software for SCP. Many food companies perform SCP tasks by basic functions of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Lack of human resources and costs associated with implementation projects inhibit companies to adopt APS. Supply chain complexity induces food companies to adopt APS. Besides enhanced planning accuracy, the usability of APS is regarded as particularly important by companies. Based on the findings an adapted technology acceptance model (TAM) for the context of APS is established. In addition, the research provides practical advice how implementation projects can be facilitated. Companies need to ensure the availability of skilled employees, highlight process requirements, and prioritise data quality. Management support for the software implementation should be maintained throughout the project. Furthermore, companies should strategically reflect on SCP practices together with company goals to ensure proper software selection. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data reveals a comprehensive view on APS implementation in the food industry. This is reinforced by the triangulation of different perspectives through interviews with food producers, software vendors and consultants. Limitations of this research and suggestions for future research are outlined in the concluding chapter of this thesis