18 research outputs found

    Ensuring Supply Chain Sustainability from the Perspective of Environmental and Social Performance

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    Indonesia has as of late received best maintainable business performs to profit organizations, atmosphere and partners. Consequently, this investigation shows ways to supportable SC triple main concern progress got from linkages of official burdens and authoritative personality (OI) to atmosphere and social supportable practices. It demonstrates that the superordinate objective of SSCM is met disregarding unwavering outer weights and alluring OI driving the explicit ecological and dependable social practices of firms. A review approach was received to assemble the information need for this examination. A sum of 203 finished polls were gotten from respondents, who were directors and senior officials in SCM in Malaysia. The information was investigated utilizing basic condition demonstrating with PLS-SEM rendition 3.0. Our discoveries demonstrated that all speculated connections are noteworthy aside from both process-and market-based social practices couldn't straightforwardly affect economic performance. This is in sharp complexity to ecological practices. Be that as it may, the critical connection between social practices with performance is a pathway for the previous to economic performance. Subsequently, the economic benefits got from social practices are rescued through its performance results. The epic and helpful effect of institutional weights on practices of SCM are likewise uncovered

    Coordination in closed-loop supply chain with price-dependent returns

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    This paper proposes two Closed-loop Supply Chain (CLSC) games in which a manufacturer sets some green activity programs efforts and a retailer sets the selling price. Both strategies influence the return rate, which is a state variable. The pricing strategy plays a key role in the identification of the best contract to achieve coordination as well as in achieving environmental objectives. The pricing strategy influences the return rate negatively, as consumers delay the return of their goods when the purchasing (and repurchasing) price is high. We then compare a wholesale price contract (WPC) and a revenue sharing contract (RSC) mechanism as both have interesting pricing policy implications. Our result shows that firms coordinate the CLSC through a (WPC) when the sharing parameter is too low while the negative effect of pricing on returns is too severe. In that case, the low sharing parameter deters the manufacturer to accept any sharing agreements. Further, firms coordinate the CLSC when the sharing parameter is medium independent of the negative impact of pricing on returns. When the sharing parameter is too high the retailer never opts for an RSC. We find that the magnitude of pricing effect on returns determines the contract to be adopted: For certain sharing parameter, firms prefer an RSC when the price effect on return is low and a WPC when this effect is high. In all other cases, firms do not have a consensus on the contract to be adopted and coordination is then not achieved

    Optimal managerial decision model in a closed-loop supply chain for a retailer to collect used products with different transfer policy

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    In recent years, the concerns of environmental and resource issues are growing. Due to a great deal of attention for closed-loop supply chains, collection behaviour of used products from public consumers becomes more and more important. This paper proposes an inventory model for retailer with new products and used products and the retailer is the decision maker who follows the rule of Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ) model. We assumed that the retailer not only sells products but also collects those sold used products. The proposed problem faced by the retailer is formulated as a cost-minimization problem where the replenishment quantity of new products and the return rate of used products are the decision variables and an efficient iterative algorithm is provided to search for the solution. Furthermore, we extend our model to consider the "not lot for lot policy" inventory model for forward channel and reverse channel and determine the optimal management policy. Finally, we discuss the economical decision modelling for a retailer to analyse the willingness of collecting used products

    Differential game model and coordination model for green supply chain based on green technology research and development

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a green supply chain differential game model for green technology research and development based on a secondary green supply chain composed of a single manufacturer and a single retailer. It compares the differential game equilibrium solutions under centralized and decentralized decision-making. The green supply chain members are coordinated through the dynamic wholesale price mechanism, and numerical simulation is used as a methodology, to verify and explain the results. The study found that compared to decentralized decision-making, the level of green technology and the total profit of green channels are higher under centralized decision-making. When the coordination parameters are within a certain range, the dynamic wholesale price mechanism can coordinate the behavior of manufacturers and retailers. The result also discovers that under the dynamic wholesale price mechanism, with the increase of investment cost coefficient, or the increase of price sensitivity or the decrease of consumer's environmental awareness, the green technology level, product green degree, price, retailer's profit, and the total profit of green channel is decreased. In contrast, the wholesale price and manufacturer's profits are increased

    Solving closed-loop supply chain problems using game theoretic particle swarm optimisation

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    © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In this paper, we propose a closed-loop supply chain network configuration model and a solution methodology that aim to address several research gaps in the literature. The proposed solution methodology employs a novel metaheuristic algorithm, along with the popular gradient descent search method, to aid location-allocation and pricing-inventory decisions in a two-stage process. In the first stage, we use an improved version of the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, which we call improved PSO (IPSO), to solve the location-allocation problem (LAP). The IPSO algorithm is developed by introducing mutation to avoid premature convergence and embedding an evolutionary game-based procedure known as replicator dynamics to increase the rate of convergence. The results obtained through the application of IPSO are used as input in the second stage to solve the inventory-pricing problem. In this stage, we use the gradient descent search method to determine the selling price of new products and the buy-back price of returned products, as well as inventory cycle times for both product types. Numerical evaluations undertaken using problem instances of different scales confirm that the proposed IPSO algorithm performs better than the comparable traditional PSO, simulated annealing (SA) and genetic algorithm (GA) methods

    Decision-Making Based on Consumers’ Perceived Value in Different Remanufacturing Modes

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    We investigate how the diversity of consumers’ perceived value in different remanufacturing modes affects remanufacturing decision-making. We establish a two-stage optimal decision-making model of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) remanufacturing and a noncooperative game model of third party remanufacturer (TPR) remanufacturing and then analyze the optimal decisions of OEM and TPR. Comparing the effects of consumers’ perceived value on remanufacturing decision-making in different modes, we find that when OEM remanufactures products, consumers’ perceived value has a negative effect on new products’ price and quantity and has a positive effect on remanufactured products’ quantity and when TPR remanufactures products, consumers’ perceived value has a positive effect on new products price and quantity and has a negative effect on remanufactured products’ quantity. Compared with OEM remanufacturing, TPR remanufacturing can raise the profits of OEM and whole closed-loop supply chain, but it will lower the quantity of remanufacturing products

    Hybrid robust and stochastic optimization for closed-loop supply chain network design using accelerated Benders decomposition

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    Environmental, social and economic concerns motivate the operation of closed-loop supply chain networks (CLSCN) in many industries. We propose a novel profit maximization model for CLSCN design as a mixed-integer linear program in which there is flexibility in covering the proportions of demand satisfied and returns collected based on the firm\u27s policies. Our major contribution is to develop a novel hybrid robust-stochastic programming (HRSP) approach to simultaneously model two different types of uncertainties by including stochastic scenarios for transportation costs and polyhedral uncertainty sets for demands and returns. Transportation cost scenarios are generated using a Latin Hypercube Sampling method and scenario reduction is applied to consolidate them. An accelerated stochastic Benders decomposition algorithm is proposed for solving this model. To speed up the convergence of this algorithm, valid inequalities are introduced to improve the lower bound quality, and also a Pareto-optimal cut generation scheme is used to strengthen the Benders optimality cuts. Numerical studies are performed to verify our mathematical formulation and also demonstrate the benefits of the HRSP approach. The performance improvements achieved by the valid inequalities and Pareto-optimal cuts are demonstrated in randomly generated instances