880 research outputs found

    A framework for the joint placement of edge service infrastructure and User Plane Functions for 5G

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    Achieving less than 1 ms end-to-end communication latency, required for certain 5G services and use cases, is imposing severe technical challenges for the deployment of next-generation networks. To achieve such an ambitious goal, the service infrastructure and User Plane Function (UPF) placement at the network edge, is mandatory. However, this solution implies a substantial increase in deployment and operational costs. To cost-effectively solve this joint placement problem, this paper introduces a framework to jointly address the placement of edge nodes (ENs) and UPFs. Our framework proposal relies on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and heuristic solutions. The main objective is to determine the ENs and UPFs’ optimal number and locations to minimize overall costs while satisfying the service requirements. To this aim, several parameters and factors are considered, such as capacity, latency, costs and site restrictions. The proposed solutions are evaluated based on different metrics and the obtained results showcase over 20% cost savings for the service infrastructure deployment. Moreover, the gap between the UPF placement heuristic and the optimal solution is equal to only one UPF in the worst cases, and a computation time reduction of over 35% is achieved in all the use cases studied.Postprint (author's final draft

    The SNS logistics network design : location and vehicle routing.

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    Large-scale emergencies caused by earthquake, tornado, pandemic flu, terrorism attacks and so on can wreak havoc to communities. In order to mitigate the impact of the events, emergency stockpiles of food, water, medicine and other materials have been set up around the US to be delivered to the affected areas during relief operations. One type of stockpile is called the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). The SNS logistics network is designed to have multiple stages of facilities, each of which is managed by different levels of governmental authorities - federal, state and local authorities. The design of a logistics network for delivery of the SNS materials within a state are explored in this dissertation. There are three major areas of focus in this dissertation: (1) the SNS facility location model, which is used to determine sites for locating Receiving, Staging and Storage (RSS) and Regional Distribution Nodes (RDNs) to form a logistics network to deliver relief material to Points of Demand (PODs), where the materials are directly delivered to the affected population; (2) the SNS Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which is used to assist the SNS staff in determining the numbers of various types of trucks, and the routing schedules of each truck to develop an operational plan for delivering the required relief materials to the assigned PODs within the required duration; (3) the location-routing analysis of emergency scenarios, in which the facility location model and the VRP solution are integrated through the use of a computer program to run on several assumed emergency scenarios. Using real data from the department of public health in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, a transshipment and location model is formulated to determine the facility locations and the transshipment quantities of materials; a multiple-vehicle routing model allowing split deliveries and multiple routes per vehicle that must be completed within a required duration is formulated to determine the routing and scheduling of trucks. The facility location model is implemented using Microsoft Solver Foundation and C#. An algorithm combining the Clark and Wright saving algorithm and Simulated Annealing is designed and implemented in C# to solve the VRP. The algorithm can determine whether there is shortage of transportation capacity, and if so, how many of various types of trucks should be added for optimal performance. All the solution algorithms are integrated into a web-based SNS planning tool. In the location-routing analysis of emergency scenarios, a binary location model and an algorithm for solving VRP solution are integrated as a computer program to forecast the feasibility of distribution plans and the numbers of required trucks of various types. The model also compares the costs and benefits of direct and indirect shipment. A large-scale emergency scenario in which a specific type of vaccine is required to be delivered to the entire state of Kentucky is considered. The experiments are designed based on the real data provided by the Kentucky state government. Thus the experimental results provide valuable suggestions for future SNS preparedness planning

    Network Flexibility for Recourse Considerations in Bi-Criteria Facility Location

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    What is the best set of facility location decisions for the establishment of a logistics network when it is uncertain how a company’s distribution strategy will evolve? What is the best configuration of a distribution network that will most likely have to be altered in the future? Today’s business environment is turbulent, and operating conditions for firms can take a turn for the worse at any moment. This fact can and often does influence companies to occasionally expand or contract their distribution networks. For most companies operating in this chaotic business environment, there is a continuous struggle between staying cost efficient and supplying adequate service. Establishing a distribution network which is flexible or easily adaptable is the key to survival under these conditions. This research begins to address the problem of locating facilities in a logistics network in the face of an evolving strategic focus through the implicit consideration of the uncertainty of parameters. The trade-off of cost and customer service is thoroughly examined in a series of multi-criteria location problems. Modeling techniques for incorporating service restrictions for facility location in strategic network design are investigated. A flexibility metric is derived for the purposes of quantifying the similarity of a set of non-dominated solutions in strategic network design. Finally, a multi-objective greedy random adaptive search (MOG) metaheuristic is applied to solve a series of bi-criteria, multi-level facility location problems

    A comparative performance analysis of intelligence-based algorithms for optimizing competitive facility location problems

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    Most companies operate to maximize profits and increase their market shares in competitive environments. Since the proper location of the facilities conditions their market shares and profits, the competitive facility location problem (CFLP) has been extensively applied in the literature. This problem generally falls within the class of NP-hard problems, which are difficult to solve. Therefore, choosing a proper solution method to optimize the problem is a key factor. Even though CFLPs have been consistently solved and investigated, an important question that keeps being neglected is how to choose an appropriate solution technique. Since there are no specific criteria for choosing a solution method, the reasons behind the selection approach are mostly unclear. These models are generally solved using several optimization techniques. As harder-to-solve problems are usually solved using meta-heuristics, we apply different meta-heuristic techniques to optimize a new version of the CFLP that incorporates reliability and congestion. We divide the algorithms into four categories based on the nature of the meta-heuristics: evolution-based, swarm intelligence-based, physics-based, and human-based. GAMS software is also applied to solve smaller-size CFLPs. The genetic algorithm and differential evolution of the first category, particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony optimization of the second, Tabu search and harmony search of the third, and simulated annealing and vibration damping optimization of the fourth are applied to solve our CFLP model. Statistical analyses are implemented to evaluate and compare their relative performances. The results show the algorithms of the first and third categories perform better than the others

    Multi-level Facility Location Problems

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    We conduct a comprehensive review on multi-level facility location problems which extend several classical facility location problems and can be regarded as a subclass within the well-established field of hierarchical facility location. We first present the main characteristics of these problems and discuss some similarities and differences with related areas. Based on the types of decisions involved in the optimization process, we identify three different categories of multi-level facility location problems. We present overviews of formulations, algorithms and applications, and we trace the historical development of the field

    Revisiting the Evolution and Application of Assignment Problem: A Brief Overview

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    The assignment problem (AP) is incredibly challenging that can model many real-life problems. This paper provides a limited review of the recent developments that have appeared in the literature, meaning of assignment problem as well as solving techniques and will provide a review on   a lot of research studies on different types of assignment problem taking place in present day real life situation in order to capture the variations in different types of assignment techniques. Keywords: Assignment problem, Quadratic Assignment, Vehicle Routing, Exact Algorithm, Bound, Heuristic etc

    Multi-level facility location problems

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    We study of a class of discrete facility location problems, called multi-level facility location problems, that has received major attention in the last decade. These problems arise in several applications such as in production-distribution systems, telecommunication networks, freight transportation, and health care, among others. Moreover, they generalize well-known facility location problems which have been shown to lie at the heart of operations research due to their applicability and mathematical structure. We first present a comprehensive review of multi-level facility location problems where we formally define and categorize them based on the types of decisions involved. We also point out some gaps in the literature and present overviews of related applications, models and algorithms. We then concentrate our efforts on the development of solution methods for a general multi-level uncapacitated facility location problem. In particular, based on an alternative combinatorial representation of the problem whose objective function satisfies the submodularity property, we propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation. Using that same representation, we present approximation algorithms with constant performance guarantees for the problem and analyze some special cases where these worst-case bounds are sharper. Finally, we develop an exact algorithm based on Benders decomposition for a slightly more general problem where the activation of links between level of facilities is also considered part of the decision process. Extensive computational experiments are presented to assess the performance of the various models and algorithms studied. We show that the multi-level extension of some fundamental problems in operations research maintain certain structure that allows us to develop more efficient algorithms in practice

    Lagrangian-based methods for single and multi-layer multicommodity capacitated network design

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    Le problème de conception de réseau avec coûts fixes et capacités (MCFND) et le problème de conception de réseau multicouches (MLND) sont parmi les problèmes de conception de réseau les plus importants. Dans le problème MCFND monocouche, plusieurs produits doivent être acheminés entre des paires origine-destination différentes d’un réseau potentiel donné. Des liaisons doivent être ouvertes pour acheminer les produits, chaque liaison ayant une capacité donnée. Le problème est de trouver la conception du réseau à coût minimum de sorte que les demandes soient satisfaites et que les capacités soient respectées. Dans le problème MLND, il existe plusieurs réseaux potentiels, chacun correspondant à une couche donnée. Dans chaque couche, les demandes pour un ensemble de produits doivent être satisfaites. Pour ouvrir un lien dans une couche particulière, une chaîne de liens de support dans une autre couche doit être ouverte. Nous abordons le problème de conception de réseau multiproduits multicouches à flot unique avec coûts fixes et capacités (MSMCFND), où les produits doivent être acheminés uniquement dans l’une des couches. Les algorithmes basés sur la relaxation lagrangienne sont l’une des méthodes de résolution les plus efficaces pour résoudre les problèmes de conception de réseau. Nous présentons de nouvelles relaxations à base de noeuds, où le sous-problème résultant se décompose par noeud. Nous montrons que la décomposition lagrangienne améliore significativement les limites des relaxations traditionnelles. Les problèmes de conception du réseau ont été étudiés dans la littérature. Cependant, ces dernières années, des applications intéressantes des problèmes MLND sont apparues, qui ne sont pas couvertes dans ces études. Nous présentons un examen des problèmes de MLND et proposons une formulation générale pour le MLND. Nous proposons également une formulation générale et une méthodologie de relaxation lagrangienne efficace pour le problème MMCFND. La méthode est compétitive avec un logiciel commercial de programmation en nombres entiers, et donne généralement de meilleurs résultats.The multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MCFND) and the multilayer network design problem (MLND) are among the most important network design problems. In the single-layer MCFND problem, several commodities have to be routed between different origin-destination pairs of a given potential network. Appropriate capacitated links have to be opened to route the commodities. The problem is to find the minimum cost design and routing such that the demands are satisfied and the capacities are respected. In the MLND, there are several potential networks, each at a given layer. In each network, the flow requirements for a set of commodities must be satisfied. However, the selection of the links is interdependent. To open a link in a particular layer, a chain of supporting links in another layer has to be opened. We address the multilayer single flow-type multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MSMCFND), where commodities are routed only in one of the layers. Lagrangian-based algorithms are one of the most effective solution methods to solve network design problems. The traditional Lagrangian relaxations for the MCFND problem are the flow and knapsack relaxations, where the resulting Lagrangian subproblems decompose by commodity and by arc, respectively. We present new node-based relaxations, where the resulting subproblem decomposes by node. We show that the Lagrangian dual bound improves significantly upon the bounds of the traditional relaxations. We also propose a Lagrangian-based algorithm to obtain upper bounds. Network design problems have been the object of extensive literature reviews. However, in recent years, interesting applications of multilayer problems have appeared that are not covered in these surveys. We present a review of multilayer problems and propose a general formulation for the MLND. We also propose a general formulation and an efficient Lagrangian-based solution methodology for the MMCFND problem. The method is competitive with (and often significantly better than) a state-of-the-art mixedinteger programming solver on a large set of randomly generated instances

    Two-echelon freight transport optimisation: unifying concepts via a systematic review

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    Multi-echelon distribution schemes are one of the most common strategies adopted by the transport companies in an aim of cost reduction, but their identification in scientific literature is not always easy due to a lack of unification. This paper presents the main concepts of two-echelon distribution via a systematic review, in the specific a meta-narrative analysis, in order to identify and unify the main concepts, issues and methods that can be helpful for scientists and transport practitioners. The problem of system cost optimisation in two-echelon freight transport systems is defined. Moreover, the main variants are synthetically presented and discussed. Finally, future research directions are proposed.location-routing problems, multi-echelon distribution, cross-docking, combinatorial optimisation, systematic review.
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