1,828 research outputs found

    An Investigation into Factors Affecting the Chilled Food Industry

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    With the advent of Industry 4.0, many new approaches towards process monitoring, benchmarking and traceability are becoming available, and these techniques have the potential to radically transform the agri-food sector. In particular, the chilled food supply chain (CFSC) contains a number of unique challenges by virtue of it being thought of as a temperature controlled supply chain. Therefore, once the key issues affecting the CFSC have been identified, algorithms can be proposed, which would allow realistic thresholds to be established for managing these problems on the micro, meso and macro scales. Hence, a study is required into factors affecting the CFSC within the scope of Industry 4.0. The study itself has been broken down into four main topics: identifying the key issues within the CFSC; implementing a philosophy of continuous improvement within the CFSC; identifying uncertainty within the CFSC; improving and measuring the performance of the supply chain. However, as a consequence of this study two further topics were added: a discussion of some of the issues surrounding information sharing between retailers and suppliers; some of the wider issues affecting food losses and wastage (FLW) on the micro, meso and macro scales. A hybrid algorithm is developed, which incorporates the analytic hierarchical process (AHP) for qualitative issues and data envelopment analysis (DEA) for quantitative issues. The hybrid algorithm itself is a development of the internal auditing algorithm proposed by Sueyoshi et al (2009), which in turn was developed following corporate scandals such as Tyco, Enron, and WorldCom, which have led to a decline in public trust. However, the advantage of the proposed solution is that all of the key issues within the CFSC identified can be managed from a single computer terminal, whilst the risk of food contamination such as the 2013 horsemeat scandal can be avoided via improved traceability

    Knowledge production and commercialization from R&D: the pharmaceutical sector

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    Purpose – The objective of this work is to demonstrate the relationships between the two main processes of research and development (R&D) activities: the knowledge generation phase (KPP) and the knowledge commercialization, or transfer, phase (KCP), in a sector that is intensive in this type of activity, such as the pharmaceutical sector. In addition, within the framework of the general objective of this work, the authors propose two other objectives: (1) make advances in network efficiency measurement models, and (2) determine the factors associated with efficiency in the KPP and in the KCP in companies of the pharmaceutical sector in Spain. Design/methodology/approach – A Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model (F€are and Grosskopf, 2000) with categorical variables (Lee et al., 2020; Yeh and Chang, 2020) has been applied, and a sensitivity analysis of the obtained results has been performed through a DEA model of categorical variables, in accordance with the work of Banker and Morey (1986), to corroborate the results of the proposed model. The sample is made up of 77 companies in the pharmaceutical sector in Spain. Findings – The results obtained point to a greater efficiency of pharmaceutical companies in the KPP, rather than in the KCP. Furthermore, the study finds that 1) alliances between companies have been the accelerating factors of efficiency in the KCP (but patents have slowed this down the most); 2) the quality of R&D and the number of R&D personnel are the factors that most affect efficiency in the KPP; and 3) the quality of R&D again, the benefits obtained and the position in the market are the factors that most affect efficiency in the KCP. Originality/value – The authors have not found studies that show whether the efficiency obtained by R&Dintensive companies in theKPP phase is related to better results in terms of efficiency in theKCP phase.Nopapers have been found that analyse the role of alliances between R&D-intensive companies and patents, as agents that facilitate efficiency in the KCP phase, covering the gap in the research on both problems. Notwithstanding, this work opens up a research path which is related to the improvement of network efficiencymodels (since it includes categorical variables) and the assessment of the opinions of those who are responsible for R&D departments; it can be applied to decision-making on the aspects to improve efficiency in R&D-intensive companies.This work has been co-financed by the 2014–2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and the University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Project reference: FEDER-UCA18-103353. Title: Circular Economy and Efficiency: Towards new economics models.26 página

    Designing a robust supply chain network against disruptions

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    Supply chains are vulnerable to disruptions at any stage of the distribution system. These disruptions can be caused by natural disasters, production problems, or labor defects. The consequences of these disruptions may result in significant economic losses or even human deaths. Therefore, it is important to consider any disruption as an important factor in strategic supply chain design. Consequently, the primary outputs of this dissertation include insights for designing robust supply chains that are neither significantly nor adversely impacted by disruptions. The impact of correlated supplier failures is examined and how this problem can be modeled as a variant of a facility location problem is described. Two main problems are defined, the first being the design of a robust supply chain, and the second being the optimization of operational inspection schedules to maintain the quality of an already established supply chain. In this regard, both strategic and operational decisions are considered in the model and (1) a two-stage stochastic programming model; (2) a multi-objective stochastic programming model; and (3) a dynamic programming model are developed to explore the tradeoffs between cost and risk. Three methods are developed to identify optimal and robust solutions: an integer L-shaped method; a hybrid genetic algorithm using Data Envelopment Analysis; and an approximate dynamic programming method. Several sensitivity analyses are performed on the model to see how the model output would be affected by uncertainty. The findings from this dissertation will be able to help both practitioners designing supply chains, as well as policy makers who need to understand the impact of different disruption mitigation strategies on cost and risk in the supply chain

    Enhancing the cosmetics industry sustainability through a renewed sustainable supplier selection model

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    The cosmetics industry requires a long-term sustainable strategy to balance its continuously growing trend worldwide and its resources consumption. In this view, the suppliers' selection process is gaining more attention affecting products' overall sustainability. The objective of this contribution is hence to develop and validate the Cosmetics Sustainable Supplier Selection (C-SSS) model allowing the selection of sustainable suppliers for the cosmetic industry, evaluating them in an objective and balanced manner. The model was built relying on both scientific and grey literature, by incorporating the characteristics of existing SSS models usually used separately. The C-SSS enabled to integrate the EMM approach (to reduce the subjectivity), the ANP approach (to evaluate criteria interconnections), and the TOPSIS and ELECTRE models (to create a hybrid compensation model) to support managers in objectively selecting the most sustainable suppliers. The C-SSS model was applied and validated through an industrial use case in a cosmetics Italian company

    COVID-19 health policy evaluation: integrating health and economic perspectives with a data envelopment analysis approach

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge to humankind. To improve the knowledge regarding relevant, efficient and effective COVID-19 measures in health policy, this paper applies a multi-criteria evaluation approach with population, health care, and economic datasets from 19 countries within the OECD. The comparative investigation was based on a Data Envelopment Analysis approach as an efficiency measurement method. Results indicate that on the one hand, factors like population size, population density, and country development stage, did not play a major role in successful pandemic management. On the other hand, pre-pandemic healthcare system policies were decisive. Healthcare systems with a primary care orientation and a high proportion of primary care doctors compared to specialists were found to be more efficient than systems with a medium level of resources that were partly financed through public funding and characterized by a high level of access regulation. Roughly two weeks after the introduction of ad hoc measures, e.g., lockdowns and quarantine policies, we did not observe a direct impact on country-level healthcare efficiency, while delayed lockdowns led to significantly lower efficiency levels during the first COVID-19 wave in 2020. From an economic perspective, strategies without general lockdowns were identified as a more efficient strategy than the full lockdown strategy. Additionally, governmental support of short-term work is promising. Improving the efficiency of COVID-19 countermeasures is crucial in saving as many lives as possible with limited resources

    Sustainable supply chain network design integrating logistics outsourcing decisions in the context of uncertainties

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    Les fournisseurs de services logistiques (3PLs) possèdent des potentialités pour activer les pratiques de développement durables entre les différents partenaires d’une chaîne logistique (Supply Chain SC). Il existe un niveau optimal d'intégration des 3PLs en tant que fournisseurs, pour s’attendre à des performances opérationnelles élevées au sein de toute la SC. Ce niveau se traduit par la distinction des activités logistiques à externaliser de celles à effectuer en interne. Une fois que les activités logistiques externalisés sont stratégiquement identifiées, et tactiquement dimensionnées, elles doivent être effectuées par des 3PLs appropriés afin d’endurer les performances économiques ; sociales ; et environnementales de la SC. La présente thèse développe une approche holistique pour concevoir une SC durable intégrant les 3PLs, dans un contexte incertain d’affaires et politique de carbone. Premièrement, une approche de modélisation stochastique en deux étapes est suggérée pour optimiser à la fois le niveau d'intégration des 3PLs, et le niveau d'investissement en technologies sobres au carbone, et ce dans le contexte d’une SC résiliente aux changements climatiques. Notre SC est structurée de façon à capturer trois principales préoccupations du Supply Chain Management d’une entreprise focale FC (e. g. le fabricant) : Sécurité d’approvisionnement, Segmentation de distribution, et Responsabilité élargie des producteurs. La première étape de l'approche de modélisation suggère un plan stochastique basé sur des scenarios plus probables, afin de capturer les incertitudes inhérentes à tout environnement d’affaires (e. g. la fluctuation de la demande des différents produits ; la qualité et la quantité de retour des produits déjà utilisés ; et l’évolution des différents coûts logistiques en fonction du temps). Puis, elle propose un modèle de programmation stochastique bi-objectif, multi-période, et multi-produit. Le modèle de programmation quadratique, et non linéaire consiste à minimiser simultanément le coût logistique total espéré, et les émissions de Gaz à effet de Serre de la SC fermée. L'exécution du modèle au moyen d'un algorithme basé sur la méthode Epsilon-contraint conduit à un ensemble de configurations Pareto optimales d’une SC dé- carbonisée, avant tout investissement en technologie sobre au carbone. Chacune de ces configurations sépare les activités logistiques à externaliser de celles à effectuer en interne. La deuxième étape de l'approche de modélisation permet aux décideurs de choisir la meilleure configuration de la SC parmi les configurations Pareto optimales identifiées. Le concept de Prix du Carbone Interne est utilisé pour établir un plan stochastique du prix de carbone, dans le cadre d'un régime de déclaration volontaire du carbone. Nous proposons un ensemble des technologies sobres au carbone, dans le domaine de transport des marchandises, disposées à concourir pour contrer les politiques incertaines de carbone. Un modèle stochastique combinatoire, et linéaire est développé pour minimiser le coût total espéré, sous contraintes de l’abattement du carbone; limitation du budget, et la priorité attribuée pour chaque Technologie Réductrice de carbone (Low Carbone Reduction LCR). L'injection de chaque solution Pareto dans le modèle, et la résolution du modèle conduisent à sélectionner la configuration de la SC, la plus résiliente aux changements climatiques. Cette configuration définit non seulement le plan d'investissement optimal en LCR, mais aussi le niveau optimal d’externalisation de la logistique dans la SC. Deuxièmement, une fois que les activités logistiques à externaliser sont stratégiquement définies et tactiquement dimensionnées, elles ont besoin d’être effectuées par des 3PL appropriées, afin de soutenir la FC à construire une SC durable et résiliente. Nous suggérons DEA-QFD / Fuzzy AHP- Conception robuste de Taguchi : Une approche intégrée & robuste, pour sélectionner les 3PL candidats les plus efficients. Les critères durables et les risques liés à l’environnement d’affaires, sont identifiés, classés et ordonnés. Le Déploiement de la Fonction Qualité (QFD) est renforcé par le Processus Hiérarchique Analytique (AHP), et par la logique floue pour déterminer avec consistance l'importance relative de chaque facteur de décision, et ce, conformément aux besoins logistiques réels, et stratégies d'affaires de la FC. L’Analyse d’Enveloppement des Données (DEA) Data Envelopment Analysis conduit à limiter la liste des candidats, uniquement à ceux d’efficiences comparables, et donc excluant tout candidat moins efficient. La technique de conception robuste Taguchi permet de réaliser un plan d'expérience qui détermine un candidat idéal nommé 'optimum de Taguchi' ; un Benchmark pour comparer les 3PLs candidats. Par suite, le 3PL le plus efficient est celui le plus proche de cet optimum. Nous conduisons actuellement une étude de cas d’une entreprise qui fabrique et commercialise les fours à micro-ondes pour valider la modélisation stochastique en deux étapes. Certains aspects concernant l’application de l’approche sont reportés. Enfin, un exemple de sélection d’un 3PL durable pour s’occuper de la logistique inverse est fourni, pour démontrer l'applicabilité de l'approche intégrée & robuste, et montrer sa puissance par rapport aux approches populaires de sélection.The Third-Party Logistics service providers (3PLs) have the potentialities to activate sustainable practices between different partners of a Supply Chain (SC). There exists an optimal level of integrating 3PLs as suppliers of a Focal Company within the SC, to expect for high operational performances. This level leads to distinguish all the logistics activities to outsource from those to perform in-house. Once the outsourced logistics activities are strategically identified, and tactically dimensioned, they need to be performed by appropriate 3PLs to sustain economic, social and environmental performances of the SC. The present thesis develops a holistic approach to design a sustainable supply chain integrating 3PLs, in the context of business and carbon policy uncertainties. First, a two-stage stochastic modelling approach is suggested to optimize both the level of 3PL integration, and of Low Carbon Reduction LCR investment within a climate change resilient SC. Our SC is structured to capture three main SC management issues of the Focal Company FC (e.g. The manufacturer) : Security of Supplies; Distribution Segmentation; and Extended Producer Responsibility. The first-stage of the modelling approach suggests a stochastic plan based scenarios capturing business uncertainties, and proposes a two-objective, multi-period, and multi-product programming model, for minimizing simultaneously, the expected logistics total cost, and the Green House Gas GHG emissions of the whole SC. The run of the model by means of a suggested Epsilon-constraint algorithm leads to a set of Pareto optimal decarbonized SC configurations, before any LCR investment. Each one of these configurations distinguishes the logistics activities to be outsourced, from those to be performed in-house. The second-stage of the modelling approach helps the decision makers to select the best Pareto optimal SC configuration. The concept of internal carbon price is used to establish a stochastic plan of carbon price in the context of a voluntary carbon disclosure regime, and we propose a set of LCR technologies in the freight transportation domain ready to compete for counteracting the uncertain carbon policies. A combinatory model is developed to minimize the total expected cost, under the constraints of; carbon abatement, budget limitation, and LCR investment priorities. The injection of each Pareto optimal solution in the model, and the resolution lead to select the most efficient climate resilient SC configuration, which defines not only the optimal plan of LCR investment, but the optimal level of logistics outsourcing within the SC as well. Secondly, once the outsourced logistics are strategically defined they need to be performed by appropriate 3PLs for supporting the FC to build a Sustainable SC. We suggest the DEA-QFD/Fuzzy AHP-Taguchi Robust Design: a robust integrated selection approach to select the most efficient 3PL candidates. Sustainable criteria, and risks related to business environment are identified, categorized, and ordered. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is reinforced by Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP), and Fuzzy logic, to consistently determine the relative importance of each decision factor according to the real logistics needs, and business strategies of the FC. Data Envelopment Analysis leads to shorten the list of candidates to only those of comparative efficiencies. The Taguchi Robust Design technique allows to perform a plan of experiment, for determining an ideal candidate named ‘optimum of Taguchi’. This benchmark is used to compare the remainder 3Pls candidates, and the most efficient 3PL is the closest one to this optimum.We are currently conducting a case study of a company that manufactures and markets microwave ovens for validating the two-stage stochastic approach, and certain aspects of its implementation are provided. Finally, an example of selecting a sustainable 3PL, to handle reverse logistics is given for demonstrating the applicability of the integrated & robust approach, and showing its power compared to popular selection approaches. Keywords:Third Party Logistics; Green Supply Chain design; Stochastic Multi-Objective Optimization; Carbon Pricing; Taguchi Robust Design

    Partner selection in sustainable supply chains: a fuzzy ensemble learning model

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    With the increasing demands on businesses to operate more sustainably, firms must ensure that the performance of their whole supply chain in sustainability is optimized. As partner selection is critical to supply chain management, focal firms now need to select supply chain partners that can offer a high level of competence in sustainability. This paper proposes a novel multi-partner classification model for the partner qualification and classification process, combining ensemble learning technology and fuzzy set theory. The proposed model enables potential partners to be classified into one of four categories (strategic partner, preference partner, leverage partner and routine partner), thereby allowing distinctive partner management strategies to be applied for each category. The model provides for the simultaneous optimization of both efficiency in its use of multi-partner and multi-dimension evaluation data, and effectiveness in dealing with the vagueness and uncertainty of linguistic commentary data. Compared to more conventional methods, the proposed model has the advantage of offering a simple classification and a stable prediction performance. The practical efficacy of the model is illustrated by an application in a listed electronic equipment and instrument manufacturing company based in southeastern China
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