4,248 research outputs found

    Class Imbalance Reduction and Centroid based Relevant Project Selection for Cross Project Defect Prediction

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    Cross-Project Defect Prediction (CPDP) is the process of predicting defects in a target project using information from other projects. This can assist developers in prioritizing their testing efforts and finding flaws. Transfer Learning (TL) has been frequently used at CPDP to improve prediction performance by reducing the disparity in data distribution between the source and target projects. Software Defect Prediction (SDP) is a common study topic in software engineering that plays a critical role in software quality assurance. To address the cross-project class imbalance problem, Centroid-based PF-SMOTE for Imbalanced data is used. In this paper, we used a Centroid-based PF-SMOTE to balance the datasets and Centroid based relevant data selection for Cross Project Defect Prediction. These methods use the mean of all attributes in a dataset and calculating the difference between mean of all datasets. For experimentation, the open source software defect datasets namely, AEEM, Re-Link, and NASA, are considered

    complexFuzzy: A novel clustering method for selecting training instances of cross-project defect prediction

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    Over the last decade, researchers have investigated to what extent cross-project defect prediction (CPDP) shows advantages over traditional defect prediction settings. These works do not take training and testing data of defect prediction from the same project. Instead, dissimilar projects are employed. Selecting proper training data plays an important role in terms of the success of CPDP. In this study, a novel clustering method named complexFuzzy is presented for selecting training data of CPDP. The method is developed by determining membership values with the help of some metrics which can be considered as indicators of complexity. First, CPDP combinations are created on 29 different data sets. Subsequently, complexFuzzy is evaluated by considering cluster centers of data sets and comparing some performance measures including area under the curve (AUC) and F-measure. The method is superior to other five comparison algorithms in terms of the distance of cluster centers and prediction performance

    The impact of using biased performance metrics on software defect prediction research

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    Context: Software engineering researchers have undertaken many experiments investigating the potential of software defect prediction algorithms. Unfortunately, some widely used performance metrics are known to be problematic, most notably F1, but nevertheless F1 is widely used. Objective: To investigate the potential impact of using F1 on the validity of this large body of research. Method: We undertook a systematic review to locate relevant experiments and then extract all pairwise comparisons of defect prediction performance using F1 and the un-biased Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC). Results: We found a total of 38 primary studies. These contain 12,471 pairs of results. Of these, 21.95% changed direction when the MCC metric is used instead of the biased F1 metric. Unfortunately, we also found evidence suggesting that F1 remains widely used in software defect prediction research. Conclusions: We reiterate the concerns of statisticians that the F1 is a problematic metric outside of an information retrieval context, since we are concerned about both classes (defect-prone and not defect-prone units). This inappropriate usage has led to a substantial number (more than one fifth) of erroneous (in terms of direction) results. Therefore we urge researchers to (i) use an unbiased metric and (ii) publish detailed results including confusion matrices such that alternative analyses become possible.Comment: Submitted to the journal Information & Software Technology. It is a greatly extended version of "Assessing Software Defection Prediction Performance: Why Using the Matthews Correlation Coefficient Matters" presented at EASE 202

    Heterogeneous Cross-Project Defect Prediction using Encoder and Transfer Learning

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    Heterogeneous cross-project defect prediction (HCPDP) aims to predict defects in new software projects using defect data from previous software projects where the source and target projects have some different metrics. Most existing methods only find linear relationships in the software defect features and datasets. Additionally, these methods use multiple defect datasets from different projects as source datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel method called heterogeneous cross-project defect prediction using encoder and transfer learning (ETL). ETL uses encoders to extract the important features from source and target datasets. Also, to minimize negative transfer during transfer learning, we used an augmented dataset that contains pseudo-labels and the source dataset. Additionally, we have used very limited data to train the model. To evaluate the performance of the ETL approach, 16 datasets from four publicly available software defect projects were used. Furthermore, we compared the proposed method with four HCPDP methods namely EGW, HDP&amp;#x005F;KS, CTKCCA and EMKCA, and one WPDP method from existing literature. The proposed method on average outperforms the baseline methods in terms of PD, PF, F1-score, G-mean and AUC.</p

    Quality-Aware Learning to Prioritize Test Cases

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    Software applications evolve at a rapid rate because of continuous functionality extensions, changes in requirements, optimization of code, and fixes of faults. Moreover, modern software is often composed of components engineered with different programming languages by different internal or external teams. During this evolution, it is crucial to continuously detect unintentionally injected faults and continuously release new features. Software testing aims at reducing this risk by running a certain suite of test cases regularly or at each change of the source code. However, the large number of test cases makes it infeasible to run all test cases. Automated test case prioritization and selection techniques have been studied in order to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of testing tasks. However, the current state-of-art techniques remain limited in some aspects. First, the existing test prioritization and selection techniques often assume that faults are equally distributed across the software components, which can lead to spending most of the testing budget on components less likely to fail rather than the ones highly to contain faults. Second, the existing techniques share a scalability problem not only in terms of the size of the selected test suite but also in terms of the round-trip time between code commits and engineer feedback on test cases failures in the context of Continuous Integration (CI) development environments. Finally, it is hard to algorithmically capture the domain knowledge of the human testers which is crucial in testing and release cycles. This thesis is a new take on the old problem of reducing the cost of software testing in these regards by presenting a data-driven lightweight approach for test case prioritization and execution scheduling that is being used (i) during CI cycles for quick and resource-optimal feedback to engineers, and (ii) during release planning by capturing the testers domain knowledge and release requirements. Our approach combines software quality metrics with code churn metrics to build a regressive model that predicts the fault density of each component and a classification model to discriminate faulty from non-faulty components. Both models are used to guide the testing effort to the components likely to contain the largest number of faults. The predictive models have been validated on eight industrial automotive software applications at Daimler, showing a classification accuracy of 89% and an accuracy of 85.7% for the regression model. The thesis develops a test cases prioritization model based on features of the code change, the tests execution history and the component development history. The model reduces the cost of CI by predicting whether a particular code change should trigger the individual test suites and their corresponding test cases. In order to algorithmically capture the domain knowledge and the preferences of the tester, our approach developed a test case execution scheduling model that consumes the testers preferences in the form of a probabilistic graph and solves the optimal test budget allocation problem both online in the context of CI cycles and offline when planning a release. Finally, the thesis presents a theoretical cost model that describes when our prioritization and scheduling approach is worthwhile. The overall approach is validated on two industrial analytical applications in the area of energy management and predictive maintenance, showing that over 95% of the test failures are still reported back to the engineers while only 43% of the total available test cases are being executed
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