Class Imbalance Reduction and Centroid based Relevant Project Selection for Cross Project Defect Prediction


Cross-Project Defect Prediction (CPDP) is the process of predicting defects in a target project using information from other projects. This can assist developers in prioritizing their testing efforts and finding flaws. Transfer Learning (TL) has been frequently used at CPDP to improve prediction performance by reducing the disparity in data distribution between the source and target projects. Software Defect Prediction (SDP) is a common study topic in software engineering that plays a critical role in software quality assurance. To address the cross-project class imbalance problem, Centroid-based PF-SMOTE for Imbalanced data is used. In this paper, we used a Centroid-based PF-SMOTE to balance the datasets and Centroid based relevant data selection for Cross Project Defect Prediction. These methods use the mean of all attributes in a dataset and calculating the difference between mean of all datasets. For experimentation, the open source software defect datasets namely, AEEM, Re-Link, and NASA, are considered

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