246,757 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the 21st Century Skills for Thai Higher Education by Integration of ICT in Classroom

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    AbstractThis research studied the effect of integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in classroom for enhancing 21st century learning skills which included collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, and ICT literacy. In this study, based on learning theories and student-centered approach, integration of ICT included four effective functions; dynamic content presentation, information access, creation and sharing, interaction and reflection. Seven educational technology experts evaluated these functions by an assessment tool. The evaluation showed that the integration was appropriated. The integration was then applied into teaching and learning process throughout the course to study the effect. 69 undergraduate students and 22 graduate students in two different 4-months courses were target studied. The students were assessed themselves by a 21st century learning skill assessment tool before and after courses. The results showed that integration of ICT in classroom could enhance the 21st century learning skills for both undergraduate and graduate levels significantly with high effect size


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    Fatikasari, Eka. 2024. Analysis of Class X Indonesian Textbook in the Chapter Revealing Natural Facts Objectively in the Context of 21st Century Learning. Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, FKIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Supervisor: (1) Dr. Hari Sunaryo, M.Si (2) Musaffak, M.Pd Textbooks are an important tool in education that is specifically designed to help students understand lesson concepts better. As a learning guideline, textbooks must pay attention to each element so that they can provide facilities for students to understand learning materials in the midst of the modern era. Based on this, this study aims to describe (1) the types of subject matter of Indonesian textbooks in the Chapter Objectively Revealing Natural Facts in 21st Century learning, (2) the form of supporting information of Indonesian textbooks in the Chapter Revealing Natural Facts Objectively in 21st Century learning, (3) the types of Indonesian textbook exercises in the Chapter Revealing Natural Facts Objectively in 21st Century learning, (4) the form of assessment of Indonesian language textbooks in the Chapter Revealing Natural Facts Objectively in 21st Century learning. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. The source of data in this study is the Indonesian language package book of the independent curriculum with the title Cerdas Cergas BerBahasa and Bersastra Indonesia for SMA/SMK Class X published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The data used is in the form of descriptions that refer to indicators from the textbook aspect including materials, supporting information, exercises, and assessments in the chapter "Revealing Natural Facts Objectively". Data collection is carried out by documentation techniques that analyze objects in the form of documents to be effective and efficient. Data analysis is carried out through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study were obtained that the subject matter in the textbook has been designed to develop critical thinking, creative, collaboration, and communication skills through the explanation of material types of facts, concepts, and procedures. Supporting information in textbooks is able to develop communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills by providing information in the form of media and diversification. The exercises in the textbook have paid attention to the development of critical thinking, creative, communication and collaboration skills thoroughly through exercises in the types of comprehension questions, practical exercises, creative activities and group discussions. Assessment in textbooks is capable of critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills with the form of assessment of reflection questions and presentations

    Digital Tools for Engaging and Collaborative Formative Assessment

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    Technology integration often focuses on a digital tool rather than how it can be used to facilitate and increase student learning. This session introduces technology-enhanced formative assessment tools for enhancing student learning. Formative assessment is a research-based effective teaching strategy, documented to increase student achievement and the development of metacognitive skills - an important 21st century learning skill. This session will increase participants understanding of formative assessment and provide practice using digital tools that support its use. Formative tools used during the session will be categorized as backchannels, student response tools, and infographics/concept maps to highlight how the tool assesses student learning. Throughout this session digital tools will be modeled that allow both students and teachers to formatively assess student understanding and determine next steps in learning. Free, online tools that do not require an account will be emphasized. BYOD session. Multiple Audience


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    The aims of this research study were to develop a Learning Management Evaluation Model (LMEM) for assessing learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students with the Research & Development processing technique. The administrating research consisted of four phases that composed of to analyze, the synthetic indicator to assess learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students by the 4-educational experts were interviewed was the first phase. The second phase was developed a LMEM model for assessing learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students by the information from the first draft format and the educational experts to check a suitability and feasibility of the draft assessment form with a technical symposium multipath characteristics to find consensus dimensional (Multi-Attribute Consensus Reaching: MACR) by 12 specialists who provided the instruction in the form of  Assessment and Evaluation Guide (AEG) was brought to five the number of professionals who ensure the proper coverage, a clear assessment of the manual before using the AEG. The third phase was trial LMEM model that this model to trial at an experiment with different schools in the Secondary Educational Office Area 26 (Maha Sarakham) whereas taught at the upper secondary educational school level with the sample consisted of 7 schools with the purposive sampling was selected. Assessing the LMEM model for developing this research instrument used to evaluate the LMEM model based on the evaluation criteria of the evaluation criteria of educational development. The assessor was related to the trial consisted of 35 evaluators. Using the interview form with the rubric score and a five rating scale level was selected, the qualitative and quantitative data were used, the foundational statistics included with the mean average and standard deviation were analyzed. It has found that: The LMEM evaluation model of learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational school was a chart structure that ties together of 6 relevant components of the evaluationàž§ such as; the purpose of the assessment, the evaluation focused assessment methods, the evaluator, the evaluation technique, and the evaluation criteria. The evaluation targets were to assess the management of learning, the factors contributing to learning, feature teacher management learning, and the learning outcomes. Evaluating methods included with the evaluation process, the tool used to evaluate, and duration to assess. The evaluation and absolution criteria were developed by experts. Assessing the LMEM model of learning to foster life skills in the 21st century of the lower secondary educational students were appropriability. Students’ responses of their opportuneness, practicability, reasonableness, and respectability in terms of overall benefit at a high level are provided.  Article visualizations

    Involving students in sharing and clarifying learning intentions related to 21st century skills in primary design and technology education

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    Design and Technology Education is an excellent vehicle for the development of the so-called 21st-Century skills, such as creativity, critical thinking and cooperation. However, the development of these skills through design projects does not yet reach its full potential.  Formative assessment is able to support the learning of 21st-Century skills. In a case study a teacher shares and clarifies the goal of divergent thinking with her class of 11- and 12-year old’s using a newly developed interactive approach. Small drawings were made collectively to visualize the skill. Half-way during the brainstorm session, students were asked to assess their brainstorm results and divergent thinking skills in a collective reflection.  The results show that the interactive visual approach led students to understand how to be successful in divergent thinking. They collectively developed expressions to talk about how sound divergent thinking looks and this enabled them to diagnose strengths and weaknesses in divergent thinking. All interviewed students reported an improvement in divergent thinking after the collective reflection. This indicates that active involvement of students in clarifying learning intentions enables the development of relevant feedback. Although this result was only achieved in one class with one particular teacher, it underlines the value of the interactive visualization tool. Furthermore, it shows that the formative assessment strategy of sharing, clarifying and understanding learning intentions and success criteria related to 21st century skills in the context of real-life design projects supports self-evaluation and feedback uptake

    Innovative learning in action (ILIA) issue six: Innovative practice in assessment

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    Welcome to this, the sixth edition of Innovative Learning in Action (ILIA) which focuses our attention on the theme of innovative practice in assessment. On the face of it, innovative assessment may be regarded as any form of assessment which involves the application of a new technique, method or tool. However, to quote Graham Mohl (2007): ‘Innovative assessment is not just some trendy new technique dreamt-up purely to save on the amount of time teachers spend on marking, it is a genuine attempt to improve quality of learning in higher education. If we do save time in the process then all the better for our own learning.’ http://www.city.londonmet.ac.uk/deliberation s/assessment/mowl_index.html. The range of work in this edition of ILIA demonstrates how colleagues are readily embracing this fundamental principle. These papers and snapshots show us how contributors are actively exploring, reviewing and modifying their practice to address assessment principles and strategies helping to produce active learners who are reasoning, critical, highly motivated, capable of self-evaluation and equipped with transferable skills to enable them to flourish in the 21st century global economy. Whilst covering diverse and extensive territory both conceptually and practically, in their entirety these works share common ground in embracing the notion of ‘the redistribution of educational power’ (Heron, 1981). Assessment therefore becomes something which is not simply ‘done to’ students, but it is also ‘done by’ and ‘done with’ students (Harris and Bell, 1990) and is as much about enhancing the quality of their learning as it is about measuring their performance. Some of these works may challenge traditional positions and approaches and in so doing I hope they will provide you with a stimulating and thought-provoking opportunity to reflect on practice and student learning

    The 21st Century Skills and Job Performance of Teachers

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    The Philippines’ Department of Education through the implementation of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) is pursuing a package of policy reforms to further improve education. One of its reforms is the K-12 Program which has opened the way to the mandated 21st Century Skills. These include Learning and Innovation; Information, Media and Technology; and Life and Career Skills. One of its progress indicators is the use of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) for assessing teachers’ job performance through the self-assessment tool named as Teachers Strengths and Needs Assessment (TSNA). The study sought to identify the teachers’ skills and job performance; the relationship of teachers’ skills and job performance and the difference of both when teachers are grouped according to profile. It employed the descriptive-correlational research design with emphasis on survey method. The frequencies, percentages, means, Pearson r, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were the statistical measures utilized. Results revealed that teachers are moderately competent in terms of the 21st century skills. Teachers have assessed themselves as very satisfactory in terms of the NCBTS. There is also a significant relationship between teachers’ skills and job performance. Lastly, there is no significant difference on both when grouped according to profile.Therefore, the teachers’ skills complement the NCBTS. It can be a very good tool to assess job performance for they are all anchored in the road map of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA). The DepEd, with its programs, projects and initiatives goes hand and hand with the NCBTS. It is recommended that DepEd should firmly implement the triangulation method of assessing job performance of teachers by means of intensive monitoring from the highest down to the lowest ranks other than just mere self-assessment. Keywords: Teachers’ skills, Job performances, Assessment, 21st century skill

    Enhancing Orchestration of Lab Sessions by Means of Awareness Mechanisms

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    Proceedings of: 7th European Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning: 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills (EC-TEL 2012), SaarbrĂŒcken (Germany), 18-21 September, 2012Orchestrating learning is a quite complex task. In fact, it has been identified as one of the grand challenges in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) by the Stellar Network of Excellence. The objective of this article is to provide teachers and students with a tool to help them in their effort of orchestrating learning, that makes use of awareness artefacts. Using this powerful mechanism in lab sessions, we propose four different aspects of orchestration as the target for improvement: the management of the resources in the learning environment; the interventions of the teacher and provision of formative feedback; the collection of evidences for summative assessment; and the re-design of the activity, adjusting some parameters for future enactments. The proposal has been tested in a real course of Multimedia Applications with junior students (3rd course), measuring the benefits for the orchestration.This research has been partially supported by the project “Learn3: Towards Learning of the Third Kind” (TIN2008-05163/TSI) of the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+i", the Madrid regional project “eMadrid: InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo de tecnologĂ­as para el e-learning en la Comunidad de Madrid” (S2009/TIC-1650) and the “EEE project” (TIN2011-28308-C03-01) of the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+i"

    Pupils’ reflections on the use of a digital self-assessment tool to identify and measure development of 21st century skills during maker activities in schools

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    The number of makerspaces is increasing in the world, and the maker movement has started to become integrated into formal education. Maker environments and maker activities are argued as promoting Key Components for Lifelong Learning, e.g. collaboration, problem solving, creativity, life/social skills and communication. These competences are also referred to as 21st century skills. In this paper, we discuss the use of a digital self-assessment tool (DSAT) for pupils’ identification of, and reflections on, their development of these skills. The DSAT was created with gamification as the model where the pupils could reach different levels, receive badges and upload photographs. There were 114 pupils, aged 13–15 years, from six classes who worked with different maker activities in technology subject classes during the autumn of 2021, while using the DSAT. Examples of maker activities used in this study included designing a liquid-bottle, programming with Micro:bit and programming with Roblox. Data were collected through group interviews after the activities with all participating pupils and thereafter analysed thematically. The pupils found the language in the DSAT difficult considering their age and thought that the tool was time consuming and troublesome to use. However, the pupils argued that it is possible to develop 21st century skills during maker activities in school contexts and that the skills are of importance for the future. This study contributes with important knowledge about the design of digital self-assessment tools and about design of technology education, to support pupils to identify and develop 21st century skills in makerspace activities in compulsory technology education

    Learning through assessment

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    This book aims to contribute to the discourse of learning through assessment within a self-directed learning environment. It adds to the scholarship of assessment and self-directed learning within a face-to-face and online learning environment. As part of the NWU Self-Directed Learning Book Series, this book is devoted to scholarship in the field of self-directed learning, focusing on ongoing and envisaged assessment practices for self-directed learning through which learning within the 21st century can take place. This book acknowledges and emphasises the role of assessment as a pedagogical tool to foster self-directed learning during face-to-face and online learning situations. The way in which higher education conceptualises teaching, learning and assessment has been inevitably changed due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, and now more than ever we need learners to be self-directed in their learning. Assessment plays a key role in learning and, therefore, we have to identify innovative ways in which learning can be assessed, and which are likely to become the new norm even after the pandemic has been brought under control. The goal of this book, consisting of original research, is to assist with the paradigm shift regarding the purpose of assessment, as well as providing new ideas on assessment strategies, methods and tools appropriate to foster self-directed learning in all modes of delivery
