122 research outputs found

    E-Learning Di Indonesia : Kenapa Tidak?

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    E-Learning sudah merupakan hal yang sering didengar seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi perangkatkeras komputer dan teknologi internet. E-learning merupakan perangkat lunak pembelajaran online yangmenggunakan jaringan komputer baik global (internet) maupun lokal (intranet). Perangkat lunak e-learningjuga dikenal sebagai Learning Management Systems (LMS), Course Management Systems (CMS) atau VirtualLearning Environment (VLE). LMS saat ini ada yang berupa produk komersial, open source atau tailor made.Produk tailor made sulit untuk diketahui nama maupun feature-nya, hal ini karena biasanya menjadi pemilikpribadi dari lembaga yang membuat atau memesannya. Produk komersial memerlukan biaya untukmendapatkannya, dan itu biasanya tidak murah, seperti WebCT, Blackboard, Virtual U dsb. Satu kelompokproduk yang lain lagi yaitu produk open source antara lain Moodle, ILIAS, Fle, MimerDesk, KEWL dsb. LMSini bersifat gratis dan tidak kalah kualitasnya dengan LMS komersial. EduTools melakukan review terhadap 67LMS, hasilnya hanya lima LMS yang menggunakan pendekatan pedagogik. Empat diantaranya adalah produkopen source, yaitu Moodle, Fle, MimerDesk, dan KEWL. Jadi kesempatan Indonesia menggunakan e-learningtools yang baik dan gratis sangat terbuka. Untuk memilihnya perlu mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor demikeberhasilan implementasinya, antara lain 1) development tools software dari LMS 2) pendekatan pedagogik 3)sumber daya manusia yang tersedia 4) infrastruktur

    New frontiers of managerial training: the LiVES project

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    The evolution of the Internet allowed the Web to become, among the different media, the most global, inter-active and dynamic medium to share information. Therefore, in the last decades, e-Learning has been widely used not only in the academic community, but also in the business sector. Within this context, thanks to their own competences, people can develop specific characteristics which may provide a competitive advantage for their organizations. The development and use of new technologies for the creation of three-dimensional (3D) Virtual Worlds set new challenges and enlarge the very idea of ‘learning environment’. This paper aims at inves-tigating the characteristics of training activities directed at the managerial class, in such a way as to increase their efficacy; it also analyses how the use of specific innovative technologies may be an effective solution.The evolution of the Internet allowed the Web to become, among the different media, the most global, inter-active and dynamic medium to share information. Therefore, in the last decades, e-Learning has been widely used not only in the academic community, but also in the business sector. Within this context, thanks to their own competences, people can develop specific characteristics which may provide a competitive advantage for their organizations. The development and use of new technologies for the creation of three-dimensional (3D) Virtual Worlds set new challenges and enlarge the very idea of ‘learning environment’. This paper aims at inves-tigating the characteristics of training activities directed at the managerial class, in such a way as to increase their efficacy; it also analyses how the use of specific innovative technologies may be an effective solution.Monograph's chapter

    Blended Learning: Overview and Recommendations for Successful Implementation

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify key themes within the blended learning literature and to develop a series of practical recommendations to facilitate the successful adaptation and implementation of a ‘‘blended approach to learning delivery’’. Design/methodology/approach – The literature was reviewed and informed a series of recommendations for organisations considering adopting or implementing blended approaches to teaching and training. Findings – Several key themes centering on the importance of evaluation, skills training, pedagogy, human factors, technology and implementation were identified. The emerging themes informed a series of practical recommendations to assist organisations considering blended learning approaches. Findings highlight the current limitations in the evidence base. Practical implications – The identified key themes and practical recommendations provide a useful assist to organisations considering adopting and implementing blended approaches to teaching and training. Originality/value – The paper highlights key areas for development in the blended learning literature and at the organisational level

    Digitalization in Teaching Economic Disciplines: Past, Current and Future Perspectives

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    This special issue of Business Systems Research (SI of the BSR) highlights the past, current and future perspectives of digitalization in teaching economic disciplines. The emphasis has been put on digital competencies, the quality of e-learning, e-exams, digital tools, gamification, and digital and mobile technologies used in the teaching process in the field of economics. The main focus groups of the research are teachers and students from the economic field of education at both university and secondary school levels. Seven papers selected for this SI of the BSR present the digitalization era\u27s impact on teaching economic disciplines. The conducted research and publication of the papers are funded under the project “Challenges and practices of teaching economic disciplines in era of digitalization” (project no. 2020-1-HR01-KA202-077771), which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

    Academic Education Chain Operation Model

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    This paper presents an approach for modelling the educational processes as a value added chain. It is an attempt to use a business approach to interpret and compile existing business and educational processes towards reference models and suggest an Academic Education Chain Operation Model. The model can be used to develop an Academic Chain Operation Reference Model.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Evaluating the quality of studenbts actions in a distance learning programming language academic discipline

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    Embedding a Blended Learning Approach From First Year

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    As DIT strives to enhance the transition of students into third level education, a number of priority areas were identified as part of the ongoing STEER (Student Transition, Expectations, Engagement, Retention) initiative. Ultimately the onus is on DIT to enable students to become self-directed learners. Blended learning is positioned as a solution to aid in this transition. It has been described as the combination of traditional face-to-face teaching methods with authentic online learning activities (Davies & Fill, 2007, p. 817). However, it is not without risk to assume that first year students have a natural affinity with blended approaches, as Garrison and Vaughan (cited in Moore & Gilmartin, 2010, p.4) opined those who have grown up with interactive technology are not always comfortable with the information transmission approach of large lectures. Students expect a relevant and engaging learning experience . The purpose of our project is to provide a rationale for redesigning a module for blended delivery and how blended learning can be implemented, with specific focus on first year undergraduate modules. It is hope that this report can help address current challenges in the application of blended learning, and also make a definite contribution to the laudable STEER goals. This report will initially consider the background to blended learning and the challenges associated with the approach, before finally exploring the practical implications of introducing blended learning to early stage students in a staged fashion and presenting a practical How to guide for blended learning


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    In today's changing environment, with different risks and threats, there is a need to find new ways to educate young people about existing security threats, both physical and virtual. To facilitate this, it is necessary to regularly improve the knowledge of various members of the society on various safety issues. By timely educating members of the society about the various possible unsafe situations and risks, its members will be prepared for an unsafe situation and will know what to do, thus avoiding unnecessary chaos and panic. In addition, it should be understood that today's new opportunities for e-learning and its processes, are reasons to revise the pedagogical process as such, as e-learning platforms can achieve a more personal effect rather than make the learner feel like one small and unimportant part in the audience. Although there may be a loss of personal contact between the teacher and the learner, but the interaction in the large audience is minimal as well. For this purpose, analysis and evaluation of documents, scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature was carried out, as well conclusions were summarized on the possible impact of e-learning technologies on the promotion of youth safety.
