414 research outputs found

    A tetrahedral space-filling curve for non-conforming adaptive meshes

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    We introduce a space-filling curve for triangular and tetrahedral red-refinement that can be computed using bitwise interleaving operations similar to the well-known Z-order or Morton curve for cubical meshes. To store sufficient information for random access, we define a low-memory encoding using 10 bytes per triangle and 14 bytes per tetrahedron. We present algorithms that compute the parent, children, and face-neighbors of a mesh element in constant time, as well as the next and previous element in the space-filling curve and whether a given element is on the boundary of the root simplex or not. Our presentation concludes with a scalability demonstration that creates and adapts selected meshes on a large distributed-memory system.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, 8 table

    Robust interactive cutting based on an adaptive octree simulation mesh

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    We present an adaptive octree based approach for interactive cutting of deformable objects. Our technique relies on efficient refine- and node split-operations. These are sufficient to robustly represent cuts in the mechanical simulation mesh. A high-resolution surface embedded into the octree is employed to represent a cut visually. Model modification is performed in the rest state of the object, which is accomplished by back-transformation of the blade geometry. This results in an improved robustness of our approach. Further, an efficient update of the correspondences between simulation elements and surface vertices is proposed. The robustness and efficiency of our approach is underlined in test examples as well as by integrating it into a prototype surgical simulato

    Robust Inside-Outside Segmentation Using Generalized Winding Numbers

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    Solid shapes in computer graphics are often represented with boundary descriptions, e.g. triangle meshes, but animation, physicallybased simulation, and geometry processing are more realistic and accurate when explicit volume representations are available. Tetrahedral meshes which exactly contain (interpolate) the input boundary description are desirable but difficult to construct for a large class of input meshes. Character meshes and CAD models are often composed of many connected components with numerous selfintersections, non-manifold pieces, and open boundaries, precluding existing meshing algorithms. We propose an automatic algorithm handling all of these issues, resulting in a compact discretization of the input’s inner volume. We only require reasonably consistent orientation of the input triangle mesh. By generalizing the winding number for arbitrary triangle meshes, we define a function that is a perfect segmentation for watertight input and is well-behaved otherwise. This function guides a graphcut segmentation of a constrained Delaunay tessellation (CDT), providing a minimal description that meets the boundary exactly and may be fed as input to existing tools to achieve element quality. We highlight our robustness on a number of examples and show applications of solving PDEs, volumetric texturing and elastic simulation

    Solid NURBS Conforming Scaffolding for Isogeometric Analysis

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    This work introduces a scaffolding framework to compactly parametrise solid structures with conforming NURBS elements for isogeometric analysis. A novel formulation introduces a topological, geometrical and parametric subdivision of the space in a minimal plurality of conforming vectorial elements. These determine a multi-compartmental scaffolding for arbitrary branching patterns. A solid smoothing paradigm is devised for the conforming scaffolding achieving higher than positional geometrical and parametric continuity. Results are shown for synthetic shapes of varying complexity, for modular CAD geometries, for branching structures from tessellated meshes and for organic biological structures from imaging data. Representative simulations demonstrate the validity of the introduced scaffolding framework with scalable performance and groundbreaking applications for isogeometric analysis

    Rapid B-rep model preprocessing for immersogeometric analysis using analytic surfaces

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of flow over complex objects have been performed traditionally using fluid-domain meshes that conform to the shape of the object. However, creating shape conforming meshes for complicated geometries such as automobiles require extensive geometry preprocessing. This process is usually tedious and requires modifying the geometry, including specialized operations such as defeaturing and filling of small gaps.Hsu et al. (2016) developed a novel immersogeometric fluid-flow method that does not require the generation of a boundary-fitted mesh for the fluid domain. However, their method used the NURBS parameterization of the surfaces for generating the surface quadrature points to enforce the boundary conditions, which required the B-rep model to be converted completely to NURBS before analysis can be performed. This conversion usually leads to poorly parameterized NURBS surfaces and can lead to poorly trimmed or missing surface features. In addition, converting simple geometries such as cylinders to NURBS imposes a performance penalty since these geometries have to be dealt with as rational splines. As a result, the geometry has to be inspected again after conversion to ensure analysis compatibility and can increase the computational cost. In this work, we have extended the immersogeometric method to generate surface quadrature points directly using analytic surfaces. We have developed quadrature rules for all four kinds of analytic surfaces: planes, cones, spheres, and tori. We have also developed methods for performing adaptive quadrature on trimmed analytic surfaces. Since analytic surfaces have frequently been used for constructing solid models, this method is also faster to generate quadrature points on real-world geometries than using only NURBS surfaces. To assess the accuracy of the proposed method, we perform simulations of a benchmark problem of flow over a torpedo shape made of analytic surfaces and compare those to immersogeometric simulations of the same model with NURBS surfaces. We also compare the results of our immersogeometric method with those obtained using boundary-fitted CFD of a tessellated torpedo shape, and quantities of interest such as drag coefficient are in good agreement. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our immersogeometric method for high-fidelity industrial scale simulations by performing an aerodynamic analysis of a truck that has a large percentage of analytic surfaces. Using analytic surfaces over NURBS avoids unnecessary surface type conversion and significantly reduces model-preprocessing time, while providing the same accuracy for the aerodynamic quantities of interest

    Scalable Algorithms for Parallel Tree-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement with General Element Types

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    In this thesis, we develop, discuss and implement algorithms for scalable parallel tree-based adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) using space-filling curves (SFCs). We create an AMR software that works independently of the used element type, such as for example lines, triangles, tetrahedra, quadrilaterals, hexahedra, and prisms. For triangular and tetrahedral elements (simplices) with red-refinement (1:4 in 2D, 1:8 in 3D), we develop a new SFC, the tetrahedral Morton space-filling curve (TM-SFC). Its construction is similar to the Morton index for quadrilaterals/hexa- hedra, as it is also based on bitwise interleaving the coordinates of a certain vertex of the simplex, the anchor node. Additionally, we interleave with a new piece of information, the so called type. For these simplices, we develop element local algorithms such as constructing the parent, children, or face-neighbors of a simplex, and show that most of them are constant-time operations independent of the refinement level. With SFC based partitioning it is possible that the mesh elements that are parti- tioned to one process do not form a face-connected domain. We prove the following upper bounds for the number of face-connected components of segments of the TM-SFC: With a maximum refine- ment level of L, the number of face-connected components is bounded by 2(L − 1) in 2D and 2L + 1 in 3D. Additionally, we perform a numerical investigation of the distribution of lengths of SFC segments. Furthermore, we develop a new approach to partition and repartition a coarse (input) mesh among the processes. Compared to previous methods it optimizes for fine mesh load-balance and reduces the parallel communication of coarse mesh data. We discuss the coarse mesh repartitioning algorithm and demonstrate that our method repartitions a coarse mesh of 371e9 trees on 917,504 processes (405,000 trees per process) on the Juqueen supercomputer in 1.2 seconds. We develop an AMR concept that works independently of the element type; achieving this independence by strictly distinguishing between functions that oper- ate on the whole mesh (high-level) and functions that locally operate on a single element or a small set of elements (low-level). We discuss a new approach to generate and manage ghost elements that fits into our element-type independent approach. We define and describe the necessary low-level algorithms. Our main idea is the computation of tree-to-tree face-neighbors of an element via the explicit construction of the element's face as a lower dimensional element. In order to optimize the runtime of this method we enhance the algorithm with a top-down search method from Isaac, Burstedde, Wilcox, and Ghattas, and demonstrate how it speeds up the computation by factors of 10 to 20 achieving runtimes comparable to state-of-the art implementations with fixed element types. With the ghost algorithm we build a straight-forward ripple version of the 2:1 balance algorithm. This is not an optimized version but it serves as a feasibility study for our element-type independent approach. We implement all algorithms that we develop in this thesis in the new AMR library t8code. Our modular approach allows us to reuse existing software, which we demonstrate by using the library p4est for quadrilateral and hexahedral elements. In a concurrent Bachelor's thesis by David Knapp (INS, Bonn) the necessary low-level algorithms for prisms were developed. With t8code we demonstrate that we can create, adapt, (re-)partition, and balance meshes, as well as create and manage a ghost layer. In various tests we show excellent strong and weak scaling behavior of our algorithms on up to 917,504 parallel processes on the Juqueen and Mira supercomputers using up to 858e9 mesh elements. We conclude this thesis by demonstrating how an application can be coupled with the AMR routines. We implement a finite volume based advection solver using t8code and show applications with triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral, and hexahedral elements, as well as 2D and 3D hybrid meshes, the latter consisting of tetrahedra, hexahedra, and prisms. Overall, we develop and demonstrate a new simplicial SFC and create a fast and scalable tree-based AMR software that offers a flexibility and generality that was previously not available
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