383 research outputs found

    NASA Tech Briefs, March 2012

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    The topics include: 1) Spectral Profiler Probe for In Situ Snow Grain Size and Composition Stratigraphy; 2) Portable Fourier Transform Spectroscopy for Analysis of Surface Contamination and Quality Control; 3) In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Age Dating of Rocks Using Laser Ablation-Miniature Mass Spectrometer; 4) Physics Mining of Multi-Source Data Sets; 5) Photogrammetry Tool for Forensic Analysis; 6) Connect Global Positioning System RF Module; 7) Simple Cell Balance Circuit; 8) Miniature EVA Software Defined Radio; 9) Remotely Accessible Testbed for Software Defined Radio Development; 10) System-of-Systems Technology-Portfolio-Analysis Tool; 11) VESGEN Software for Mapping and Quantification of Vascular Regulators; 12) Constructing a Database From Multiple 2D Images for Camera Pose Estimation and Robot Localization; 13) Adaption of G-TAG Software for Validating Touch and Go Asteroid Sample Return Design Methodology; 14) 3D Visualization for Phoenix Mars Lander Science Operations; 15) RxGen General Optical Model Prescription Generator; 16) Carbon Nanotube Bonding Strength Enhancement Using Metal Wicking Process; 17) Multi-Layer Far-Infrared Component Technology; 18) Germanium Lift-Off Masks for Thin Metal Film Patterning; 19) Sealing Materials for Use in Vacuum at High Temperatures; 20) Radiation Shielding System Using a Composite of Carbon Nanotubes Loaded With Electropolymers; 21) Nano Sponges for Drug Delivery and Medicinal Applications; 22) Molecular Technique to Understand Deep Microbial Diversity; 23) Methods and Compositions Based on Culturing Microorganisms in Low Sedimental Fluid Shear Conditions; 24) Secure Peer-to-Peer Networks for Scientific Information Sharing; 25) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Loading Tool (MDMLT); 26) High-Rate Data-Capture for an Airborne Lidar System; 27) Wavefront Sensing Analysis of Grazing Incidence Optical Systems; 28) Foam-on-Tile Damage Model; 29) Instrument Package Manipulation Through the Generation and Use of an Attenuated-Fluent Gas Fold; 30) Multicolor Detectors for Ultrasensitive Long-Wave Imaging Cameras; 31) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Command and Data Handling Flight Electronics Subsystem; and 32) Electro-Optic Segment-Segment Sensors for Radio and Optical Telescopes

    Mechanical and electrical characterization of wearable textile pressure and strain sensors based on PEDOT:PSS

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    Il termine tecnologia indossabile si riferisce a quei dispositivi elettronici incorporati negli indumenti od accessori che possono essere comodamente indossati. Essi sono ampiamente utilizzati in campo medico, sportivo, educativo o per monitorare disabilità. In questa tesi sono stati sviluppati sensori di pressione e di deformazione tessili, proponendo il modello teorico che ne descrive il comportamento. L'elemento attivo di tali sensori tessili è basato sul polimero intrinsecamente conduttivo (PEDOT:PSS). La soluzione conduttiva è stata depositata sui tessuti tramite il metodo drop-casting e la tecnica screen printing. La teoria sviluppata per il tessuto di cotone ha dimostrato che è possibile cambiare il range di pressione in cui i sensori rispondono cambiando la concentrazione di glicole etilenico presente nella soluzione di PEDOT:PSS pur mantenendo la geometria dei sensori inalterata. Per realizzare un'applicazione reale, il sensore di pressione tessile è stato fabbricato su un tessuto tecnico sportivo elastico. Comportamenti simili sono stati ottenuti dimostrando la validità del modello proposto. Successivamente, sono presentati i processi di fabbricazione e la caratterizzazione elettro-meccanica di sensori di deformazione tessili. Range tests e stability tests eseguiti su questi sensori di deformazione forniscono notizie circa le loro prestazioni:affidabilità e gauge factor. Il meccanismo di rilevamento è stato analizzato con un modello teorico basato sulle proprietà del tessuto e sulla deformazione della struttura wale-course tipica dei tessuti a maglia. I risultati ottenuti durante questo lavoro permettono lo sviluppo di una nuova generazione di sensori di pressione e di deformazione tessili che potranno essere comodamente indossati nella vita di tutti i giorni

    Small business innovation research. Abstracts of 1988 phase 1 awards

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    Non-proprietary proposal abstracts of Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects supported by NASA are presented. Projects in the fields of aeronautical propulsion, aerodynamics, acoustics, aircraft systems, materials and structures, teleoperators and robots, computer sciences, information systems, data processing, spacecraft propulsion, bioastronautics, satellite communication, and space processing are covered

    Object grasping and safe manipulation using friction-based sensing.

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    This project provides a solution for slippage prevention in industrial robotic grippers for the purpose of safe object manipulation. Slippage sensing is performed using novel friction-based sensors, with customisable slippage sensitivity and complemented by an effective slippage prediction strategy. The outcome is a reliable and affordable slippage prevention technology

    NASA Tech Briefs, October 2004

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    Topics include: Relative-Motion Sensors and Actuators for Two Optical Tables; Improved Position Sensor for Feedback Control of Levitation; Compact Tactile Sensors for Robot Fingers; Improved Ion-Channel Biosensors; Suspended-Patch Antenna With Inverted, EM-Coupled Feed; System Would Predictively Preempt Traffic Lights for Emergency Vehicles; Optical Position Encoders for High or Low Temperatures; Inter-Valence-Subband/Conduction-Band-Transport IR Detectors; Additional Drive Circuitry for Piezoelectric Screw Motors; Software for Use with Optoelectronic Measuring Tool; Coordinating Shared Activities; Software Reduces Radio-Interference Effects in Radar Data; Using Iron to Treat Chlorohydrocarbon-Contaminated Soil; Thermally Insulating, Kinematic Tensioned-Fiber Suspension; Back Actuators for Segmented Mirrors and Other Applications; Mechanism for Self-Reacted Friction Stir Welding; Lightweight Exoskeletons with Controllable Actuators; Miniature Robotic Submarine for Exploring Harsh Environments; Electron-Spin Filters Based on the Rashba Effect; Diffusion-Cooled Tantalum Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers; Tunable Optical True-Time Delay Devices Would Exploit EIT; Fast Query-Optimized Kernel-Machine Classification; Indentured Parts List Maintenance and Part Assembly Capture Tool - IMPACT; An Architecture for Controlling Multiple Robots; Progress in Fabrication of Rocket Combustion Chambers by VPS; CHEM-Based Self-Deploying Spacecraft Radar Antennas; Scalable Multiprocessor for High-Speed Computing in Space; and Simple Systems for Detecting Spacecraft Meteoroid Punctures

    Direct laser writing of a new type of optical waveguides and components in silver containing glasses

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    "Thèse en cotutelle, Doctorat en physique; Université Laval, Québec, Canada et Université de Bordeaux, Talence, France"L'inscription laser directe est un domaine de recherche en croissance depuis ces deux dernières décennies, fournissant un moyen efficace et robuste pour inscrire directement des structures en trois dimensions (3D) dans des matériaux transparents tels que des verres en utilisant des impulsions laser femtosecondes. Cette technique présente de nombreux avantages par rapport à la technique de lithographie, qui se limite à la structuration en deux dimensions (2D) et implique de nombreuses étapes de fabrication. Cela rend la technique d’inscription laser directe bien adaptée aux nouveaux procédés de fabrication. Généralement, l’inscription laser dans les verres induit des changements physiques tels qu'un changement permanent de l'indice de réfraction localisé. Ces modifications ont été classées en trois types distincts:(type I, type II et type III). Dans ce travail, nous présentons un nouveau type de changement d'indice de réfraction, appelé type A qui est basé sur la création d’agrégats d'argent photo-induits. En effet, dans des verres dans lesquels sont incorporés des ions argent Ag+, lors de leur synthèse, l’inscription laser directe induit la création d’agrégats d’argent fluorescents Agmx+ au voisinage du voxel d’interaction. Ces agrégats modifient localement les propriétés optiques comme la fluorescence, la non-linéarité et la réponse plasmonique du verre. Ainsi, différents guides d'ondes, un séparateur de faisceau 50-50, ainsi que des coupleurs optiques ont été inscrits en se basant sur ce nouveau type A et complétement caractérisés. D'autre part, une étude comparative entre les deux types de guides d'ondes (type A et type I) est présentée, tout en montrant qu’en ajustant les paramètres laser, il est possible de déclencher soit le type I soit le type A. Enfin, en se basant sur des guides d’ondes de type A inscrits proche de la surface du verre, un capteur d'indice de réfraction hautement sensible a été inscrit dans une lame de verre de 1 cm de long. Ce capteur miniaturisé peut présenter deux fenêtres de détection d’indice, ce qui constitue une première mondiale. Les propriétés des guides d'ondes inscrits dans ces verres massifs ont été transposées à des fibres en forme de ruban, du même matériau contenant de l'argent. Les résultats obtenus dans ce travail de thèse ouvrent la voie à la fabrication de circuits intégrés en 3D et de capteurs à fibre basés sur des propriétés optiques originales inaccessibles avec des guides d’onde de type I standard.Direct Laser Writing (DLW) has been an exponentially growing research field during the last two decades, by providing an efficient and robust way to directly fabricate three dimensional (3D) structures in transparent materials such as glasses using femtosecond laser pulses. It exhibits many advantages over the lithography technique, which is mostly limited to two dimensional (2D) structuring and involves many fabrication steps. This competitive aspect makes the DLW technique suitable for future technological transfer to advanced industrial manufacturing. Generally, DLW in glasses induces physical changes such as permanent local refractive index modifications that have been classified under three distinct types: (Type I, Type II & Type III). In silver containing glasses with embedded silver ions Ag+, DLW induces the creation of fluorescent silver clusters Agmx+ at the vicinity of the interaction voxel. In this work, we present a new type of refractive index change, called type A occurring in the low pulse energy regime that is based on the creation of the photo-induced silver clusters allowing the creation of new linear and nonlinear optical waveguides in silver containing glasses. Various waveguides, a 50- 50 Y beam splitter, as well as optical couplers, were written based on type A modification inside bulk glasses and further characterized. In addition, a comparitive study between type A and type I waveguides is presented, showing that finely tuning the laser parameters allows the creation of either type A or type I modifications inside silver containing glasses. Finally, based on type A near-surface waveguides, a highly sensitive refractive index sensor is created in a 1 cm glass chip, which could exhibit a pioneer demonstration of double sensing refractive ranges. The waveguiding properties observed and reported in the bulk of such silver containing glasses were transposed to ribbon shaped fibers of the same material. Those results pave the way towards the fabrication of 3D integrated circuits and fiber sensors with original fluorescent, nonlinear and plasmonic properties that are not accessible using the standard type I modification

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography (supplement 138)

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    This bibliography lists 366 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July 1981

    Integration of optical interconnections and optoelectronic components in flexible substrates

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    Licht als informatiedrager voor datacommunicatie kende een ongezien succes in de laatste decennia. Wegens de lage verliezen en hoge datasnelheden hebben ze voor het overbruggen van lange afstanden hun elektrische tegenhangers reeds geruime tijd verdrongen. Deze trend zet zich ook voort voor korte afstand communicatie op printplaten. Naast zijn functie als informatiedrager, wordt licht ook gebruikt om een waaier aan fysische grootheden te meten. Ook hier heeft licht enkele significante voordelen t.o.v elektrische informatiedragers, waardoor optische sensoren wijdverspreid zijn. Een tweede duidelijke trend binnen de elektronica is het gebruik van flexibele printkaarten. Deze zijn veel dunner, lichter en betrouwbaarder dan de klassieke harde printkaarten, waardoor ze uiterst geschikt zijn voor draagbare toepassingen waar compactheid en een laag gewicht hoge vereisten zijn. De flexibiliteit van de printplaten laat ook toe hen te gebruiken op onvlakke oppervlakken en op bewegende onderdelen. Het doel van het gepresenteerde doctoraatswerk is de ontwikkeling van een nieuw technologieplatform dat bovengenoemde trends combineert. Alle bouwblokken van optische communicatie, gaande van actieve opto-elektronische componenten, aanstuurelektronica, golfgeleiderbaantjes en galvanische verbindingen tot optische koppelstructuren tussen de verschillende bouwblokken, worden zodanig gerealiseerd dat elke component flexibel is en geïntegreerd wordt in een dunne folie met een dikte van slechts 150µm. Op die manier bekomen we een flexibele folie met alle passieve en actieve onderdelen voor optische communicatie geïntegreerd met enkel een elektrische interface naar de buitenwereld, wat de aanvaarding en toepassing van deze technologie in de huidige elektronica aanzienlijk kan versnellen. Binnen het doctoraatswerk werden alle voorgestelde technologieën en processen gerealiseerd en geoptimaliseerd. Bovendien werden de optische verliezen, warmteaspecten, hoogfrequent gedrag, mechanisch gedrag en betrouwbaarheid van de technologie gekarakteriseerd en vergeleken met de huidige state-of-the-art

    Luminescent spin crossover nanomaterials: physical properties and applications

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    L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de fournir un nouveau protocole qui permet la détection de la transition de spin (TS) dans un nano-objet unique. Dans ce but, nous proposons d'utiliser la luminescence comme sonde très sensible qui peut être employée à des échelles où d'autres méthodes conventionnelles ne sont plus efficaces. Nous avons cherché à développer des nano-matériaux à TS avec des propriétés de luminescence dans le but d'isoler ces objets et ensuite sonder leurs propriétés via la détection luminescente. Sur la base de techniques de lithographie douce, plusieurs méthodes allant de l'assemblage aléatoire jusqu'à l'assemblage capillaire dirigé de nanoparticules à TS et également la synthèse in situ d'objets isolés luminescents à TS (ca. 150 nm) ont été explorées. Dans le même temps, leur étude en microscopie de fluorescence est présentée et les défis expérimentaux que cette tâche a imposée sont discutés. En outre, l'application potentielle de ces matériaux hybrides en microthermométrie est étudiée. Comme preuve de concept, des films minces de systèmes luminescents à TS ont été déposés sus des micro / nanofils chauffés par effet Joule afin de cartographier leur température.The main objective of this thesis is to provide a new protocol that permits the detection of the spin crossover (SCO) phenomenon in a single nano-object. To accomplish this, we propose luminescence as a highly sensitive technique that may be employed at scales where other conventional methods are no longer effective. We aimed to develop SCO nano-materials with luminescence properties in order to isolate these objects, address them and then probe their properties via luminescent detection. Methods ranging from random to directed microcappilary assembly of SCO nanoparticles and also in situ synthesis of isolated luminescent SCO objects (ca. 150 nm) based on soft lithographic techniques were explored. At the same time, their investigation in fluorescence microscopy is shown and the experimental challenges that this task imposed are discussed. Also, the potential application of these hybrid materials in microthermometry is studied. As a proof of concept, thin films of luminescent SCO systems were employed to obtain thermal cartographies of gold micro - nanowires heated by Joule effect