1,392 research outputs found

    Survey of Spectrum Sharing for Inter-Technology Coexistence

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    Increasing capacity demands in emerging wireless technologies are expected to be met by network densification and spectrum bands open to multiple technologies. These will, in turn, increase the level of interference and also result in more complex inter-technology interactions, which will need to be managed through spectrum sharing mechanisms. Consequently, novel spectrum sharing mechanisms should be designed to allow spectrum access for multiple technologies, while efficiently utilizing the spectrum resources overall. Importantly, it is not trivial to design such efficient mechanisms, not only due to technical aspects, but also due to regulatory and business model constraints. In this survey we address spectrum sharing mechanisms for wireless inter-technology coexistence by means of a technology circle that incorporates in a unified, system-level view the technical and non-technical aspects. We thus systematically explore the spectrum sharing design space consisting of parameters at different layers. Using this framework, we present a literature review on inter-technology coexistence with a focus on wireless technologies with equal spectrum access rights, i.e. (i) primary/primary, (ii) secondary/secondary, and (iii) technologies operating in a spectrum commons. Moreover, we reflect on our literature review to identify possible spectrum sharing design solutions and performance evaluation approaches useful for future coexistence cases. Finally, we discuss spectrum sharing design challenges and suggest future research directions

    Using hypergraph theory to model coexistence management and coordinated spectrum allocation for heterogeneous wireless networks operating in shared spectrum

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    Electromagnetic waves in the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum are used to convey wireless transmissions from one radio antenna to another. Spectrum utilisation factor, which refers to how readily a given spectrum can be reused across space and time while maintaining an acceptable level of transmission errors, is used to measure how efficiently a unit of frequency spectrum can be allocated to a specified number of users. The demand for wireless applications is increasing exponentially, hence there is a need for efficient management of the RF spectrum. However, spectrum usage studies have shown that the spectrum is under-utilised in space and time. A regulatory shift from static spectrum assignment to DSA is one way of addressing this. Licence exemption policy has also been advanced in Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems to spur wireless innovation and universal access to the internet. Furthermore, there is a shift from homogeneous to heterogeneous radio access and usage of the same spectrum band. These three shifts from traditional spectrum management have led to the challenge of coexistence among heterogeneous wireless networks which access the spectrum using DSA techniques. Cognitive radios have the ability for spectrum agility based on spectrum conditions. However, in the presence of multiple heterogeneous networks and without spectrum coordination, there is a challenge related to switching between available channels to minimise interference and maximise spectrum allocation. This thesis therefore focuses on the design of a framework for coexistence management and spectrum coordination, with the objective of maximising spectrum utilisation across geographical space and across time. The amount of geographical coverage in which a frequency can be used is optimised through frequency reuse while ensuring that harmful interference is minimised. The time during which spectrum is occupied is increased through time-sharing of the same spectrum by two or more networks, while ensuring that spectrum is shared by networks that can coexist in the same spectrum and that the total channel load is not excessive to prevent spectrum starvation. Conventionally, a graph is used to model relationships between entities such as interference relationships among networks. However, the concept of an edge in a graph is not sufficient to model relationships that involve more than two entities, such as more than two networks that are able to share the same channel in the time domain, because an edge can only connect two entities. On the other hand, a hypergraph is a generalisation of an undirected graph in which a hyperedge can connect more than two entities. Therefore, this thesis investigates the use of hypergraph theory to model the RF environment and the spectrum allocation scheme. The hypergraph model was applied to an algorithm for spectrum sharing among 100 heterogeneous wireless networks, whose geo-locations were randomly and independently generated in a 50 km by 50 km area. Simulation results for spectrum utilisation performance have shown that the hypergraph-based model allocated channels, on average, to 8% more networks than the graph-based model. The results also show that, for the same RF environment, the hypergraph model requires up to 36% fewer channels to achieve, on average, 100% operational networks, than the graph model. The rate of growth of the running time of the hypergraph-based algorithm with respect to the input size is equal to the square of the input size, like the graph-based algorithm. Thus, the model achieved better performance at no additional time complexity.Electromagnetic waves in the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum are used to convey wireless transmissions from one radio antenna to another. Spectrum utilisation factor, which refers to how readily a given spectrum can be reused across space and time while maintaining an acceptable level of transmission errors, is used to measure how efficiently a unit of frequency spectrum can be allocated to a specified number of users. The demand for wireless applications is increasing exponentially, hence there is a need for efficient management of the RF spectrum. However, spectrum usage studies have shown that the spectrum is under-utilised in space and time. A regulatory shift from static spectrum assignment to DSA is one way of addressing this. Licence exemption policy has also been advanced in Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems to spur wireless innovation and universal access to the internet. Furthermore, there is a shift from homogeneous to heterogeneous radio access and usage of the same spectrum band. These three shifts from traditional spectrum management have led to the challenge of coexistence among heterogeneous wireless networks which access the spectrum using DSA techniques. Cognitive radios have the ability for spectrum agility based on spectrum conditions. However, in the presence of multiple heterogeneous networks and without spectrum coordination, there is a challenge related to switching between available channels to minimise interference and maximise spectrum allocation. This thesis therefore focuses on the design of a framework for coexistence management and spectrum coordination, with the objective of maximising spectrum utilisation across geographical space and across time. The amount of geographical coverage in which a frequency can be used is optimised through frequency reuse while ensuring that harmful interference is minimised. The time during which spectrum is occupied is increased through time-sharing of the same spectrum by two or more networks, while ensuring that spectrum is shared by networks that can coexist in the same spectrum and that the total channel load is not excessive to prevent spectrum starvation. Conventionally, a graph is used to model relationships between entities such as interference relationships among networks. However, the concept of an edge in a graph is not sufficient to model relationships that involve more than two entities, such as more than two networks that are able to share the same channel in the time domain, because an edge can only connect two entities. On the other hand, a hypergraph is a generalisation of an undirected graph in which a hyperedge can connect more than two entities. Therefore, this thesis investigates the use of hypergraph theory to model the RF environment and the spectrum allocation scheme. The hypergraph model was applied to an algorithm for spectrum sharing among 100 heterogeneous wireless networks, whose geo-locations were randomly and independently generated in a 50 km by 50 km area. Simulation results for spectrum utilisation performance have shown that the hypergraph-based model allocated channels, on average, to 8% more networks than the graph-based model. The results also show that, for the same RF environment, the hypergraph model requires up to 36% fewer channels to achieve, on average, 100% operational networks, than the graph model. The rate of growth of the running time of the hypergraph-based algorithm with respect to the input size is equal to the square of the input size, like the graph-based algorithm. Thus, the model achieved better performance at no additional time complexity

    A Hierarchical Spectrum Access Scheme for TV White Space Coexistence in Hetergeneous Networks

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    Among current techniques for dynamic access to television (TV) white space (TVWS), geolocation database-based access provides a promising performance in protecting the TV-band incumbents from interference that cannot be efficiently achieved in other license-exempt models. However, in heterogeneous wireless networks, most portable devices do not have such access and may cause interference to TV incumbents. We propose a hierarchical model for spectrum sharing in TVWS that includes a wide range of fixed and portable devices. In the first tier, the TV broadcaster can lease the spectrum bands to local fixed users based on a soft license agreement. The fixed users are allowed to share access to this spectrum with some mobile users in their proximity in exchange for cooperative relaying. We consider a practical scenario, where only partial channel state information (CSI) is available at the users\u27 transmitters, and we propose a robust algorithm against such uncertainties in CSI values. We also propose a reputation-based relay selection mechanism to identify selfish portable users. The proposed spectrum sharing framework can provide a practical model for TVWS-coexistence that prevents undesired interference to the incumbents while restricting interference among the unlicensed devices. The simulation results show the enhancement of fixed users\u27 rate compared with alternative relay selection methods

    From Sensing to Predictions and Database Technique: A Review of TV White Space Information Acquisition in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Strategies to acquire white space information is the single most significant functionality in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) and as such, it has gone some evolution to enhance information accuracy. The evolution trends are spectrum sensing, prediction algorithm and recently, geo-location database technique. Previously, spectrum sensing was the main technique for detecting the presence/absence of a primary user (PU) signal in a given radio frequency (RF) spectrum. However, this expectation could not materialized as a result of numerous technical challenges ranging from hardware imperfections to RF signal impairments. To convey the evolutionary trends in the development of white space information, we present a survey of the contemporary advancements in PU detection with emphasis on the practical deployment of CRNs i.e. Television white space (TVWS) networks. It is found that geo-location database is the most reliable technique to acquire TVWS information although, it is financially driven. Finally, using financially driven database model, this study compared the data-rate and spectral efficiency of FCC and Ofcom TV channelization. It was discovered that Ofcom TV channelization outperforms FCC TV channelization as a result of having higher spectrum bandwidth. We proposed the adoption of an all-inclusive TVWS information acquisition model as the future research direction for TVWS information acquisition techniques

    Spectrum Trading: An Abstracted Bibliography

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    This document contains a bibliographic list of major papers on spectrum trading and their abstracts. The aim of the list is to offer researchers entering this field a fast panorama of the current literature. The list is continually updated on the webpage \url{http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/users/naldi/Ricspt.html}. Omissions and papers suggested for inclusion may be pointed out to the authors through e-mail (\textit{[email protected]})

    A survey on MAC protocols for complex self-organizing cognitive radio networks

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    Complex self-organizing cognitive radio (CR) networks serve as a framework for accessing the spectrum allocation dynamically where the vacant channels can be used by CR nodes opportunistically. CR devices must be capable of exploiting spectrum opportunities and exchanging control information over a control channel. Moreover, CR nodes should intelligently coordinate their access between different cognitive radios to avoid collisions on the available spectrum channels and to vacate the channel for the licensed user in timely manner. Since inception of CR technology, several MAC protocols have been designed and developed. This paper surveys the state of the art on tools, technologies and taxonomy of complex self-organizing CR networks. A detailed analysis on CR MAC protocols form part of this paper. We group existing approaches for development of CR MAC protocols and classify them into different categories and provide performance analysis and comparison of different protocols. With our categorization, an easy and concise view of underlying models for development of a CR MAC protocol is provided

    Market Mechanisms Towards Secondary Spectrum Usage

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    Widespread adoption of smartphones, tablets and other smart devices has resulted in mobile operators (MOs) making a transition from voice to data centric business model. As a consequence there has been an increase in demand for radio spectrum. Spectrum availability in the future can be a cause of concern, the main reason of which is being attributed to the traditional and inflexible approach towards spectrum management. Hence it is required to overhaul the existing spectrum management techniques and adopt those models which aim at higher spectrum utilization. As part of our research methodology we first perform a state-of-the-art review on secondary usage of radio spectrum. We observe that most research assumes a clean slate approach towards the emergence of secondary spectrum markets which are typically designed with an underlying assumption of participating actors being of homogeneous type. In contrast with above we take an evolutionary approach while designing market mechanisms towards heterogeneous secondary usage of spectrum. The evolution of trading markets is reflected in the incremental steps used in our research, i.e. starting from Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11) capacity markets, followed by super Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11af) capacity markets and finally TV White Spaces (TVWS) spectrum leasing markets. We make use of Value Network Configuration (VNC) methodology for illustrating the design of market mechanism and further evaluate the designed mechanism using Agent Based Modeling (ABM). Based on our simulation results we observe that a generic trade-off exist between the length of lease time, trade facilitation cost and the extent of trading activity within the markets. We also observe that there exists an optimal range of lease time for which all the market players find themselves in economically favourable situation. We compare super Wi-Fi capacity markets and TVWS spectrum leasing markets over performance of MOs and TV broadcasters and according to our evaluation local area strategy seems to offer more benefits for TVWS spectrum usage

    Understanding the Challenges of TV White Space Databases for Mobile Usage

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    Transition to the Digital Television (DTV) has freed up large spectrum bands, known as a digital dividend. These frequencies are now available for opportunistic use and referred to as Television White Space (TVWS). The usage of the TVWS is regulated by licensing, and there are primary users, mostly TV broadcasters, that have bought the license to use certain channels, and secondary users, who can use channels that primary users are not currently utilizing. The coexistence can be facilitated either by spectrum sensing or White Space Databases (WSDBs) and in this thesis, we are concentrating on the latter. Technically, WSDB is a geolocational database that stores location and other relevant transmitter characteristics of primary users, such as antenna height and transmission power. WSDB calculates safety zone of the primary user by applying radio wave propagation model to the stored information. The secondary user sends a request to WSDB containing its location and receives a list of available channels. The main problem we are going to concentrate on is specific challenges that mobile devices face in using WSDBs. Current regulations demand that after moving each 100 meters, the mobile device has to query WSDB, consequently increasing device's energy consumption and network load. Fast moving devices confront the even more severe problem: there is always some delay in communications with WSDB, and it is possible that while waiting for the response the device moves another 100 meters. In that case, instead of using the reply the device has to query the WSDB again. For fast moving devices (e.g. contained inside vehicles) the vicious loop can continue indefinitely long, resulting in an inability to use TVWS at all. A. Majid has proposed predictive optimization algorithm called Nuna to deal with the problem. Our approach is different, we investigate spatiotemporal variations of the spectrum and basing on over than six months of observations we suggest the spectrum caching technique. According to our data, there are minimal temporal variations in TVWS spectrum, and that makes caching very appealing. We also sketch technical details for a possible spectrum caching solution
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