6 research outputs found

    A systematic mapping study of performance analysis and modelling of cloud systems and applications

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    Cloud computing is a paradigm that uses utility-driven models in providing dynamic services to clients at all levels. Performance analysis and modelling is essential because of service level agreement guarantees. Studies on performance analysis and modelling are increasing in a productive manner on the cloud landscape on issues like virtual machines and data storage. The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic mapping study of performance analysis and modelling of cloud systems and applications. A systematic mapping study is useful in visualization and summarizing the research carried in an area of interest. The systematic study provided an overview of studies on this subject by using a structure, based on categorization. The results are presented in terms of research such as evaluation and solution, and contribution such as tools and method utilized. The results showed that there were more discussions on optimization in relation to tool, method and process with 6.42%, 14.29% and 7.62% respectively. In addition, analysis based on designs in terms of model had 14.29% and publication relating to optimization in terms of evaluation research had 9.77%, validation 7.52%, experience 3.01%, and solution 10.51%. Research gaps were identified and should motivate researchers in pursuing further research direction

    Can gamification help in software testing education? Findings from an empirical study

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    Software testing is an essential knowledge area required by industry for software engineers. However, software engineering students often consider testing less appealing than designing or coding. Consequently, it is difficult to engage students to create effective tests. To encourage students, we explored the use of gamification and investigated whether this technique can help to improve the engagement and performance of software testing students. We conducted a controlled experiment to compare the engagement and performance of two groups of students that took an undergraduate software testing course in different academic years. The experimental group is formed by 135 students from the gamified course whereas the control group is formed by 100 students from the non-gamified course. The data collected were statistically analyzed to answer the research questions of this study. The results show that the students that participated in the gamification experience were more engaged and achieved a better performance. As an additional finding, the analysis of the results reveals that a key aspect to succeed is the gamification experience design. It is important to distribute the motivating stimulus provided by the gamification throughout the whole experience to engage students until the end. Given these results, we plan to readjust the gamification experience design to increase student engagement in the last stage of the experience, as well as to conduct a longitudinal study to evaluate the effects of gamification

    Акмеология профессионального образования : монография

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    Монография посвящена акмеологическим аспектам профессионального образования и повышения психолого-педагогической квалификации работников образования. Рассмотрены особенности взаимодействия педагогических и производственных факторов на основных этапах становления теории и практики профессионального образования, развития ценностных основ обучающихся профессионального образования, подготовки мастеров производственного обучения к организации образовательного процесса в условиях реализации проекта «Профессионалитет», педагогического содержания и акмеологического потенциала транспрофессионализма, многоуровневой системы акмеологических ориентиров развития личности, физического развития молодежи как условия акмеологических достижений. Работа адресована научным и практическим работникам системы профессионального образования, аспирантам и студентам высших учебных заведений

    Book widgets as a gamification tool to support teaching and learning in Grade 5

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    Dissertation (MEd (Computer Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2023.Gamification has been demonstrated to be helpful in enhancing educational activities as well as motivating students to learn. This study explored the use of a gamification tool to support teachers when facing students with low levels of engagement and participation. Considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the excessive use of online learning, students have lost interest and motivation to learn in the classroom. Hence, gamification tools like Book Widgets were used to encourage motivation, engagement, and participation to enhance student learning. The research questions guided the study, examines the gamification elements within Book Widgets and demonstrates how the elements are used to motivate students and improve engagement and participation. To address these questions, a gamification evaluation rubric was used, along with a qualitative research design using semi-structured interviews with students from Grade 5 in a private primary school located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In this study, the researcher aimed to gain a better understanding of how the gamification elements in Book Widgets support teaching and learning by providing students with motivation, engagement, and participation within the classroom. Guided by the gamification taxonomy, the results of the analysis showed the students were motivated to learn more and that gamification elements, like badges, time frames, and animations, helped enhance classroom engagement. Moreover, gamification elements in Book Widgets have shown to improve students' attention, motivation, and engagement, as well as participation in various learning activities. Further, the study made a significant contribution to the scholarly community at several levels. Firstly, this study provided an in- depth understanding of the gamification elements of the Book Widget application and how they motivate students both intrinsically and extrinsically and promote engagement and participation in the classroom. Secondly, the researcher is now aware that the Book Widget application does support teaching and learning in the classroom through the incorporation of gamification elements. Lastly, the study contributed to a knowledge gap in gamification regarding the value of gamification elements in education.Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationMEd (Computer) Integrated EducationUnrestrictedFaculty of EducationSDG-04: Quality Educatio

    La gamificación en el ámbito de la mejora del proceso software: marco metodológico

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    La industria software es una piedra angular en el desarrollo de las sociedades. En las iniciativas de mejora de procesos de software (SPI), la gestión del cambio organizacional se ha identificado como una de las áreas fundamentales a tener en cuenta. El software es altamente dependiente del capital humano y cualquier iniciativa SPI que aspire al éxito debe tener en cuenta los factores humanos, en especial, la motivación y el compromiso de las personas involucradas. De hecho, contar con aspectos motivadores que permitan mejorar el rendimiento de los equipos de desarrollo de software se presenta como uno de los principales retos de la gestión de la Ingeniería del Software en todo el mundo. A pesar de todo esto, se sigue sin prestar la suficiente atención a los aspectos humanos y el alto grado de fracaso en las iniciativas SPI está directamente relacionado con una falta de compromiso de la alta dirección y de motivación. La base sobre las que se sustenta la gamificación -principios psicológicos y elementos del juego- nos permite definir mecanismos que canalizan la motivación de las personas al desarrollo de tareas de manera más eficiente, además de fomentar y acelerar la aceptación de iniciativas SPI. Este trabajo de investigación supone un enfoque pionero e innovador dado que aprovecha el carácter transversal de la gamificación y aplica, de manera metodológica, sus fundamentos a la gestión del cambio organizacional de SPI. Esta vinculación de cuerpos de conocimiento cristaliza en el marco metodológico validado por expertos de ambas áreas. A través de la gamificación, se ha validado empíricamente en un entorno productivo cómo el marco permite incrementar el rendimiento en la gestión del cambio organizacional implícita en toda propuesta de SPI, a pesar de no verse afectada la motivación intrínseca.Software industry is a cornerstone in the development of societies. In software process improvement (SPI) initiatives, organizational change management has been identified as one of the crucial areas to manage. Software is highly dependent on human capital and any SPI initiative that aspires to success must consider human factors, especially motivation and commitment of the people involved. In fact, motivational aspects that improve the performance of software development teams is presented as one of the main challenges of software engineering management worldwide. Despite all this, it still does not pay sufficient attention to the human aspects and the high degree of failure in SPI initiatives is directly related to a lack of commitment and motivation. The foundations on which gamification is based -psychological principles and game elements-, allows us to define mechanisms that channel the motivation of people to the more efficient development of tasks to promote and accelerate the acceptance of process improvement. This research is a pioneering and innovative approach that leverages the given transverse nature of gamification and apply, in a methodological way, its fundamentals to SPI organizational change management. This entailment of bodies of knowledge crystallizes in the methodological framework validated by experts from both areas. Through gamification, it was empirically validated in a real software organization that this framework allows to increase performance in managing organizational change in SPI, despite not being affected the intrinsic motivation. iniciativas de mejora de procesos de software (SPI), la gestión del cambio organizacional se ha identificado como una de las áreas fundamentales a tener en cuenta. El software es altamente dependiente del capital humano y cualquier iniciativa SPI que aspire al éxito debe tener en cuenta los factores humanos, en especial, la motivación y el compromiso de las personas involucradas. De hecho, contar con aspectos motivadores que permitan mejorar el rendimiento de los equipos de desarrollo de software se presenta como uno de los principales retos de la gestión de la Ingeniería del Software en todo el mundo. A pesar de todo esto, se sigue sin prestar la suficiente atención a los aspectos humanos y el alto grado de fracaso en las iniciativas SPI está directamente relacionado con una falta de compromiso de la alta dirección y de motivación. La base sobre las que se sustenta la gamificación -principios psicológicos y elementos del juego- nos permite definir mecanismos que canalizan la motivación de las personas al desarrollo de tareas de manera más eficiente, además de fomentar y acelerar la aceptación de iniciativas SPI. Este trabajo de investigación supone un enfoque pionero e innovador dado que aprovecha el carácter transversal de la gamificación y aplica, de manera metodológica, sus fundamentos a la gestión del cambio organizacional de SPI. Esta vinculación de cuerpos de conocimiento cristaliza en el marco metodológico validado por expertos de ambas áreas. A través de la gamificación, se ha validado empíricamente en un entorno productivo cómo el marco permite incrementar el rendimiento en la gestión del cambio organizacional implícita en toda propuesta de SPI, a pesar de no verse afectada la motivación intrínseca.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Gonzalo Cuevas Agustín.- Secretario: María Isabel Sánchez Segura.- Vocal: Fernando Llopis Pascua

    Digital marketing, elements of the public sector competition value chain in Barranquilla, (Colombia)

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    La organización en la actualidad están obligadas a generar mayores beneficios a sus consumidores para lograr mayor posicionamiento en el mercado, eso depende del manejo de factores de competitividad internos y externos que predominan en las organizaciones medianas en el sector de la publicidad digital en Barranquilla. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el marketing digital del sector publicitario. La investigación es descriptiva con diseño no experimental y transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 15 empresas, cumpliendo los criterios: Empresa mediana, con departamento de Marketing digital, domiciliada en Barranquilla. Los resultados fueron descripción el marketing digital del sector publicitario, de acuerdo a los factores internos y externos en estas empresas presentan donde existe una consistencia moderada en la dinámica de respuesta de la empresa ante factores externos y viceversa. Se concluyó que las empresas de este sector requieren de estrategias que promuevan el desarrollo de los indicadores internos de competitividad que respondan a los factores cambiantes externo.The organization is currently forced to generate greater benefits to its consumers to achieve greater market positioning, that depends on the management of internal and external competitiveness factors that predominates in medium-sized organizations in the digital advertising sector in Barranquilla. The objective of this research was to describe the digital marketing of the advertising sector. The research is descriptive with non-experimental and transversal design. The sample was composed by 15 companies, fulfilling the criteria: Medium company, with department of Digital Marketing, placed in Barranquilla. The results were a description digital marketing of the advertising sector, according of the internal and external factors in these companies present where there is a moderate consistency in the dynamics of the company’s response to external factors and vice versa. It was concluded that companies in this sector have difficulties in strategies that promote the development of internal competitiveness indicators that respond to changing external factors