11 research outputs found

    Real-time Continuous Uncertainty Annotation (RCUA) for Spatial Navigation Studies

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    This study introduces two methods for continuously measuring uncertainty during human navigation in complex buildings: one using a joystick (RCUA), and the other with annotations on videos of recent navigation activity (CUA). To evaluate the usability, reliability, and validity of both approaches, we conducted a study with 54 participants. We assessed the measures' reactivity during different sign-seeing events. We also evaluated the convergent validity of both measures by comparing their outcomes with a self-report questionnaire, and assessed their discriminative and predictive validity by comparing uncertain values between known groups and correlating those values with wayfinding performance. Our findings suggest that both approaches were valid at the task level, but RCUA was better at capturing fine-grained dynamics of human experience. These continuous uncertainty measures can provide valuable insights into the fleeting nature of human experience and help identify "problem spots" for wayfinding in complex buildings

    None in Three: The Design and Development of a Low-cost Violence Prevention Game for the Caribbean Region

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    Domestic violence is a persistent and universal problem occurring in every culture and social group, with lack of empathy identified as a contributing factor. On average, one in three women and girls in the Caribbean experience domestic violence in their lifetime. In this paper we demonstrate the techniques used during the creation of a low-cost, violence prevention game titled None in Three, targeted at enhancing empathy and awareness among young people in Barbados and Grenada. A research trip was undertaken to gather photographic reference and to meet with young people. Methods to measure the emotional state of players and awareness of characters in-game were explored. Cost-saving measures such as asset store purchases were evaluated. Custom tools were created in order to speed up production, including a bespoke event editor for multiple-choice dialogue sequences, and the use of motion capture libraries and auto-rigging tools to speed up character animation workflows

    Coding vs presenting: a multicultural study on emotions

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore and compare emotions perceived while coding and presenting for software students, comparing three different countries and performing also a gender analysis. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical data are gathered by means of the discrete emotions questionnaire, which was distributed to a group of students (n = 174) in three different countries: Norway, Spain and Turkey. All emotions are self-assessed by means of a Likert scale. Findings: The results show that both tasks are emotionally different for the subjects of all countries: presentation is described as a task that produces mainly fear and anxiety; whereas coding tasks produce anger and rage, but also happiness and satisfaction. With regards to gender differences, men feel less scared in presentation tasks, whereas women report more desire in coding activities. It is concluded that it is important to be aware and take into account the different emotions perceived by students in their activities. Moreover, it is also important to note the different intensities in these emotions present in different cultures and genders. Originality/value: This study is among the few to study emotions perceived in software work by means of a multicultural approach using quantitative research methods. The research results enrich computing literacy theory in human factors

    Análisis de bases de datos de expresiones faciales para la identificación automática de emociones centradas en el aprendizaje

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    This work presents the analysis of the state of the art of facial expressions databases for the automatic identification of learning-centered emotions. Obtaining data for automatic recognition processes in a specific context is essential for their success. Thus, this project begins by reviewing the information available to carry out the training and classification stages of emotions with the proposed computational techniques. The search activities of the databases of facial expressions that capture learning-centered emotions are described. These activities were part of the stages of the work methodology to recognize students' emotions while they carried out online learning activities. This allowed justifying the creation of the database, formalizing a protocol from its capture to its digitization.Este trabajo presenta el análisis del estado del arte de bases de datos de expresiones faciales para la identificación automática de emociones centradas en el aprendizaje. La obtención de datos para los procesos de reconocimiento automático en un contexto específico es esencial para su éxito. Así, este tipo de proyectos inician haciendo una revisión de la información disponible para llevar a cabo las etapas de entrenamiento y clasificación de las emociones con las técnicas computacionales que se propongan. Se describen las actividades de búsqueda de las bases de datos de expresiones faciales que capturan emociones centradas en el aprendizaje. Estas actividades formaron parte de las etapas de la metodología del trabajo para reconocer las emociones de estudiantes mientras realizaban actividades de aprendizaje en línea. Esto permitió justificar la creación de la base de datos desde la formalización de un protocolo para su captura hasta su digitalización

    A realidade aumentada para a promoção de produtos de moda: um estudo exploratório

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Design de Comunicação de ModaNuma altura em que as tecnologias são cada vez mais um meio de criação de laços entre pessoas, surge a oportunidade de aproveitar o que com elas se pode criar em prol da evolução do comércio digital. Com o aparecimento da pandemia de COVID-19, grande parte dos consumidores foram obrigados a mudar os seus hábitos de compra para um modelo mais digitalizado. Desta forma, as marcas de moda procuraram adaptar-se a esta nova tendência de forma a criar ligações com os seus clientes, procurando implementar estratégias focadas no eCommerce. A realidade aumentada surge assim como uma das alternativas associada ao aumento da digitalização neste período. Este estudo foca-se, portanto, na exploração da realidade aumentada em contexto de promoção de produtos de moda tendo como objetivo explorar as potencialidades da mesma para implementação em marcas de moda. Para isso, é feito um estudo exploratório dos contextos de uso da realidade aumentada nos dias correntes, assim como das perceções do consumidor quando entra em contacto com a mesma. Para a recolha de dados foram realizadas entrevistas com alguns utilizadores e feita uma análise textual das respostas obtidas. Os resultados demonstraram uma tendência para a procura da simplificação do processo de compra com base na utilização de aplicações em realidade aumentada assim como a valorização por parte do utilizador da diversidade de produtos que poderá experimentar com esta tecnologia.At a time when technologies are increasingly a means of creating bonds between people, the opportunity arises to take advantage of what can be created with them in favor of the evolution of digital commerce. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers were forced to change their shopping habits to a more digitalized model. Thus, fashion brands have tried to adapt to this new trend in order to create connections with their customers, seeking to implement strategies focused on eCommerce. Augmented reality thus emerges as one of the alternatives associated with the increase in digitalization in this period. This study focuses, therefore, on the exploration of augmented reality in the context of promotion of fashion products aiming to explore its potential for implementation in fashion brands. For this, an exploratory study of the contexts of use of augmented reality in the current days is carried out, as well as of consumer perceptions when coming into contact with it. For data collection, interviews were conducted with some users and a textual analysis of the answers obtained. The results showed a trend toward the search for simplification of the purchase process based on the use of augmented reality applications as well as the user's appreciation of the diversity of products that can be experienced with this technology

    A systematic literature review about technologies for self-reporting emotional information

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    Emotional information is complex to manage by humans and computers alike, so it is difficult for users to express emotional information through technology. Two main approaches are used to gather this type of information: objective (e.g. through sensors or facial recognition) and subjective (reports by users themselves). Subjective methods are less intrusive and may be more accurate, although users may fail to report their emotions or not be entirely truthful about them. The goal of this study is to identify trends in the area of interfaces for the self-report of human emotions, under-served populations of users, and avenues of future research. A systematic literature review was conducted on six search engines, resulting in a set of 863 papers, which were filtered in a systematic way until we established a corpus of 40 papers. We studied the technologies used for emotional self-report as well as the issues regarding these technologies, such as privacy, interaction mechanisms, and how they are evaluated.CONICYT Chile PhD scholarship, CONICYT-PCHA-Doctorado Nacional-2013-21130661, 2014-63140077 / CONICIT / MICIT Costa Rica PhD scholarship / Universidad de Costa Rica / Fondecyt (Chile), 115036

    A systematic literature review about technologies for self-reporting emotional information

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    Emotional information is complex to manage by humans and computers alike, so it is difficult for users to express emotional information through technology. Two main approaches are used to gather this type of information: objective (e.g. through sensors or facial recognition) and subjective (reports by users themselves). Subjective methods are less intrusive and may be more accurate, although users may fail to report their emotions or not be entirely truthful about them. The goal of this study is to identify trends in the area of interfaces for the self-report of human emotions, under-served populations of users, and avenues of future research. A systematic literature review was conducted on six search engines, resulting in a set of 863 papers, which were filtered in a systematic way until we established a corpus of 40 papers. We studied the technologies used for emotional self-report as well as the issues regarding these technologies, such as privacy, interaction mechanisms, and how they are evaluated

    Durchbrochene Ordnungen: Das Dokumentarische der Gegenwart

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    Von der Entstehung technischer Analogmedien im 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart digitaler Medienpraktiken hinein ist eine Vielzahl dokumentarischer Formen entstanden. Im Zentrum dieses Bandes steht die Frage nach den Operationen, die im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Institutionen und Praktiken auf je spezifische Weise bild-, text- und tonmediale Elemente arrangieren, um so die Lesbarkeit, den Aussagewert und die Machtwirkungen des Dokumentierten zu steuern. Verschiedene Leitkonzepte spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle: Das Dokumentarische 2.0 in den diversen Praktiken ubiquitärer Selbstdokumentation, etwa in Social Media (Neodokumentarismus), sowie das Dokumentarische zweiter Ordnung, das sich in kritischer Weise auf die Objektivitäts- und Evidenzansprüche dokumentarischer Wahrheiten bezieht und sie "gegendokumentarisch" unterläuft

    None in Three: The Design and Development of a Violence Prevention Game for the Caribbean Region

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    Approximately 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. The None in Three project aims to reduce violence against women through training of civil society organisations and public awareness. It also seeks to change attitudes of young people through the use of a prosocial game. This thesis demonstrates techniques used to develop a violence prevention game. Emotional reporting interfaces and techniques were evaluated. Script writing was shared across a multidisciplinary team of experts in the Caribbean. A number of techniques were used to speed up development, including the use of Adobe Fuse and Mixamo’s motion capture store allowing for the semi-automated creation of 3d characters. An event editor called Actus was developed, which allowed for a multiple-choice dialogue system to communicate a level’s objects, saving event implementation time. The None in Three Caribbean game’s development lasted 18 months and resulted in a 3d point-and-click adventure game called JESSE. The game was rolled out in a trial in schools in Barbados and Grenada. Findings indicate that players become more familiar with an emotional self-reporting interface over time, and that children are more adept at identifying threatening behaviour and body language than other emotions. Players initially found the controls challenging, but usability greatly improved in the later, larger environments. The most effective learning appeared to come from the game’s dialogue. Players seem to predict what will happen if they don’t take action, and the majority of players choose to leave at the end. It is difficult to determine if this is due to information they learned during the game or prior knowledge. The None in Three project has announced a global expansion, with 5 further games being developed for different countries around the world