88 research outputs found

    A framework for investigating pet owners’ health information behaviour intervention

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    Objective: This study is a part of a research aiming to determine whether an information prescription given by veterinarians in a general pet clinic would change the behaviours of pet owners about using pet health information resources on the internet. For this purpose, we develop a model to intervene and evaluate pet owner’s online health information seeking behaviour (HISB). Methods: The framework emerges from a systematic literature review and qualitative content analysis. NVivo 10 was used in this paper as an analysis tool for coding text and for supporting framework generation through identifying patterns. Results: We indicate the most influencing factors on online HISB of pet owners, including human-pet relationship, veterinary-client interactions, and pet owner’s health literacy. Discussion: We strengthen our findings further by learning from health behaviour models which lead to a better pet health promotion. Based on adaption of the Interaction model of client health behaviour (IMCHB), we developed our initial model. Conclusion: this model serves as an initial step to engage information scientists and veterinarians for planning on pet health information outreach. However, future research needs to test the proposed model in various case studies and populations

    Literature Review challenges for emerging technologies

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    The path to academia begins with a Ph.D. A student must then navigate the publish or perish path to prove worthy of a highly prized tenured position. In seeking to balance research in fast-paced (even hyped) areas against the tension to mature our discipline, one might feel overwhelmed and struggle with acceptance to IS academic circles. This paper presents three challenges faced in the early stages of a personal Ph.D. journey. In particular, when studying rapidly evolving technologies such as blockchain, and how some of these challenges may even be overcome with a viable blockchain solution

    Drivers influencing shared services adoption

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    Organizations seeking improvements in their performance are increasingly exploring alternative models and approaches for providing support services; one such approach being Shared Services. Shared Services has the potential to provide positive and powerful impact to the organizations with the support of Information Systems (IS) as the platform for Shared Services application and implementation. Due to this situation, Shared Services is becoming one of the choices in IS area for researcher to conduct a research. Shared Services results a lot of positive outcomes especially improving on the organizations financial expenses. Although various studies have been identified in discussing about the benefits of Shared Services, drivers of Shared Services that influence its adoption have received little research attention. This paper has identified several drivers that influence organizations to adopt Shared Services. By using NVivo as a tool to analyze the content from selected journal articles, 5 drivers of Shared Services adoption were identified. This suggesting the strength and benefits in adopting shared service. By identifying the drivers, it could encourage the top management as the decision maker to implement Shared Services in their organization. Thus, this could lead to the business operation to operate more effectively


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    Cryptocurrency merupakan salah satu inovasi decentralized finance dari pengembangan insfastruktur sistem keuangan digital. Ada dua pandangan yang berlawanan tentang cryptocurrency, ada kesempatan menguntungkan dengan melibatkan cryptocurrency kedalam ekonomi dan sistem moneter, begitupun sebaliknya cryptocurrency dapat menjadi ancaman bagi ekonomi dan sistem moneter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh cryptocurrency. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan systematic literature review (SLR). Berdasarkan temuan dan hasil penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa terdapat dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari cryptocurrency. Dampak positif cryptocurrency terhadap fungsi sistem moneter yaitu kemudahan, keamanan dan stabilitas sistem keuangan yang dapat berpengaruh mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, adapun dampak negatif dari cryptocurrency yaitu kejahatan siber dan ketidakstabilan sistem keuangan yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Otoritas pusat perlu membuat regulasi dengan ketat yang melibatkan infrastruktur inovasi cryptocurrency dan membangun infrastruktur sistem virtual currency dengan aturan yang berfokus pada stablecoin untuk dapat melibatkan cryptocurrency kedalam sistem dan kebijakan untuk memperkuat ekosistem keuangan dan menghindari dampak negatif ketidakstabilan ekosistem keuangan


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    Cryptocurrency merupakan salah satu inovasi decentralized finance dari pengembangan insfastruktur sistem keuangan digital. Ada dua pandangan yang berlawanan tentang cryptocurrency, ada kesempatan menguntungkan dengan melibatkan cryptocurrency kedalam ekonomi dan sistem moneter, begitupun sebaliknya cryptocurrency dapat menjadi ancaman bagi ekonomi dan sistem moneter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh cryptocurrency. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan systematic literature review (SLR). Berdasarkan temuan dan hasil penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa terdapat dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari cryptocurrency. Dampak positif cryptocurrency terhadap fungsi sistem moneter yaitu kemudahan, keamanan dan stabilitas sistem keuangan yang dapat berpengaruh mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, adapun dampak negatif dari cryptocurrency yaitu kejahatan siber dan ketidakstabilan sistem keuangan yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Otoritas pusat perlu membuat regulasi dengan ketat yang melibatkan infrastruktur inovasi cryptocurrency dan membangun infrastruktur sistem virtual currency dengan aturan yang berfokus pada stablecoin untuk dapat melibatkan cryptocurrency kedalam sistem dan kebijakan untuk memperkuat ekosistem keuangan dan menghindari dampak negatif ketidakstabilan ekosistem keuangan

    Model Pembelajaran Olahraga Renang Anak Usia Dini: Literature Review

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh pengetahuan dan penemuan baru. Kedua sebagai pembuktian atau pengujian tentang kebenaran dari pengetahuan yang sudah ada dan yang ketiga untuk mengetahui pengembangan model Olahraga renang pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan kepustakaan (library research). Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi. Metode analisis yang digunakan menggunakan analisis isi artikel. Artikel penelitian yang sesuai dengan kriteria kemudian dikumpulkan dan dibuat ringkasan jurnal meliputi nama peneliti, tahun terbit jurnal, rancangan studi, tujuan penelitian, sampel, instrument (alat ukur) dan ringkasan hasil atau temuan. Terdapat 10 literatur yang membahas tentang model pembelajaran renang pada anak usia dini, semua jurnal tersebut adalah jurnal nasional yang dilakukan pencarian diportal google scholar dengan mengetik kata kunci “model pembelajaran renang” yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis critical appraisal untuk menganalisis dari inti jurnal, hasil studi sehingga mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan dari jurnal-jurnal tersebut. Dari 10 jurnal tersebut ada 5 jurnal tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan permainan renang secara langsung ada yang membahas motoric kasar , permainan modifikasi dan kemampuan. Beberapa hal penting yang didapat dari beberapa jurnal diantaranya identifikasi metode pembelajaran Olahraga renang anak usia dini dengan menjabarkan metode yang efektif dari beberapa penelitian terkait secara runtut agat dapat dijadikan sebagai sebuah acuan pembelajaran olahraga Olahraga renang anak usia dini. Kedua, model pembelajaran Olahraga renang pada anak usia dini dapat meningkatkan semangat dan mencegah kebosanan pada anak usia dini. Ketiga, memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar dan kognitif anak usia dini serta proses pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan dan partisipatif

    Exploring the dark side of online social networks: A taxonomy of negative effects on users

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    © 26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change, ECIS 2018. All Rights Reserved. The use of online social networks (OSNs) has grown substantially over the past few years and many studies have reported the benefits and positive effects of using these platforms. However, the negative effects of OSNs have received little attention. Given the lack of a comprehensive picture of the dark side of using OSNs, we conducted a systematic literature review of the top information systems journals to categorise negative effects and develop a taxonomy of the dark side of OSNs use. Our review of 20 papers identified 43 negative effects of OSNs use, which we grouped into six categories: cost of social exchange, annoying content, privacy concerns, security threats, cyber bullying and low performance that formed the holistic view of dark side of OSNs use. This paper discusses implications of the findings, identifies gaps in the literature and provides a roadmap for future research

    Information Systems Security Policy Violation: Systematic Literature Review on Behavior Threats by Internal Agents

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    Systematic literature review (SLR) addresses the question of structured literature searches when dealing with a potentially large number of literature sources. An example of a large number of literature sources where SLR would be beneficial can be found in the Information systems security literature which touches on internal agents’ behavior and tendencies to violate security policies. Upon close examination, very few studies have used SLR in the work. This work presents an insightful approach to how SLR may be applicable in the domain of Information Systems security. The article presents a summary of the SLR approach contextualized in the domain of IS security in order to address such a gap. Rigor and relevance is systematized in the work through a pre-selection and coding of literature using Atlas.ti. The outcome of the SLR process outlined in this work is a presentation of literature in three pre-determined schemes namely, the theories that have been used in information systems security violations literature, categorization of security violations as presented in literature; and the contexts that these violations occur. The work concludes by presenting suggestions for future research

    Legal compliance through design : preliminary results of a literature survey

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    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Technologies for Regulatory Compliance (TERECOM 2018), Groningen, The Netherlands, December 12, 2018.In this paper we present the preliminary results of a literature survey conducted in the context of a larger research project on legal compliance by design (LCbD) and legal compliance through design (LCtD). Even though a rich set of approaches and frameworks are available, our analysis shows that there is less focus on legal compliance in general, and LCbD and LCtD in particular. The technical literature on compliance has been concentrated on specific aspects of the law, i.e. mainly on those related to corporate and administrative management (including those of law firms and government). Other legal dimensions such as public law, case law, constitutional, virtual ethics etc., have been put aside
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