806 research outputs found

    Moving Towards Analog Functional Safety

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    Over the past century, the exponential growth of the semiconductor industry has led to the creation of tiny and complex integrated circuits, e.g., sensors, actuators, and smart power systems. Innovative techniques are needed to ensure the correct functionality of analog devices that are ubiquitous in every smart system. The standard ISO 26262 related to functional safety in the automotive context specifies that fault injection is necessary to validate all electronic devices. For decades, standardizing fault modeling, injection and simulation mainly focused on digital circuits and disregarding analog ones. An initial attempt is being made with the IEEE P2427 standard draft standard that started to give this field a structured and formal organization. In this context, new fault models, injection, and abstraction methodologies for analog circuits are proposed in this thesis to enhance this application field. The faults proposed by the IEEE P2427 standard draft standard are initially evaluated to understand the associated fault behaviors during the simulation. Moreover, a novel approach is presented for modeling realistic stuck-on/off defects based on oxide defects. These new defects proposed are required because digital stuck-at-fault models where a transistor is frozen in on-state or offstate may not apply well on analog circuits because even a slight variation could create deviations of several magnitudes. Then, for validating the proposed defects models, a novel predictive fault grouping based on faulty AC matrices is applied to group faults with equivalent behaviors. The proposed fault grouping method is computationally cheap because it avoids performing DC or transient simulations with faults injected and limits itself to faulty AC simulations. Using AC simulations results in two different methods that allow grouping faults with the same frequency response are presented. The first method is an AC-based grouping method that exploits the potentialities of the S-parameters ports. While the second is a Circle-based grouping based on the circle-fitting method applied to the extracted AC matrices. Finally, an open-source framework is presented for the fault injection and manipulation perspective. This framework relies on the shared semantics for reading, writing, or manipulating transistor-level designs. The ultimate goal of the framework is: reading an input design written in a specific syntax and then allowing to write the same design in another syntax. As a use case for the proposed framework, a process of analog fault injection is discussed. This activity requires adding, removing, or replacing nodes, components, or even entire sub-circuits. The framework is entirely written in C++, and its APIs are also interfaced with Python. The entire framework is open-source and available on GitHub. The last part of the thesis presents abstraction methodologies that can abstract transistor level models into Verilog-AMS models and Verilog- AMS piecewise and nonlinear models into C++. These abstracted models can be integrated into heterogeneous systems. The purpose of integration is the simulation of heterogeneous components embedded in a Virtual Platforms (VP) needs to be fast and accurate

    SoC Security Properties and Rules

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    A system-on-chip (SoC) security can be weakened by exploiting the potential vulnerabilities of the intellectual property (IP) cores used to implement the design and interaction among the IPs. These vulnerabilities not only increase the security verification effort but also can increase design complexity and time-to-market. The design and verification engineers should be knowledgeable about potential vulnerabilities and threat models at the early SoC design life cycle to protect their designs from potential attacks. However, currently, there is no publicly available repository that can be used as a base to develop such knowledge in practice. In this paper, we develop ‘SoC Security Property/Rule Database’ and make it available publicly to all researchers to facilitate and extend security verification effort to address this need. The database gathers a comprehensive security vulnerability and property list. It also provides all the corresponding design behavior that should be held in the design to ensure such vulnerabilities do not exist. The database contains 67 different vulnerability scenarios for which 105 corresponding security properties have been developed till now. This paper reviews the existing database and presents the methodologies we used to gather vulnerabilities and develop such comprehensive security properties. Additionally, this paper discusses the challenges for security verification and the utilization of this database to overcome the research challenges

    Transparent and Precise Malware Analysis Using Virtualization: From Theory to Practice

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    Dynamic analysis is an important technique used in malware analysis and is complementary to static analysis. Thus far, virtualization has been widely adopted for building fine-grained dynamic analysis tools and this trend is expected to continue. Unlike User/Kernel space malware analysis platforms that essentially co-exist with malware, virtualization based platforms benefit from isolation and fine-grained instrumentation support. Isolation makes it more difficult for malware samples to disrupt analysis and fine-grained instrumentation provides analysts with low level details, such as those at the machine instruction level. This in turn supports the development of advanced analysis tools such as dynamic taint analysis and symbolic execution for automatic path exploration. The major disadvantage of virtualization based malware analysis is the loss of semantic information, also known as the semantic gap problem. To put it differently, since analysis takes place at the virtual machine monitor where only the raw system state (e.g., CPU and memory) is visible, higher level constructs such as processes and files must be reconstructed using the low level information. The collection of techniques used to bridge semantic gaps is known as Virtual Machine Introspection. Virtualization based analysis platforms can be further separated into emulation and hardware virtualization. Emulators have the advantages of flexibility of analysis tool development and efficiency for fine-grained analysis; however, emulators suffer from the transparency problem. That is, malware can employ methods to determine whether it is executing in an emulated environment versus real hardware and cease operations to disrupt analysis if the machine is emulated. In brief, emulation based dynamic analysis has advantages over User/Kernel space and hardware virtualization based techniques, but it suffers from semantic gap and transparency problems. These problems have been exacerbated by recent discoveries of anti-emulation malware that detects emulators and Android malware with two semantic gaps, Java and native. Also, it is foreseeable that malware authors will have a similar response to taint analysis. In other words, once taint analysis becomes widely used to understand how malware operates, the authors will create new malware that attacks the imprecisions in taint analysis implementations and induce false-positives and false-negatives in an effort to frustrate analysts. This dissertation addresses these problems by presenting concepts, methods and techniques that can be used to transparently and precisely analyze both desktop and mobile malware using virtualization. This is achieved in three parts. First, precise heterogeneous record and replay is presented as a means to help emulators benefit from the transparency characteristics of hardware virtualization. This technique is implemented in a tool called V2E that uses KVM for recording and TEMU for replaying and analysis. It was successfully used to analyze real-world anti-emulation malware that evaded analysis using TEMU alone. Second, the design of an emulation based Android malware analysis platform that uses virtual machine introspection to bridge both the Java and native level semantic gaps as well as seamlessly bind the two views together into a single view is presented. The core introspection and instrumentation techniques were implemented in a new analysis platform called DroidScope that is based on the Android emulator. It was successfully used to analyze two real-world Android malware samples that have cooperating Java and native level components. Taint analysis was also used to study their information ex-filtration behaviors. Third, formal methods for studying the sources of false-positives and false-negatives in dynamic taint analysis designs and for verifying the correctness of manually defined taint propagation rules are presented. These definitions and methods were successfully used to analyze and compare previously published taint analysis platforms in terms of false-positives and false-negatives

    Developing Trustworthy Hardware with Security-Driven Design and Verification

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    Over the past several decades, computing hardware has evolved to become smaller, yet more performant and energy-efficient. Unfortunately these advancements have come at a cost of increased complexity, both physically and functionally. Physically, the nanometer-scale transistors used to construct Integrated Circuits (ICs), have become astronomically expensive to fabricate. Functionally, ICs have become increasingly dense and feature rich to optimize application-specific tasks. To cope with these trends, IC designers outsource both fabrication and portions of Register-Transfer Level (RTL) design. Outsourcing, combined with the increased complexity of modern ICs, presents a security risk: we must trust our ICs have been designed and fabricated to specification, i.e., they do not contain any hardware Trojans. Working in a bottom-up fashion, I initially study the threat of outsourcing fabrication. While prior work demonstrates fabrication-time attacks (modifications) on IC layouts, it is unclear what makes a layout vulnerable to attack. To answer this, in my IC Attack Surface (ICAS) work, I develop a framework that quantifies the security of IC layouts. Using ICAS, I show that modern ICs leave a plethora of both placement and routing resources available for attackers to exploit. Next, to plug these gaps, I construct the first routing-centric defense (T-TER) against fabrication-time Trojans. T-TER wraps security-critical interconnects in IC layouts with tamper-evident guard wires to prevent foundry-side attackers from modifying a design. After hardening layouts against fabrication-time attacks, outsourced designs become the most critical threat. To address this, I develop a dynamic verification technique (Bomberman) to vet untrusted third-party RTL hardware for Ticking Timebomb Trojans (TTTs). By targeting a specific type of Trojan behavior, Bomberman does not suffer from false negatives (missed TTTs), and therefore systematically reduces the overall design-time attack surface. Lastly, to generalize the Bomberman approach to automatically discover other behaviorally-defined classes of malicious logic, I adapt coverage-guided software fuzzers to the RTL verification domain. Leveraging software fuzzers for RTL verification enables IC design engineers to optimize test coverage of third-party designs without intimate implementation knowledge. Overall, this dissertation aims to make security a first-class design objective, alongside power, performance, and area, throughout the hardware development process.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169761/1/trippel_1.pd

    A Modular Approach to Adaptive Reactive Streaming Systems

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    The latest generations of FPGA devices offer large resource counts that provide the headroom to implement large-scale and complex systems. However, there are increasing challenges for the designer, not just because of pure size and complexity, but also in harnessing effectively the flexibility and programmability of the FPGA. A central issue is the need to integrate modules from diverse sources to promote modular design and reuse. Further, the capability to perform dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) of FPGA devices means that implemented systems can be made reconfigurable, allowing components to be changed during operation. However, use of DPR typically requires low-level planning of the system implementation, adding to the design challenge. This dissertation presents ReShape: a high-level approach for designing systems by interconnecting modules, which gives a ‘plug and play’ look and feel to the designer, is supported by tools that carry out implementation and verification functions, and is carried through to support system reconfiguration during operation. The emphasis is on the inter-module connections and abstracting the communication patterns that are typical between modules – for example, the streaming of data that is common in many FPGA-based systems, or the reading and writing of data to and from memory modules. ShapeUp is also presented as the static precursor to ReShape. In both, the details of wiring and signaling are hidden from view, via metadata associated with individual modules. ReShape allows system reconfiguration at the module level, by supporting type checking of replacement modules and by managing the overall system implementation, via metadata associated with its FPGA floorplan. The methodology and tools have been implemented in a prototype for a broad domain-specific setting – networking systems – and have been validated on real telecommunications design projects

    Fault-based Analysis of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The fourth industrial revolution called Industry 4.0 tries to bridge the gap between traditional Electronic Design Automation (EDA) technologies and the necessity of innovating in many indus- trial fields, e.g., automotive, avionic, and manufacturing. This complex digitalization process in- volves every industrial facility and comprises the transformation of methodologies, techniques, and tools to improve the efficiency of every industrial process. The enhancement of functional safety in Industry 4.0 applications needs to exploit the studies related to model-based and data-driven anal- yses of the deployed Industrial Cyber-Physical System (ICPS). Modeling an ICPS is possible at different abstraction levels, relying on the physical details included in the model and necessary to describe specific system behaviors. However, it is extremely complicated because an ICPS is com- posed of heterogeneous components related to different physical domains, e.g., digital, electrical, and mechanical. In addition, it is also necessary to consider not only nominal behaviors but even faulty behaviors to perform more specific analyses, e.g., predictive maintenance of specific assets. Nevertheless, these faulty data are usually not present or not available directly from the industrial machinery. To overcome these limitations, constructing a virtual model of an ICPS extended with different classes of faults enables the characterization of faulty behaviors of the system influenced by different faults. In literature, these topics are addressed with non-uniformly approaches and with the absence of standardized and automatic methodologies for describing and simulating faults in the different domains composing an ICPS. This thesis attempts to overcome these state-of-the-art gaps by proposing novel methodologies, techniques, and tools to: model and simulate analog and multi-domain systems; abstract low-level models to higher-level behavioral models; and monitor industrial systems based on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) paradigm. Specifically, the proposed contributions involve the exten- sion of state-of-the-art fault injection practices to improve the ICPSs safety, the development of frameworks for safety operations automatization, and the definition of a monitoring framework for ICPSs. Overall, fault injection in analog and digital models is the state of the practice to en- sure functional safety, as mentioned in the ISO 26262 standard specific for the automotive field. Starting from state-of-the-art defects defined for analog descriptions, new defects are proposed to enhance the IEEE P2427 draft standard for analog defect modeling and coverage. Moreover, dif- ferent techniques to abstract a transistor-level model to a behavioral model are proposed to speed up the simulation of faulty circuits. Therefore, unlike the electrical domain, there is no extensive use of fault injection techniques in the mechanical one. Thus, extending the fault injection to the mechanical and thermal fields allows for supporting the definition and evaluation of more reliable safety mechanisms. Hence, a taxonomy of mechanical faults is derived from the electrical domain by exploiting the physical analogies. Furthermore, specific tools are built for automatically instru- menting different descriptions with multi-domain faults. The entire work is proposed as a basis for supporting the creation of increasingly resilient and secure ICPS that need to preserve functional safety in any operating context

    A Survey on Trust Metrics for Autonomous Robotic Systems

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    This paper surveys the area of Trust Metrics related to security for autonomous robotic systems. As the robotics industry undergoes a transformation from programmed, task oriented, systems to Artificial Intelligence-enabled learning, these autonomous systems become vulnerable to several security risks, making a security assessment of these systems of critical importance. Therefore, our focus is on a holistic approach for assessing system trust which requires incorporating system, hardware, software, cognitive robustness, and supplier level trust metrics into a unified model of trust. We set out to determine if there were already trust metrics that defined such a holistic system approach. While there are extensive writings related to various aspects of robotic systems such as, risk management, safety, security assurance and so on, each source only covered subsets of an overall system and did not consistently incorporate the relevant costs in their metrics. This paper attempts to put this prior work into perspective, and to show how it might be extended to develop useful system-level trust metrics for evaluating complex robotic (and other) systems

    A Cross-level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors

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    Smart systems are characterized by the integration in a single device of multi-domain subsystems of different technological domains, namely, analog, digital, discrete and power devices, MEMS, and power sources. Such challenges, emerging from the heterogeneous nature of the whole system, combined with the traditional challenges of digital design, directly impact on performance and on propagation delay of digital components. This article proposes a design approach to enhance the RTL model of a given digital component for the integration in smart systems with the automatic insertion of delay sensors, which can detect and correct timing failures. The article then proposes a methodology to verify such added features at system level. The augmented model is abstracted to SystemC TLM, which is automatically injected with mutants (i.e., code mutations) to emulate delays and timing failures. The resulting TLM model is finally simulated to identify timing failures and to verify the correctness of the inserted delay monitors. Experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed design and verification methodology, thanks to an efficient sensor-aware abstraction methodology, by applying the flow to three complex case studies
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