10 research outputs found

    A semiosic translation of the term “Bild” in both the tractatus logico-philosophicus and the philosophical investigations

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    In this paper, I introduce a semiosic translation of the key term "Bild" in both the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and the Philosophical Investigations. I argue that this term, usually translated as "picture", points to a systemic polysemy that can be addressed in a more comprehensive manner using the conceptual tools provided by semiotics. In this sense, I introduce a type of translation whereby any iteration of Bild is characterized as reflecting the author’s intentions at a given moment (PI: 108). In order to accomplish this task, I first analyze the semiotic substratum of Wittgenstein's philosophy in both the TLP and the PI.Versión impresa: 201

    A poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade: uma estranha ordem geométrica

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, Florianópolis, 2012Este trabalho tem por objetivo aproximar a poesia de CarlosDrummond de Andrade e a teoria dos sistemas, em especial a versãoque contempla os sistemas sociais comunicacionais, de Niklas Luhmann.A teoria de Luhmann possui caráter interdisciplinar em suaspremissas, baseando-se tanto na teoria sobre a autopoiese de HumbertoMaturana quanto da cibernética de segunda ordem, da fenomenologiacomo desenvolvida por Husserl, quanto em certos enfoques que a aproximamdas teorias desconstrucionistas. No entanto, Luhmann é críticode suas bases tanto quanto deve a elas. Sua teoria é funcional, no sentidobásico da palavra, concentrando-se mais na descrição de comosistemas organizam-se e interagem do que no que são sistemas. O trabalhoparte da relação entre a tentativa de totalidade sempre presentena leitura da poesia de Drummond, a impossibilidade de se alcançaressa totalidade e os processos de repetição que buscam assim expandir elevar ao leitor o que o poeta sente, aproximando o mais possível a expressãodesse horizonte, numa forma de ?irritação? na leitura. Após,detém-se sobre a repetição em Drummond como processo autopoiético,no sentido pensado por Luhmann, partindo de Maturana e dacibernética de segunda ordem: reentrada da forma na forma a partir dadependência sensível a condições iniciais. Trata-se de um procedimentoque ocorre nos mais vários níveis distintos, dos quais três são analisados:a persona gauche como espécie de borda delimitadora da poesia,em um nível alto de organização; os primeiros poemas de cada livrocomo condutores do viés dos poemas subsequentes, em um nível intermediário;e os versos iniciais dos poemas em um nível baixo, da leituraisolada de cada poema. Além disso, o trabalho aborda, também usando ateoria dos sistemas e os estudos cognitivos para a literatura, a importânciadas emoções para o poeta Drummond, como canal deconfraternização de sua poesia para os leitores e como sistema quemantém a unidade de sistemas psíquicos ao possuir elementos racionais,físicos, lógicos, perceptivos, sem se subsumir a esses elementos. Abstract: In this dissertation, my main goal is to relate the poetry of CarlosDrummond de Andrade to systems theory, specially the version by NiklasLuhmann contemplating comunicational systems theory.Luhmann?s theory is interdisciplinary in its premisses, based upon bothMaturana and Varela?s theory of autopoiesis and second-order cybernetics,as well as upon Husserl?s phenomenology and certains aspects ofdeconstruction. However, Luhmann os critical to his basis as much asindebted to them. His theory is function, in the basic sense of the word,focusing more on the description of how do systems organize and interact,than on what they are. I first start from the relation between theattempt of totality, always present when reading Drummond?s poetry,to the impossibility of achieving this totality and the repetition processesthat aim to expand and take to the reader what the poet and hislyrical self feel, trying to approximate as much as possible expressionand horizon, in a form of "irritation" in reading. Afterwards, I focus onthe process of repetition in Drummond?s poetry as an autopoietic process,in the sense thought by Luhmann: a reentry of form into formfrom the sensitive dependency on initial conditions. it is a procedurethat can occur on many levels, of which I analyse three: the gauche personaas a kind of limitating boundary for Drummond?s poetry, in a highlevel of organization; the first poems of every book in the poet?s oeuvreas bias conductors for the poems following, on an average level; and theinitial verses of a poem in a lower level, when reading a poem in isolation.I also approach, using both systems theory and cognitive poetics,the importance of emotions for Drummond the poet, both as a channelfor fraternization in his poetry towards the reader and as a system thatkeeps the unity of psychic systems by having rational, physical, logicaland perceptive elements without subsuming to these elements

    Prise de décision en gestion des actifs industriels en tenant compte des risques

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    Les entreprises modernes sont des organisations complexes par leur structure organisationnelle, opérationnelle et le type de gestion. Elles évoluent dans un environnement opérationnel et d’affaires complexe confronté à des incertitudes significatives liées à des facteurs naturels, techniques, technologiques, commerciaux, organisationnels, économiques, financiers, politiques, etc. affectant leur gestion et leurs opérations. L'environnement opérationnel et d’affaires complexe génère également de nouveaux types de risques relativement inconnus il y a quelques décennies (par exemple,la cyber sécurité). Un tel environnement crée aussi des conditions favorables à l'émergence d'événements extrêmes et rares susceptibles de perturber sérieusement la performance des entreprises à court et à long terme. Les pratiques et analyses actuelles négligent généralement de prendre en compte ces types de risques. Les intrants des experts techniques, des planificateurs stratégiques ou des gestionnaires pourraient s’avérer insuffisants ou trop circonscrits pour tenir compte adéquatement de la complexité dans un environnement complexe en constante évolution et à peine prévisible. Cette situation est généralement causée par un manque de connaissances concernant le type et l’envergure des incertitudes, la nature des interconnexions entre les facteurs d’influence, le niveau de complexité, ainsi que notre faible capacité à prédire les événements futurs. La mondialisation et la forte concurrence font partie de l'environnement opérationnel et d’affaires contemporain typique. La capacité des entreprises à créer et à mettre en oeuvre des concepts innovants est déterminante pour répondre aux exigences en matière de compétitivité et pour assurer leur fonctionnement durable et leur développement futur. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la gestion des actifs (GDA) est devenue une approche répandue parmi les organisations à succès en tant que concept efficace permettant de générer de la valeur à partir des actifs et d'assurer la durabilité de l'entreprise et de ses opérations. La prise de décision est essentielle dans la GDA. Elle est influencée par différents facteurs (stratégiques, techniques/technologiques, économiques, organisationnels, réglementaires/juridiques, sécurité, marchés, concurrence, etc.). La prise de décision adéquate doit tenir compte de la complexité et des facteurs d’influence pertinents pour équilibrer les risques, les opportunités, la performance, les coûts et les bénéfices. Malgré les progrès récents afin de mieux comprendre les défis et développer de nouvelles approches de modélisation, les programmes de gestion d'actifs n'ont pas toujours réussi à éviter des pertes coûteuses ou même des faillites d'organisations causées par divers facteurs économiques ou non techniques discutés ci-dessus qui n’ont pas été compris ou pris en compte adéquatement dans le processus de prise de décision. La pratique montre également qu'une définition inadéquate des rôles et des responsabilités et le manque de communication contribuent également à l'inefficacité de la GDA et de son processus de prise de décision. Le but du présent travail de recherche est de développer une méthodologie de prise de décision en gestion des actifs en tenant compte de la complexité de l’environnement d’affaires et opérationnel. Dans la présente recherche, une méthodologie intégrale de prise de décision en GDA en tenant compte des risques (Risk-Informed Decision-Making – RIDM) en trois étapes a été développée. La GDA est considérée comme un système de systèmes complexes adaptatifs. La recherche a également développé la méthode de caractérisation et d'intégration des risques d'événements extrêmes et rares dans le processus décisionnel par l'application de la science de la complexité et de la théorie des valeurs extrêmes. La méthodologie est appliquée et validée avec succès dans le cas de trois industries : minière, nucléaire et une utilité électrique. Elle démontre le potentiel d'une application répandue dans diverses industries lors d’un développement futur. Modern companies are complex organizations as per their organizational, management and operational structure. They also operate in a complex business and operational environment facing significant uncertainties related to natural, technical, technological, market, organizational, economic, financial, political, etc. influential factors affecting their business, management and operations. The complex business and operational environment also generates new types of risks that were relatively unknown just a few decades ago (e.g. cyber security) and creates favorable conditions for the emerging of extreme and rare events that may seriously disrupt the short and long-term performance of enterprises. Current practices and analyses generally neglect taking into account those risks. Advice and input from technical experts, strategic planners or knowledgeable managers may be insufficient or too narrowly focused to adequately manage the complexity of the systems and structures in a constantly changing and barely predictable environment. It is generally due to a lack of knowledge regarding the type and range of uncertainties, the nature of interconnections, the level of complexity, as well as our low ability to predict future events. Globalization and strong competition are part of a typical contemporary operational and business environment. The ability of enterprises to create and implement innovative concepts is decisive to meet the demands regarding competitiveness, and to ensure their sustainable operations and further development. During the last two decades, Asset Management (AsM) has become prevalent approach among successful organizations as an effective concept allowing delivering value from assets and ensuring the sustainability of the business and its operations. The decision-making is essential in AsM. It is influenced by various factors (strategic, technical/technological, economic, organizational, regulatory/legal, safety, markets, competition, etc.). A sound decision-making ought to take into account relevant factors for balancing risks, opportunities, performance, costs, and benefits. Despite recent progress in better understanding challenges and developing new modeling approaches, asset management programs have not always been successful in avoiding costly losses or even bankruptcies of organizations caused by various economic or non-technical factors discussed above that have not been eitherunderstood or adequately considered and addressed in the decision-making process. Practice also shows that inadequate definition of roles and responsibilities and lack of communication also contribute to the inefficiency of the AsM and its decisionmaking process.The goal of this thesis is to develop an integral asset management decision-making methodology taking into account the complexity of the business and operational environment. A holistic three-step Risk-Informed Decision-Making (RIDM) methodology tailored for AsM considering it as a Complex Adaptive System of Systems (CASoS) has been developed in this research work. The research has also developed the method regarding the integration of risks of extreme and rare events into the RIDM through the application of the complexity science and the extreme value theory. The methodology is successfully applied and validated in the case of three industries: mining, nuclear and electrical utilities. It demonstrates its potential of a large application across various industries through a further development

    Strategy implementation practices and processes in defence evaluation and research institutes in South Africa

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the practices and processes executed by middle managers as practitioners during the implementation of strategy. In order to do that, this study investigated the problem of strategy implementation, analysed existing literature, identified the gaps, and explored the roles of middle managers in terms of strategy practices and processes, specifically in the South African Defence Evaluation and Research Institutes (DERI) context. Resources, time and effort are applied to formulating strategy but less of these to the execution of the strategy which includes the emotions, motivations and actions that are intangible during the implementation of strategy. The study therefore attempts to answer the following research question: What practices and processes are employed in strategy implementation in DERIs in South Africa? The literature study was undertaken with the objective of mapping the research problem and to highlight, through critical discussion, the latest work done on the subject of this study. The gap in relation to research work was identified and the contribution is clear that not much work has been done in this environment. Research is a systematic process where information on a specific topic is gathered in order to increase understanding of that phenomenon. A qualitative study was performed and data was obtained from several institutes through interviews, documents and questionnaires in order to build a rich database that could be analysed for the required output. Engagement with the first level of management as well as the next level management teams ensured that a representative population group was used during this study. The data was organised, categorised, interpreted, identified, synthesised and generalised. The quotations identified from the text were coded through inductive coding and grouped into categories until a logical theme, category and concept was formed. The objective of this research was to investigate, identify and understand what the strategy practices and processes are that make highly technical and scientific institutes execute strategies successfully. The study provided insight into and clarity on the complexity of the strategy implementation process as executed by middle managers, particularly in the South African context. The link was explored between formulation and implementation as applied by middle managers as practitioners and the practices and processes in use were identified. It was demonstrated that the outcome of this research is applicable to the research problem and also provides an understanding of the phenomenon, namely strategy practices and processes in use at the Defence Evaluation and Research Institutes. It can therefore be concluded that the research objective was achieved.Business ManagementD.B.L

    On Self Organising Cyberdynamic Policy

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    The de facto model of what it means to be effectively organised, hence cybernetically viable, is Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM). Many studies attest to the efficacy of what the VSM proposes, however, these appear to be largely confined to human based organisations of particular types e.g. businesses of assorted sizes and governmental matters. The original contribution to the body of knowledge that this work makes, in contrast, has come from an unconventional source i.e. football (soccer) teams. The unique opportunity identified was to use the vast amounts of football player spatial data, as captured by match scanning technology, to obtain simultaneously the multi-recursive policy characteristics of a real viable system operating in real time under highly dynamical load (threat/opportunity) conditions. It accomplishes this by considering player movement as being representative of the output of the policy function of the viable system model that they, hence their whole team, are each mapped to. As each player decides what they must do at any moment, or might need to do in the immediate future, this is set against their capabilities to deliver against that. This can be said of every player during every stage of any match. As such, their actions (their policies as viable systems) inform, and are informed by, the actions of others. This results in the teams of players behaving in a self-organising manner. Accordingly, in spatially varying player location, one has a single metric that characterises player, hence team function, and ultimately whole team policy as the policy of a viable system, that is amenable to analysis. A key behavioural characteristic of a self-organising system is a power law. Accordingly, by searching for, and obtaining, a power law associated with player movement one thereby obtains the output of the policy function of that whole team as a viable system, and hence the viable system model that the team maps to. At the heart of such activity is communication between the players as they proceed to do what they need to do at any given time during a match. This has offered another unique opportunity to measure the amount of spatially underpinned Information exhibited by the opposing teams in their entirety and to set those in juxtaposition with their respective power law characteristics and associated match outcomes. This meant that the power law characteristic that represents the policy of the viable system, and the amount of Information associated with that could be, and was, examined in the context of success or failure outcomes (as criteria of viability) to discern if some combinations of both were more profitable than not. This was accomplished in this work by using player position data from an anonymous member of the English Premier Football League playing in an unknown season to provide a quantitative analysis accordingly