66 research outputs found

    Hybrid optical and magnetic manipulation of microrobots

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    Microrobotic systems have the potential to provide precise manipulation on cellular level for diagnostics, drug delivery and surgical interventions. These systems vary from tethered to untethered microrobots with sizes below a micrometer to a few microns. However, their main disadvantage is that they do not have the same capabilities in terms of degrees-of-freedom, sensing and control as macroscale robotic systems. In particular, their lack of on-board sensing for pose or force feedback, their control methods and interface for automated or manual user control are limited as well as their geometry has few degrees-of-freedom making three-dimensional manipulation more challenging. This PhD project is on the development of a micromanipulation framework that can be used for single cell analysis using the Optical Tweezers as well as a combination of optical trapping and magnetic actuation for recon gurable microassembly. The focus is on untethered microrobots with sizes up to a few tens of microns that can be used in enclosed environments for ex vivo and in vitro medical applications. The work presented investigates the following aspects of microrobots for single cell analysis: i) The microfabrication procedure and design considerations that are taken into account in order to fabricate components for three-dimensional micromanipulation and microassembly, ii) vision-based methods to provide 6-degree-offreedom position and orientation feedback which is essential for closed-loop control, iii) manual and shared control manipulation methodologies that take into account the user input for multiple microrobot or three-dimensional microstructure manipulation and iv) a methodology for recon gurable microassembly combining the Optical Tweezers with magnetic actuation into a hybrid method of actuation for microassembly.Open Acces

    Real-Time Path Planning for Automating Optical Tweezers based Particle Transport Operations

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    Optical tweezers (OT) have been developed to successfully trap, orient, and transport micro and nano scale components of many different sizes and shapes in a fluid medium. They can be viewed as robots made out of light. Components can be simply released from optical traps by switching off laser beams. By utilizing the principle of time sharing or holograms, multiple optical traps can perform several operations in parallel. These characteristics make optical tweezers a very promising technology for creating directed micro and nano scale assemblies. In the infra-red regime, they are useful in a large number of biological applications as well. This dissertation explores the problem of real-time path planning for autonomous OT based transport operations. Such operations pose interesting challenges as the environment is uncertain and dynamic due to the random Brownian motion of the particles and noise in the imaging based measurements. Silica microspheres having diameters between (1-20) µm are selected as model components. Offline simulations are performed to gather trapping probability data that serves as a measure of trap strength and reliability as a function of relative position of the particle under consideration with respect to the trap focus, and trap velocity. Simplified models are generated using Gaussian Radial Basis Functions to represent the data in a compact form. These metamodels can be queried at run-time to obtain estimated probability values accurately and efficiently. Simple trapping probability models are then utilized in a stochastic dynamic programming framework to compute optimum trap locations and velocities that minimizes the total, expected transport time by incorporating collision avoidance and recovery steps. A discrete version of an approximate partially observable Markov decision process algorithm, called the QMDP_NLTDV algorithm, is developed. Real-time performance is ensured by pruning the search space and enhancing convergence rates by introducing a non-linear value function. The algorithm is validated both using a simulator as well as a physical holographic tweezer set-up. Successful runs show that the automated planner is flexible, works well in reasonably crowded scenes, and is capable of transporting a specific particle to a given goal location by avoiding collisions either by circumventing or by trapping other freely diffusing particles. This technique for transporting individual particles is utilized within a decoupled and prioritized approach to move multiple particles simultaneously. An iterative version of a bipartite graph matching algorithm is also used to assign goal locations to target objects optimally. As in the case of single particle transport, simulation and some physical experiments are performed to validate the multi-particle planning approach

    Preparation of Tissues and Heterogeneous Cellular Samples for Single-Cell Analysis

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    While sample preparation techniques for the chemical and biochemical analysis of tissues are fairly well advanced, the preparation of complex, heterogenous samples for single-cell analysis can be difficult and challenging. Nevertheless, there is growing interest in preparing complex cellular samples, particularly tissues, for analysis via single-cell resolution techniques such as single-cell sequencing or flow cytometry. Recent microfluidic tissue dissociation approaches have helped to expedite the preparation of single cells from tissues through the use of optimized, controlled mechanical forces. Cell sorting and selective cellular recovery from heterogenous samples have also gained traction in biosensors, microfluidic systems, and other diagnostic devices. Together, these recent developments in tissue disaggregation and targeted cellular retrieval have contributed to the development of increasingly streamlined sample preparation workflows for single-cell analysis technologies, which minimize equipment requirements, enable lower processing times and costs, and pave the way for high-throughput, automated technologies. In this chapter, we survey recent developments and emerging trends in this field

    Modeling, simulation and control of microrobots for the microfactory.

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    Future assembly technologies will involve higher levels of automation in order to satisfy increased microscale or nanoscale precision requirements. Traditionally, assembly using a top-down robotic approach has been well-studied and applied to the microelectronics and MEMS industries, but less so in nanotechnology. With the boom of nanotechnology since the 1990s, newly designed products with new materials, coatings, and nanoparticles are gradually entering everyone’s lives, while the industry has grown into a billion-dollar volume worldwide. Traditionally, nanotechnology products are assembled using bottom-up methods, such as self-assembly, rather than top-down robotic assembly. This is due to considerations of volume handling of large quantities of components, and the high cost associated with top-down manipulation requiring precision. However, bottom-up manufacturing methods have certain limitations, such as components needing to have predefined shapes and surface coatings, and the number of assembly components being limited to very few. For example, in the case of self-assembly of nano-cubes with an origami design, post-assembly manipulation of cubes in large quantities and cost-efficiency is still challenging. In this thesis, we envision a new paradigm for nanoscale assembly, realized with the help of a wafer-scale microfactory containing large numbers of MEMS microrobots. These robots will work together to enhance the throughput of the factory, while their cost will be reduced when compared to conventional nanopositioners. To fulfill the microfactory vision, numerous challenges related to design, power, control, and nanoscale task completion by these microrobots must be overcome. In this work, we study two classes of microrobots for the microfactory: stationary microrobots and mobile microrobots. For the stationary microrobots in our microfactory application, we have designed and modeled two different types of microrobots, the AFAM (Articulated Four Axes Microrobot) and the SolarPede. The AFAM is a millimeter-size robotic arm working as a nanomanipulator for nanoparticles with four degrees of freedom, while the SolarPede is a light-powered centimeter-size robotic conveyor in the microfactory. For mobile microrobots, we have introduced the world’s first laser-driven micrometer-size locomotor in dry environments, called ChevBot to prove the concept of the motion mechanism. The ChevBot is fabricated using MEMS technology in the cleanroom, following a microassembly step. We showed that it can perform locomotion with pulsed laser energy on a dry surface. Based on the knowledge gained with the ChevBot, we refined tits fabrication process to remove the assembly step and increase its reliability. We designed and fabricated a steerable microrobot, the SerpenBot, in order to achieve controllable behavior with the guidance of a laser beam. Through modeling and experimental study of the characteristics of this type of microrobot, we proposed and validated a new type of deep learning controller, the PID-Bayes neural network controller. The experiments showed that the SerpenBot can achieve closed-loop autonomous operation on a dry substrate

    Control techniques for mechatronic assisted surgery

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    The treatment response for traumatic head injured patients can be improved by using an autonomous robotic system to perform basic, time-critical emergency neurosurgery, reducing costs and saving lives. In this thesis, a concept for a neurosurgical robotic system is proposed to perform three specific emergency neurosurgical procedures; they are the placement of an intracranial pressure monitor, external ventricular drainage, and the evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma. The control methods for this system are investigated following a curiosity led approach. Individual problems are interpreted in the widest sense and solutions posed that are general in nature. Three main contributions result from this approach: 1) a clinical evidence based review of surgical robotics and a methodology to assist in their evaluation, 2) a new controller for soft-grasping of objects, and 3) new propositions and theorems for chatter suppression sliding mode controllers. These contributions directly assist in the design of the control system of the neurosurgical robot and, more broadly, impact other areas outside the narrow con nes of the target application. A methodology for applied research in surgical robotics is proposed. The methodology sets out a hierarchy of criteria consisting of three tiers, with the most important being the bottom tier and the least being the top tier. It is argued that a robotic system must adhere to these criteria in order to achieve acceptability. Recent commercial systems are reviewed against these criteria, and are found to conform up to at least the bottom and intermediate tiers. However, the lack of conformity to the criteria in the top tier, combined with the inability to conclusively prove increased clinical benefit, particularly symptomatic benefit, is shown to be hampering the potential of surgical robotics in gaining wide establishment. A control scheme for soft-grasping objects is presented. Grasping a soft or fragile object requires the use of minimum contact force to prevent damage or deformation. Without precise knowledge of object parameters, real-time feedback control must be used to regulate the contact force and prevent slip. Moreover, the controller must be designed to have good performance characteristics to rapidly modulate the fingertip contact force in response to a slip event. A fuzzy sliding mode controller combined with a disturbance observer is proposed for contact force control and slip prevention. The robustness of the controller is evaluated through both simulation and experiment. The control scheme was found to be effective and robust to parameter uncertainty. When tested on a real system, however, chattering phenomena, well known to sliding mode research, was induced by the unmodelled suboptimal components of the system (filtering, backlash, and time delays). This reduced the controller performance. The problem of chattering and potential solutions are explored. Real systems using sliding mode controllers, such as the control scheme for soft-grasping, have a tendency to chatter at high frequencies. This is caused by the sliding mode controller interacting with un-modelled parasitic dynamics at the actuator-input and sensor-output of the plant. As a result, new chatter-suppression sliding mode controllers have been developed, which introduce new parameters into the system. However, the effect any particular choice of parameters has on system performance is unclear, and this can make tuning the parameters to meet a set of performance criteria di cult. In this thesis, common chatter-suppression sliding mode control strategies are surveyed and simple design and estimation methods are proposed. The estimation methods predict convergence, chattering amplitude, settling time, and maximum output bounds (overshoot) using harmonic linearizations and invariant ellipsoid sets

    Distributed manipulation by controlling force fields through arrays of actuators

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na řízení distribuované manipulace prostřednictvím fyzikálních polí vytvářených maticí akčních členů. Práce se zabývá především manipulací s objekty pomocí nehomogenního elektrického a magnetického pole - dielektroforézou a magnetoforézou. Pro oba principy jsou odvozeny matematické modely vhodné pro začlenění do zpětnovazební řídicí smyčky. Modely mají v obou doménách podobnou strukturu, která dovoluje vývoj jednotného řídicího systému. Nelineární model dynamiky systému je v každé vzorkovací periodě invertován pomocí numerického řešení optimalizačního problému. Výhodou navržené strategie řízení je, že dovoluje paralelní manipulaci - nezávislou manipulaci s několika objekty najednou. Práce vedle teoretických konceptů popisuje také technické detaily experimentálních platforem spolu s výsledky mnoha experimentů. Pro dielektroforézu je navrženo nové uspořádání elektrod, které umožňuje manipulaci s více objekty v rovině a zároveň vyžaduje pouze jednovrstvou výrobní technologii. Na algoritmické straně práce představuje nové použití fázové modulace napětí pro řízení dielektroforézy. Dále také popisuje součásti vyvinuté instrumentace, jako jsou vícekanálové generátory pro řízení dielektroforézy prostřednictvím amplitudové a fázové modulace a optické měření polohy v reálném čase pomocí senzoru bez objektivu. Pro magnetoforézu je detailně popsána modulární experimentální platforma sestávající se z pole cívek se železnými jádry. Díky modularitě může být platforma použita k ověření nejen centralizovaných, ale také distribuovaných řídicích systémů.This work focuses on the control of distributed manipulation through physical fields created by arrays of actuators. In particular, the thesis addresses manipulation of objects using non-uniform electric and magnetic fields---dielectrophoresis and magnetophoresis, respectively. In both domains, mathematical models suitable for incorporation into a feedback control loop are derived. The models in the two domains exhibit a similar structure, which encourages the development of a unified approach to control. The nonlinear model of the system dynamics is inverted by solving a numerical optimization problem in every sampling period. A powerful attribute of the proposed control strategy is that a parallel manipulation---the simultaneous and independent manipulation of several objects---can be demonstrated. Besides the theoretical concepts, the thesis also describes technical details of experimental platforms for both physical domains, together with outcomes from numerous experiments. For dielectrophoresis, a new layout of electrodes is documented that allows full planar manipulation while requiring only a one-layer fabrication technology. On the algorithmic side, work presents a novel use of phase modulation of the voltages to control dielectrophoresis. Dedicated instrumentation is also discussed in the thesis such as multichannel generators for control of dielectrophoresis through amplitude and phase modulation and optical real-time position measurements using common optics and a lensless sensor. For magnetophoresis, a modular test bed composed of a planar array of coils with iron cores is described in detail. Thanks to the modularity, the platform can be used for verification of not only the centralized but also distributed control strategies

    Microdevices and Microsystems for Cell Manipulation

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    Microfabricated devices and systems capable of micromanipulation are well-suited for the manipulation of cells. These technologies are capable of a variety of functions, including cell trapping, cell sorting, cell culturing, and cell surgery, often at single-cell or sub-cellular resolution. These functionalities are achieved through a variety of mechanisms, including mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, and thermal forces. The operations that these microdevices and microsystems enable are relevant to many areas of biomedical research, including tissue engineering, cellular therapeutics, drug discovery, and diagnostics. This Special Issue will highlight recent advances in the field of cellular manipulation. Technologies capable of parallel single-cell manipulation are of special interest

    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not

    Cumulative index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1986-1990, volumes 10-14

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    Tech Briefs are short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This cumulative index of Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes (subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief number) and covers the period 1986 to 1990. The abstract section is organized by the following subject categories: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, computer programs, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences