6 research outputs found

    Inventory Routing Problem in Perishable Supply Chains: A Literature Review

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    Context: This paper presents a literature review of the Inventories Routing Problem (IRP) applied to supply chains of perishable products. Different approaches to solve this problem are identified and described in terms of structures, models and solution methods.  Method: A systematic literature review is conducted searching in different bibliographic databases and selecting the most relevant studies within the period 2004 to 2017. The results are analyzed so as to propose a taxonomy to classify and compare the different approaches proposed to address this problem. Results: We identified that the majority of studies consider heuristic-based algorithms to solve the problem. Because of its computational complexity the methods resort to metaheuristics and mateheuristics combined with exact methods. Regarding the application to specific supply chains of perishable products, they refer mostly to processed foods, medicines, and human blood. The constraints that differentiate this problem from other types of IRP are useful life and deterioration. Conclusions: The conditions and particularities of the supply chain of perishables products imply the need to consider new variables, parameters, constraints and objective functions; in the reviewed studies it is not clearly defined the differences involved when considering the perishability of the products in the supply chain. Future research should take into account the multiple ways in which deterioration is carried out with factors such as temperature, light, oxygen, humidity and in some cases microorganisms. Also include in the models the cold chain, hygiene standards, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, generation of waste, occupation of roads and other aspects related to City Logistics and Green Logistics

    El Problema de Ruteo e Inventarios en Cadenas de Suministro de Perecederos: Revisión de Literatura

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    Context: This paper presents a literature review of the Inventories Routing Problem (IRP) applied to supply chains of perishable products. Different approaches to solve this problem are identified and described in terms of structures, models and solution methods. Method: A systematic literature review is conducted searching in different bibliographic databases and selecting the most relevant studies within the period 2004 to 2017. The results are analyzed so as to propose a taxonomy to classify and compare the different approaches proposed to address this problem.Results: We identified that the majority of studies consider heuristic-based algorithms to solve the problem. Because of its computational complexity the methods resort to metaheuristics and mateheuristics combined with exact methods. Regarding the application to specific supply chains of perishable products, they refer mostly to processed foods, medicines, and human blood. The constraints that differentiate this problem from other types of IRP are useful life and deterioration.Conclusions: The conditions and particularities of the supply chain of perishables products imply the need to consider new variables, parameters, constraints and objective functions; in the reviewed studies it is not clearly defined the differences involved when considering the perishability of the products in the supply chain. Future research should take into account the multiple ways in which deterioration is carried out with factors such as temperature, light, oxygen, humidity and in some cases microorganisms. Also include in the models the cold chain, hygiene standards, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, generation of waste, occupation of roads and other aspects related to City Logistics and Green Logistics. Contexto: Revisión de literatura del problema de ruteo e inventarios (IRP) aplicado a las cadenas de suministro de productos perecederos. Se identifican y describen los diferentes enfoques en cuanto a estructuras, modelos y métodos de solución.Método: Se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos bibliográficas y se plantea una taxonomía que clasifica las características de los estudios, lo anterior durante el período comprendido entre 2004 y 2017Resultados: Se encuentra que la mayoría de algoritmos propuestos son de carácter heurístico. Debido a complejidad computacional inherente al problema, se usan metaheurísticas y mateheurísticas combinadas con métodos exactos. Se aplican principalmente en alimentos, medicamentos y sangre humana. Las restricciones que diferencian de otros tipos de IRP son las de periodo de vida útil y deterioro.Conclusiones: Las condiciones y particularidades de la cadena de suministro de perecederos hace necesario que se planteen nuevas variables, parámetros, restricciones y funciones objetivo; por otro lado, en los estudios revisados no se establecen diferencias claras al involucrar la perecibilidad de los productos en los modelos. Las futuras investigaciones deberán tener en cuenta las múltiples maneras en las cuales se lleva a cabo el deterioro con factores como la temperatura, la luz, el oxígeno, la humedad y en algunos casos los microorganismos; asimismo, incluir en los modelos la cadena de frío, normas de higiene, contaminación del aire, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, generación de residuos, ocupación de vías y demás aspectos relacionados con city logistics y green logistics.

    Modelos logísticos estocásticos: una revisión de la literatura

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    The present article is done with the aim of to establish the state of the art of location, inventory and routing models with stochastic parameters. The literature reviewed was classified with an operations research approach. A systematic review of the literature in the databases ScienceDirect, ScholarGoogle, SpringerLink, Scopus, SemanticScholar, Scielo, and ResearchGate was done. Through guiding questions, 99 articles were selected, of which 74% is recent literature between 2015 and 2019. Stochastic logistic individual models were classified, a taxonomy with an operations research approach was proposed, from their characteristics, parameters, restrictions, the objective functions and solution methods used. Also, the trends and the future lines of research were identified. As a conclusion new strategies and operating policies that permit improve supply chain performance are identified, also the absence of efficient solution methods has been evident to large instances, according to real-life.El presente artículo se realiza con el objetivo de establecer el estado del arte de los modelos de localización, inventario y ruteo con parámetros estocásticos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, ScholarGoogle, SpringerLink, Scopus, SemanticScholar, Scielo y ResearchGate. A través de preguntas orientadoras, se seleccionaron 99 artículos, de los cuales el 74% es literatura reciente entre 2015 y 2019.  Se clasificaron los modelos individuales logísticos estocásticos, se propuso una taxonomía con un enfoque de investigación de operaciones, a partir de sus características, parámetros, restricciones, funciones objetivo y métodos de solución utilizados. Asimismo, se identificaron las tendencias y las futuras líneas de investigación. Como conclusión se identifican nuevas estrategias y políticas operativas que permiten mejorar el desempeño de la cadena de suministro, igualmente la ausencia de métodos de solución eficientes ha sido evidente en grandes instancias, según la vida real

    Modelos logísticos estocásticos aplicados a la cadena de suministro: una revisión de la literatura

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    Context: The analysis of the complexity of the systems involves the evolution of the models that representation of reality, logistics has advanced from a business context to the supply chain, basic models of logistics with deterministic parameters must go represent real behavior, stochastic. In this context, the combination of inventory, location and routing models with a stochastic approach applied to supply chains appears. Method: A systematic review of the literature was developed in the bibliographic databases, ScienceDirect, ScholarGoogle, SpringerLink, Scopus, SemanticScholar, ResearchGate and Scielo, of the 72 referenced articles, 65 % between 2015 and 2019. Results: From the models identified and described, a taxonomy of the models is proposed and classified into 4 kinds, three dyadic models Location Inventory Problem (LIP), Inventory Routing Problem (IRP), Location Routing problem (LRP) and a triadic model Location Inventory Routing Problem (LIRP). The stochastic parameters used in the models, the types of models, the solution methods, the contemplated objective functions, and the number of echelons in the supply chain are established, from which taxonomies of the different types of models are proposed. Lines of work for future research is presented. Conclusions: The evolution from deterministic to stochastic models represents an increase in complexity which forces the development of new solution methods with ability to find feasible solutions. The development of models with news measurements of performance as environmental, social and humanitarian have been of recent interest. In the last period, triadic multi-product and multi-period models take on relevance.Contexto: El análisis de la complejidad de los sistemas conlleva la evolución de los modelos de representación de la realidad, la logística ha avanzado de un contexto empresarial a la cadena de suministro, los modelos básicos de logística con parámetros determinísticos requieren representar el comportamiento real estocástico. En este sentido, aparecen la combinación de los modelos de inventario, la localización y el ruteo con enfoque estocástico aplicados a cadenas de suministro. Método: Se desarrolló una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos bibliográficas ScienceDirect, ScholarGoogle, SpringerLink, Scopus, SemanticScholar y Scielo, así como en ResearchGate. De los 79 artículos referenciados, el 65 % comprenden entre el 2015 y 2019. Resultados: Se identifican y describen los modelos, a partir de lo cual se propone una taxonomía en cuatro combinaciones, tres de modelos diádicos: LIP, IRP, LRP y un modelo tríadico: LIRP. Se identifican los parámetros estocásticos utilizados en los modelos, los tipos de modelos, los métodos de solución, las funciones objetivo contempladas y el número de eslabones de la cadena contemplados, a partir de los cuales se proponen taxonomías de los diferentes tipos de modelos. Por último, se presentan líneas de trabajo para futuras investigaciones. Conclusiones: La evolución de modelos determinísticos a estocásticos representa un incremento en la complejidad, lo que obliga a desarrollar nuevos métodos de solución con capacidad de encontrar soluciones factibles. Ha sido de reciente interés el desarrollo de modelos y problemas con medidas de desempeño ambiental, social y riesgo humanitario, en el último periodo toman relevancia modelos tríadicos multiproducto y multiperiodo

    Evaluation of Socio-Cultural Impact on Supply Chain Integration: the role of trust and leadership among grocery supplies in Ghana

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    While prior studies on the link between cultural factors and supply chain integration produce conflicting outcomes, this study set out to explore the indirect (moderating) role of trust and leadership in the quest to clear the confusion in extant literature. To the best of the researchers’ knowledge, limited or no study so far has been conducted to explore the moderating role of trust and leadership in the relationship between socio-cultural factors and integration in the supply chain. Thus, it is necessary to understand how trust and leadership could moderate the relationship between socio-cultural factors such as national culture, cross-cultural differences, organizational culture, and openness to diversity as a determinant of SCI. A review of existing literature was conducted to achieve this objective, and gaps were identified. A conceptual framework with six main hypotheses was developed based on the gaps identified. To validate the model, a well-structured questionnaire was designed and piloted, and data was gathered from 511 senior managers of grocery businesses in Ghana. The hypothesized model was validated with PLS-SEM. The study concludes that all the socio-cultural factors (organizational culture, national culture, cross-culture, and openness to diversity) are important in the quest to improve supply chain integration. Trust and Leadership do not just support integration but serve as an avenue to reap superior integration along the supply chain. Based on the findings, this study concludes that socio-cultural factors, trust, and leadership are inevitable in achieving supply chain integration, particularly in the grocery industry in emerging markets like Ghana. The study contributes to the extant literature by examining the drivers of SCI in the context of the food manufacturing sector. This study contributes to understanding the effect of socio-cultural dimensions on SCI while inspiring a small amount of academic research in food manufacturing. The study contributes to filling the gap by combining Dynamic Capability Theory (DCT) and Relational View theories (RVT) to understand the phenomena under study