13 research outputs found

    Secure Map Generation for Multiplayer, Turn-Based Strategy Games

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    In strategy games, players compete against each other on randomly generated maps in an attempt to prove their superior skill. Traditionally, these games rely on a client/server architecture with one player fulfilling the role of server and holding responsibility for the map generation process. We propose, analyze and evaluate a method that allows these maps to be created in a peer-to-peer fashion and thus reduce the potential for cheating. We provide an example map generation program that puts these concepts into action and demonstrate how it can be extended and customized for any game. Finally, we analyze the performance of our methods and demonstrate how it can be scaled from a two player game to an n-player game

    Procedural content generation of virtual terrain for games

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    Abstract. Game developers use Procedural Content Generation (PCG) in aid of game development to reduce costs, reach better memory consumption, increase creativity, and augment our limited human imagination by generating content algorithmically. Virtual terrain is one of the main topics of PCG; how well do these techniques support the special needs of game level design? To answer this question, a literature review was conducted to analyse correlation between the capabilities of various PCG-techniques and the needs of level design patterns. We observed that techniques permitting higher degree of local control increased their applicability for virtual terrain in games and that traditional fractal techniques, such as the midpoint displacement method and noise-functions, performed poorly despite their popularity. Our foremost contributions to this field of study were new insights towards more suitable PCG-techniques for use in game development

    Evoluindo representações de mapas para o jogo Cube 2 : Sauerbraten

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2015.Este trabalho apresenta alternativas às representações de mapas introduzidos no artigo “Evolving Interesting Maps for a First Person Shooter”, de Luigi Cardamone et al.. Representação de mapas é utilizado para facilitar ou diminuir os custos de desenvolvimento para Jogos de Tiro em Primeira Pessoa. Para esta monografia, desenvolvemos quatro representações de mapas que aderem as técnicas de projeto de níveis do jogo Cube 2: Sauerbraten (C2) descritas por Marc Saltzman em Secrets of the sages: Level design. Visando possibilitar a comparação das representações, implementamos três das quatro representações de mapas descritas em “Evolving Interesting Maps for a First Person Shooter” bem como as representações propostas nesta monografia. Dessa forma, tornouse possível realizar experimentos de comparação baseadas nas mesmas métricas e testes usados por Luigi Cardamone et al.. Os resultados das comparações demonstram que as representações de mapas desenvolvidas para esta monografia podem ser utilizadas como alternativas as descritas em “Evolving Interesting Maps for a First Person Shooter”.This work attempts to create alternative map representations to the ones presented in the research “Evolving Interesting Maps for a First Person Shooter” [5] utilized to facilitate or lessen the development costs of First Person Shooter (FPS)es. We propose four representations that follow the design techniques for the game Cube 2: Sauerbraten (C2) as described by [36], these will be compared to three of the four map representations described in [5] with the same metrics and tests. These comparisons gave us results that show that our map representations can be used as viable alternatives to the ones described in

    Evolutionary Computation for Digital Artefact Design

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    This thesis presents novel systems for the automatic and semi-automatic design of digital artefacts. Currently, users wanting to create digital models, such as three-dimensional (3D) digital landscapes and website colour schemes, need to possess significant expertise, as the tools involved demand a high level of knowledge and skill. By developing an intuitive algorithmic process, founded on evolutionary computation (EC), this research enables non-specialist human designers to create digital assets more efficiently. This is achieved by replacing design activities that require significant manual input with algorithmic functions, thereby greatly improving the efficiency and accessibility of the practices involved. This research places an initial focus on the generation of 3D landscapes, but the latter aspect concentrates on the identification of text and background colour combinations more amenable to the reading process, particularly for readers with vision impairments. Choosing an ideal combination of colours requires knowledge of the cognitive and psychological procedures involved. Designers need to be aware of colour contrast ratios, brightness, and variations, which would require a series of aesthetic measurements if they are to be manually tested. In an effort to provide a colour design facility, this research offers algorithms that can generate colour schemes, based on the aforementioned principles, which can be used to derive an optimum scheme for a website. This research demonstrates a novel interactive genetic algorithm (IGA), coupled with the use of computational aesthetics, suitable for use in the evolution of terrain generation and digital landscape design. It also provides a tool for automatically creating EC-driven colour palettes for web design via evolutionary searches. Experimental trials use the EC framework developed from this research using both IGA technique and the computational aesthetic measures. Results indicate that the end-users can build any target digital landscape design with less inputs and more comfort, and if required can also automate the whole process to evolve aesthetically pleasing landscape designs. The results obtained for designing colour schemes for website design have proven that end-users can quickly develop a colour scheme, without the need for fine-tuning of colour combinations. Results can compete in quality the colour schemes that are designed by the professional website developers

    A Panorama of Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games

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    Creación de mundos mediante generación procedural en Unity

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    El proceso de creación y desarrollo de un videojuego puede llegar suponer fragmentos de tiempo enormes y una gran cantidad de personas involucradas en él. Desde hace ya unas décadas, la aplicación de la programación procedural en el ámbito de los videojuegos busca paliar los problemas que pueden suponer estos dos hechos. Entonces, el principal objetivo es delegar tareas que pueden ser realizadas de forma automatizada para ahorrar tiempo y personal. Este trabajo nace del interés y la inquietud que este campo de la programación despierta sobre nosotros. Dentro de este ámbito, el espacio más concreto que hemos elegido ha sido los terrenos 3D, que son utilizados en todo tipo de aplicaciones, incluidos los videojuegos. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es la investigación y aplicación de los métodos actuales más importantes para la generación procedural de terrenos en tres dimensiones. Para lograr un resultado que pueda considerarse completo, hemos decidido aunar todos estos métodos en una librería dinámica en C++, programada en Visual Studio y cuyo fin es permitir el acceso a dichos algoritmos a cualquier usuario que quiera experimentar con ellos. Pero ¿de qué sirve generar un terreno si no podemos pintarlo en pantalla para comprobar el resultado de dichos algoritmos? La segunda parte de este trabajo surge como respuesta a esta pregunta. Para poder representar los terrenos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de la librería, hemos decidido escoger Unity como motor gráfico para ello. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de un Plugin para Unity que integre dicha librería y sea capaz de representar los terrenos en 3D es la pieza final de este trabajo. Así, el conjunto formado por la librería, el plugin para Unity y esta memoria representa el resultado este trabajo de fin de grado

    3D terrain generation using neural networks

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    With the increase in computation power, coupled with the advancements in the field in the form of GANs and cGANs, Neural Networks have become an attractive proposition for content generation. This opened opportunities for Procedural Content Generation algorithms (PCG) to tap Neural Networks generative power to create tools that allow developers to remove part of creative and developmental burden imposed throughout the gaming industry, be it from investors looking for a return on their investment and from consumers that want more and better content, fast. This dissertation sets out to develop a PCG mixed-initiative tool, leveraging cGANs, to create authored 3D terrains, allowing users to directly influence the resulting generated content without the need for formal training on terrain generation or complex interactions with the tool to influence the generative output, as opposed to state of the art generative algorithms that only allow for random content generation or are needlessly complex. Testing done to 113 people online, as well as in-person testing done to 30 people, revealed that it is indeed possible to develop a tool that allows users from any level of terrain creation knowledge, and minimal tool training, to easily create a 3D terrain that is more realistic looking than those generated by state-of-the-art solutions such as Perlin Noise.Com o aumento do poder de computação, juntamente com os avanços neste campo na forma de GANs e cGANs, as Redes Neurais tornaram-se numa proposta atrativa para a geração de conteúdos. Graças a estes avanços, abriram-se oportunidades para os algoritmos de Geração de Conteúdos Procedimentais(PCG) explorarem o poder generativo das Redes Neurais para a criação de ferramentas que permitam aos programadores remover parte da carga criativa e de desenvolvimento imposta em toda a indústria dos jogos, seja por parte dos investidores que procuram um retorno do seu investimento ou por parte dos consumidores que querem mais e melhor conteúdo, o mais rápido possível. Esta dissertação pretende desenvolver uma ferramenta de iniciativa mista PCG, alavancando cGANs, para criar terrenos 3D cocriados, permitindo aos utilizadores influenciarem diretamente o conteúdo gerado sem necessidade de terem formação formal sobre a criação de terrenos 3D ou interações complexas com a ferramenta para influenciar a produção generativa, opondo-se assim a algoritmos generativos comummente utilizados, que apenas permitem a geração de conteúdo aleatório ou que são desnecessariamente complexos. Um conjunto de testes feitos a 113 pessoas online e a 30 pessoas presencialmente, revelaram que é de facto possível desenvolver uma ferramenta que permita aos utilizadores, de qualquer nível de conhecimento sobre criação de terrenos, e com uma formação mínima na ferramenta, criar um terreno 3D mais realista do que os terrenos gerados a partir da solução de estado da arte, como o Perlin Noise, e de uma forma fácil


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    Where do computer games »happen«? The articles collected in this pioneering volume explore the categories of »space«, »place« and »territory« featuring in most general theories of space to lay the groundwork for the study of spatiality in games. Shifting the focus away from earlier debates on, e.g., the narrative nature of games, this collection proposes, instead, that thorough attention be given to the tension between experienced spaces and narrated places as well as to the mapping of both of these


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    Where do computer games »happen«? The articles collected in this pioneering volume explore the categories of »space«, »place« and »territory« featuring in most general theories of space to lay the groundwork for the study of spatiality in games. Shifting the focus away from earlier debates on, e.g., the narrative nature of games, this collection proposes, instead, that thorough attention be given to the tension between experienced spaces and narrated places as well as to the mapping of both of these