12 research outputs found

    Why System Safety Professionals Should Read Accident Reports

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    System safety professionals, both researchers and practitioners, who regularly read accident reports reap important benefits. These benefits include an improved ability to separate myths from reality, including both myths about specific accidents and ones concerning accidents in general; an increased understanding of the consequences of unlikely events, which can help inform future designs; a greater recognition of the limits of mathematical models; and guidance on potentially relevant research directions that may contribute to safety improvements in future systems

    Analysis of investigation reports on occupational accidents.

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    The investigation of accidents is an occupational safety analytical tool aimed at discovering the causes of an accident. Conducting these investigations properly is essential to obtain useful information that helps avoid these accidents in the future. To prepare this study we analysed 567 investigations, conducted by OHS technical advisors, on occupational accidents occurring in Spain from 2009 to 2012 in industries such as construction, manufacturing, agriculture and services, in order to obtain information to improve the use of this technique. In this study we analyzed how accident investigation reports are made identifying main flaws and omissions. Accident investigations lack details as they often do not consider the variables in the ESAW (European Statistics on Accidents at Work) Project. Likewise, they lack depth in determining the causes associated to active faults, preferably to latent faults, and to the company management and organisation systems. Similarly, they do not comply with the standards recommended by experts. Finally, in the conclusions we recommend two priorities: having a harmonised European model to conduct occupational accident investigations, as well as being able to access databases that collect accident investigation reports of this kind

    A study of situational circumstances related to Spain’s occupational accident rates in the metal sector from 2009 to 2019

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    Producción CientíficaThe metal sector encompasses a variety of economic activities, such as metallurgy and the manufacturing of metallic elements. These activities represent great diversity in production processes. Worker-related characteristics are particularly important in these processes and the accident rate. In view of the metal sector’s importance and that the latest annual report (2019) reveals the sector to be among the ten sectors with Spain’s highest accident rates, the purpose of this study is to explore the evolution of work accidents in the metal-mechanical sector in Spain for the period of 2009–2019 and to analyse the relationship between the associated variables. Data for this study come from occupational accident reports, which are required to be sent to the relevant administrative bodies using the Spanish Delt@ (electronic declaration of injured workers) computer system. The study variables were selected from the official occupational accident data and classified into four groups: personal, business, material, and time period. The relationships between severity and other variables were explored via contingency tables in which the chi-squared value (χ2) was calculated. This study shows a slight improvement in the accident rate over the last decade, but a high percentage of serious and fatal accidents in the Spanish industrial sector remains. The Monday effect, meal breaks, and being near retirement age are the most important factors influencing the number of serious accidents in this sector.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project DPI2016-79824-R

    A design approach for safety based on Product-Service Systems and Function–Behavior–Structure

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    Design for human safety is a complex issue because of the variability of human activities, machines and their environment as well as the variability of possible interactions between these components. The work situation is comprised of the means and the person(s) who act to carry out task(s) in a working environment in accordance with the conditions set for carrying out the task(s). The work situation can generate the hazardous conditions and undesirables events lead to harm. This paper deals with the work situation identifying and analyzing during design to improve safety. Product-Service System (PSS), which is an integrated combination of products and services that shift from product and service systems to Product-Service Systems has been used. The Function–Behavior–Structure (FBS), which covers behavior, is considered to include product and its utilization. The interaction between PSS and FBS, proposed in present paper, allows considering product behaviors and its interaction with service activities. This allows to distinguish the realization of functions by a product part, a service part or a combination of both. The analysis of this interaction is helpful for work situation analysis. Product and service behaviors modeling also are proposed in order to help this analysis. The applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated through the application to the Power Take-Off (PTO) drive shaft

    Comprehensive quantitative dynamic accident modelling framework for chemical plants

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    This thesis introduces a comprehensive accident modelling approach that considers hazards associated with process plants including those that originate from the process itself; human factors including management and organizational errors; natural events related hazards; and intentional and security hazards in a risk assessment framework. The model is based on a series of plant protection systems, which are release, dispersion, ignition, toxicity, escalation, and damage control and emergency management prevention barriers. These six prevention barriers are arranged according to a typical sequence of accident propagation path. Based on successes and failures of these barriers, a spectrum of consequences is generated. Each consequence carries a unique probability of occurrence determined using event tree analysis. To facilitate this computation, the probability of failure for each prevention barrier is computed using fault tree analysis. In carrying out these computations, reliability data from established database are utilized. On occasion where reliability data is lacking, expert judgment is used, and evidence theory is applied to aggregate these experts’ opinion, which might be conflicting. This modelling framework also provides two important features; (i) the capability to dynamically update failure probabilities of prevention barriers based on precursor data, and (ii) providing prediction of future events. The first task is achieved effectively using Bayesian theory; while in the second task, Bayesian-grey model emerged as the most promising strategy with overall mean absolute percentage error of 18.07% based on three case studies, compared to 31.4% for the Poisson model, 22.37% for the first-order grey model, and 22.4% for the second-order grey model. The results obtained illustrated the potentials of the proposed modelling strategy in anticipating failures, identifying the location of failures and predicting future events. These insights are important in planning targeted plant maintenance and management of change, in addition to facilitating the implementation of standard operating procedures in a process plant

    Análisis y evaluación de la investigación de accidentes laborales como técnicas preventivas en España

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    Es por esto que resulta necesario definir criterios que permitan ayudar a los técnicos o analistas a adoptar la metodología más idónea dependiendo del contexto y el alcance del accidente en cuestión. Respecto al análisis de los informes de investigación examinados, se determina que solo 1 de cada 4 informes de investigación de accidentes de trabajo realizados por técnicos pertenecientes a alguna de las modalidades organizativas se realizaron siguiendo los criterios de calidad recomendados por los expertos en la materia. Sin embargo, 3 de cada 4 de las investigaciones oficiales de accidentes de trabajo contemplan la totalidad de dichos criterios básicos de calidad. En base a las conclusiones extraídas, y dado las importantes diferencias observadas, se propone crear un modelo común Europeo de informe de investigación de accidente de trabajo con el objetivo de favorecer el aprendizaje a nivel global, y poder difundir de forma homogeneizada los resultados obtenidos en estas investigaciones. Este modelo debe contemplar todos los criterios de calidad básicos para la correcta realización de las investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo tanto en su estructura formal completa como en sus aspectos particulares.El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es ofrecer una visión acerca del estado de la investigación de accidentes de trabajo en España. Este objetivo se fundamenta en el hecho de que la eficacia preventiva de las investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo realizadas por numerosos y variados agentes: Administración Pública, técnicos de servicios de prevención, responsables directos de una investigación en línea, etc., es susceptible de ser aumentada de manera significativa. Esta tesis se encuadra dentro del ámbito de la seguridad y salud laboral. La investigación de accidentes es una técnica analítica de seguridad laboral que tiene por objetivo el análisis de causas que dan lugar a los mismos. Que estas investigaciones se realicen adecuadamente resulta esencial para obtener información útil que ayude a garantizar la no repetición de dichos accidentes. Por ello, partiendo de los distintos criterios de calidad establecidos por expertos en la materia, se efectúa una revisión de la literatura científica que ha tratado la investigación de accidentes de trabajo con el objeto de identificar, clasificar y describir las principales metodologías empleadas en las mismas. Así mismo, se realiza un análisis de investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo realizados por Técnicos en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de nivel superior. En primera instancia se analizaron 567 investigaciones realizadas por técnicos integrados en alguna de las modalidades organizativas para el desarrollo de las actividades preventivas, sobre accidentes ocurridos en España entre los años 2009 y 2012. Posteriormente se evaluaron 98 informes oficiales de investigación de accidentes de trabajo emitidos por la Autoridad Laboral de Andalucía en el último trimestre de 2014. De acuerdo al análisis realizado se identifican múltiples metodologías. No obstante, la dificultad estriba en elegir la más adecuada

    Abordagem aos Elementos Essenciais numa Ótica de Prevenção de Riscos Ocupacionais na Indústria Agroalimentar

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    A Indústria Agroalimentar é a maior indústria Portuguesa, constituída principalmente por micro, pequenas e médias empresas (PME). As PME têm especificidades que torna particularmente ajustado o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que facilitem a comunicação e a partilha de conhecimento entre os empregadores e os trabalhadores. Nesta medida, identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso é determinante para o aumento da produtividade das PME. Em empresas com um pequeno número de colaboradores, como é o caso das PME, os acidentes de trabalho e as doenças profissionais incluem-se nesses fatores críticos dado o impacto que poderão acarretar no normal funcionamento das empresas. Neste contexto é importante salientar que as indústrias transformadoras são o setor de atividade económica que apresentam o maior número de acidentes de trabalho, visto que os trabalhadores estão constantemente expostos a inúmeros agentes físicos, químicos e biológicos. Assim, a Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SST) nas PME apresenta características próprias, que dificultam a implementação de medidas preventivas e consequentemente agravam a problemática da sinistralidade laboral. Esta dissertação visa fornecer uma abordagem aos elementos essenciais numa ótica de prevenção de riscos ocupacionais na indústria agroalimentar. Para tal recorre à análise e discussão dos dados recolhidos no âmbito do projeto +AGRO, em particular os constantes no relatório “Caracterização e Análise das Condições de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho em Empresas Agroalimentares”, relativos aos subsetores dos produtos lácteos, cárneos, padaria/pastelaria e dos hortofrutícolas nas NUT’s II Norte, Centro e Alentejo. A análise dos resultados permite identificar que a nível global e nacional, as principais falhas verificadas são ao nível (1) das avaliações de riscos do ruído ocupacional, iluminação, ambiente térmico e vibrações; (2) da sinalização, falta de vias de circulação sinalizadas com as cores de segurança adequadas; (3) da iluminação geral, existência de demasiadas áreas de sombra e por fim (4) de riscos complementares, presença de riscos associados: a quedas ao mesmo nível, a quedas de objetos, a queimaduras térmicas, à utilização de máquinas e equipamentos, a incêndios, a risco de entalamento, choques, cortes ou perfurações e a riscos ergonómicos e de posturas incorretas. Apesar desta descrição, é importante salientar que a maioria destas empresas possui serviços de SST organizados conforme preconizado na Lei. O presente estudo pretende com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado, interpretar as exigências que estão no padrão ideal de trabalho através de uma revisão bibliográfica referente à realidade setorial no domínio da SST na indústria agroalimentar. Adicionalmente, visa identificar algumas práticas bem-sucedidas e soluções de fácil implementação, aplicáveis à resolução dos principais riscos visando a melhoria da gestão ao nível da SST para prevenir acidentes de trabalho e proporcionar melhores condições de trabalho nas PME dos subsetores agroalimentares.The Agro-Food Industry is the largest Portuguese industry. More than any other type of organization, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSE) have their own specificities, which makes it particularly appropriate to develop tools to ease the communication and also to share the knowledge between employers and employees. In this measure, identifying the critical success factos is determinant for increasing the productivity of MSEs. The manufacturing industry is the sector of economic activity with the highest number of accidents at work, since workers are constantly exposed to numerous physical, chemical and biological hazards. Safety and Health conditions at Work (SHW) has its own characteristics, from its small size to other causes, making it difficult to prevent and also increasing the issues with job accidents. The scope of this study refers to the sub-sectors of dairy, meat, bakery/pastry and horticultural products at NUTs II (Nomenclature of territorial Units for Statistical Purposes) in the North, Center and Alentejo. The data was requested from the knowledge produced within the scope of the “+AGRO Project”, which resulted in the report “Characterization and Analysis of Safety and Health Conditions at Work in Agrifood Enterprises”. At global and national levels, the main flaws are: the level of Noise exposure assessments at work, lighting thermal environment and vibrations; the level of signaling and the lack of appropriate color; the level of general illumination, the existence of too many areas of shade and finally the level of complementary risks. The presence of associated risks are: level drops; falling objects; thermal burns; the use of machines and equipment; fires risks of entrapment; shocks; cuts or perforations; ergonomic hazards and incorrect postures. On the contrary, most of the companies have organized services in accordance with all the legal requirements. The present study aims at the practical application of the produced knowledge , to interpret the requirements that are in the ideal standard of work through bibliographical revision referring to the sectoral reality in the fields of occupational safety and health, in the Agro-alimentary Industry , as well as to identify more successful practices and easy-to-implement solutions applicable to solving the main risks that constitute solutions for the improvement of SHW management to avoid work accidents in the MSEs of the agri-food subsectors

    A survey of logic formalisms to support mishap analysis

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