24 research outputs found

    Generating Computational Models for Serious Gaming

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    Westera, W. (2013, 25 October). Generating computational models for serious gaming. Presentation at the GALA Serious Gaming Conference, Paris, France.Many serious games include computational models that simulate dynamic systems. These models promote enhanced interaction and responsiveness. Under the social web paradigm more and more usable game authoring tools become available that enable prosumers to create their own games, but the inclusion of dynamic simulations remains a specialist’s job involving knowledge of mathematics, numerical modeling and programming. This presentation explains a methodology for specifying and running a specific subset of computational models without the need of bothering with mathematical equations. The methodology comprises a knowledge elicitation procedure for identifying and specifying the required model components, whereupon the mathematical model is automatically generated. The approach is based on the fact that many games focus on optimisation problems that are covered by a general class of linear programming models. The presentation thus sketches the principles of a creativity tool that removes barriers for harvesting the creative potential of teachers and students

    The Potential of Incorporating Computer Games in Foreign Language Curricula

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    Digitální hry ve výuce z pohledu učitelů

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    Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, jak učitelé vnímají zapojování digitálních her do výuky a jestli a jak učitelé ve výuce digitální hry používají. Práce je inspirována jinými výzkumy ze zahraničí, které popisují učitelský přístup k zapojování digitálních her do vzdělávacího procesu. Především v USA, Velké Británii, Švédsku či Singapuru. Data byla sebrána pomocí dotazníkového šetření, kterého se zúčastnilo celkem 586 respondentů z celé ČR. Výzkumné šetření tak především zjistilo jak často, jakým způsobem a s jakými obtížemi učitelé digitální hry využívají ve své praxi, popřípadě proč tuto metodu nevyužívají.Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, jak učitelé vnímají zapojování digitálních her do výuky a jestli a jak učitelé ve výuce digitální hry používají. Práce je inspirována jinými výzkumy ze zahraničí, které popisují učitelský přístup k zapojování digitálních her do vzdělávacího procesu. Především v USA, Velké Británii, Švédsku či Singapuru. Data byla sebrána pomocí dotazníkového šetření, kterého se zúčastnilo celkem 586 respondentů z celé ČR. Výzkumné šetření tak především zjistilo jak často, jakým způsobem a s jakými obtížemi učitelé digitální hry využívají ve své praxi, popřípadě proč tuto metodu nevyužívají.The research aims to describe how teachers perceive the involvement of digital games in the classroom and whether and how it is used in their teaching.The work is inspired by other studies from abroad, which describe teachers'approach to engaging digital games in the educational process. Especially in the USA, Great Britain or Sweden and Singapore. Data were collected using a questionnaire, which was attended by 586 respondents from across the country. The survey found especially how often, how and with what difficulties the teachers use digital games in their practice or why they not use this method

    Using games in geographical and planning-related teaching : serious games, edutainment, board games and role-play

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    This paper reviews the use of games in geographical teaching, including prior to the emergence of computer-based (digital) games. The growing popularity of ‘serious games’ and ‘edutainment’ is addressed, focusing on their perceived advantages in classroom-based teaching. The blurring between digital games for educational purposes and games primarily for entertainment is discussed, reflecting on the popularity of SimCity and the potential of these games for learning about urban planning. This analysis champions games enabling students to play different roles and produce realistic ‘real life’ outcomes. Two examples of non-digital board games, Participology and Geogopoly, illustrate how role play broadens students’ understanding of planning and human geography

    Characteristics of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Adopting Instructional Technologies in the State of Utah

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    Effective instructional technology use increases student learning outcomes. There has been an increase in the number and variety of new instructional technologies, but previous research has not focused on the demographic of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) teachers. More research was needed to identify correlations among technology adopters and how they perceived student learning. The researcher developed an online survey adapted from previous research to identify technologies being used in FCS classrooms, teacher attitudes on technology integration and perceptions on student learning, and demographic information. A comparison of high school and middle school settings was conducted. It was found that FCS teachers in the state of Utah use a variety of instructional technologies, they lean toward a constructivist point of view, and there is no difference amongst technology adopters regarding age, years teaching experience, or middle school and high school classroom settings. This study adds to the literature regarding instructional technology use, teacher attitudes and perceptions related to instructional technologies and student learning, and characteristics of teacher technology adopters. This information is important to anyone who plans professional development regarding technology use and adoption

    Paikkatietoaiheinen vuorovaikutukseen ja ryhmätyöhön kannustava oppimispeli Oulun yliopiston kasvitieteellisellä puutarhalla

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    Tiivistelmä. Teknologian kehitys on tarjonnut opettajille uusia mahdollisuuksia suunnitella opetustaan. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa painotetaan osallistavaa ja toiminnallista oppimista, jotka tässä tutkielmassa ovat otettu huomioon ryhmätyöskentelyn, vuorovaikutuksen ja pelin tehtävien osalta. Digitaalisia opetuspelejä on tutkittu paljon etenkin motivointikyvyn ja flow-tilan herättämisen osalta, mutta opetuspelien mahdollistama informaaleissa tiloissa tapahtuva työskentely, sekä opetuspelien tehokkuus ryhmätyöskentelyn työkaluna, on jäänyt vähemmälle. Kolme vuotta sitten Oulun yliopiston kasvitieteelliselle sisäpuutarhalle tehtiin digitaalinen opetuspeli osana laajempaa hanketta. Osana tätä tutkielmaa valmistui opetuspeli myös ulkopuutarhalle. Tutkielmaa varten suunnitellun opetuspelin tehtävissä korostuu kartta- ja paikkatieto. Pelaamisessa suuressa osassa on myös digitaalisten karttojen avulla suunnistaminen seuraavalle tehtäväpaikalle. Toukokuussa 2020 kuusi oppilasryhmää kävi pelaamassa digitaalista opetuspeliä kasvitieteellisellä ulkopuutarhalla. Aineisto kerättiin kahdella sähköisesti täytettävällä kyselylomakkeella, jotka kerättiin ennen pelaamista ja pelaamisen jälkeen. Kyselyiden avulla selvitettiin, miten oppilaat kokivat ryhmätyöskentelyn ja vuorovaikutuksen pelaamisen aikana, mitä oppilaat oppivat pelatessaan ja miten oppilaat kokivat ulkopuutarhan oppimisympäristönä. Tuloksia analysoitiin kvantitatiivisesti taulukoiden ja kaavioiden perusteella, sekä kvalitatiivisesti sisällönanalyysiä hyödyntäen. Tuloksissa korostui oppilaiden myönteiset kokemukset ryhmätyöskentelystä ja vuorovaikutuksesta pelaamisen aikana. Lisäksi oppilaat kokivat ulkona liikkumisen ja työskentelyn mielekkääksi. Opetuspeli ei saanut niin selkeää suosiota tutkielman muihin tarkasteltaviin osa-alueisiin verrattuna, mutta huomattava enemmistö oppilaista koki oppineensa pelaamisen aikana. Aineisto kerättiin nopealla aikataululla keväällä 2020 Covid-19-viruksen tuomien rajoitteiden vuoksi ja rajoitteet toivat muutoksia pelaamisjärjestelyihin. Kevät oli ollut normaalia kylmempi ja kasvukausi ei ollut kunnolla alkanut, jonka vuoksi ulkopuutarhalla ei ollut juuri vihreyttä nähtävissä. Kokonaisuus huomioiden tulokset olivat myönteiset etenkin informaalien oppimisympäristöjen ja oppimisen kannalta. Opetuspelit näyttävät olevan tehokas työkalu ryhmätyöskentelyssä, mutta digitaaliset opetuspelit tarvitsevat edelleen lisää tutkimustietoa ja käytännöllisyyttä, jotta ne voivat tulevaisuudessa löytää paikkansa helposti lähestyttävänä opetus- ja oppimismenetelmänä

    Video games and learning : a scoping study of the diverse use of video games in Australian classrooms

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    This study investigates current uses of video games within secondary classrooms in Australia, and the ways this is impacted by teacher attitudes and experiences. First, a thorough systematic review of current literature surrounding video games in secondary classrooms was conducted. The review indicated that current research regarding video games and education is primarily concerned with short-term interventions, and often does not take into consideration the context of wider teaching activities. The review further found that research in the Australian context is limited, and primarily qualitative in nature. Second, a survey of Australian secondary teachers was conducted to explore teacher attitudes towards video game based learning, and to identify promoters and barriers to the adoption of video games. Results indicated teacher beliefs were positive regarding the ability of video games to increase student interest and engagement, and to teach real-world skills. External support for video games and the frequency of teacher video game use in their own practice significantly influenced teacher attitudes. The opportunities for building on the limited research within an Australian context means this study contributes to building a comprehensive body of research that accounts for teacher attitudes and uses of video games within Australian secondary classrooms

    Learning Opportunities and Challenges of Sensor-enabled Intelligent Tutoring Systems on Mobile Platforms: Benchmarking the Reliability of Mobile Sensors to Track Human Physiological Signals and Behaviors to Enhance Tablet-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Desktop-based intelligent tutoring systems have existed for many decades, but the advancement of mobile computing technologies has sparked interest in developing mobile intelligent tutoring systems (mITS). Personalized mITS are applicable to not only stand-alone and client-server systems but also cloud systems possibly leveraging big data. Device-based sensors enable even greater personalization through capture of physiological signals during periods of student study. However, personalizing mITS to individual students faces challenges. The Achilles heel of personalization is the feasibility and reliability of these sensors to accurately capture physiological signals and behavior measures. This research reviews feasibility and benchmarks reliability of basic mobile platform sensors in various student postures. The research software and methodology are generalizable to a range of platforms and sensors. Incorporating the tile-based puzzle game 2048 as a substitute for a knowledge domain also enables a broad spectrum of test populations. Baseline sensors include the on-board camera to detect eyes/faces and the Bluetooth Empatica E4 wristband to capture heart rate, electrodermal activity (EDA), and skin temperature. The test population involved 100 collegiate students randomly assigned to one of three different ergonomic positions in a classroom: sitting at a table, standing at a counter, or reclining on a sofa. Well received by the students, EDA proved to be more reliable than heart rate or face detection in the three different ergonomic positions. Additional insights are provided on advancing learning personalization through future sensor feasibility and reliability studies