11 research outputs found

    Краткое Видео Как Средство Формирования Национальной Идентичности В Современном Китае (Short Video as a Tool of Forming National Identity in Contemporary China)

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    Nowadays, social media plays an vitally important role in the transmission and exchange of data around the world, and China is certainly no exception. Short video platforms have gained particular popularity among social media in recent years. In this regard, we have conducted a study that provides insight into how Chinese short video platforms can be a tool for building national identity in the era of social media in China. As a result of the analysis, it was noted that short videos play an important role in shaping a sense of national identity in modern China. Short videos as a tool for the formation of national identity were considered on the example of the Douyin service. On Douyin, the formation of national identity is reflected in videos with the hashtag "Positive Energy". The Positive Energy page displays videos to describe China's wealth, prosperity, and national strength. "Positive Energy" focuses on social and moral issues, reinforcing the shared responsibility to address such issues in unison with the state, encouraging active moral behavior, making it a useful expression for the formation of national identity. It was also noted that Douyin's short videos visualize and vocalize the symbolic attachment to the nation, which contributes to a greater emotional attachment to the nation and a sense of national identity.Keywords: Short Video; National Identity; Social Media; ChinaVideo Pendek Sebagai Alat Pembentukan Identitas Nasional di Tiongkok Kontemporer AbstrakSaat ini, media sosial memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam transmisi dan pertukaran data di seluruh dunia, tidak terkecuali China. Platform video pendek telah mendapatkan popularitas khusus di antara media sosial dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, kami telah melakukan studi yang memberikan wawasan tentang bagaimana platform video pendek Tiongkok dapat menjadi alat untuk membangun identitas nasional di era media sosial di Tiongkok. Sebagai hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa video pendek memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk rasa identitas nasional di Tiongkok modern. Video pendek sebagai alat untuk pembentukan identitas nasional dipertimbangkan pada contoh layanan Douyin. Di Douyin, pembentukan identitas nasional tercermin dalam video dengan tagar "Energi Positif". Halaman Energi Positif menampilkan video untuk menggambarkan kekayaan, kemakmuran, dan kekuatan nasional China. "Energi Positif" berfokus pada isu-isu sosial dan moral, memperkuat tanggung jawab bersama untuk menangani isu-isu tersebut berbarengan dengan negara, mendorong perilaku moral yang aktif, menjadikannya ekspresi yang berguna untuk pembentukan identitas nasional. Juga dicatat bahwa video pendek Douyin memvisualisasikan dan menyuarakan keterikatan simbolis dengan bangsa, yang berkontribusi pada keterikatan emosional yang lebih besar pada bangsa dan rasa identitas nasional.Kata Kunci: Video Pendek; Identitas Nasional; Media sosial; Cina Краткое  Видео Как Средство Формирования Национальной Индентичности В Современном Китае АннотацияВ последние годы  социальные медиа играют особую роль в передаче и обмене данными по всему миру, и Китай, безусловно, не является исключением. Особую популярность среди социальных медиа сегодня приобретают платформы коротких видео. В связи с этим нами было проведено исследование, которое дает представление о том, как китайские платформы коротких видео могут быть средством формирования и продвижения национальной идентичности в эпоху социальных медиа в Китае. В результате проведенного анализа было отмечено, что короткие видео играют важную роль в формировании чувства национальной идентичности в современном Китае. Короткие видео как новый способ формирования национальной идентичности рассматривались на примере сервиса Douyin. На Douyin формирование национальной идентичности отражено в видеороликах с хештегом «Позитивная энергия». На странице «Позитивной энергии» отображаются видео, для описания благосостояния, процветания и национальной мощи Китая. «Позитивная энергия» сосредоточена на социальных и моральных проблемах, усилении общей обязанности решать подобные проблемы в унисон с государством, поощрении активного нравственного поведения и поддержке государственного контроля над Интернетом, что делает ее полезным выражением для формирования национальной идентичности. Было также отмечено, что короткие видео сервиса Douyin визуализируют и озвучивают символическую привязанность к нации, что способствует большей эмоциональной привязанности к нации и чувству национальной идентичности. Следовательно, можно утверждать, что короткие видео стимулируют общую память граждан, которая укрепляет национальную идентичность.Ключевые слова: Краткое Видео; Национальная Идентичность; Социальные Медиа, Китай 


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    Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa masih banyak adanya permasalahan dalam pendidikan sekolah di Indonesia. Masih banyak guru di Indonesia yang mengajar tidak sesuai dengan bidangnya. Peneliti juga menjumpai kasus tersebut di SMP Arditama, Sidoarjo. Guru seni budaya di sekolah tersebut terkadang kesulitan dalam memvisualisasikan materi pembelajaran terutama pada pembelajaran seni rupa dalam teknik menggambar. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi dan  media yang sedang ramai digunakan pada saat ini yaitu dengan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Tik Tok untuk membantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi di dalam kelas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perumusan masalah; Bagaimana langka dan hasil pembelajaran serta tanggapan  guru maupun peserta didik dalam pembelajaran dengan pengembangan media berbasis Tik Tok. Dengan tujuan untuk  mendeskripsikan langkah, hasil pembelajaran serta tanggapan guru maupun peserta didik dalam pembelajaran menggunakan media pengembangan tersebut. Materi yang difokuskan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggambar bentuk. Dengan jumlah subjek 20 peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Arditama Waru, Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode penelitian  Research and Development (R&D) dan model ADDIE. Hasil dari Respon serta hasil belajar peserta didik juga terlihat baik dan sangat tampak dengan hasil belajar nilai rata-rata pengetahuan “82”, hal tersebut memperlihatkan peningkatan dalam pengetahuan setelah penggunaan media, karena sebelumnya nilai rata-rata pre-test yang mereka dapatkan adalah “48”. Tanggapan guru terhadap penerapan media ini juga “positif”, beliau merasa terbantu dengan adanya pengembangan media ini. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, teknologi, guru, media pembelajaran, Tik Tok

    Digital Humanities for Communicative and Cultural Memory: A Case for a Digital Humanities Repository at Universities in Rural Settings

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    Cultural memory is tied to material objectivations. Thus, cultural memory is consciously established and ceremonialized (Assmann, 2011). While communicative memory "is tied to the temporal dimension of everyday life" (Erll, 2011a, p. 53), cultural memory creates a mnemonic canon that is passed down through generations using various media as a mode of transmission of events, figures of importance, paradigms, and events. These media are then maintained, interpreted, and evaluated by trained professionals. However, between the time remembered in the framework of the communicative memory and that remembered in the cultural memory, there is a shifting “floating gap” that moves along with the passage of time (Erll, 2010, p. 311). This paper examines the role of digital humanities in preserving information that is communicative memory but may become cultural memory and explores different avenues for digital humanities to be used as archives in the modern university classroom

    How TikTok served as a platform for young people to share and cope with lived COVID-19 experiences

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    The short-video app TikTok saw a large increase in usage during the COVID-19 lockdown because it provided entertainment, distraction, and social interaction based on video content engagement. We present results from an interview study with 28 U.S. TikTok users on how they shared and engaged with lived pandemic experiences on TikTok to cope with and socialize after the U.S. imposed its first lockdown. Participants had already established TikTok as a peer community platform on which sharing lived experiences felt appropriate. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, participants started to look for TikTok videos of shared lived pandemic experiences to interact with others when physical interaction was made impossible. We find that TikTok videos facilitated communication and parasocial interaction based on known audiovisual styles. Participants were able to communicate through video creation based on shared ways of presenting short-video content during COVID-19 physical distancing

    It’s the Methodology For Me: A Systematic Review of Early Approaches to Studying TikTok

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    Research on TikTok has grown along with the app’s rapidly rising global popularity. In this systematic review, we investigate 58 articles examining TikTok, its users, and its content. Focusing on articles published in journals and proceedings across the domains of human-computer interaction, communication, and other related disciplines, we analyze the methods being used to study TikTok, as well as ethical considerations. Based on our analysis, we found that research on TikTok tends to use content analysis as their primary method and mainly focus on user behavior and culture, effects of use, the platform’s policies and governance, and very few articles discuss the ethical implications of collecting and analyzing such data. Additionally, most studies employ traditional forms of data collection when the affordances of TikTok tend to differ from other social media platforms. We conclude with a discussion about possible future directions and contribute to ongoing conversations about ethics and social media data

    The Effect of Virtual Team Characteristics in Co-creation on the Quality of UGC Videos

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    Co-creation is a newly emerging video production method on the UGC video platform. Based on the transactive memory systems and social capital theory, this paper describes the characteristics of the virtual team formed in the co-creation, and further explores the influence of virtual team characteristics and member characteristics on video quality. This paper collects 49,785 Bilibili co-creation video data, and uses natural language processing methods and quantitative analysis methods to carry out empirical research. The study found that the specialization of virtual teams has an inverted U-shaped impact on video quality, while coordination has a positive impact and credibility has a negative impact. Additionally, the trendiness and fame of team members can enhance the inverted U-shaped impact of specialization, and fame also enhance the impact of coordination. The research results provide theoretical support for creators and managers to optimize the co-creation mode on UGC platforms

    Short video marketing: A good strategy for small businesses on TikTok?

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    Over the last years, what began as a dancing and lip-syncing app, is now one of the most revolutionary social media platforms for businesses. TikTok is the first algorithm-driven app that allows creators to reach an audience beyond their followers. Its features make the platform advantageous for businesses with low visibility and budget. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore how short video marketing on TikTok is strategically employed by small businesses. Starting from the literature review, which is focused on short video marketing and TikTok, the author was able to conduct interviews with fifteen small business owners to analyze their experience with the platform. Taking into consideration the research and the analysis, it is evident that the TikTok algorithm offers a powerful environment for small businesses with low reach and resources to promote their product or service to a broader audience. Within the main outcomes of the study, the author was able to identify that genuineness and closeness are what work better with the community of TikTok. While through other platforms, businesses captivate the users by exhibiting products, on TikTok, businesses catch users by entertaining them with stories and experiences. By simply analyzing TikTok’s insights they are able to measure their performance on the platform. Certainly, the results show that by staying close to the target, entertaining them, and following trends on TikTok, small businesses can increase their sales, clients, and reach

    Citizen reactions to municipalities’ Instagram communication

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    In this paper, we explore how local governments are using Instagram as a communication tool to engage with their citizens, using data from the municipalities of Andalusia (Spain). We seek to identify the determinants of local government use of Instagram, the determinants of activity in this channel and the determinants of citizen reactions in order to understand the influence of media types (picture, video or album) used in municipality posts, and to understand content type (what the post is about). Instaloader, an open source intelligence (OSINT) tool for Instagram, was applied. It made it possible to automatically extract all posts of the analysed municipalities (14,742 posts). These were later automatically analysed using R, an open source software. It was determined that of the 29 Andalusian local governments with the highest populations, only those that maintain an account on Instagram, totalling 17 municipalities (58.62%), would be part of the final analysis. Our findings demonstrate that when local governments have a high level of debt, they do not maintain and actively use Instagram accounts. We also found that quality of posts’ content is more important than quantity of followers, since there is no significant relationship between citizen reactions and the number of inhabitants of a municipality or the number of followers (audience), while there is a significant negative relationship between the number of posts (activity) and reactions. Our results also highlight that the level of reactions can be stimulated by certain media and content types.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUAThe authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, or publication of this article: This work was supported as beneficiaries of the “Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020”, by the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain), General Secretary for Universities, Research and Technology [Research Projects UHU-1253498]