11,341 research outputs found

    Integrating mobile robotics and vision with undergraduate computer science

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    This paper describes the integration of robotics education into an undergraduate Computer Science curriculum. The proposed approach delivers mobile robotics as well as covering the closely related field of Computer Vision, and is directly linked to the research conducted at the authors’ institution. The paper describes the most relevant details of the module content and assessment strategy, paying particular attention to the practical sessions using Rovio mobile robots. The specific choices are discussed that were made with regard to the mobile platform, software libraries and lab environment. The paper also presents a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of student results, including the correlation between student engagement and performance, and discusses the outcomes of this experience

    Automation and robotics for the Space Exploration Initiative: Results from Project Outreach

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    A total of 52 submissions were received in the Automation and Robotics (A&R) area during Project Outreach. About half of the submissions (24) contained concepts that were judged to have high utility for the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) and were analyzed further by the robotics panel. These 24 submissions are analyzed here. Three types of robots were proposed in the high scoring submissions: structured task robots (STRs), teleoperated robots (TORs), and surface exploration robots. Several advanced TOR control interface technologies were proposed in the submissions. Many A&R concepts or potential standards were presented or alluded to by the submitters, but few specific technologies or systems were suggested

    A layered fuzzy logic controller for nonholonomic car-like robot

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    A system for real time navigation of a nonholonomic car-like robot in a dynamic environment consists of two layers is described: a Sugeno-type fuzzy motion planner; and a modified proportional navigation based fuzzy controller. The system philosophy is inspired by human routing when moving between obstacles based on visual information including right and left views to identify the next step to the goal. A Sugeno-type fuzzy motion planner of four inputs one output is introduced to give a clear direction to the robot controller. The second stage is a modified proportional navigation based fuzzy controller based on the proportional navigation guidance law and able to optimize the robot's behavior in real time, i.e. to avoid stationary and moving obstacles in its local environment obeying kinematics constraints. The system has an intelligent combination of two behaviors to cope with obstacle avoidance as well as approaching a target using a proportional navigation path. The system was simulated and tested on different environments with various obstacle distributions. The simulation reveals that the system gives good results for various simple environments

    Learning-Based Adaptation for Personalized Mobility Assistance

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    Mobility assistance is of key importance for people with disabilities to remain autonomous in their preferred environments. In severe cases, assistance can be provided by robotized wheelchairs that can perform complex maneuvers and/or correct the user’s commands. User’s acceptance is of key importance, as some users do not like their commands to be modified. This work presents a solution to improve acceptance. It consists of making the robot learn how the user drives so corrections will not be so noticeable to the user. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is used to acquire a user’s driving model reactive level. Experiments with volunteers at Fondazione Santa Lucia (FSL) have proven that, indeed, this customized approach at assistance increases acceptance by the user.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC), Project TEC2011-29106-C02-01. The authors would like to thank Santa Lucia Hospedale and all volunteers for their kind cooperation and Sauer Medica for providing the power wheelchair

    Mobile forensic triage for damaged phones using M_Triage

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    Mobile forensics triage is a useful technique in a digital forensics investigation for recovering lost or purposely deleted and hidden files from digital storage. It is particularly useful, especially when solving a very sensitive crime, for example, kidnapping, in a timely manner. However, the existing mobile forensics triage tools do not consider performing a triage examination on damaged mobile phones. This research addressed the issues of performing triage examination on damaged Android mobile phones and reduction of false positive result generated by the current mobile forensics triage tools. Furthermore, the research addressed the issues of ignoring possible evidence residing in a bad block memory location. In this research a new forensics triage tool called M_Triage was introduced by extending Decode’s framework to handle data retrieval challenges on damaged Android mobile phones. The tool was designed to obtain evidence quickly and accurately (i.e. valid address book, call logs, SMS, images, and, videos, etc.) on Android damaged mobile phones. The tool was developed using C#, while back end engines was done using C programming and tested using five data sets. Based on the computational time processing comparison with Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver, the result showed that there was 75% improvement over Dec0de, 36% over Lifter, 28% over XRY and finally 71% over Xaver. Again, based on the experiment done on five data sets, M_Triage was capable of carving valid address book, call logs, SMS, images and videos as compared to Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver. With the average improvement of 90% over DEC0DE, 30% over Lifter, 40% over XRY and lastly 61% over Xaver. This shows that M_Triage is a better tool to be used because it saves time, carve more relevant files and less false positive result are achieved with the tool

    Mobile forensic triage for damaged phones using M_Triage

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    Mobile forensics triage is a useful technique in a digital forensics investigation for recovering lost or purposely deleted and hidden files from digital storage. It is particularly useful, especially when solving a very sensitive crime, for example, kidnapping, in a timely manner. However, the existing mobile forensics triage tools do not consider performing a triage examination on damaged mobile phones. This research addressed the issues of performing triage examination on damaged Android mobile phones and reduction of false positive result generated by the current mobile forensics triage tools. Furthermore, the research addressed the issues of ignoring possible evidence residing in a bad block memory location. In this research a new forensics triage tool called M_Triage was introduced by extending Decode’s framework to handle data retrieval challenges on damaged Android mobile phones. The tool was designed to obtain evidence quickly and accurately (i.e. valid address book, call logs, SMS, images, and, videos, etc.) on Android damaged mobile phones. The tool was developed using C#, while back end engines was done using C programming and tested using five data sets. Based on the computational time processing comparison with Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver, the result showed that there was 75% improvement over Dec0de, 36% over Lifter, 28% over XRY and finally 71% over Xaver. Again, based on the experiment done on five data sets, M_Triage was capable of carving valid address book, call logs, SMS, images and videos as compared to Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver. With the average improvement of 90% over DEC0DE, 30% over Lifter, 40% over XRY and lastly 61% over Xaver. This shows that M_Triage is a better tool to be used because it saves time, carve more relevant files and less false positive result are achieved with the tool
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